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Whose God Is HE ? Al-Jazeerah takes a look...


The voices of reason against a rent-seeking chauvinistic UMNO malay who knows nuts about Islam and still so yaya about it. The UMNO's dumbing down of the malay race is so apparent that only Non-Umno voices are intelligible and coherent nowadays. A whole generation was raised on rhetorics and the poisonous fruits are ripening. Reap what you sowed, UMNO. Insyaallah, oops...Allah again, tsk...


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a flag waving umno-monkey.
[url=http://www.4freeimagehost.com/show.php?i=728b7cc37693.jpg] [/url]
courtesy of michael chick.

hoik, beruk umno !!! Your masters cakap tak serupa bikin !!!

the government yesterday sought to dispel the notion that it had endorsed protests by muslims last friday against the use of the word “allah” by christians.

The move by the prime minister’s office (pmo) came as a catholic church in johor was splashed with red paint yesterday morning, making it the 10th place of worship to be vandalised.

And lawyers for the herald, the catholic newspaper that pressed for the right to use the word “allah”, reported that their offices had been broken into and ransacked.

The pmo issued a statement saying prime minister datuk seri najib razak’s comments on protests by muslim groups against the use of “allah” by christians “were based on the reality that the government cannot interfere with expressions of free speech within the confines of places of worship”.

“the government of malaysia has not issued any permits for public demonstrations relating to the allah court case, and the prime minister has continually appealed to the public to remain calm and respect the legal process,” it added.

Najib is in saudi arabia on a tour that will also take him to abu dhabi and india. Last thursday, a day before the first church was firebombed, he was asked to comment on planned protests by muslims after friday prayers.

He was quoted by bernama news agency as saying that the authorities could not stop people from gathering at mosques and protesting there, but urged them to show restraint. His decision not to block the protests has been played up by the opposition.

The spate of attacks followed a court decision on dec 31 allowing the herald to use the term “allah” to refer to god. The government insists that the term is for muslims only, and has appealed to a higher court.

Yesterday, officials from the catholic st elizabeth church in kota kecil, johor, reported to police that vandals had splashed red paint on its premises.

Kota tinggi police chief osman mohammed sebot said the vandalism was discovered at about 8.30am. “the damage is minor. The paint was splattered at the front part of the church and also partly on the entrance door,” he said.

Meanwhile in petaling jaya, the herald’s lawyers arrived at work to find their offices ransacked, with papers strewn all over the floor.

Lawyer s. Selavarajah told the straits times that his staff arrived at about 7.55am and found that the metal grilles had been cut open.

Drawers had been pulled out, and the filing room was broken into. A laptop and documents are missing.

His partner, derek fernandez, said that while the cctv camera belonging to a nearby tuition centre had been sprayed with black paint, their law firm was the only office in the area that had been ransacked.

“it looks like a professional job, and appears to be related to the controversy,” he said.

Petaling jaya police chief arjunaidi mohamed confirmed the break-in but said it should not immediately be linked to the recent church attacks.

Of the nine churches targeted, two are catholic and the rest protestant. A catholic school in taiping was also vandalised, while a sikh temple in kuala lumpur reported that it had been pelted with stones.

The sikhs have not been part of the “allah” controversy, but the arabic word for god is also used as part of their original scriptures written in punjabi. The malaysian gurdwara council, which represents sikh temples, had sought to be a party to the herald case but did not succeed.

The geneva-based world council of churches yesterday called on the malaysian government to take immediate action to end the attacks. The council brings together 349 protestant, orthodox and anglican churches representing more than 560 million christians in about 110 countries.

In a letter to malaysian churches, it said “we hope that immediate measures will be taken to resolve the problem and that all perpetrators of these acts of violence will be brought to justice”. So far, no one has been arrested.


Tuan Guru Nik Aziz, A Real Malaysian Talks The Walks...

KOTA BARU, Jan 15 — More than 20 leaders of various religions have been invited by Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat to a late breakfast meeting on Jan 28.

The online version of Harakah, the newspaper of PAS, reported yesterday that those invited included Islamic scholars, Christian clerics and Buddhist and Hindu priests.

Nik Aziz told reporters at his office yesterday: “Up to now, we have been informed that 18 of them consisting of Christian clerics have agreed to attend, whereas the priests from other religions have yet to confirm their attendance.”

Nik Aziz is also the Mentri Besar of Kelantan and a respected Islamic scholar. He has said that non-Muslims could use the word “Allah” to refer to God.

Amid the current controversy over the use of the term “Allah”, PAS issued an official statement last week stating that followers of the “Abrahamic faiths” — Islam, Christianity and Judaism — could refer to God as Allah.

The breakfast meeting will take place at the Kelantan state government complex called Kota Darul Naim, and is intended to build rapport, Harakah said.

“The state government is meeting them to raise an environment of peace and harmony between religions in this country,” Nik Aziz was quoted as saying. “Although there is harmony in Kelantan for so long, it is hoped that the meeting will improve this.”

Kelantan has been under PAS rule for the past 19 years.



Sabahans are FED-UP , no more compromises — Ronnie Klassen

JAN 15 — The Federal Government has failed miserably in addressing the Allah issue and more seriously the arson attacks on Churches and recently a Sikh Temple. Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has said the situation was under control and the attacks were isolated incidents. How stupid does Hishamudin thinks Malaysians are, eight Churches and a Sikh Temple vandalized, and he blatantly says it’s only isolated cases and under control?

Barisan Nasional component parties should now re-examine their position and their coalition status with Umno. The Christian Community of Malaysia are currently under siege by unscrupulous arsonists out to create disunity among peace loving Malaysians.

Is Clarence Bongkos Malakun a Christian?

The President of the Council of Justices of the Peace, Datuk Clarence Bongkos Malakun has urged Christians in Sabah to make a compromise for the sake of national peace.

He is urging Christians to drop the word “Allah” in Malay-language services and Malay-language Bibles. He said that though this has been the practice for so long in Sabah, for the sake of peace, Sabahan Christians should abandon it, as this has caused anger to a certain section of extremist Muslims in Malaysia.

It is so easy to call for compromise. Sabahans have compromised for too long on many things since the state merged with Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore to form Malaysia. We had to compromise on language, education, natural resources etc. Finally we have someone who is asking us to compromise on the way our Christians practice the religion.

I question the intention of Clarence Bongkos Malakun. Perhaps he thought it was noble of him but then it seems only noble to him. A local daily reported Malakun as saying “many fellow Christians would disagree and perhaps start to condemn me” but “if we are really true Christians, we should be forgiving, reasonable and peace loving people”. It is my honest belief that through this very statement he has already condemned himself. But allow me to ask him, “Do you in the first place have the Christian credibility to ask Sabahans to drop the word Allah?”

Clarence Malakun should first examine himself as a Christian and whether he has breached the Catholic faith. Was his call in his personal capacity or a stooge of the Government or as a Christian? If his call was as a Catholic, then he has no local standi, having broken the most sacred sacrament of the Church. Marriage is a sacrament that is indissoluble. Once a marriage has been consummated, it endures until one spouse dies. The Church does not issue divorces or recognize divorces issued by other institutions.

My advice to Malakun is to do some soul searching and seek forgiveness from God, for you do not qualify to give any advice.

As a Justice of Peace, and more so as the head of the Council of JPs (MAJAPS), Datuk Clarence should seek Peace in the name of Justice or seek Justice in the name of Peace.

Failing this, he should hold his peace and not make things worse.

Sabahans’ tolerance has reached its limits.

Why should Sabahans be the one who have to compromise all the time? When was the last time the Federal Government made a compromise? We had to compromise on petroleum, allowing Petronas the glory of our oil and in return a miserable 5 per cent royalty.

We are now asked to compromise on religious freedom, even though the founding fathers of Malaysia guaranteed it for us. Where do we draw the line? The Muslim’s in Malaysia, particularly Sabah are not confused and have no qualms over the Christians using the word Allah. Our Muslim brothers and sisters have outgrown the hoodwinking of the government for too long. Umno just can’t come to terms on the gospel truth that they have lost the support of the Malays. Umno is in total denial of this fact.

There have been just too many compromises. The problem is that Sabahans have made the compromises, but the government keeps demanding for more and more. When will it ever stop? Today, Christians in Sabah might have to drop the usage of Allah because they burned churches. What about tomorrow? What if they demand Sabahan Christians stop displaying crucifixes outside churches? What if they demand that churches stop ringing bells? What if they demand more and more things which would altogether wipe out the Christian faith and identity?

Are we going to compromise and keep on compromising? — advocateviews.blogspot.com

* This article is the personal opinion of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.



Malaysia as a role model of what not to do — Rusaslina Idrus

JAN 15 — Malaysia has once again set itself as a benchmark. This time a benchmark of what not to emulate: following recent attacks on churches in Malaysia, Indonesian Muslim organisations called on their followers not to copy the attacks that took place in Malaysia.

The chairman of Indonesia’s Muhammadiyah, Dr Din Syamsuddin, was reported in The Straits Times as saying, “We have issued a reminder to all our members and Muslims at large to be tolerant and not to be influenced by what is happening in Malaysia.”

In response to a Malaysian High Court ruling on Dec 31 overturning the ban against the use of the word “Allah” by the Herald, nine churches have been attacked by firebombs or vandalised in Malaysia in the past week.

Malaysia, up until more recent events, had been a shining example of a moderate Muslim country. Religious tolerance and ethnic diversity were proud markers of identity for the nation.

Malaysians proudly point out to foreign tourists that mosques, temples, and churches can very often be found on the same street. Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, and Christmas are celebrated with equal vigour.

Muslims in Malaysia get upset reading about violence elsewhere perpetrated in the name of Islam. We shake our heads at religious conflicts in the Middle East and South Asia, and even Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.

Muslims in Malaysia lament about how these countries are giving Islam a bad name. Malaysians are grateful we are not such. Recent events, however, have changed this. From the cow’s head incident — in which a Muslim mob desecrated the head of a cow, a sacred animal for Hindus, in protest over the construction of a Hindu temple nearby — to the alarming attacks on churches in the recent furore over the use of “Allah” by Christians, Malaysia sadly has now turned from being a role model of tolerance to a model of intolerance.

There has been widespread and continued global coverage of the developments in Malaysia. Earlier this week, the BBC reported “Malaysia church attacks continue in use of ‘Allah’” row; The Washington Post reads “Church attacks in Malaysia deepen racial tension”; Reuters UK posted “Malaysian Christians fearful as church attacks rise”. An article in the Guardian titled “Malaysian church attacked with firebombs” quoted one of the 300 Muslim protestors who gathered last Friday to protest the High Court judgment stating, “We can fight to the death over this issue.”

This is how the world is viewing Malaysia: a church-burning, intolerant, Muslim country.

The heinous acts carried out by a small extremist minority have given Muslims in Malaysia a bad name, and not only that, Malaysia has turned into one of “those” Muslim countries that gives everyone else in the Islamic world a bad name.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was compelled to issue a press statement commending the Malaysian High Court decision and called on to the Malaysian government “to maintain the tradition of tolerance and uphold the religious freedom of Christians and to let the court ruling stand.”

ISNA also urged “Muslim NGOs to respect Islamic teachings and long-held Islamic traditions, and to withdraw their opposition to the use of the word ‘Allah’ by their Christian compatriots.”

Most Malaysians are appalled by the church attacks. It is encouraging to note many Muslim organisations and leaders in Malaysia have publicly repudiated the attacks, calling it the work of an extremist set.

There are varying theories as to who might be behind these attacks and speculations continue as Malaysians shake their heads in disbelief that such things can happen in our peace-loving country. Yet, what is clear is that these acts did not occur in a vacuum.

While the government has publicly renounced the attacks and affirmed religious freedom in the country, the fact of the matter is that an environment of racial and religious intolerance has been seething in the backdrop — with government actions, at times, throwing fuel into the fire. Lina Joy, Moorthy, Kartika, and the cow’s head incident, are a few of the examples of rising religious intolerance in this country.

While Muslims in Malaysia are angry at the acts of violence carried out this past week, many continue to shout protest against the use of the word “Allah”, murmuring conspiracy of stealth proselytizing by Christians insisting on the right to use the word “Allah.”

Many continue to reject the fact that Malay Muslims do not have copyright on “Allah”— an Arabic word that means “God”— and that this word has long been used by Christians in Arab speaking and Arabic language influenced countries. The first complete Bible in Malay printed in 1733 used the word “Allah” as did subsequent versions over the centuries.

Earlier this week, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom called for church leaders to withdraw from using “Allah” urging them “to be wary and responsible toward peace and security in Malaysia.” This call is not only shocking but irresponsible; acquiescing to the demands of the Muslim extremist signals positive affirmation to acts of violence.

Next time an opinion differs over inter-faith matters, another firebomb will be dropped. It is a slippery slope from here. Thank Allah that no one was hurt (physically); we may not be so lucky next time.

Malaysians need to stand up and stop this spiral of intolerance and hatred. We need to do more than renounce the attacks and shake our heads at the news, we need to reject the politicization of faith, we need to say no to politicians using religion as a divide and rule strategy, and we need to be open to interfaith relations instead of being suspicious of others. Only then can we return to a country known as a model of plurality and tolerance, rather than a church-burning country.

* The author is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

* This article is the personal opinion of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.



UMNO just dug a fresh grave to signal another downfall in their next GE... Well done lah Najib!!!


UMNO just dug a fresh grave to signal another downfall in their next GE... Well done lah Najib!!!

DUCK !!!

Inside the “mastermind” of church and temple attacks

By Pak Bui

Imagine you are the UMNO “mastermind” of the attacks on Christian churches and the Sikh temple.

Suppose you want to incite the Malays to rage. Suppose you wish to distract Malay voters from the vast amounts of money stolen from them, and future generations, through the PKFZ and other scams.

Perhaps you can see that Malays have become exposed to a greater breadth and depth of information, thanks to internet news portals, blogs, sms-es and the rise of a true alternative option in Pakatan.

You may have noticed that Pakatan governments in five states, for all their faults, ran smoothly and were far less corrupt than previous UMNO-dominated incarnations.

You note that MCA, Gerakan and MIC have been reduced to puny political midgets, and are absorbed in factional fighting.

You are shaken by loss after loss in by-elections to PKR and PAS. You are worried by cohesion shown by Pakatan Rakyat in coming up with an impressive Common Policy Framework, against tremendous odds.

The internet is drowning out your half-century-long, dreary, predictable, bigoted monologue in the mainstream media.

Your minions in Malaysia’s institutions, which you think are your institutions, have caused endless scandals.

Malaysians have been witnesses to deaths in custody of young, defenceless Malaysians like Teoh Beng Hock, 30, andKugan Ananthan, 22. UMNO servants have indulged their bloodlust in the savage beating of detainees like Adi Anwar Mansor, 23, and have turned Malays and non-Malays alike against the police and the MACC.

Jet engines have been stolen from the Ministry of Defence. This is your favourite ministry, long considered your cash cow, from which immense amounts of money can be carted away in the name of ‘national security’. Even the scraps given to an Abdul Razak Baginda for an arms deal can come up to RM530 million, plus change.

You can see UMNO’s dominance ebbing away. Your opportunity to print, steal, beg and borrow other people’s money is at threat.

What would you do?

You might play up a ban on a religious issue. This would, you hope, split PAS from its partners in Pakatan. It would provide, you surmise, a rallying cry for Malays to support your time-honoured mantra of ‘bangsa, agama dan negara’ – racial, religious and national prejudice.

If your ban is overturned by a High Court decision, ignore the judiciary as usual, and blow up the issue in Utusan and the rest of your mainstream media.

Get some vicious racist blogger to say the issue cannot be resolved by the court. (You run a real risk of losing and being humiliated, if you follow the rule of law and the constitution).

After all, UMNO is in charge, even of the courts.

Encourage misguided and ignorant louts to demonstrate, in contempt of court. Announce that you cannot stop people from protesting.

A well-placed Molotov cocktail, a few stones, or a splash of paint, could spark off a racial and religious conflagration, you hope. Any retaliation might then allow you to impose widespread ISA arrests, and perhaps even emergency rule.

When a rabid protestor, identifying himself as ‘Suhaimi’, screams ‘Bakar gereja!’ (‘burn churches!’) during a public demonstration, ensure the police look the other way.

If an annoying journalist points out that the Islamic Society of North America has stated that Muslims, Christians and Jews all worship the same God, get your goon to say that Isna may have said this “because they are a minority”, as if you can say or do anything you want if you are in the majority.

Get your chief of police to say the government cannot protect churches, and to recommend churches hire private security guards instead.

Watch the fun unfold.

If some stupid copycats get in on the act, throwing bricks at a church in Miri, you should not let it distract you from your main aim, of constructing the illusion of ‘ketuanan Melayu’ or Malay domination.

If the Christians don’t react violently, you can always try to goad other religions: Sikhs, maybe Hindus. Check Wikipedia or Facebook for ideas.

What is things don’t go to plan?

But what if the Malays do not show an enthusiastic response, as you hope for? What if Malays and other races simply ignore your instigation, and go on with their lives as usual? Will you have to contemplate increasing the stakes by staging some attack on a Muslim religious building? Watch this space.

Do not let your disappointment show, because PAS refused to play along with your religious rabble-rousing. Ratchet up the tension some more, and hope for the cracks in PAS to widen.

You can count on like-minded people like Zulkifli Noordin, PKR MP, to drive the wedge in.

Feel free to involve the royalty in Selangor, as you did in Perak. Perhaps your supporters can appeal to the Sultan of Selangor to issue a statement that the use of the word ‘Allah’ is only for Muslims.

Above all, ignore the real issue in question, the use of the word ‘Allah’ in Christian publications. Threaten Anwar Ibrahim for starting interfaith discussions, and forbid religious bodies from discussing the use of the word ‘Allah’ altogether. If interfaith dialogue succeeds, some solution may be found, and all your hard work will be lost.

At the end of the day, you can sleep sound, safe in the knowledge that Malay unity can be restored. Try not to think too much about the risks to the future of a country, built up by so many generations of Malaysians, hard work, and mutual respect in race and religion.

Console yourself that you can still rely on Sabah and Sarawak voters in the next general election. Your Barisan allies in Sabah and Sarawak will keep the natives quiet. You can always buy votes among the poor natives there, you tell yourself.

Or can you?



Hishammuddin Hussein

isn't this the clown that wave a kris knife and proclaimed that he wants to bath in chinese blood?


dun yah yah!

those who fan the flames of fire are highly intelligent people who thinks too much to protect their self interests...not some dumb mats in the country who just react accordingly to the flames...


Hishammuddin Hussein

isn't this the clown that wave a kris knife and proclaimed that he wants to bath in chinese blood?

No, that was Najib, the Crime Minister and since been upgraded from that little wavy dagger to C4 explosive. Hishamuddin is his idiotic cousin.


who needs terrorists like Mas Selamat when you have Najib Abdullah? :biggrin:

Err... Mas Selamat is just another John Doe in Kamunting.
Kamunting seems to like him too. :biggrin:

On the other hand, Singapore's ISD got its hands on Najib's balls, hahhaa...