Honestly, I don't see any major problem involved. They are already feeding so many useless and chobolan chaps. A few more won't make a difference. About time the SPF spend some money on animals instead of useless human beings. Horses, trained well, can be equally obedient and compliant. Don't you agree?
according to turfclub, a trainer charged a horse owner $2K-3K per month. considering it cheaper at mata level, it will still cost at least $1.5K per horse and that dont include medical charges. Then there the start up cost, of course can use the thomson old compound and tap into the riding club at mount pleasant. Then need ard 100-120 horses to form the unit, full set of equipment and another 150-180 mata to be train for this unit. totally no economic of scale, a couple of ang chias with its complement of riot mata more cheaper in the long run.
but if i am a rioter, i rather the mata use horsemen as i got chance of defeating them but will have zero chance in burning down an ang chia.