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Serious Will Singapore implode? - External Debt of $1.766 TRILLION


"Explanation" by our SPH:

The external debt of $1.766 trillion, quoted in the Wikipedia article cited by the reader, refers to Singapore’s gross external debt.

As the Wiki article explains, this is defined as the “total public and private debts owed to non-residents which are repayable in internationally acceptable currencies, goods, or services”.

Much of these gross external debts can be traced to the debt liabilities in Singapore’s banking sector – a reflection of Singapore’s stature as a major international financial centre.

When a bank receives a deposit from a saver, this is recorded as a liability on its books as it is considered as a “loan” from the saver. When the bank lends out the money, this is recorded in its books as an “asset” because it has given a loan to a borrower.

As a major financial centre, Singapore receives large inflow of capital from overseas and a substantial portion of this money is deposited with its banks. This is recorded as external liabilities or borrowings. That means that much of the so-called gross debts reflected in the Wiki article are, in fact, deposits kept in Singapore banks by overseas banks and depositors.

This money is then recycled by the banks to lend to big overseas borrowers when they take up loans from Singapore-based lenders.

Once that happens, it becomes part of Singapore’s external assets.

What is important to note that in the domestic loans market, Singapore banks are able to attract sufficient deposits from local depositors to support their lending to local companies and households. That ensures that these lenders do not have to resort to borrowing overseas in order to lend to resident borrowers.

This will help to insulate Singapore from any financial fall-out if the world banking system suddenly faces a credit crunch, making it difficult for banks to borrow on the international financial markets to fund their borrowing needs.

Taken as a whole, both the public and private sectors in Singapore are net creditors with a strong net asset position equivalent to around 200 per cent of its gross domestic products in its international investments.

There have also been some international reports which list Singapore as having high levels of government debts.

These may puzzle some readers, given the fact that the government runs a balanced budget.

Contacted by The Straits Times, a Ministry of Finance spokesman said: “We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that the Singapore government has a strong balance sheet that has assets well in excess of our liabilities. This means that taking into account our assets, we have no net debt.”

A government article on the subject explains that Singapore does not borrow to spend. Instead, it invests all the proceeds which it has borrowed.

The income which it earns from its investments is also more than sufficient to cover the debt servicing costs.

As of March this year, the total outstanding government borrowings stood at S$436 billion.

The government issues three types of domestic debts:

* Singapore government Securities to develop the domestic debt market;

* Special Singapore government Securities to meet the investment needs of the Central Provident Fund, and

* Singapore Saving Bonds to provide individual investors with a long-term saving option that offers safe returns.

What is also important to note is that unlike some other countries which have to raise funds in currencies such as the US dollar or euro to balance their books, the government does not have any foreign currency debts.

I am very worried that our assets are being financialised and sold off to fund the loss making ventures of AHEM. Once it collapse I can imagine a Greek-Style bank run will happen.


Alfrescian (Inf)
wow.....u mean foreigners have deposited 1.7 trillion dollars into our banks and financial institutions?lots of money laundering here.no wonder we need 350,000 shitskins


Alfrescian (Inf)
Question : how much of the 1.77 trillions were lost in gambling ?

1.7 trillion belongs to foreign banks and foreigners not sinkies,sinkies money is just a drop in the piss bucket.

with 1.7 trillion dollars deposited in our bank,who needs an economy?imagine they earn a few percent on that money.no wonder the shitskins can dine and feast everyday 3 meals at restaurant.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
1.7 trillion belongs to foreign banks and foreigners not sinkies,sinkies money is just a drop in the piss bucket.

with 1.7 trillion dollars deposited in our bank,who needs an economy?imagine they earn a few percent on that money.no wonder the shitskins can dine and feast everyday 3 meals at restaurant.

With so much money deposited here, our housing loan interest rate must be close to zero, and our deposit interest must be zero or negative too. This is like in japan when there are so much deposits in the banks now, they have no where to invest it. So they have to charge people money to park their fund with them. Now even when you deposit $1 million in a sinkie bank, the rate is only 0.25%. It should be zero, they don't need your money. Housing loan is what? About 2.5%? should be less if the banks have so much money and want to compete for your business. How come this is not the case?


Alfrescian (Inf)
With so much money deposited here, our housing loan interest rate must be close to zero, and our deposit interest must be zero or negative too. This is like in japan when there are so much deposits in the banks now, they have no where to invest it. So they have to charge people money to park their fund with them. Now even when you deposit $1 million in a sinkie bank, the rate is only 0.25%. It should be zero, they don't need your money. Housing loan is what? About 2.5%? should be less if the banks have so much money and want to compete for your business. How come this is not the case?
Just to add, with so much money deposited, SGD cannot depreciate or they will flight. With a strong Sgd, wonders what can be the new engine for economic growth. Or have we mounted a tiger and is now scratching their head on how to dismount?


dont b guillible, the bulk would belong to western banks with local setup which they can withdraw comfortable or collapse uncomfortably.

what is not stated is the massive outflow from singapore although we know the magnitude in china that has unsettled their major bourses.

the collective outflow to western countries already have marked effect on the currencies from malaysia and other asean countries. prime reason is ringgit is pegged to usD just like yuan. what is unsurprising is that malaysia is not experiencing export growth with lower and competitive ringgit simply because demand is still unhealthy and conversely a cheaper Sing dollar will not benefit Sing as well since oil price remains stiff at USD 50.

if an if sing economy is good and fantastic, the MAS would have raised interest rate by 0.25% or even a full % by now in tandem with US.

so i am looking at a stock market crash based on tit tat with US-china that primarily destroy shipping/logistic industry, combined selling of usd by euro and japan russia mideast and china, coupled by a destroyed bond market and a collapse of ETF bubble.


Alfrescian (Inf)
With so much money deposited here, our housing loan interest rate must be close to zero, and our deposit interest must be zero or negative too. This is like in japan when there are so much deposits in the banks now, they have no where to invest it. So they have to charge people money to park their fund with them. Now even when you deposit $1 million in a sinkie bank, the rate is only 0.25%. It should be zero, they don't need your money. Housing loan is what? About 2.5%? should be less if the banks have so much money and want to compete for your business. How come this is not the case?

well 0 percent is the interest rate they give to you,doesnt mean they cant charge the shit out of ur asshole for borrowing money perferably 17% or more.banks gotta make money and eat too.housing loan interest rates are low because PAP wants to create a ponzi.if housing loan is like 4 or 6% like in USA,aint no sinkie going to borrow shit and the housing market will crash.imagine paying 6% interest on 200k loan.


Alfrescian (Inf)
doesn't help when the mas is spending reserves to prop up sgd to make external debt more favorable. but this is understandable as sg imports more than she exports.



Thank you for sharing the article. I am now doubly reassured that our country is in good hands. :smile:


We are probably our worst enemy. The PAP has done so much damage and continues to hide its errors with a compliant media and we end up picking a topic that is benign in nature.

Singapore primary issue is that the present leadership has no idea or a roadmap on the future of the economy. We first moved into low end manufacturing, tourism, finance, port operations and service industries. When it was time we moved to high end and value add manufacturing. We even entered pharmaceuticals and armaments.

Now we find ourselves in the last 15 years at the crossroads with no idea except for Casinos. Nothing else has worked. Look at our commercial landscape where the prominent things are emergence of eateries and restaurants to service the high intake of foreigners.

In 2008, the URA masterplan revealed that Jurong Lake District will be our new future. The PM and his wife have been canvassing in the West Coast of US to attract companies to setup satellite operations and labs at the Jurong Lake District. The HS rail is now part of the plan.

The last 15 years we have been in no man's land Lets see what next. I have little hope as the issue is leadership and the PAP. They have secured the votes by unfair means and there is no incentive or a spur on their side to deliver. So it might be a show.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
We are probably our worst enemy. The PAP has done so much damage and continues to hide its errors with a compliant media and we end up picking a topic that is benign in nature.

Singapore primary issue is that the present leadership has no idea or a roadmap on the future of the economy. We first moved into low end manufacturing, tourism, finance, port operations and service industries. When it was time we moved to high end and value add manufacturing. We even entered pharmaceuticals and armaments.

Now we find ourselves in the last 15 years at the crossroads with no idea except for Casinos. Nothing else has worked. Look at our commercial landscape where the prominent things are emergence of eateries and restaurants to service the high intake of foreigners.

In 2008, the URA masterplan revealed that Jurong Lake District will be our new future. The PM and his wife have been canvassing in the West Coast of US to attract companies to setup satellite operations and labs at the Jurong Lake District. The HS rail is now part of the plan.

The last 15 years we have been in no man's land Lets see what next. I have little hope as the issue is leadership and the PAP. They have secured the votes by unfair means and there is no incentive or a spur on their side to deliver. So it might be a show.

If you want to talk about leadership, then you have to go back to the Old fart and not the current leadership. Old Fart ask us to give him our souls in exchange for economic success. But his insistence on staying on way beyond his due date and not planning a real proper succession of qualified leaders, and instead put in his stupid son is where the real problem with the leadership begin.


Their problem is indept to sustain any plan
Which is just a disposable toy that last only a couple of years no more.


Now we find ourselves in the last 15 years at the crossroads with no idea except for Casinos. Nothing else has worked. Look at our commercial landscape where the prominent things are emergence of eateries and restaurants to service the high intake of foreigners.

Given the performance of RWS, there be difficulty getting bids for Casino #3 much less Casino #4.

The collapse of the F&B side has already begun. Servings per night at the fancier places are down by as much as 50%. Things are so bad that there were closures even before the year end festival period. In the recently concluded Christmas season, there appeared to be a large number offers for overpriced meals in the $50 to $70 range as opposed to the traditional $80 to $100 range. The F&B closures can be expected to accelerate after Chinese New Year period.

And these are the "bright" spots in the Singapore economy ....
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By the time he died, man managed to reverse all the good things that he did for Singapore. Once considered an export on China, people began to realise that he had no influence and no idea about China. An ordinary businessman from Taiwan or Hong Kong would have known more. His strength was identifying the right people to deliver and after 25 years that skill too suffered and like all fathers he thought his son had it all. Yes, he overstayed his welcome.

If you want to talk about leadership, then you have to go back to the Old fart and not the current leadership. Old Fart ask us to give him our souls in exchange for economic success. But his insistence on staying on way beyond his due date and not planning a real proper succession of qualified leaders, and instead put in his stupid son is where the real problem with the leadership begin.