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Thousands of tonnes of dead sardines wash ashore in northern Japan


Thousands of tonnes of dead sardines wash ashore in northern Japan

Sardines and mackerels are seen washed up on a beach in Hakodate, Hokkaido, northern Japan on Dec 7, 2023. - AP

TOKYO: Thousands of tonnes of dead sardines have washed up on a beach in northern Japan for unknown reasons, officials said Friday (Dec 8).

The sardines and some mackerel washed ashore in Hakodate on Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido on Thursday morning, creating a sliver blanket along a stretch of beach about a kilometre (0.6 mile) long.

Local residents said they have never seen anything like it. Some gathered the fish to sell or eat.

The town, in a notice posted on its website, urged residents not to consume the fish.

Takashi Fujioka, a Hakodate Fisheries Research Institute researcher, said he has heard of similar phenomena before, but it was his first time to see it.

He said the fish may have been chased by larger fish, become exhausted due to a lack of oxygen while moving in a densely packed school, and were washed up by the waves. The fish also may have suddenly entered cold waters during their migration, he said.

The decomposing fish could lower oxygen levels in the water and affect the marine environment, he said.

"We don't know for sure under what circumstances these fish were washed up, so I do not recommend” eating them, Fujioka said. - AP


i think a massive earthquake is going to happen soon or mount fuji will finally have a violent eruption


Thousands of tonnes of dead sardines wash ashore in northern Japan

Sardines and mackerels are seen washed up on a beach in Hakodate, Hokkaido, northern Japan on Dec 7, 2023. - AP

TOKYO: Thousands of tonnes of dead sardines have washed up on a beach in northern Japan for unknown reasons, officials said Friday (Dec 8).

The sardines and some mackerel washed ashore in Hakodate on Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido on Thursday morning, creating a sliver blanket along a stretch of beach about a kilometre (0.6 mile) long.

Local residents said they have never seen anything like it. Some gathered the fish to sell or eat.

The town, in a notice posted on its website, urged residents not to consume the fish.

Takashi Fujioka, a Hakodate Fisheries Research Institute researcher, said he has heard of similar phenomena before, but it was his first time to see it.

He said the fish may have been chased by larger fish, become exhausted due to a lack of oxygen while moving in a densely packed school, and were washed up by the waves. The fish also may have suddenly entered cold waters during their migration, he said.

The decomposing fish could lower oxygen levels in the water and affect the marine environment, he said.

"We don't know for sure under what circumstances these fish were washed up, so I do not recommend” eating them, Fujioka said. - AP

TOKYO: Thousands of tonnes of dead sardines have washed up on a beach in northern Japan for unknown reasons, officials said Friday (Dec 8).

LAN jiao la nippon kia...don't act blur leh:



No longer have any respect for Japan since they started pouring nuclear waste water into the sea
We encourage anyone visiting Japan, just throw rubbish everywhere since they dont provide trash bin
Whatever you do to litter their place, is really nothing compared to their dumping toxic waste into the sea



sinkies love traveling to this country yet they know next to nothing about their history, war atrocities, eccentricities, karmic retribution and sins. I am amazed how anyone would keep going back, as if it were a form of status symbol, when you understand neither the language nor its cultural philosophy