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Simple Question on Big Bang


you believe humans came from rocks and an explosion started it all.
You are very gullible sir. Ahahahahahaha..........................


ha.. like the old church that insist on geocentrism than what Galileo 's heliocentrism. so stubborn...

but then again, religious believers are not call "deluded" for nothing, despite superior evidence.

if you change the first few sentence of genesis 1:1 from;
"in the beginning..."
"Once upon a time..."

well, you get what i mean..

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Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Kinana said:
Old church? What about new church?

New church cannot be so stubborn and condemn everyone with scientific insight that disagrees with the church. That was when the church lost its power over the land which then rested with the kings and the rulers.


We are scientific. Thats why we can disprove the big bang with science. We asked probing questions which you dare not honestly reply to.
Who is blinded here my fren?

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Kinana said:
We are scientific. Thats why we can disprove the big bang with science. We asked probing questions which you dare not honestly reply to.
Who is blinded here my fren?

Yes. I understand your science. Everything you can't explain, you call it a miracle and everything you do not know how it comes about, it is created by GOD. This science had been there 2000 years ago. Today it is the same. Over the 2000 years, people had died because they disagreed with this science. Thank goodness, that age has passed.

My science is different. My science evolves with new found information. My science does not believe in miracles and wants to go to the bottom of things, not happy with a mere bogeyman of creation. My science calls your science faith. If you accept yours is faith, we have nothing more to argue about. And you can regain possession of your soul.
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Creation is a miracle. Evolution is a miracle too since it too is unscientific.
We Christians never claimed that creation is scientific, but you atheist also can never claim that evolution is any more scientific sir.


ha.. like the old church that insist on geocentrism than what Galileo 's heliocentrism. so stubborn...

but then again, religious believers are not call "deluded" for nothing, despite superior evidence.

if you change the first few sentence of genesis 1:1 from;
"in the beginning..."
"Once upon a time..."

well, you get what i mean..

View attachment 4670

Sorry, you can't change it. Let me tell you why.

OT is written in Hebrew. The alphabets of Hebrew (like the Greek) has numerical equivalence. Any change to a verse, e.g. either substituting with new words, change the arrangement will destroy the gematric structure of the verse. In the original text (i.e. in Hebrew) just the very first verse of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, it contains over 15 mathematical (or gematric) structure that has the multiple of 7 (and 7 being the perfect number that used in the Bible). For example, the first verse has seven words, the numerical sum of the 7 words are divisible by seven. etc... Any change, even a very very minor change to this verse will completely destroy it's gematric structure. For this verse to have been randomly written to satisfy this gematric property, its probability worked out to be 1/10 followed by several zeros! So, "In the beginning...." means "In the beginning...." You can't change it....bad news for you; but good news for all Bible-believing Christians!

This is just an example. There are hundred of verses that have gematric structures that pointing to the fact that these word of God is written with strict divine guidance, and God has used this system to prevent His words of being perverted by other people (and are you one of them!).

Just google for the subject on Bible gematria and you will be very amazed to see all these. God has encoded His messages (in both the New and Old Testaments) and as we read in the Book of Revelation, one has to be prepared to face God's wrath for adding or deleting His holy scripture (Revelation 22:18-19). There are ONLY two languages that have official numerical equivalence in their alphabets and these are the language of Hebrew and the language of Greek. These two languages are the languages used in the original bible manuscripts. Can they just due to chance? Perhaps...but the probability of this to occur through chance may 1/10 with several hundred zeros! Statisicians can tell you that when an even can occur with such tiny probability, it cannot be due to chance. it has to be planned and directed. Simple statistical theory.
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You should shut up by now because it is clear to all here including you that the formation of the universe through the big bang is unscientific.



You should shut up by now because it is clear to all here including you that the formation of the universe through the big bang is unscientific.


how about you pass your A level and go to the university to learn proper science before you come and discuss such topic which is way beyond your current intelligence?



Sorry, you can't change it. Let me tell you why.

OT is written in Hebrew. The alphabets of Hebrew (like the Greek) has numerical equivalence. Any change to a verse, e.g. either substituting with new words, change the arrangement will destroy the gematric structure of the verse. In the original text (i.e. in Hebrew) just the very first verse of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, it contains over 15 mathematical (or gematric) structure that has the multiple of 7 (and 7 being the perfect number that used in the Bible). For example, the first verse has seven words, the numerical sum of the 7 words are divisible by seven. etc... Any change, even a very very minor change to this verse will completely destroy it's gematric structure. For this verse to have been randomly written to satisfy this gematric property, its probability worked out to be 1/10 followed by several zeros! So, "In the beginning...." means "In the beginning...." You can't change it....bad news for you; but good news for all Bible-believing Christians!

This is just an example. There are hundred of verses that have gematric structures that pointing to the fact that these word of God is written with strict divine guidance, and God has used this system to prevent His words of being perverted by other people (and are you one of them!).

Just google for the subject on Bible gematria and you will be very amazed to see all these. God has encoded His messages (in both the New and Old Testaments) and as we read in the Book of Revelation, one has to be prepared to face God's wrath for adding or deleting His holy scripture (Revelation 22:18-19). There are ONLY two languages that have official numerical equivalence in their alphabets and these are the language of Hebrew and the language of Greek. These two languages are the languages used in the original bible manuscripts. Can they just due to chance? Perhaps...but the probability of this to occur through chance may 1/10 with several hundred zeros! Statisicians can tell you that when an even can occur with such tiny probability, it cannot be due to chance. it has to be planned and directed. Simple statistical theory.

lol... "once upon a time" means "in the beginning..." if you cannot see the irony behind this, then you are sadly deluded.
still trying to justify fictitious belief in god by twisting facts to support your superstitions??? here's the treatment prescribed in the bible for treating leprosy. Ha!!!

Leviticus 14:2-52)
"This shall be the law of the leper."
God's law for lepers: Get two birds. Kill one. Dip the live bird in the blood of the dead one. Sprinkle
the blood on the leper seven times, and then let the blood-soaked bird fly away. Next find a lamb and
kill it. Wipe some of its blood on the patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle seven times
with oil and wipe some of the oil on his right ear, thumb and big toe. Repeat. Finally find another

pair of birds. Kill one and dip the live bird in the dead bird's blood. Wipe some blood on the
patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle the house with blood 7 times. That's all there is to it.


stuck? who give a fuck you cannot make it to university and can only study pseudo science from fuck up church and pastor

14-18 years of academic studies traded in for superstitious fictional character ideas preached by an back street dodgy religious preacher with no professional nor academic credentials.

sad, the money, energy and resources poured in to educate sg people like kinana, all wasted.. no wonder pap have to get FTs in.
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Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
there will always be an increase in the entropy, even in this discussion.
oh, and look at the other subtopics this thread raised :p:p:p
me rest this case :smile::smile::smile:

So much talk about Second Law, at least someone finally gives a definition. Otherwise we do not know what we are arguing about.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Kinana said:
Creation is a miracle. Evolution is a miracle too since it too is unscientific.
We Christians never claimed that creation is scientific, but you atheist also can never claim that evolution is any more scientific sir.

Good so you agree that creation is not science. It must be faith then.

Evolution is definitely an outcome of applying scientific process which is an unending search for truth. If there are better theories, they will replace older theories as the defacto accepted theories.

Science has always been like that, changing as we go along to describe the natural world better. That is also why we are able to have this debate on cyberspace, a result of scientific investigation that allows us to harvest the behaviour of quantum particles inside circuit boards and electromagnetic waves over space (vacuum or non-vacuum).