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Workers Party, Puppets/Cowards or the People's party?


Friend, politics ain't beanbag. Unfair treatment is not the issue. Difference here is WP was smart enough not to give PAP the chance to engage in a smear campaign whilst CSJ gave PAP the opportunity. It stupid for PAP not to capitalise on making their opponents look bad vice versa.

As for the second point, u have to look into the electorate make-up. We are often mistaken into believing that 40% who voted for opposition are homogeneously die hard opposition supporters. My estimate on the die hard (base on PE result) is between 25%-30% while 10%-15% from the middle ground. With such a low support base, opposition parties hardly have much room to go on a confrontational mode if they are serious about winning. Essentially by going on a extreme, SDP was only speaking to the diehard who will vote for anything but PAP. The message wasn't passed down to the middle ground and it no surprise that the score was around the region on 35%.

When is comes to a 3 corner fight between 2 oppositions parties and PAP. My consideration is never going to be who is "more opposition" than the other but who have a perceived higher chance of beating PAP. I suppose most diehard opposition voters will be as pragmatic.

I was watching a recent episode of the staged WWE wrestling where the wrestlers went on strike for the new COO creating an unsafe working environment save for 3 fan favourites who decided to go to work and with one of them saying, "this is wrestling, it ain't ballet"!

The point is, you are right this is politics. A ground-zero politician who stands lesser chance of overcoming bigger ruling players also mean that the same character who happens to be this bigger ruling player probably has less chance of overcoming bigger INTERNATIONAL players in the UN, G7 etc., which would even be more out of Singapore's control. International politics is even more intriguing, complex and deceptive than in-house politics. In Singapore, the PAP's persecution of whatever parties cannot escape your eyes. In the international politics, there is even more persecution with you being able to see less of it, that is how deft the players. None can tell you that among the PMs and Presidents seated together during a UN assembly that "courage" and "honesty" like Chee's seem to shine.

One thing I have to say is, we can say all kinds of things about the PAP and point to the fact that these countries are laughing at our political system. Is that really true? Such a small country can be booted out anytime but no. Question is, why?
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Depends On Who You Are

"this is wrestling, it ain't ballet"!

One thing I have to say is, we can say all kinds of things about the PAP and point to the fact that these countries are laughing at our political system.

If you are fascist who is looking for a short cut to wealth and opportunities, stay with Hitler or Cao Cao. With him, you are able to get profitable projects and who knows ... you may even get to touch some of his gold bars when you help him to transport them to an unknown hideout.

If you are forthright and just, working with such a man may not be your cup of tea. Sylvia could have been better off working for a fascist party. But, no - she didn't.

WP is a place where you can hang out with the fascist and not being penalised ? No, he (LTK) has much to fear. He's not ready to engage an all out war with the mighty fascist party. He's to do a balancing act that PAP can stomach. One of the tactics is to keep quiet when LKY asked him whether Marlboro should be kicked out because of a 'small' failure. One happy family ? No, it's a safe distance between him and a cobra striking range.


I read the whole thread before putting my foot here...and so my 2 cents worth.

Besides,this topic had been discussed to death and this thread won't end it either.The PAP apologists tender the same old argument again and again,does human rights alone feed people thingy.I usually ask as if having no human rights put food on your table?.....see how simply such argument can be easily thrashed .:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Than again PAP apologists also tender this argument,I want to vote for the opposition but that they have not proved themselves so.....I am voting for the proven PAP.....again a whole lot of craps.Why?Just look at some of PAP recent candidates like the Ting doll and Malaysians who just became sinkies just for in time for the election as PAP MPs;........ even PAP campaign managers had dropped shouting this slogan any longer but we still hear it fromthe Internet Brigade here....It's time for PAP paymasters to fire some of the hired Malaysian IB mercenaries who are totally out of touch with the ground reality here..

Which begets the real question.Who da fuck is WP?....an why are they being PAP sidekicks instead of real oppositions as any partisan politicians should be.It all boils down to marketing .You see ,if you want to sell brand A,than you must also create brand B; for comparison.We call that branding.I suppose not many of you know that Rolex also comes in another brand called Tudor.....it sort of good cop bad cop routine.Even the military doctrine dictates such choice driven strategy.For example the Israelis never ever corner the Arabs in a battle field.They are always given an exist to escape....why?Suppose if the Arabs face a do or die situation and had to fight for their dear lives; well the might of Israelis than is challenged.The the outcome is anybody's guess.

Similarly the WP is PAP exist strategy. ...and also the branding for comparison sake.The opportunity arose when Low was trapped with JBJ into bankruptcy...I shall leave it to your imagination as how a Godfather would have given an offer that cannot be refused.....which begets the real question what is there for PAP?

This is where you have to look at all the endings of tinpot dictators.....not a nice scene right?Therefore,you create your opposition now when time still favors you so that your decline is not so abrupt and buying time would erases all that skeletons in your cupboard.At least that's what PAP proposes...ooops,sorry ! I mean man proposes but will God dispose?...Only time will tell.
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One Bloody Happy Family Photo


LTK and Chiam and together with the fascist members seemed like one happy family portrait. Chiam was smiling and the fascist party in the parliament was laughing. Fantastic ! No heated argument. The old folks were pleased to see that.

You have to know that old folks are non-confrontational type. If you go and talk loudly at Lau Goh, those ah pehs and ah sohs will not like you. It does not matter whether Chee was going to present something just or not. Whether the issue is for a right cause or not is not important at all. Being loud is being discourteous to the old folks - they just don't like it. You must 'sayang' them. These are the ones that will betray you even if you are fighting for them or for a right cause.

There are some who will continue to vote for toilets and dono what. It's a shame to the nation that the people are not united. They only care for themselves and not for a better tomorrow as a team.


Wow... we are looking at someone so..............

wan to to speak, speak ... dun later constipation ...

Brocoli is part of the ISD IB lah. Ignore him.

this is so lame... i say so many things... open so many thread... i say 1 thing you dun agree with and I am PAP IB.... when i tell my fren about the need for 2 party system and check and balance ... they look at me like I am crazy.... most sinkies are exactly like dat
... they are not even ready for PAP to lose more than 10 seats... and people call me PAP IBs here .... some1 is seriously out of touch here.....

If you were a 'sifu' (teacher) of a martial art school and you have to choose one among two students to be trained as a master, will you pick the one that is a coward who will not not want to fight even if the cause is righteous or the one that is gutsy but hotheaded ?

Chee is a good fighter, I like him. Educated people tend to join his party. That speaks volume too. Nicole is not a good politician though she has the charisma to lure people to listen to her.

i am not picking a disciple, I am pickin for some 1 to remove PAP from parliament, 1 seat @ a time..... WP will win, SDP cant yet
James Gomez just have an interview with toc


James Gomez said:
I’ve not heard that the SDP has abandoned the parliamentary route. If you’ve heard it from somebody, they’re probably lying.

some of you guys obviously dunno what that mean .... it mean the days of protests and kpkb is over ... it took chee 20 yrs to realise it, because WP have show that getting into parliament is no longer a holey grail...

as for Educated people, they tend to talk too much and dun do work like SMU students... like a bunch of ah peks chating in a forum but never get his hand dirty... some of WP volunteers may not so educated but they know how to talk to residents and serve them, not talk big theory like ISA and death sentence...

I read the whole thread before putting my foot here...and so my 2 cents worth.

Besides,this topic had been discussed to death and this thread won't end it either.The PAP apologists tender the same old argument again and again,does human rights alone feed people thingy.I usually ask as if having no human rights put food on your table?.....see how simply such argument can be easily thrashed .:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Than again PAP apologists also tender this argument,I want to vote for the opposition but that they have not proved themselves so.....I am voting for the proven PAP.....again a whole lot of craps.Why?Just look at some of PAP recent candidates like the Ting doll and Malaysians who just became sinkies just for in time for the election as PAP MPs;........ even PAP campaign managers had dropped shouting this slogan any longer but we still hear it fromthe Internet Brigade here....It's time for PAP paymasters to fire some of the hired Malaysian IB mercenaries who are totally out of touch with the ground reality here..

Which begets the real question.Who da fuck is WP?....an why are they being PAP sidekicks instead of real oppositions as any partisan politicians should be.It all boils down to marketing .You see ,if you want to sell brand A,than you must also create brand B; for comparison.We call that branding.I suppose not many of you know that Rolex also comes in another brand called Tudor.....it sort of good cop bad cop routine.Even the military doctrine dictates such choice driven strategy.For example the Israelis never ever corner the Arabs in a battle field.They are always given an exist to escape....why?Suppose if the Arabs face a do or die situation and had to fight for their dear lives; well the might of Israelis than is challenged.The the outcome is anybody's guess.

Similarly the WP is PAP exist strategy. ...and also the branding for comparison sake.The opportunity arose when Low was trapped with JBJ into bankruptcy...I shall leave it to your imagination as how a Godfather would have given an offer that cannot be refused.....which begets the real question what is there for PAP?

This is where you have to look at all the endings of tinpot dictators.....not a nice scene right?Therefore,you create your opposition now when time still favors you so that your decline is not so abrupt and buying time would erases all that skeletons in your cupboard.At least that's what PAP proposes...ooops,sorry ! I mean man proposes but will God dispose?...Only time will tell.

so to Nice-Gook, who the fark are you calling PAP apologists ???
that is a list of posters in this thread who spoke out for WP,

so they are all PAP apologist?

how do you know we did not vote opp ??? fark chiu ..

what kind of stupid kwestion is asking if having no human rights put food on your table?

you are so out of touch with singaporeans... please go out more often and talk to real peepur...
are we being put in jail for talking against PAP ?? are singaporean being put into ISA for joking bout LKY ??
who doesnt believe in human rights? I am sure WP believe in human rights but most people incl WP dun talk nonstop like psy83 and chee because its is not a top concern..... NO1 is being shipped to the concentration camps or gas chamber

people who still think that WP is PAP's exit strategy and a wayang party and PAP stooges after watching Yee JJ speech
when 5 office holders hammer him ... are to put it mildly, is living in a fantasy world....

in term of background and credntial, Yee is most like PAP... and that is why PAP fear him most

have you been to gilbert goh protest @ hong lim ... its so lame,... the turnout is so disappointing ... i once took 60 min to went there and left after 3 minute because ITS a NON EVENT... and it not even a human rights event ... it s an unemployment event ...

even James Gomez is talking about parliamentary democracy ...even SDP dun believe in focuing on non issues anymore

LTK and Chiam and together with the fascist members seemed like one happy family portrait. Chiam was smiling and the fascist party in the parliament was laughing. Fantastic ! No heated argument. The old folks were pleased to see that.

You have to know that old folks are non-confrontational type. If you go and talk loudly at Lau Goh, those ah pehs and ah sohs will not like you. It does not matter whether Chee was going to present something just or not. Whether the issue is for a right cause or not is not important at all. Being loud is being discourteous to the old folks - they just don't like it. You must 'sayang' them. These are the ones that will betray you even if you are fighting for them or for a right cause.

There are some who will continue to vote for toilets and dono what. It's a shame to the nation that the people are not united. They only care for themselves and not for a better tomorrow as a team.

this is the reality of politics in Singapore... you can either accept it, make the best out of it or whine nonstop or ship out

Albert Einstein said:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
if you cant change sinkies then change yourself... expecting all sinkies to change for you when you wan their votes is Insane..

and those who still think that WP is not opposition ...i suggest you emigrate to a country with civil war...

if you think its easy to mobilise people and organise a political organsiation and formulate polices, i suggest you go join Ram for the next walkabout or go and form your own party instead of calling WP stooges, exit strategy, wayang party, Puppets/Cowards

if you think opposing mean KPKB in front of parliament, pissing voters off and getting no seats ... then go form your "New SDP"...

DUN be a keyboard warrior here... Kannina
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when sdp created history by winning the most wards under chiam see tong. such miracle shall never occur again with chee in charge.

the only miracle that i hope for is SDP could just be wound up so that other opp parties can progress without being negatively dragged down by sdp's nonsense.

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:biggrin:oNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]-->[FONT=&quot]Chiam lead the party to success, Chee destroyed it.[/FONT]


I have nothing against SDP but to be very truthful, I will never vote for Dr. Chee even if he is eligible to contest in my constituency. In fact, I will probably void my vote if he is to lead a team in my GRC. I will never forgive him for what he did to CST, probably the opposition leader whom I have the greatest respect for, alongside with JBJ.

As much as I have respect for Uncle Chiam, his departure has nothing to do with Dr. Chee. After all these years, after all the people coming up to clear the air, why do you still prefer to look away from the truth?


Re: One Bloody Happy Family Photo

Hey don't generalise ok?

I'm Ah Pek ok? I dont mind you shout loud loud at these MFs, OK? You just dont know us Ah Peks and Ah Ums. We like to see action, ACTION! That including loud shouting, banging tables, doors, fists thumping on walls, raising fists, wagging finger, etc.

If we from the older gen dont set example for the young, where they got courage to face up to the new leaders?

Forever get bullied ah? No man!

Actually, looking back, had Chee done and gone on to achieve other more effective things, his shouting at that Extra Stupid Moron would have been rationalised out. Old Man shouted and berated everybody except maybe his late wife in private or public and he got away with it for 50 years.

You have to know that old folks are non-confrontational type. If you go and talk loudly at Lau Goh, those ah pehs and ah sohs will not like you. It does not matter whether Chee was going to present something just or not. Whether the issue is for a right cause or not is not important at all. Being loud is being discourteous to the old folks - they just don't like it. You must 'sayang' them. These are the ones that will betray you even if you are fighting for them or for a right cause.

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I like how the thread is going.... I dont have a fav party yet... But wont it be good if all the opposition can just join one party, Then maybe it will be strong and be ready to take on PAP.

How bout lina Chiam Potong Pasir. I think Chiam did a bad job on passing the baton to her.. From what i have gathered not much people know her in the ward(Or is it? I remembered that MSM did a scope on Lina Chiam popularity in P.P and residents were saying that they dont know her)..... Her supporters seems to be a bunch of Mahjong kakis from the local Kopi-tiam


Chiam's character does not allow him to trust people. He thus became quite the control freak in the party. A few people also conned him including a NTU grad. He thus failed in delivering a succession plan and the party is now worse of for it. I suspect he knew that he was poor judge of character and therefore remained an Independent for the first 10 years of his political life.

However the guy is a genuine Singapore and fought for his countrymen. A polite gentleman.

I like how the thread is going.... I dont have a fav party yet... But wont it be good if all the opposition can just join one party, Then maybe it will be strong and be ready to take on PAP.How bout lina Chiam Potong Pasir. I think Chiam did a bad job on passing the baton to her.. From what i have gathered not much people know her in the ward(Or is it? I remembered that MSM did a scope on Lina Chiam popularity in P.P and residents were saying that they dont know her)..... Her supporters seems to be a bunch of Mahjong kakis from the local Kopi-tiam
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For the benefit of the new chaps and even some of us, you might want to explain or expand. I am sure many people are keen to find out more.
As much as I have respect for Uncle Chiam, his departure has nothing to do with Dr. Chee. After all these years, after all the people coming up to clear the air, why do you still prefer to look away from the truth?


I woulds rather have WP than Chee any day. Chee is bent on only one agenda--Human Rights. He thinks the golden age will come when Human Rights are imposed. Most of what he harps on has never been proven in reality. So he talks about freedom in the west. America, land of the free? Haha, land of tight body searches at the airport, an off-shore military prison, a dumb Republican Party and a debt-ridden country. If that is Chee's best example, then I would say no thank you.


Re: One Bloody Happy Family Photo

As a coffeeshop Ah Pek pretending to be a Gen Y-er, I ONE HUNDRED PERCENT agree. The si gin nah* who said all those things about ah peks and ah ems - show your elders some respek, K? :biggrin:

Jokes aside, I completely agree with the last paragraph. People may have short memories, but if you do nothing else to get rid of that one impression formed, it becomes an indelible image.

*Hokkien term approximating "impertinent young fart".

Hey don't generalise ok?

I'm Ah Pek ok? I dont mind you shout loud loud at these MFs, OK? You just dont know us Ah Peks and Ah Ums. We like to see action, ACTION! That including loud shouting, banging tables, doors, fists thumping on walls, raising fists, wagging finger, etc.

If we from the older gen dont set example for the young, where they got courage to face up to the new leaders?

Forever get bullied ah? No man!

Actually, looking back, had Chee done and gone on to achieve other more effective things, his shouting at that Extra Stupid Moron would have been rationalised out. Old Man shouted and berated everybody except maybe his late wife in private or public and he got away with it for 50 years.
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Dont agree bro. Just like good cop bad cop routine, you must have parties like WP and people like Chee. Wont say Chee serves no purpose; it's only a different one. But we still need Opp of all ilk. First take down or humble the PAP, then we talk about sharing the spoils.

You want to flatten a nail, sometimes you can use a shoe if the hammer is not always available.

Or in Deng's words, It dont matter if the cat is white or black as long as it catches mice.

I woulds rather have WP than Chee any day. Chee is bent on only one agenda--Human Rights. He thinks the golden age will come when Human Rights are imposed. Most of what he harps on has never been proven in reality. So he talks about freedom in the west. America, land of the free? Haha, land of tight body searches at the airport, an off-shore military prison, a dumb Republican Party and a debt-ridden country. If that is Chee's best example, then I would say no thank you.
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I wrote the thread as below in Feb 2009...8337 views ....181 replies.A thread that was overtly and extensively discussed 2 years before the election and just look at the accuracy of my prediction ; wasn't I right to the nearest dot? ..:smile::wink::biggrin:

I predicted 40% would vote against the PAP and only 1 GRC would sway here and there......Should I than pat myself? Regretfully,I should not.Why?Because my contribution must have rang some alarm bells in the PAP quarters....which is the real reason for the popularity of the thread at that time.The part where LHL being the weakest link must have stroke the cord.And sure enough this time in 2011 GE LHL won above the national average to prove that wrong.Otherwise everything else were according to what I wrote.

You see, the Leegime is more afraid of it's cadres than WP or SDP.Our PAP ministers are monitored more than any opposition figures....therefore LHL as the PM must set the barometer in an election.And WP must also be presented as the only credible opposition.Why?Well,suppose if PAP MPs mutiny and switch side than forming another new party is not really an option.But turning to the next and nearest opposition political party that is in the parliament is.This is where Sylvia Lim comes handy......just observe her rise within the WP and that would answer you. Just look at how PAP appoints chairmanship in key institutions that need to be controlled,like SPH and GIC for example.


An Election STRATEGY that could TOPPLE this government.

Folks we smell elections around the corner.And let's face it PAP will win.That is certain.Perhaps the popular votes may fall from 66% to 60%.But PAP will certainly form the next government with no representation in the parliament for the disgruntled 40 per cent who had voted against it.The same ole story in the past 40 years.Back to square one with PAP in power.Which means imminent deliberate price increases amongst other things which gona make our lives here intolerable.

How than are we gonna get out of this vicious cycle?
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during the GE, the MIW insisted that all other contenders were opposition. now that parliament is in session, when WP MPs offer suggestions, the ones doing the most opposing r MIW themselves.

opposition calling others the opposition... hur hur


Wohoo,what a great lunch.Good mood lah.

Thereby another prediction.Mark my words it's gonna unfold slowly but surely.

Just look at WP team in Aljunied GRC .Almost all lawyers except 1--LTK lah.Soon our secretary-general would be outflanked and outalked in our parliament .The gauntlet is already thrown by Mah ;who stripped Low of the only asset he possessed ; an ability to connect with Mandarin speakers.Have you wondered why our MSM went goo goo gah gah over Mah's Mandarin maiden speech?...It's all part of the big picture mah.Low days are numbered.Ok,it has always been ever since Syliva Lim barged into WP.....Just one more thing,have you guys fail to notice ex-cops in this forum who claim WP membership always butt in as ,oh Sylivia would say this and that?Heck,is Low not the powerful secretary general of WP?....Besides ,our Sylvia Lim do have a police background too.And if any ex cop who is a forummer claims to be a WP member just ask him/her to show you the date he/her joined.I bet it most likely to concide with Sylvia Lim's.

Low is going low in the next five years.He knew that pretty well too.At least he would not have a bunch of ex-cops to monitor his every move meh !