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Who Wants to Migrate to a Stupid Place like this?


nabei avoid Oz land of racist, tax, high cost of living and now nonsense like this...


That potty mouth could cost you $240 Down Under

Published On Wed Jun 01 201

Debra Black Staff Reporter

Be careful what you say and how you behave when you’re travelling Down Under: police in the Australian state of Victoria have the right to fine you about $240 for indecent language.

For the past three years the police have been able to issue fines or infringement notices on the spot to anyone they catch engaging in offensive behaviour and or swearing as part of a trial project.

Now Victoria’s Parliament is considering making it a permanent law, writes the Attorney General for the state, Robert Clark, in an email to the Star.

“The police have had the power to issue on the spot fines for indecent language since 2008 and the trial has worked well to date to give the police more power to deal effectively with those who behave obnoxiously in public places and make things unpleasant for others around them,” Clark said in his email.

The legislation makes no changes to the definition of what is indecent language or obnoxious behaviour, he added. “Court rulings have made clear that what amounts to indecent language is to be judged by contemporary standards.”

But the legislation is not aimed at those who stub their toe or bang their thumb with a hammer and shout out a lewd expression by accident, rather it is part of a wider law-and-order campaign.

Police usually give out these fines for “inappropriate, loud-mouthed and foul behaviour that is out of place and is upsetting and distressing to others,” he explained.

But the legislation allows – as is the case with all infringement notices or fines in Victoria – anyone who has received a fine can ask for the matter to be heard in court.


Alfrescian (Inf)
nabei avoid Oz land of racist, tax, high cost of living and now nonsense like this...


That potty mouth could cost you $240 Down Under

Published On Wed Jun 01 201

Debra Black Staff Reporter

Be careful what you say and how you behave when you’re travelling Down Under: police in the Australian state of Victoria have the right to fine you about $240 for indecent language.

For the past three years the police have been able to issue fines or infringement notices on the spot to anyone they catch engaging in offensive behaviour and or swearing as part of a trial project.

WTF? I was caught swearing because of this stupid car doing a hook turn and the Vic police lady just ask me to calm down and we have a nice chat about the weather. Aussie polices are a lot more reasonable than the Malaysia Mata! :biggrin:

I think the first nonsense is putting Tin Pei Ling to a $15k/month job from trolls with No U-turn Syndrome. Trolls who are starting to reappear in this forum to obey PAP advice to fuck Singapore migrants. Right, londoncabby?

hahaha. I am enjoying this.
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Alfrescian (Inf)


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CHEEBYE neddy,

this month you did not pay your ex-wife maintenance $$ again. fuck u. faster pay up, dun be so 'smelly chow kuan'

KNNB stop pretending to be successful in aussie when you didn't even have the capability or integrity to pay up what u owe.


Poverty in Australia

A 15 month-long Australian Senate inquiry, entitled “A hand up not a hand out: Renewing the fight against poverty”, identifies a continuing decline in income for many poor households and emphasises the central role of employment opportunities in tackling poverty. It highlights these points:

Twenty-one per cent of Australians — about 3.6 million people — live on less than $A400 per week, which is $31 less than the full-time minimum wage

The Democrats believe that the level of poverty in Australia is unacceptable. The wealth gap between the rich and poor in Australia has grown over the past decade. Despite more than a decade of continual economic growth, this prosperity has left many in middle Australia standing still and many of the poorest worse off.

In recent times, the Government has even pushed through legislation which is directly contributing to higher poverty by reducing the incomes of many sole parents and people with disabilities.

Who is affected by Poverty?
> Indigenous Peoples
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to be the most disadvantaged group in Australia. More >>
> Women and sole parents
Elderly single women and female sole parents are over represented in groups living on low incomes. More >>
> Children
The rate of poverty amongst children is 9.5 per cent, indicating that almost half a million children are living in poverty. More >>
> Young people and students
Poverty among young people is now so widespread that Governments must consider urgent action that goes beyond current policies. More >>
> People with disabilities
Poverty is particularly prevalent amongst people who have a disability. More >>
> Migrants and Refugees (thats refering u losers here
Migrants and refugee communities face multiple disadvantages upon their arrival in Australia. More >>
> The Ageing population
Australians aged over 65 years are concentrated at the bottom of the income spectrum. More >>

> Homeless People
The estimated number of homeless people in Australia on Census night in 2001 was 100 000. More >>
> Rural and Regional communities
The factors influencing disadvantage in these communities include limited employment opportunities and a lack of services. More >>

Aussie Prick

nabei avoid Oz land of racist, tax, high cost of living and now nonsense like this...


That potty mouth could cost you $240 Down Under

Published On Wed Jun 01 201

Debra Black Staff Reporter

Be careful what you say and how you behave when you’re travelling Down Under: police in the Australian state of Victoria have the right to fine you about $240 for indecent language.

For the past three years the police have been able to issue fines or infringement notices on the spot to anyone they catch engaging in offensive behaviour and or swearing as part of a trial project.

WTF? I was caught swearing because of this stupid car doing a hook turn and the Vic police lady just ask me to calm down and we have a nice chat about the weather. Aussie polices are a lot more reasonable than the Malaysia Mata! :biggrin:

I think the first nonsense is putting Tin Pei Ling to a $15k/month job from trolls with No U-turn Syndrome. Trolls who are starting to reappear in this forum to obey PAP advice to fuck Singapore migrants. Right, londoncabby?

hahaha. I am enjoying this.

Why do you automatically assume a "troll" is responsible whenever a negative thread appears concerning the country of your domicile (Australia)?

Such bizarre backwards typical Singaporean behavior makes me wonder what the point is in migrating? You behave just like a Singaporean, except you are now overseas spreading this "counterculture".

I pity those around you - poor Australians!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Wah! My last contribution before I go on vacation, since I am in a happy mood. hahaha!

Just remember one thing, in Singapore, you are screwed - you have no choice. You do not even have a free press. In western countries, we screw the nonsense from govt ministers.

In 2009:

Straits Times, Feb 10:

SINGAPOREANS could consider living in nursing homes in neighbouring Johor Baru, Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan suggested yesterday.

It would be cheaper, yet be near enough to Singapore for family members to visit and for residents to return for medical care if necessary, he said.

He told Parliament yesterday that he recently visited a site in Johor Baru where a Singaporean investor was planning to build a 200-bed nursing home.

He asked the investor about the costs involved, and was stunned at how low they were.

He said: ‘It is mind-boggling. The cost of land and construction cost is so low that my cost of putting up just a polyclinic (in Singapore) is probably more than his cost of putting up a 200-bed nursing home (in Johor Baru).

‘The monthly cost of keeping a resident in a private nursing home in Singapore, you can stretch it easily to pay at least 2-1/2 months of nursing home care in Johor Baru.’

If any medical problems cropped up, the elderly could be taken back to Singapore by ambulance, he said.

For most Singaporeans, visiting a relative in a Johor Baru nursing home would not pose significant difficulties, he said.

The investor, who is a nursing home chief executive, told him that many people visited their relatives weekly, even in nursing homes in Singapore.

Mr Khaw added: ‘Of course many visit daily, but quite a significant number visit only during the weekends, so what is the difference in putting them in Johor Baru?’
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Aussie Prick

Wah! My last contribution before I go on vacation, since I am in a happy mood. hahaha!

Just remember one thing, in Singapore, you are screwed - you have no choice. You do not even have a free press. In western countries, we screw the nonsense from govt ministers.

In 2009:

Straits Times, Feb 10:

SINGAPOREANS could consider living in nursing homes in neighbouring Johor Baru, Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan suggested yesterday.

It would be cheaper, yet be near enough to Singapore for family members to visit and for residents to return for medical care if necessary, he said.

He told Parliament yesterday that he recently visited a site in Johor Baru where a Singaporean investor was planning to build a 200-bed nursing home.

He asked the investor about the costs involved, and was stunned at how low they were.

He said: ‘It is mind-boggling. The cost of land and construction cost is so low that my cost of putting up just a polyclinic (in Singapore) is probably more than his cost of putting up a 200-bed nursing home (in Johor Baru).

‘The monthly cost of keeping a resident in a private nursing home in Singapore, you can stretch it easily to pay at least 2-1/2 months of nursing home care in Johor Baru.’

If any medical problems cropped up, the elderly could be taken back to Singapore by ambulance, he said.

For most Singaporeans, visiting a relative in a Johor Baru nursing home would not pose significant difficulties, he said.

The investor, who is a nursing home chief executive, told him that many people visited their relatives weekly, even in nursing homes in Singapore.

Mr Khaw added: ‘Of course many visit daily, but quite a significant number visit only during the weekends, so what is the difference in putting them in Johor Baru?’

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying all along. Only a true blue Sinkee with PAP roots, PAP mentality could possibly respond to my post with some irrelevant cost of nursing in SG retort.

Its like the Sunshine there is wasted on you.

Its like there's no benefit to the Australian rule of law or free press or Locksian Civil liberties.

Its really sad.


Who Wants to Migrate to a Stupid Place like this?

Sinkees who don't believe in Freedom of Speech.

In America, swearing in public is guaranteed by the First Amendment.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Who Wants to Migrate to a Stupid Place like this?

Sinkees who don't believe in Freedom of Speech.

In America, swearing in public is guaranteed by the First Amendment.

(from neddy in holiday mood.)

now that is one **beep** nice amendment
at least i know what the **beep** truth in what you wrote :biggrin:
am i **beep** hearing this **beep** **beep** **beep**


when are singaporeans going to nursing homes in m'sia? housing price too expensive in singapore now. i will shoot khaw when he turn up in usa - guaranteed by 2nd amendment
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Aussie Prick

well at least we know who the troll is now.

and pls keep up the cost of nursing in Singapore as a viable topic here on the forums. Perhaps I might inquire how much social security in Australia is costing the taxpayers.

uh oh.


Pls go ahead pity us.. Spread your pessimistic views on mining and our economy. haha. Now you simply just curse and wish we are poor. Haha.

Why do you automatically assume a "troll" is responsible whenever a negative thread appears concerning the country of your domicile (Australia)?

Such bizarre backwards typical Singaporean behavior makes me wonder what the point is in migrating? You behave just like a Singaporean, except you are now overseas spreading this "counterculture".

I pity those around you - poor Australians!

Aussie Prick

Pls go ahead pity us.. Spread your pessimistic views on mining and our economy. haha. Now you simply just curse and wish we are poor. Haha.

Mining accounts for 9% of all Australian GDP you deranged fool

And try not to curse in public - the local LE might hit you up with a fine, Singapore -style.

Get a life for god's sake.
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Yes ! I am getting on with my life nice and well. All pessimistic views are much appreciated. Although, I can't see any negative right now :biggrin::p:wink::rolleyes:

Pls go ahead pity us.. Spread your pessimistic views on mining and our economy. haha. Now you simply just curse and wish we are poor. Haha.

Mining accounts for 9% of all Australian GDP you deranged fool

And try not to curse in public - the local LE might hit you up with a fine, Singapore -style.

Get a life for god's sake.

Aussie Prick

Tell that to the Australian housing market. My god such bad news these days. Hope you don't loose too much money like you did in Brisbane. Oh wait, that's right you equate happiness with material gain.


Wah! My last contribution before I go on vacation, since I am in a happy mood. hahaha!


dumbfuck neddy,

dun get con by china mei mei again ok.:biggrin:

Been there a few times. For historial, sceneric & culture.
Conned by the locals as well, from fake Olympic souvenirs to silk duvet covers.
Conned into tea brick investment.
Spent over $10,000 seeing Beijing TongRenTang doctors.
Special VIP treatment, thanks to Chan Bros Travel boss.
Hotspring resort with China concubines are the best.


thats you neddy. see your own post :

Conned by the locals as well, from fake Olympic souvenirs to silk duvet covers. (dumb:biggrin:)
Conned into tea brick investment. (dumber:rolleyes:)
Spent over $10,000 seeing Beijing TongRenTang doctors. (wow. out of the dumb scale:eek:)
I was travelling alone after my divorce:( pathetic.

why u edited that part about traveling alone after your divorce. too ashame huh:biggrin:


Tell that to the Australian housing market. My god such bad news these days. Hope you don't loose too much money like you did in Brisbane. Oh wait, that's right you equate happiness with material gain.

Bro, I bought my chicken at $400/head.. now it is selling for $1000/head. Best of all, it gave birth to another chicken. How can I possibly "lose" money ?

Warren Buffet Rule Number 1 : Never lose money
Warren Buffet Rule Number 2 : Remember Rule Number 1

So what's new ? Anymore pessimistic scenario ?