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WP continues to sleep and idle while PAP siphons Billion$ out of the country.




Instead of behaving as a “First World Opposition” ensuring Transparency and Accountability from the PAP regime, Vichy WP eunuchs quietly and obediently allows PAP to transfer US$4 billions of taxpayers’ hard-earned money out of this country without saying a single word both inside and outside the Parliament.

This is a disgrace and a scandal !

Sadly, the role of genuine First World Opposition that will genuinely supervise the PAP regime has now fallen outside the parliament. They have to come out their own pocket money to speak out for the people, a role that should have been taken up by the Vichy WP eunuchs who only know how to collect their so undeserved $16k/mth parasite fees from taxpayers.

Compared this to the First World Opposition in First World Democracies who fearlessly and relentlessly speak out for the people against any transfer of money out of their country, even if it’s a loan with interest to IMF:

Chancellor George Osborne criticised over UK £10bn IMF loan

First World Opposition: “How can PAP justify giving US$4b of Singapore taxpayers’ money to the Eurozone via the IMF when people are living without a house and ordinary Singapore citizens are struggling to pay their utility bills and mortgage loan.”

Republicans oppose U.S. funds for IMF/Europe bailout

Even the “Third World Opposition” in the “Third World Democracies” are challenging their government on IMF loan.

Aquino gov’t quizzed on $1-B pledge to IMF


These so-called ‘Pinoys’ ‘Third World Opposition’, who are very much belittled, despised, ridiculed and hated by the racist xenophobic Hammerrhoid zombies, are doing a much better job than Vichy WP eunuchs, the self-styled ‘First World Opposition’.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Excellent answer from David Cameron and it shows that questions like that are purely mischievous and designed simply to waste Parliament's time.

I'm glad the WP does not play this sort of game. Parliament is a serious business. It's not the stage for clown shows.


See, more n more are fed up with WP; who initiate !st World.... WP are only election smart
and not wanting to overhaul the current govt....In other words; want to run Town Council only.


Alfrescian (Inf)
See, more n more are fed up with WP; who initiate !st World.... WP are only election smart
and not wanting to overhaul the current govt....In other words; want to run Town Council only.

You have to understand that in most countries, there are separate elections and appointments for the legislative and the executive branch of governments. Singapore has chosen to combine the two, so we are unique in the sense that our MPs have to run their constituency's Town Council whereas other countries elect mayors to do that.

As we have seen over the years, this has been a pretty effective barrier to entry for the opposition candidates, especially after Cheo Chai Chen's and Ling How Doong's performance at running a TC during their single terms as MP. Now the electorate's perception of whether the candidate is capable of running a TC is so important in elections now. Track record is especially important as we have seen in Aljunied GRC, where Low Thia Khiang 20 years experience of running a TC well gave the Worker's Party an 11% upswing of votes, far above the opposition average across the nation.

The fact of the matter is that to "overhaul the current government", you need 43 of the 82 seats in parliament. The Worker's Party only has 6. Without that majority, you can debate however well in parliament, scream and shout all you want, nothing will change the fact that the majority party can do whatever it wants. It's not that the Worker's Party does not want to overhaul the current government, it is just that they can't.

However, they do have a plan to overhaul the government, and it is a long term plan which will take many years and several more general elections to happen before they are in the position to challenge the PAP for the majority. To get there, they will need to do a lot of hard work on the ground and working with the grassroots, slowly winning over hearts and minds, slowly expanding out from their existing stronghold.

Lots of patience and lots of effort... because no other way will work.


Alfrescian (Inf)
See, more n more are fed up with WP; who initiate !st World.... WP are only election smart
and not wanting to overhaul the current govt....In other words; want to run Town Council only.

These days there are too many self-awarded fortune-tellers with such postings that contain only assumptions, as if these people can read the minds of WP leaders.

Who knows the one who will work most with the ruling party should they have significant number of seats, will be a surprise. It always happens everywhere in politics.



Having only 8 大炮仙 in parliament is no excuse for Vichy WP utter incompetence and hopeless impotence. With so small number and limited time in parliament, some even like to AWOL without ever bother to ask any single question.

Burmese and HK First World Opposition have even fewer seats in parliament, their voices will never be bothered by the regime and nothing will ever be changed. Yet they continue to speak up fearlessly and relentlessly for the people, unlike Vichy WP eunuchs. Thus they earn the admiration and support of the ordinary people.

The Democrats had an invincible super-majority in US Congress after 2008 election, yet the GOP continued to speak up and oppose Democrats, esp the Stimulus Bailout and Obamacare, knowing that their opposition was totally powerless and futile. Certainly, they did not cave in and surrender like the Vichy WP eunuchs. The Republicans were duly rewarded and appreciated by the voters in 2010 when they recaptured the Congress with a landslide victory.

Vichy WP has no plan of whatsoever to overhaul the PAP regime and has been proven they work most well with the PAP unpopular policies as witnessed by the enthusiastic support of the 8 大炮仙for Ministers’ Million Dollar Salary, the highest in the world.

Vichy WP’s only long term plan, if they really have a plan, is to evolve into an “Opposition Party” very similar to that of Japan, where policies and agenda of the 2 main parties, DPJ and LDP, are almost identical and the voters are being deprived of a clear alternative choice. And Japan continues to remain stagnant.

Singapore will slide down the Japan road if people are being 仙 by this fake “Opposition”.

白蓝两党, 原是天涯同路人!



Alfrescian (Inf)
Burmese and HK First World Opposition have even fewer seats in parliament, their voices will never be bothered by the regime and nothing will ever be changed. Yet they continue to speak up fearlessly and relentlessly for the people, unlike Vichy WP eunuchs. Thus they earn the admiration and support of the ordinary people.

The main Burmese opposition party lead by Aung San Suu Kyi has a total of 44 seats across the two houses, but that's besides the point. The National League for Democracy party does have the support of the majority of people. They did not compete in the 2010 general elections, but in the 2012 bye-elections they won almost all the seats they contested in. The point is they do speak for the majority of people, and that is why they can be 'fearless'. They are expected to win the next general elections, it's just a matter of whether the military will accept the results again.

The Hong Kong opposition parties speak out 'fearlessly', but they are toothless. They represent the minority and have totally no hope of winning the majority, and no hope of causing any change. They only speak out just to get enough of the minority of the votes to ensure they keep their seats in the legco (through proportionate representation) so that they can just keep talking and talking yet get nothing done.

Both cases have no relevance to Singapore. People have tried to "speak up fearlessly and relentless for the people", exhibit A is Dr Chee Soon Juan, trying to rally people's support around himself. Instead he is pretty much ridiculed and shunned by the people today. The thing is, if you want to "speak up for the people", you do need to make sure that you are speaking for the majority, not for the minority. Just because you believe in a certain cause does not automatically mean that your believe is being held by the majority. This is a hard lesson a lot of people have problem learning.

The Democrats had an invincible super-majority in US Congress after 2008 election, yet the GOP continued to speak up and oppose Democrats, esp the Stimulus Bailout and Obamacare, knowing that their opposition was totally powerless and futile. Certainly, they did not cave in and surrender like the Vichy WP eunuchs. The Republicans were duly rewarded and appreciated by the voters in 2010 when they recaptured the Congress with a landslide victory.

The Democrats did not have the super-majority in the Senate in 2008. They had 57 seats, just short of the 60 required for a super-majority which can kill filibusters. The Democrats big loss of congress in 2010 was due to several factors. 1. Obama insisted on bipartisan support for Democrat bills even though it wasn't really needed, 2. Republican broke the record for the number of filibusters performed in the session to force congress into a deadlock, 3. Midterm elections (i.e. those that doesn't involve a presidential election) always gets low turnout from minority voters that tend to vote Democrats. In any case this has no relevance to what happens in Singapore.

Vichy WP has no plan of whatsoever to overhaul the PAP regime and has been proven they work most well with the PAP unpopular policies as witnessed by the enthusiastic support of the 8 大炮仙for Ministers’ Million Dollar Salary, the highest in the world.

This is provably false, just looking at http://sprs.parl.gov.sg/search/report.jsp?currentPubID=00076543-WA where they participated in a heated debate to try to reduce the salary further, and put forward their own proposal to reduce the salary 37% further than what was proposed by the White Paper.



It is a joke to claim that Vichy WP eunuchs refuse to speak up for the people as fearlessly and relentlessly as the First World Opposition in Burma and HK becos they believe they would be “pretty much ridiculed and shunned by the people.”

But wasting time and talking about bird-droppings and bird-singings in parliament reflect the wishes of the “majority” while querying the where-about of US$4b taxpayers’ hard-earned money will be “ridiculed and shunned” by the “majority”?

Vichy WP should stop blaming the intelligence and the integrity of the people for their cowardice and incompetence. As long as they speak up for the people, they would not be ridiculed and shunned as they are having a mass orgy in the party, or having secret squirrels leaking party secrets, or imposing racist barriers on non-Chinese members to become cadres, or hiding unknown 'spare tyres'.

Vichy WP, unlike the Republicans in the Congress who unanimously opposed Stimulus Bailout and Obamacare to the very end and were thus justly rewarded in 2010, unanimously support Million Dollar Salary for Ministers even before Parliament debate, or rather non-debate, one of the highest if not the highest in the world.



Alfrescian (Inf)
U need to get a life,,,Hk has much freer press than singapore,,so of course u see the good things lah,,in spore,,what WP do is seldom reported,,so I guess u are talking through yr ass,,,and u are nothing but a PAP mole,,why dont u kpkb about pap instead?


It is a joke to claim that Vichy WP eunuchs refuse to speak up for the people as fearlessly and relentlessly as the First World Opposition in Burma and HK becos they believe they would be “pretty much ridiculed and shunned by the people.”

But wasting time and talking about bird-droppings and bird-singings in parliament reflect the wishes of the “majority” while querying the where-about of US$4b taxpayers’ hard-earned money will be “ridiculed and shunned” by the “majority”?

Vichy WP should stop blaming the intelligence and the integrity of the people for their cowardice and incompetence. As long as they speak up for the people, they would not be ridiculed and shunned as they are having a mass orgy in the party, or having secret squirrels leaking party secrets, or imposing racist barriers on non-Chinese members to become cadres, or hiding unknown 'spare tyres'.

Vichy WP, unlike the Republicans in the Congress who unanimously opposed Stimulus Bailout and Obamacare to the very end and were thus justly rewarded in 2010, unanimously support Million Dollar Salary for Ministers even before Parliament debate, or rather non-debate, one of the highest if not the highest in the world.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Perhaps if you have actually read the article you linked to, you will realize that you've been talking rubbish.

1. The pledge to the IMF was announced by the MAS, it's not some secretive non-trasparent thing.
2. The money to be transfered is a loan, not a gift or a payment. In case you don't know what a loan is, you would be happy to know that whatever money MAS hands over to the IMF will be returned to the MAS with interest in a future date.
3. It is a pledge, not an immediate loan. The money is still with the MAS and will remain so until the IMF decides that the money is needed
4. What is being challenged is the constitutionality of the loan
5. KJ has challenged the constitutionality of the loan and brought it to court, but his case was dismissed. The judge ruled that the loan is constitutional.
6. KJ wants to appeal the dismissal and he is raising money to do it.

This issue is now a judicial issue, not a legislative issue. Because of separation of powers, the right thing to do is to let it play out in court. There's no point bringing it up in parliament until then.
Last edited:


It Is The Job Of The Minority To Change The Majority

Both cases have no relevance to Singapore. People have tried to "speak up fearlessly and relentless for the people", exhibit A is Dr Chee Soon Juan, trying to rally people's support around himself. Instead he is pretty much ridiculed and shunned by the people today. The thing is, if you want to "speak up for the people", you do need to make sure that you are speaking for the majority, not for the minority. Just because you believe in a certain cause does not automatically mean that your believe is being held by the majority. This is a hard lesson a lot of people have problem learning..

Unfortunately, when the majority are a gang of pirates, should the minority be dutiful to change the environment to become better place to live in or just let it run loose like a raging bull ? :cool:

Sun Yet-san and his team were that MINORITY. :rolleyes:


Re: It Is The Job Of The Minority To Change The Majority


So Vichy WP eunuchs believe that everything that is announced by MAS and any government agency are “Transparent” and thus need not be “Accountable”?

Whether it is a loan, gift or mere pledge, US$4b is a huge sum of money for the taxpayers and they have the right to demand that money to be fully accounted for. Besides, investing that money in Singapore people or infrastructure would earn far greater tangible interest than earning peanut interest from foreign countries, esp Greece which is on the verge of default. Would anyone want to lend money to someone who is on the verge of bankruptcy?

In First World Democracies, all First World Oppositions would have brought up the issue and debated in their First World Parliaments……But not in Singapore…

In Singapore, the Vichy WP, a Third World “Opposition” Outfit, chooses to act blur and keep quiet, always. Instead, the issue is being brought to the judicial court to be arbitrarily decided by an unelected judge. Worse, taxpayers have to come out hefty money to pay the lawyers and the judge just to talk about the issue, which should be discussed and decided by the parliament in the first place where the Vichy WP eunuchs have so undeservedly collected their $16k/mth “peanuts” from gullible taxpayers.

Yeah, every issue is a judicial issue, not a legislative issue. Because of separation of powers, the right thing to do is to let it play out in court. There's no point bringing it up in parliament…………. This is the Vichy WP political philosophy.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: It Is The Job Of The Minority To Change The Majority

Well there isn't a democracy in China and there wasn't democracy back during the times of Sun Yat-sen. Whoever controlled the army controls the country. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary team was able to infiltrate the army, launch a mutiny to take control of the army and used the army to launch a coup against the Qing government. A remarkable achievement it was, but not quite applicable to Singapore today.

The majority in Singapore can still be won over, but it will have to be done by working the ground, sitting down one on one with ordinary people, talking to them about their problems and then slowly convincing them why the government is doing things wrong and how a new government would be better for them. If you try to convince them by shouting at them with a megaphone telling them they are "stupid zombie sinkies being led around like dogs", whether true or not, you only end up alienating them and have them vote against you.

The SDP under CSJ, well known for their megaphone tactics back in the past, have also started to change their ways in the GE2011, which was why they got the largest upswing of votes (13.5%) of all the opposition parties. At this rate the extremist anti-government individuals will have no opposition parties to support when even SDP decides to oppose rationally.


Re: It Is The Job Of The Minority To Change The Majority


Again, Vichy WP eunuchs should not blame the lack of free press for their incompetence and impotence.

Burma has no free press, yet the Opposition continue to speak and be supported.

Malaysian mainstream media are being owned by the ruling parties and the Opposition are being shut out of any news coverage. Yet they continue to speak even louder and gain even greater support.

So, Vichy WP eunuchs should stop giving lousy excuse blaming ordinary people.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: It Is The Job Of The Minority To Change The Majority

If excised by the IMF, the money for the loans will come from existing foreign exchange reserves which are in the form of investments in foreign assets. In effect, it will be a conversion of investments from the foreign assets to the IMF loan, so there is no change to our foreign exchange reserves. The money does not come from the government budget, so it does not affect investment into local infrastructure, which are all part of the government budget.

The interest for the loan is paid by the IMF, not by the country that the money is eventually loaned to, and the interest is the weighted average of USD, GBP, JPY and EUR. The loans that the IMF give to the countries have preferred creditor status, and are only given on condition that the country adjusts its economic policy to improve its rating. So Greece will not be receiving money from the IMF if they plan to default, but this is unlikely to happen since the Greece parliament has just passed their 2013 budget that will be implementing austerity measures.

KJ's and TKL's challenge to the loan has nothing to do with whether the loan is safe, they are not questioning that. In fact, no one is questioning that except for some random crazy unknown ranter in some obscure niche forum. What they are questioning is whether giving the loan is illegal in the context of Article 144 of the constitution. Their first challenge in court has been dismissed by the judge, and they are now trying to raise money to appeal that dismissal.


New Member
Re: It Is The Job Of The Minority To Change The Majority

Isn't it the duty of the "co-driver" to slap the "main-driver" when they fall asleep? Now "co-driver" oso fallen asleep! Alamak, this country is totally hopeless with an opposition of such calibre.


Re: It Is The Job Of The Minority To Change The Majority

Well there isn't a democracy in China and there wasn't democracy back during the times of Sun Yat-sen. Whoever controlled the army controls the country.

In those days, everyone was also looking around for a chance to pounce on the useless and corrupted Ching government. Military might is a very effective catalyst for change. Others like old aunties and uncles could hardly care when they were already a few centimetres from their graveyards.

Having warlords around after the 'change' is often inevitable. Power struggle continues until a dynasty is established. Even then, this is no guarantee for a long, stable and peaceful period. Qin, Jin, Sui and ROC was quickly replaced by other usurpers. :eek:

If you try to convince them by shouting at them with a megaphone telling them they are "stupid zombie sinkies being led around like dogs", whether true or not, you only end up alienating them and have them vote against you.

At this rate the extremist anti-government individuals will have no opposition parties to support when even SDP decides to oppose rationally.

This is ONLY an excuse for evil doers. They too wanted to join the crowd who were corrupted. When both money and fraternity is concerned, they rather choose to betray their own people for bribery. :mad:


You have to understand that in most countries, there are separate elections and appointments for the legislative and the executive branch of governments. Singapore has chosen to combine the two, so we are unique in the sense.

Ahme Which most countries? Westminister style elections is want Singapore initially adopted. if you want American chop suey elections, say so.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The "Westminster system" only applies to legislature. In the UK, their town council (known there as parish council) heads are separately elected. Mayors can be elected or appointed (Lord Mayors). Their Members of Parliament do not perform those duties.