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Why is marijuana Illegal and why do we hang people for it?


A Drug that has no known death related to it.
Gives relive to people with chronic illness etc... Migrant, Backbone problems, cancer, aids and relieves pain to various other illness.
Have been consume for thousands of years.
Made illegal in the early 1960s.
De-criminalize in many countries or only small fine with small possessions. etc. Portugal, Australia, new-Zealand, canada, Holland.
Thousands of legal medical marijuana shops in USA,CANADA and Hundreds of Coffee-shops in Holland.
Does not lead to Schizo or Psychosis.
Its not a gate way drug.
30 times less harmful then alcohol and tobacco and Over the counter doctor prescribe medicine that comes with side effects like Liver/kidney damage and overdosing and many times will further wreck your life.
Doesnt cause any sickness other then a bad cough if you constantly smoke it.
Not psychical addictive.. Meaning you wont shake and foam in the mouth when you dont have it.
Known as the best anti-depressant, Makes you happy, non-aggressive and makes you feel peace with the world
Pretty confident that at least 2/3 of Singaporeans whom have gone abroad to study have tried or been exposed to it.
Doctors do it, lawyers do it, judges do it and politicians like Obama, Clinton and many more have admitted to trying it.

Basically is it justifiable to hang or throw people in jail for it? Not calling for legalization but why are we so harsh?

Established that there are about 200million Daily users world wide or as high as 300million.. About 400million who have at least tried or expose to it before in their life.

Watch this documentary 1st if you have no ideal.. By History channel.

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So what gives the right for another human being to say what you can or cannot do? If you dont put it on others no one has the right to say NO YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU CANT DO THIS? ARE WE PRODUCTS, DO WE BELONG TO AN ORGANIZATION?




Alfrescian (Inf)
While I was in hospital they gave me morphine as a pain killer. I learned that it was the strongest medication they could prescribe:confused: Was told that there are more effective solutions out there e.g. heroin, but it's illegal even for medical use:eek:


While I was in hospital they gave me morphine as a pain killer. I learned that it was the strongest medication they could prescribe:confused: Was told that there are more effective solutions out there e.g. heroin, but it's illegal even for medical use:eek:

Heroin and morphine comes with issues and heavy side effects and causes death.
During the early 1900s Heroin and cocaine was given to kids for things like toothache or Cough which was prescribe by doctors. Coca cola during the early years had cocaine in it.

Canabis was very well known within the Indian/malay kampongs in Singapore..I had friends whose grandfathers used to grow them in their kampong b4 it was made illegal in around the 60s, America was the 1st known country to make it illegal and they forced countries world-wide to make it illegal as well and many know that Medicine/cotton companies were the one pushing it to be illegal cos it will cause them hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars in lost profit should it be legal.
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Singapore Cannabis Law.

Not A crime for 1st and 2nd time offenders but A criminal case for 3rd time user which will lead to long term jail sentence also known as LT1.
500g = Death Penalty.


Alfrescian (Inf)
it's legal in california if you have a doctor's prescription and use it for medical reasons. however, so many nefarious fly-by-night operations and retail stores have sprung up in cities all over california that the state and municipalities are losing control. it is still illegal in the u.s. under federal jurisdiction. some states allowed it so they can collect revenue thru' taxation. other states and feds have the contrarian view that marijuana is an entry substance to more potent drugs such as cocaine and ultimately heroine, and continue to ban it. many addicts of heroine started with weed. in the bay area, you'll see stores in berkeley, oakland and very soon san jose. these stores have connections to "certified" doctors who prescribe marijuana to "patients" at the door without appointments. obviously, every good intention gets flooded with opportunists and get rich quick schemers. doctors prescribing marijuana cures have suddenly grown into a full blown industry of its own, rivaling cosmetic surgeons who can shave fat off your sorry arse. stores are run like any modern day mushroom or herbal shops, with everything from smoking apparatus to shitting arse-soothers. shelves and counters are filled with all kinds of weed like you will find in a tea shop - rolled up leaves, powdered, crushed, fresh, dried, sun dried, air dried, vacuum dried, packaged, unpacked, capsulized, pills in a bottle, anything you can dream of. of course, implements and accessories are varied and sell together with the weed for a discount. american or rather californian entrepreneurial spirit at work. feds don't like to be idle on standby and are starting to crack down on the stores, to the chagrin of the state and cities.

reporting live and from the pelvic region....
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Heroin and morphine comes with issues and heavy side effects and causes death.
During the early 1900s Heroin and cocaine was given to kids for things like toothache or Cough which was prescribe by doctors. Coca cola during the early years had cocaine in it.

Canabis was very well known within the Indian/malay kampongs in Singapore..I had friends whose grandfathers used to grow them in their kampong b4 it was made illegal in around the 60s, America was the 1st known country to make it illegal and they forced countries world-wide to make it illegal as well and many know that Medicine/cotton companies were the one pushing it to be illegal cos it will cause them hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars in lost profit should it be legal.

I asked the doctor about getting addicted to morphine but was told that if one is taking it against pain it was unlikely to be addictive. This was in a a hospital in Canada where I was a patient i.e. under medical supervision. While in the hospital I met many patients who were in constant pain & they would have welcomed something like heroin.

There is plenty of politics in the medical field. It's not only about $$$. It can also be about value systems e.g. some people are against abortions. I suspect the opposition to marijuana is both $$ & value systems. Big pharma stand to lose $$$ if cheaper marijuana was used in place of more expensive medications :smile: They will of course not admit this & will use arguments about being against pot:biggrin:


it's legal in california if you have a doctor's prescription and use it for medical reasons. however, so many nefarious fly-by-night operations and retail stores have sprung up in cities all over california that the state and municipalities are losing control. it is still illegal in the u.s. under federal jurisdiction. some states allowed it so they can collect revenue thru' taxation. other states and feds have the contrarian view that marijuana is an entry substance to more potent drugs such as cocaine and ultimately heroine, and continue to ban it. many addicts of heroine started with weed. in the bay area, you'll see stores in berkeley, oakland and very soon san jose. these stores have connections to "certified" doctors who prescribe marijuana to "patients" at the door without appointments. obviously, every good intention gets flooded with opportunists and get rich quick schemers. doctors prescribing marijuana cures have suddenly grown into a full blown industry of its own, rivaling cosmetic surgeons who can shave fat off your sorry arse. stores are run like any modern day mushroom or herbal shops, with everything from smoking apparatus to shitting arse-soothers. shelves and counters are filled with all kinds of weed like you will find in a tea shop - rolled up leaves, powdered, crushed, fresh, dried, sun dried, air dried, vacuum dried, packaged, unpacked, capsulized, pills in a bottle, anything you can dream of. of course, implements and accessories are varied and sell together with the weed for a discount. american or rather californian entrepreneurial spirit at work. feds don't like to be idle on standby and are starting to crack down on the stores, to the chagrin of the state and cities.

The gateway drug has long be debunked.. You cant by-past alcohol cos alcohol is a drug that is usually the 1st drug that leads to other drugs.
I know many Cannabis users who dont use other hard-drugs and dont drink at all. Majority of cannabis users has never tried hard drugs b4. Hard drug users start taking hard-drugs when they mix with people who consume hard-drug(Mixing with wrong company), Making cannabis illegal also causes more people to try out hard-drugs cos the people they purchase cannabis from usually sell other drugs too.

Amsterdam is one good example to show that With cannabis DE-criminalization the consumption of cannabis has in-fact gone down cos its no longer seen as the Forbidden fruit that people are curious about.

Hindus in Nepal/India has been smoking cannabis for thousands of years and is part of their tradition, Holy man are allowed to smoke hashish.

Other drugs which inc. alcohol has to fcuked around with b4 consuming it. Cannabis is just a plant that grows wildly(Use to) and dont need to be prepared or mix with other stuff b4 you consume it. That is why people call it a Herb or Smoking Nature.

Cannabis consumption does not lead to aggressive behavior but makes you a peaceful and happy person unlike alcohol that makes you angry and violent towards others.

You never hear a stoner going home and beating his wife and children but always hear a drunkard doing that.
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Legal here as well under Doctor's prescription. MOH to be notified. Opium in the same category. Until the 80s certain dens were allowed for the poor folks and existed in Tanjong Pagar and Kreta Ayer, wards of then PM and DPM. Now supply from Govt.

it's legal in california if you have a doctor's prescription and use it for medical reasons. however, so many nefarious fly-by-night operations and retail stores have sprung up in cities all over california that the state and municipalities are losing control. it is still illegal in the u.s. under federal jurisdiction. some states allowed it so they can collect revenue thru' taxation. other states and feds have the contrarian view that marijuana is an entry substance to more potent drugs such as cocaine and ultimately heroine, and continue to ban it. many addicts of heroine started with weed. in the bay area, you'll see stores in berkeley, oakland and very soon san jose. these stores have connections to "certified" doctors who prescribe marijuana to "patients" at the door without appointments. obviously, every good intention gets flooded with opportunists and get rich quick schemers. doctors prescribing marijuana cures have suddenly grown into a full blown industry of its own, rivaling cosmetic surgeons who can shave fat off your sorry arse. stores are run like any modern day mushroom or herbal shops, with everything from smoking apparatus to shitting arse-soothers. shelves and counters are filled with all kinds of weed like you will find in a tea shop - rolled up leaves, powdered, crushed, fresh, dried, sun dried, air dried, vacuum dried, packaged, unpacked, capsulized, pills in a bottle, anything you can dream of. of course, implements and accessories are varied and sell together with the weed for a discount. american or rather californian entrepreneurial spirit at work. feds don't like to be idle on standby and are starting to crack down on the stores, to the chagrin of the state and cities.

reporting live and from the pelvic region....


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It doesn't make sense that someone who isn't willing to try marijuana will try a harder drug. the reason most try marijuana as their first illicit drug is because it is relatively benign. so in a sense, it can be considered a gateway drug, but most definately not in the way that marijuana makes people try other drugs, that is totally irrational and absurd. alcohol can just as easily or more so be labelled as "the gateway drug", but it isn't because it's legal and therefore considered socially acceptable. to further show how ludicrous the claim is, we could say the majority of the population consumes caffeine in common beverages and foods. this includes people who use hard drugs, therefore, caffeine is a gateway drug ? . and , if smoking marijuana is the gateway to heroin addiction, does this also mean that kissing is the gateway to rape ?

ps: Marijuana, in particular, appears to function as a 'reverse' gateway drug when drug abusers try to stop using more harmful drugs like opiates (Marlatt, 1998).
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Alfrescian (Inf)
The gateway drug has long be debunked.. You cant by-past alcohol cos alcohol is a drug that is usually the 1st drug that leads to other drugs.

of course, the u.s. will find all excuses to prevent the spread of medical marijuana. feds are deep in shit with big pharma, but more importantly, the d.e.a. which has thousands of agents under its employ will never cede control of their cushy well paying union jobs plus federal pension to a tiny weed that can be grown anywhere. states that are opposed to medicinal use are typically conservative leaning states with religious fundamental voters who believe alteration of the mind leads to the devil incarnating himself in your scrotum. there are also hypocritical states which are big producers of tabacco, and they don't want weed to compete with their cash crop. the a.m.a. and complying doctors have the position that smoking marijuana is just as bad as smoking tabacco, leading to lung diseases and other related health issues. not a slam dunk here. ironic for christian fundie states that jesus was evidently an avid user of cannabis himself.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
singapore media still dare not debate this topic on national tv .





Alfrescian (Inf)
Legal here as well under Doctor's prescription. MOH to be notified. Opium in the same category. Until the 80s certain dens were allowed for the poor folks and existed in Tanjong Pagar and Kreta Ayer, wards of then PM and DPM. Now supply from Govt.

sg gov in total control, which is superb in a morbid way. can't eliminate it, might as well channel the negative energy and addiction thru' a well controlled relief valve.


Alfrescian (Inf)
long time ago , even the bible is made of hemp ...

i truly believe jesus, his disciples and women following them were on weed. otherwise, impossible to dream up all these incredible miracles in the new testament. and orgies happen when they mixed weed with women and wine.


George Washington
Washington routinely smoked marijuana to alleviate the pain from his ailing teeth. Washington’s diary recounts his efforts to better cultivate and enhance his crops of marijuana.

Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson grew cannabis on his plantation and smuggled Chinese hemp seeds to America. He also is believed to have given special smoking blends out as personal gifts.

John F. Kennedy
Close acquaintances say Kennedy used cannabis regularly to control his back pain (even during his term) and actually planned on legalizing marijuana during his second term before he was killed.

Barack Obama
Even though he joked off many American’s wishes to legalize marijuana, Obama has been very open with his own marijuana smoking in the past, once saying “I inhaled frequently. That was the point”.

At least 12 American presidents who have admitted to consuming the herb.
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The gateway theory was not accepted for nearly 30 years as CNB's recommendations were not considered as they were deemed not to be academically and scientifically supported. The policy then was to hit the heroin pushing location and joints such as the infamous Barbarella and the Tree-tops bar while the Police divisions went after the small stuff. The Malay community plus a couple of rich and elite folks who lost their sons and daughters to Heroin were early adopter of the gateway theory were pushing it heavily. One is also a famous and respected Principle.

The govt relented and had a series of studies done. They were shocked to find two things. There was a strong correlation. Second as Marijuana/Cannabis was not a class A drug, the info money was not attractive and CNB could be bothered as well. Then they found the Singapore kids who went to Australia was hooked on Marijuana and began making trips to JB. The cases of young educated couple found stoned returning from JB became obvious. This was also helped by ready test kits that gave instant results. Unlike Marijuana, heroin detection can be done on the spot for years. So Marijuana detection was funnily more costly and took a longer time.

The trouble is further compounded by the fact that Heroin in Singapore is close grade 4 China while that in Sydney and New York is about 8 times weaker and the addiction takes longer.

I am sure we all can make those sacrifices in order that the weak ones are not lost to drugs. I am well aware the delight of both Marijuana and Morphine. Those who went overseas for their studies I can assure you were not just experimenting with sex but other delights as well. If you know your stuff, you know that Hydroponically grown weed is so much superior.

It doesn't make sense that someone who isn't willing to try marijuana will try a harder drug. the reason most try marijuana as their first illicit drug is because it is relatively benign. so in a sense, it can be considered a gateway drug, but most definately not in the way that marijuana makes people try other drugs, that is totally irrational and absurd. alcohol can just as easily or more so be labelled as "the gateway drug", but it isn't because it's legal and therefore considered socially acceptable. to further show how ludicrous the claim is, we could say the majority of the population consumes caffeine in common beverages and foods. this includes people who use hard drugs, therefore, caffeine is a gateway drug ? . and , if smoking marijuana is the gateway to heroin addiction, does this also mean that kissing is the gateway to rape ?

ps: Marijuana, in particular, appears to function as a 'reverse' gateway drug when drug abusers try to stop using more harmful drugs like opiates (Marlatt, 1998).
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