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US Economy Booming under Joe Biden Almost 1 Million Jobs Created in March!



A healthy outlook on life is also a reflection on one's inner core. If you are functional then your lives would be productive and fruitful. Instead what we see here is an insane person who is mentally ill.

We have many people here whom are ill because of the lies perpetuated by the Republican Party. If you or someone you know watches Fox News, or thinks Trump was a good President we can help.

kindly contact us for an assessment:


Institute of Mental Health
Buangkok Green Medical Park
10 Buangkok View
Singapore 539747


A healthy outlook on life is also a reflection on one's inner core. If you are functional then your lives would be productive and fruitful. Instead what we see here is an insane person who is mentally ill.

We have many people here whom are ill because of the lies perpetuated by the Republican Party. If you or someone you know watches Fox News, or thinks Trump was a good President we can help.

kindly contact us for an assessment:


Institute of Mental Health
Buangkok Green Medical Park
10 Buangkok View
Singapore 539747

Mostly the sick in the head people are Republicans.


And what is wrong with destroying the economy? This is good news, as we want a world of pain and darkness, not a return to normal happy times, you twit.

Have you seen how much Biden is doing to fix our mess? He is creating jobs, vaccinating the country, reopening travel, securing stimulus for his citizens, making sure businesses can function, making life normal again, and for what?

We love the Pandemic, and the pain and misery our Messiah Trump caused. Who wants things to return to normal?


Your satire is something else.





U.S. Economy Ramps Up on Spending Surge, Hiring Gains
Government aid, eased business restrictions and warmer weather contribute to jump in spending, manufacturing and pullback in layoffs
The Future of Retail: How Will the Pandemic Change How We Shop?


0:00 / 6:51


The Future of Retail: How Will the Pandemic Change How We Shop?

The Future of Retail: How Will the Pandemic Change How We Shop?
How will the pandemic affect America’s retailers? As states across the nation struggle to return to business, WSJ investigates the evolving retail landscape and how consumers might shop in a post-pandemic world.
Amara Omeokwe
Updated April 15, 2021 11:47 am ET
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00:00 / 02:08

The U.S. economic recovery is accelerating as stimulus money, Covid-19 vaccinations and business re-openings spur a spring surge in consumer spending, a sharp pullback in layoffs and a bounceback in factory output.
Retail sales—a measure of purchases at stores, at restaurants and online—jumped 9.8% in March, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. The gain in consumer spending—the biggest driver of economic activity—came as the government began distributing hundreds of billions of dollars of stimulus funds to households. It was the largest monthly gain since last May, during the initial recovery from lockdowns early in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Separately, nearly 200,000 fewer workers filed for initial unemployment benefits last week. Jobless claims, a proxy for layoffs, fell to 576,000 last week from 769,000 a week earlier, the Labor Department said. While claims are still above levels that prevailed early last year, last week’s figure was the lowest since March 2020. The total number of people receiving benefits also fell across a range of state and federal pandemic-related programs.
The government also reported Thursday that industrial production—a measure of factory, mining and utility output—rebounded in March after a decline in February. Factory output, which rose 2.7% over the month, helped drive the gain.
The economic readings taken together reflect “people going back to work, people seeing more income, people spending. This is a good story about the American economy’s resilience,” said Joseph Brusuelas, chief economist at RSM.


Disgusting. How dare Biden be so effective at leadership? How can he fix the US Economy our Messiah Trump worked so hard to wreck? What makes him think we want a return to normalcy and prosperity?

Must be very irksome to be a Donald Trump supporter now, with all the success of the new guy.


BIden's Success story, over the disaster of Donald Trump


What’s the Secret of Biden’s Success?
The president’s party is finally comfortable in its own skin.

Paul Krugman
By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist
April 19, 2021

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Credit...Angela Weiss/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A new Democratic president has inherited a nation in crisis. His first major policy initiative is a short-term relief bill intended to lead the way out of that crisis. He follows that bill with proposals to address longer-term problems and, if possible, to change American society for the better. His party holds majorities in the House and the Senate, but both of his initiatives face scorched-earth opposition from Republicans.
I could be describing the early months of either the Obama administration or the Biden administration. But there’s one huge difference between them: Even though Barack Obama began his presidency with high personal approval ratings, his policies never had strong public support. Public approval for Joe Biden’s policies, by contrast, is almost surreally high. Why?
To see what I’m talking about, compare polling on the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — with polling on Biden’s American Jobs Plan.
The A.C.A., famously, had negative net approval throughout the Obama years. Its image didn’t improve until the Trump administration tried to kill it, and even then it faced overwhelming disapproval from Republican voters.
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By contrast, Americans approve of the jobs plan by huge margins, and while elected Republicans are dead set against Biden’s proposal, Republican voters on net support it.

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What’s the secret of Biden’s success?
Part of the answer, surely, is identity politics. Let’s be blunt here: The modern version of “only Nixon could go to China” may be “only an old white guy can sell a new New Deal.”
Another factor working in Biden’s favor is the closing of professional Republicans’ minds. Even before conspiracy theories took control, Republican politicians were living in a mental bubble; in many ways the modern G.O.P. is more like a cult than a normal political party.
And at this point Republicans seem so deep in the cult that they’ve forgotten how to talk to outsiders. When they denounce every progressive idea as socialism, declare every center-left politician a Marxist, rant about “job creators” and insist on calling their rival the “Democrat Party,” they’re talking to themselves and persuading nobody.
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If you want to see Republican tone-deafness in action, look at Senator Marsha Blackburn’s recent attack on the jobs plan. It’s not really about infrastructure, she proclaimed; why, it would spend hundreds of billions on elder care. And she apparently imagined that voters would see helping the elderly as a bad thing.
Biden, then, benefits from having a nonthreatening persona and an opposition that has forgotten how to make persuasive policy arguments. But the popularity of Bidenomics also reflects the effectiveness of a party that is far more comfortable in its own skin than it was a dozen years ago.
Unlike Republicans, Democrats are members of a normal political party — basically a mildly center-left party that looks a lot like its counterparts across the free world. In the past, however, Democrats seemed afraid to embrace this identity.
One striking thing about the Obama years, in retrospect, was the deference of Democrats to people who didn’t share their goals. The Obama administration deferred to bankers who warned that anything populist-sounding would undermine confidence and to deficit scolds demanding fiscal austerity. It wasted months on a doomed effort to get Republican support for health reform.
And along with this deference went diffidence, a reluctance to do simple, popular things like giving people money and taxing corporations. Instead, the Obama team tended to favor subtle policies that most Americans didn’t even notice.
Now the deference is gone. Wall Street clearly has a lot less influence this time around; Biden’s economic advisers evidently believe that if you build a better economy, confidence will take care of itself. The obsession with bipartisanship is also gone, replaced with a realistic appreciation of Republican bad faith, which has also made the new administration uninterested in G.O.P. talking points.
And the old diffidence has evaporated. Biden isn’t just going big, he’s going obvious, with highly visible policies rather than behavioral nudges. Furthermore, these forthright policies involve doing popular things. For example, voters have consistently told pollsters that corporations pay too little in taxes; Biden’s team, buoyed by the Trump tax cut’s failure, is willing to give the public what it wants.
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So Biden’s 2021 isn’t playing anything like Obama’s 2009, and Republicans don’t seem to know what hit them.
Of course, polls may change. Public support for the Obama stimulus, never very strong, plunged in the face of a sluggish economic recovery. Voters might sour on Bidenomics, too, if the economy disappoints.
But all indications are that we’re heading for an economic boom, with G.D.P. growing at its fastest rate since 1984. If that happens, Biden’s policies might get even more popular than they are now.
How all of this will translate into votes remains to be seen. But early indications are that Biden has achieved what Obama never did: finding a way to make progressive policies truly popular.
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Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography. @PaulKrugman


Mostly the sick in the head people are Republicans.

We have many people affected, but many of them tend to be brainwashed by right wing politics. We can help those poor souls in most cases, so if you or a family memeber knows of any affected by Fox News, or social media we are available to point out the lies and falsehoods and get them back on track to sanity.

kindly contact us for an assessment:


Institute of Mental Health
Buangkok Green Medical Park
10 Buangkok View
Singapore 539747


Where are the sore losers? Weekly jobless falls again to lowest on record. So sorry to @eatshitndie must be very unhappy with Biden success! LOL!:tongue::tongue::tongue:


US jobless claims fall to 547,000, another pandemic low

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FILE - In this Nov. 19, 2020, file photo, a hiring sign is displayed outside of McDonald's in Buffalo Grove, Ill. On Wednesday, April 14, 2021, McDonald’s said the company will mandate worker training to combat harassment, discrimination and violence in its restaurants worldwide starting in 2022. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of Americans applying for unemployment aid fell last week to 547,000, the lowest point since the pandemic struck and an encouraging sign that layoffs are slowing on the strength of an improving job market.
The Labor Department said Thursday that applications declined 39,000 from a revised 586,000 a week earlier. Weekly jobless claims are down sharply from a peak of 900,000 in early January. At the same time, they’re still far above the roughly 230,000 level that prevailed before the viral outbreak ripped through the economy in March of last year.
“With 135 million Americans having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and the economy opening up more each day, the number of job opportunities will continue to rise,” said James Knightley, chief international economist at ING, a European bank.
About 17.4 million people were continuing to collect unemployment benefits in the week that ended April 3, up from 16.9 million in the previous week. Most of the increase occurred in two states, California and Texas, which process their claims every other week. In California, recipients of a federal program for the long-term unemployed jumped nearly 50%, a sign that the state likely processed a backlog of claims that had been filed earlier.
Still, the number of ongoing recipients has declined by about 2.3 million from early March, when the figure was 19.7 million, evidence that more people are being hired. Some long-term unemployed may have also exhausted all their benefits.

The overall job market has been making steady gains. Last month, the nation’s employers added 916,000 jobs, the most since August, in a sign that a sustained recovery is taking hold. The unemployment rate fell from 6.2% to 6%, well below the pandemic peak of nearly 15%.
The number of available jobs has also jumped in recent weeks, leading many employers to complain that they can’t find enough workers despite still-high unemployment. Several factors may be keeping some of those out of work from searching for jobs. They include fears of contracting the virus, child care needs and the fact that a federal supplemental unemployment benefit of $300 a week, on top of state aid, means that some low-income workers can receive as much or more income from jobless benefits compared with their former job’s pay.
The weekly data on applications for jobless aid is generally seen as a rough measure of layoffs because only people who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own are eligible. But during the pandemic, the numbers have become a less reliable barometer.
States have struggled to clear backlogs of unemployment applications, and suspected fraud has clouded the actual volume of job cuts. In addition, the supplemental federal jobless payment, on top of regular state unemployment aid, might have encouraged more people to apply for benefits.
For now, the economy is showing steady signs of recovering. Sales at retail stores and restaurants soared 10% in March — the biggest increase since last May. Federal stimulus checks of $1,400 have been sent to most adults. And Americans who have kept their jobs have accumulated additional savings, part of which they will likely spend now that states and cities have loosened business restrictions and the virus wanes.
Economic growth is accelerating so fast that the principal concerns surrounding the economy have shifted from a high unemployment rate and anemic spending to bottlenecks in company supply chains and the difficulty some businesses say they are having in finding enough workers.
Those issues, in turn, have fed concerns that the Federal Reserve’s low-interest rate policies could fuel a spike in inflation. Last month, wholesale prices jumped 4.2% compared with a year earlier, the biggest 12-month increase in nearly a decade.
Still, consumer prices are, so far, rising at a more restrained pace. They increased 2.6% in March from a year earlier, mostly because of a jump in gas prices. Excluding the volatile food and energy categories, core inflation rose just 1.6% in the previous 12 months.

Economists expect inflation to rise steadily in the coming months because prices fell about a year ago when the pandemic first hit and the economy largely shut down. That makes comparisons to price levels a year ago look particularly large.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell says he expects that higher inflation to prove temporary and that supply bottlenecks will eventually clear as shipping picks up and factories produce more parts.


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We are aware of the healing effects of the Biden Presidency. Sometimes we ask our patients to sit in front of a TV and the calm voice of the President is all it takes to cure some of their anxiety or stress.

We can help if you have any issues.

kindly contact us for an assessment:


Institute of Mental Health
Buangkok Green Medical Park
10 Buangkok View
Singapore 539747


Yes sir! I too am aware the current Pres is much better, popular than the 2x impeached one term loser ex Pres :roflmao:

We have seen a decrease in mental illness cases since 2020 due to the nett effects of the current President of the United States

The previous occupant caused us to open an entire wing here at the Institute.

Many of them are still here and think Trump won, but as you can see, this is untrue

The inability to see what is real is the definition of insanity.

kindly contact us for an assessment:


Institute of Mental Health
Buangkok Green Medical Park
10 Buangkok View
Singapore 539747