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There should be no retirement age for S’pore: MM Lee


Who gives a shit to what he says! To me, he's farting from his mouth! I'm still gonna retire at 55. After that, fark off from this place and settle down elsewhere. There're thousand and one things to do after retirement to stay active and mentally alert. Not necessarily have to be employed. So long as one has the finances to sustain, why bother to be a slave to others by working? :oIo:


Alfrescian (Inf)
the thing is this: ever see lao ah pek and ah ma picking empty cans, card boards from dustbins,will that make them live longer?:confused:


I also find that his statements focus on the well-off seniors. What abt those not doing so well? Ignore them,izzit!

Of course.. To the elites, these old folks have no economic value to the country. They spend little, have no money and can die anytime!

When they die, they can contribute more to the GDP through funerals, inheritance tax and burials etc! No wonder they are left to die!


I am sure all companies knows how expensive it is to buy insurance to cover older workers, just in case they fell, injured themselves, heart attack, or just konked off when time is up ? Let alone the disruptions to work process to hire another old folk to cover his/her duties while waiting for the event to repeat itself ?

When company's only cared for their bottomline with fewer people doing more work (BTW, this is called PRODUCTIVITY which his clown is pushing for), it is unimagineable for a company to hire old folks, when there are abundant young, healthy and cheaper FTs around, just bcos MM is 'working' (which he said he is doing much lesser now. Which company can afford that ?) and getting millions with no accountability at all.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Coming from a 86-year-old himself, he is thinking that there are jobs begging for workers beyond 50 years old, let alone 60s, 70s or even 80s. Even those in the early 40s are loosing their jobs to cheaper, yet less productive FTs.

Of course he can keep going. Who dared to ask him what the hell is he doing going to other countries to tell them what to do ? He should reflect on how he is still remaining in his job getting millions, on top of pension. He thinks that all others are like him higher mortal who do not first have to fulfil their basic needs as discribed by Maslow's Needs Hierarchy, yet talk about happiness, self-actualisation, etc.

Even if there are jobs available to lesser mortals around 50s, 60s...etc. What kind of jobs AND salary to make it worthwhile for them to continue working ? I do want to go into details comparing what this old man is getting in terms of benefits and those lesser mortals cleaning toilets.

If MM can fix the emplyment opportunity issues of the forties,and fifties, let alone those in 60s, then his words makes sense. Else he just telling the poor who have problems with 3 meals to go to the resturants to get their food, just does not make sense.

Clearly the MIW are living high up in their ivory towers, thinking the roads in singapore are paved with gold and opportunites.

What you say make sense, these MIW's have not been jobless & doesn't know what it like to look for a job now the median age is 30 years of age...past 40, 50 or 60....see what employer in SINgapore will employ you....... he tells us we get older should consider the reality of taking a lower pay..then he at 86?..

Yes, if we are healthy & there are opportunity to work in an environment that is fair to the older worker & to the employer...who doesn't want to work past 62....but employers here discriminate older, elderly workers...:mad:


Old fart want to run for election again, so he is speaking for himself. Old Fart should stand in single ward to see if people would elect him again? Old Fart still think he is popular among sinkies, fat hope!


If you're feeling lost after seeing his words, that's good!

Barbossa: Aye... we're good and lost now.
Elizabeth Swann: Lost?
Barbossa: For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was.
-Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End

Keep thinking that Pirates is just a movie, me friends. Forget the clue where the Flying Dutchman switched sides and attacked the government ship.

The Flying Dutchman, 10 years at sea, 1 day at shore. Now, which powerful organisation has that in its logo? Hint: everyone fears this organisation. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
"You work as long as you can work and you will be healthier and happier for it. If you ask me to stop working all of a sudden, I think I'll just shrivel up, face the wall and just that."

Lau CB konglanjiaowei


Alfrescian (Inf)
Old fart want to run for election again, so he is speaking for himself. Old Fart should stand in single ward to see if people would elect him again? Old Fart still think he is popular among sinkies, fat hope!

He is 86...got only one 'erection' left....despite the aches & pains...he is crawling to the finishing line......:wink:


MM Lee is telling the truth and stating the facts as he always does.

If clean toilets and tables pays S$1million a year or more, majority of old Sinkie senior citizen folks will not want to retire.

Pay so good who would want to retire?

Correct. Anyone who are in their eigties should work themselves to death cleaning toilets and clearing tables ...:(


My friends from all over SE Asia all respect MM Lee, because MM is a real life example of walking the talk.

Sinkies should be also grateful and appreciate MM Lee.

At 86, MM Lee is still working and probably will never retire, where to find another leader like him?

Where to find?

Huh, please tell us, where?

He is 86...got only one 'erection' left....despite the aches & pains...he is crawling to the finishing line......:wink:


If I have a job that pays so well and comes with so much power, I would not ever stop working and would probably die in my office.


I agree there should be no formal retirement age. However, gov should back it up with hiring more elderly people. And they must be working in a job that has relevance to their experience. Also there should be more flex hours.

If the Gov is willing to back it up with free retraining - not the useless 4 week course but a serious 1 to 2 year course with some hiring guarantees then it is a good idea.

Many 65 year olds are very vibrant, gets bored with retirement and would like to work parttime.

But if it is a case of the old working as sweepers and cleaners then no point. they must be working in industry that can sue their experience.


......According to a Channel NewsAsia report, he said: “You work as long as you can work and you will be healthier and happier for it. If you ask me to stop working all of a sudden, I think I’ll just shrivel up, face the wall and just that.”

Just bcos this old man do not have any friends, not surprisingly, he expect all the old man to be like him to only have happiness while working ?

He will 'just shrivel up, face the wall and just that' ? Man, he had live a wasted life and has stereotyped all to be like him. Maybe having lived from a very high ivory tower gave him the lonely feel, cold feel with all his money by his side; and he finally found out no one is actually a truth friend of his. Pathetic.

I am sure many old men and women looked forward to retiurement while healthy, to see the world, play with grandchildren, maybe some may play with meimeis looking for their second spring, play golf with buddies and just walk around the park to spent a healthy, lazy afternoon before heading off for high tea and dinner/drinks with friends. He should have paid avisit to a old-folks home unaccompanied/unannoced to see how happy some of them really are. What a happening life after retirement !

Please, old man, do not think everyone is like you. All other old people have their dreams and to enjoy life sfter having worked a greater part of their lives, now looking forward to retirement to enjoy it. Not to just shrivel up and looking at walls, waiting for the soul-police to come.

Pity him, pathetic but very rich and lonely old man. Probably get spitted at everywhere he go alone, unlike the China Premier whom the younger generations call him grand-dad, uncle, etc., endearing titles, when he toured the provinces.


knn, he think everybody same as him, getting paid 5-6 figure salary monthly to talk cock. given that kind of salary, nobody will ever want to retire!!

look at him, so old, 1½ leg in the coffin liao... still on tax payer's pay-roll. *chey


My friends from all over SE Asia all respect MM Lee, because MM is a real life example of walking the talk.

I know you are being sarcastic but it is true leh. A lot of people I spoke to in the region loved Singapore and LKY.

Wonder why they only buy condos here and not become citizens. wahaha


In how many countries in the world can a former PM create a job just for himself for life, pay himself millions of dollars in pay, and not having to report to a boss who is your junior? If I were like him, I can also say there should be no retirement age. Has he ever had to work for a boss?

Singaporeans should really open their eyes and vote next election, at the deadwood and clowns and fools up there.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think it could be a prelude to a pretext for more schemes to hold back more CPF funds longer.


My friends from all over SE Asia all respect MM Lee, because MM is a real life example of walking the talk.
your friends should come here & try living for 5yrs (1 complete cycle of GE), see for themselves, how much crap has been promised & how little or nothing is done to fulfill the empty promises.

if they try living here for 2 GE cycles, maybe they'd be convening assassination ops on the overpaid-underworked clowns.


U die u business, old fart is a self employed, lau uncle lau aunti peasants are employee no body would employ them as early as 40 yrs old. Old fart is talking cock and sing the sad national day theme song.