Just learn how to live in a forum such as here, ignore what you do not like. Everybody has their own opinion, no one has to agree with anyone all the time. If you believe and understand what is freedom of expression is all about then you wont be suggesting someone to tell you what you can or cannot do or say.
Believe me, you'll be a happier person if you learn how and when to ignore rather than suggesting moderation. Rules and regulations will only sterile the forum, havent you have enough in real life? And remember all humans are bias, there's no surety moderators wont be.
There was a good thread talking about this forum being a wall, for anyone to paste anything, to a highly regulated public forum. Yes, you can say, ignore, everyone has their own opinion etc. I value that, but not to the detriment of others. An opinion can be valued, true or false, agreed or disagreed, if properly put forward in a clear concise manner. Shouting, harassing, spamming, are just not valid behaviour. Just think back to all the LeeTahBar threads with pictures and pages of spams in his thread. Even if he had a point to make, its lost in all those "white" noise. No one ever bothers looking through them knowing how bad it can get. Moderations are needed just because anyone can be an idiot in an online forum like this.