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WHO will be WP's next SECRET WEAPON in next Erection?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I will just do this first and last favour for record purpose. Otherwise people say I cop out at the first time.

Make noise appropriately !:
November 13, 2012 at 9:29 pm (Quote)
@Yong Siew Wah
WP has license to make their presence appropriately in Parliament and is broadcast in Main Stream Media
Have you heard empty vessels make the most noise !

November 13, 2012 at 9:53 pm (Quote)
They are keeping up their ground game. If you have not noticed, this was Obama’s strategy as well. What’s the point of coming up with national policy proposals when no one is listening.

November 13, 2012 at 10:31 pm (Quote)
From his remarks it is clear that Mr Yoong has little idea as to what it takes to win seats against the PAP. The SDP has long had the greatest online presence, yet among 6 oppo parties at the last GE it was ranked 4th. ‘Nuff said!

November 13, 2012 at 10:33 pm (Quote)
I think WP is doing a great job and I will continue to vote for them. In fact, I will vote for anyone or anything that is against PAP. Period!

November 13, 2012 at 10:36 pm (Quote)
Well i am a supporter, but i don’t have this question on my mind.
WP keep all their activities away from the media. only the ppl who benefits from it will know.

November 13, 2012 at 10:43 pm (Quote)
I am actually quite impressed by the WP refusals to oppose for the sake of opposing. This principle resonates with many conservative Singaporeans. It is impossible for a party to attract all the diverse groups of people with their different political leanings out there. Instead, WP is trying to target the largest possible group and wow them as its supporters.

November 13, 2012 at 10:44 pm (Quote)
So many “nicks” from ‘The Termasek Times’ coming over to TRE to attack WP post, as usual.

November 14, 2012 at 12:53 am (Quote)
I lol-ed at some of the comments here. Apparently some pple cannot see that this Oh-wp-is-so-quiet-recently strategy is just another trick came up by the pappies.
Remember, if you cannot convince, confuse.

November 14, 2012 at 5:02 am (Quote)
I think it was about 2 weeks ago, the Workers’ Party had a big party at the Eunos market and hawker center. All the top brass from the Chairman down including Ah Huat were there. The crowd was so large that it was like a carnival. An hour or so the MIW (or woman-in-white) with her big gang of trolls came and join in the fun.
So who said the WP kept a low profile?

November 14, 2012 at 7:22 am (Quote)
I do believe the WP do ask pertinent questions and make CREDIBLE speeches in Parliament.
Their Modus Operande seems to be working the gound daily to garner support and help their supporters in the various wards and make an impact when the time arrives.
Less said is less Boo Boo more work is more results,in a way its like silent achieving.
GE results had proven them right.
What WP need is a PR or Propaganda arm that talk sense on current issues.

WP IS Doing Great:
November 14, 2012 at 4:37 pm (Quote)
I beg to differ with Yoong. WP is actually doing great in Aljunied and HG. They, in their low profile and hardworking manner, have work the ground very well in their constituencies. As for singaporeans in other constituencies, serve them right for returning the majority power to the PAP. There is really no point for the WP to make alot of noise at this point as six seats cannot change anything in Parliament. if you are sharp, PAP is not coming with any new policies. They are busily claiming to be fixing old problems.We will see if they fix these “old” problems which I do not think they can.

November 14, 2012 at 5:22 pm (Quote)
For those who still think that opposition parties such as WP, SDP or NSP are not doing anything, it only shows that the PAP’s manipulation of the MSM is still in effect. WP did asked some hard hitting questions in the parliament, but PAP style of talking among themselves and media control totally blackout WP involvement. FYI, public are allow to sit in during parliament, please go down and take a look and see for yourself.

November 14, 2012 at 9:04 pm (Quote)
WP has being running on a very steep learning curve on the management of a huge area. So it’s only wise that the WP MPs paid more attentions to this task first.
I believe once they’re more familar with the operations (remember how PAP put big obstacles even in the hand-over exercise), the WP MPs will then have more times for ‘national issues’.
So I’m glad WP is doingthe right thing the right way.
What’s the point of making noise in parliament if the areas under their charge are not cleaned. This will affects the residents more.
Anyway, even now with a few more oppositions in parliament, it’s far from enough to put a dent on the PAP armour.
SO first thing first is the right approach.

Do go ahead and use this thread in future. Because contrary to what you think, I think this thread is favourable to me.

Lastly, I think you are (to no surprise) slowly, gradually and unnoticeable (to some) shifting the point away. I said WP raised wider, more and more diverse issues than SDP. Never said about being more fiery, vocal. If vocal, SDP still lose to RP.


Do go ahead and use this thread in future. Because contrary to what you think, I think this thread is favourable to me.

Lastly, I think you are (to no surprise) slowly, gradually and unnoticeable (to some) shifting the point away. I said WP raised wider, more and more diverse issues than SDP. Never said about being more fiery, vocal. If vocal, SDP still lose to RP.

hello we are not thru with this thread, so how it is going to be favorable to you is yet to be seen.

I have always maintained that WP is a wayang party. Not vocal enuf. Hardly voicing out and fighting for the people. Real important issues are not raised or challenged to some satisfactory conclusion. Where are they when you need them?

WP raising wider, more and more diverse issues than SDP is not the issue here. We can debate this till the cows come home and it will never end.

Let's set the agenda straight. The last time we were discussing who was more fiery of the two. Now in this thread, the issue is whether WP is speaking up for the people. Ok I submit that SDP is more fervently and fiercely, speaking up for the people. WP is second best or not at all!

If you agree with the above premise, lets continue. If not, please dun waste my time.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You have to quote anonymous comments from TRE to bolster your position? Tonight is a slow night so I'll entertain you.

Firstly you have to stop visiting that lunatic site and lifting comments from there. I thought you should be long enough in cyberspace to know their track record. Not exactly high on the credibility scale, to put it VERY mildly. The astroturfting there is phenomenal. That site was an anti WP site from day one, no matter how many times it has changed hands. They have a vested interest in being anti WP, and its not for the sake of advancing the opposition. So please, do yourself a favour first and stop quoting from there.

Secondly, we are interested in results at this stage of the game. Who can capture the hearts and minds of voters and win more seats is the party that can best pressure the PAP to change. Basic pragmatism. When we have achieved a truly plural Parliament, then we can trash each other to bits and talk about highfalutin ideals like human rights.

Thirdly, I've already told you before that your online conduct reflects on SDP because you have clearly identified yourself as a staunch supporter. It is therefore incumbent on you that you keep a check on your own conduct. I'm not saying you've crossed the line into trolling. Not yet. But you're not that far from that line, and it won't look good on SDP should you cross that.

Just look at tonychat, His very presence and his identification with SDP is a liability to SDP. Anyone who hates SDP should love that guy. He's a real asset to the establishment.

You need more? Next time you come around and debate me again that WP is more firebrand or vocal than the SDP, I am going to shove this thread in your face!

We are only just starting... with TRE, and you couldn't even produce ONE to say WP has been very VOCAL. You are a letdown for all to see. Take on someone lesser, a baby for instance, if you are not going to be a match for me.

Be like the WP, go and wayang some more!


Bro, your advice is noted.

Fyi, I've never been a member of any political parties. Bro, if you or tanWP are WP members, then both of you are in a different status from the rest of us here.

Since I do not hold any political affiliation, I express my views as any patriotic citizen. There are certain values and beliefs such as human rights, individual freedom, rule of law, justice and fairness, etc which I hold true. To those parties who are fighting for the ppl, their rights and freedom, I choose to identify with them.

They can be WP, SDP, RP and so forth. I used to be a fervent supporter of the WP. But lately, after seeing their wayang and inertia, I am partial towards them. I will support the party who is fearless and prepared to go all out to fight for the ppl. The WP of today, is not looking like it will be the ONE.

My fervent hope is for WP to be that ONE. But if they are not living up to the expectation of sinkies searching for a better life, then it is time they take stock of themselves. I wish the WP well.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Fyi, I've never been a member of any political parties. Bro, if you or tanWP are WP members, then both of you are in a different status from the rest of us here.

It's nothing to do with WP or SDP. I just find it deceptive not to distinguish between speaking on an amount of issues, and speaking in a loud and fiery manner. The 2 are not the same.

To what I have seen, the definition of being loud and fiery is often really rude and uncouth.
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It's nothing to do with WP or SDP. I just find it deceptive not to distinguish between speaking on an amount of issues, and speaking in a loud and fiery manner. The 2 are not the same.

To what I have seen, the definition of being loud and fiery is often really rude and uncouth.

Ah there you go again... ! Subtlely manipulating to "speaking on an amount of issues, and speaking in a loud and fiery manner."

The issue before us is not speaking on an amount of issues, or speaking in a loud and fiery manner. It is the silence, the quietness or hardly heard refrain from the WP that makes ppl annoyed! We all sat up and took notice when WP time and again, ignored issues close to the heart of sinkies!

This what we are unhappy about... their bo chap attitude. Being as quiet as a mouse.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The issue before us is not speaking on an amount of issues, or speaking in a loud and fiery manner. It is the silence, the quietness or hardly heard refrain from the WP that makes ppl annoyed! We all sat up and took notice when WP time and again, ignored issues close to the heart of sinkies!

This what we are unhappy about... their bo chap attitude. Being as quiet as a mouse.

Look at what you are saying here and let me summarize: WP is quiet, but speaking up loudly or abundantly is not the judgement criteria.

You are totally confused. Your bias made you so.


Look at what you are saying here and let me summarize: WP is quiet, but speaking up loudly or abundantly is not the judgement criteria.

You are totally confused. Your bias made you so.

You are really confused. What is the judgement criteria?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The CSJ megaphone incident will tarnish CSJ's image in the eyes of most people, but he will still have his many supporters that believe that that was the right way to go. Naturally, they would be the most vocal ones. In the end, what matters most are the votes, and it is pretty clear from the numbers that Singaporeans as a whole prefer WP's way of doing things than SDP's way.

What I don't understand is why so many people think that both parties should do it the WP way or both should do it the SDP way. I think it is actually more effective on a whole to have WP and SDP doing what they are doing now. Everyone knows how effective the good cop/bad cop routine is, and this is pretty much what is happening here.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are really confused. What is the judgement criteria?

You are the one judging WP. Why ask me?

But I know that any judgement criteria has got to be logical and consistently applied.
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Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Much better, bro methink.

Nope I'm not a member of any party but I can't speak for tanwp as I don't know him. But even if we are, I think our points still stand. And if we are identified as party members, then our online conduct will become much curtailed.

WP has always been a grassroots party. The work is not reported for obvious reasons. I know SDP has been doing grassroots work -- and its also not reported, again for obvious reasons.

Between the two, WP has been more media savvy. They have also made far fewer blunders over the years.

When WP speaks about issues it is always speaking to the voters, not to the government. The issues raised are tailored for the people, not for its own members' beliefs. I think that's the distinction between WP and SDP.

Those who have pressing issues that WP did not address will feel they are being sidelined, like you are. But its the majority that count.

Bro, your advice is noted.

Fyi, I've never been a member of any political parties. Bro, if you or tanWP are WP members, then both of you are in a different status from the rest of us here.

Since I do not hold any political affiliation, I express my views as any patriotic citizen. There are certain values and beliefs such as human rights, individual freedom, rule of law, justice and fairness, etc which I hold true. To those parties who are fighting for the ppl, their rights and freedom, I choose to identify with them.

They can be WP, SDP, RP and so forth. I used to be a fervent supporter of the WP. But lately, after seeing their wayang and inertia, I am partial towards them. I will support the party who is fearless and prepared to go all out to fight for the ppl. The WP of today, is not looking like it will be the ONE.

My fervent hope is for WP to be that ONE. But if they are not living up to the expectation of sinkies searching for a better life, then it is time they take stock of themselves. I wish the WP well.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Much better, bro methink.

Nope I'm not a member of any party but I can't speak for tanwp as I don't know him. But even if we are, I think our points still stand. And if we are identified as party members, then our online conduct will become much curtailed.

WP has always been a grassroots party. The work is not reported for obvious reasons. I know SDP has been doing grassroots work -- and its also not reported, again for obvious reasons.

Between the two, WP has been more media savvy. They have also made far fewer blunders over the years.

When WP speaks about issues it is always speaking to the voters, not to the government. The issues raised are tailored for the people, not for its own members' beliefs. I think that's the distinction between WP and SDP.

Those who have pressing issues that WP did not address will feel they are being sidelined, like you are. But its the majority that count.

You missed the biggest point, that is expectation. Even if there are little differences between WP and SDP, these differences will be exaggerated because WP has 8 seats and SDP zero. Hence people got more expectation of WP. The attacks on them will be more even if they have done better than SDP.

I understand this and am not rushing to defend them all the time. Occasionally I just get irritated by a blatant lie or 2 and respond. I leave most of them alone. Those who put up silly arguments, that I ignore. People like Skpunggol, Tonychat, Wmulew and Kinana, I ignore nearly all the time.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
You are really confused. What is the judgement criteria?

The judgment criterion is who are the audience. In the case of SDP in SDP organised seminars, staunched hardcore SDP supporters. At WP gatherings, ordinary citizens.


Occasionally I just get irritated by a blatant lie or 2 and respond. I leave most of them alone.

So when the quietness of WP was brought up here, that is a blatant lie you are implying?

Btw, are we still going on to the various grounds? Or you are now agreeing and have conceded to the idea of an all too quiet WP who have not been vocal enuf in fighting for the ppl?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Not sure why people actually believe that WP are being 'quiet'.
If you look at the actual parliament transcripts, you will see they have been actively participating in debates and asking questions in the Q&A sessions.

Just because the main stream media has been keeping quiet about WP's activities doesn't mean that WP has been quiet. Of all people you should know that the MSM is biased.