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The PAP's Aljunied dilemma By ST Rachael Chang Published on Dec 20, 2011


THIS year, the word Aljunied entered into Singapore political lore, replacing the near-miss of Cheng San with reality, and joining other constituencies in the annals of history.

These include Anson, Hougang and - evidence that the political winds blow both ways - Potong Pasir, which is now back in the hands of the People's Action Party (PAP).

For the next five years at least, Aljunied GRC - the first to be won by an opposition party - will also be the pea under the princess' mattress for the PAP.

Now that the shock of losing a GRC earlier than expected is wearing off, the PAP must confront an unsettling question - what next?

Over the past few months, the PAP has made a number of significant moves in Aljunied GRC. Former party chairman Lim Boon Heng, who retired from politics before the May General Election, has become their 'military adviser' there, and is recruiting activists to join a taskforce.

Party sources told The Straits Times that senior Aljunied activists, one from each of the five wards, will also be appointed 'local coordinators' to run the PAP's branches there in the absence of elected MPs.

At the same time, new grassroots advisers - likely to be current MPs of neighbouring wards - will be asked to lead the People's Association volunteers there.

These moves need to be seen in the context of the PAP's seeming withdrawal from Aljunied in the wake of its May defeat. Within a week of the election, the three senior candidates of the five-man team - former foreign minister George Yeo, former second minister for transport and finance Lim Hwee Hua and former senior minister of state for foreign affairs Zainul Abidin Rasheed - said they were leaving politics.

That amounted to, as one PAP MP lamented, 'the generals deserting the troops after a defeat'.

Aljunied activists have since spoken of an urgent need for leadership among the rank and file in the GRC, rudderless in the face of a myriad of challenges. These range from the logistical - run-ins with the Workers' Party's (WP) town council over the use of estate facilities - to the existential - a cloud of rejection and resentment over their lot as scapegoats in a national swing towards the opposition.

Mr Lim's unexpected appearance in Aljunied is notable not only for any political mileage the former labour chief may clock but also for the signal it sends to these embattled ground troops.

Someone of his stature - a former PAP chairman who is widely liked and respected within the party - is there to convey a message to these stalwarts: We have not forgotten you.

But it is unlikely that he will re-enter politics to lead the PAP's challenge in the next election, due by 2016. For one thing, he will be pushing 70 then.
Mr Lim, part of the vanguard of an older PAP, is also not the candidate to win back Aljunied GRC. His days at political centre stage predate the younger voters the ruling party needs to win over.

In fact, who to field in Aljunied at the next general election is a Catch-22 situation for the ruling party.

A standard PAP GRC team - comprising at least one minister, one or two other office-bearers and established backbenchers - would show that the ruling party is sincere about the task.

But it then runs the risk of losing even more top political talent: Mr Yeo's reputation as one of the region's finest diplomats or Mrs Lim's status as the highest- ranking woman in the Government gave few WP-leaning Aljunied voters pause.

A 'suicide squad' of unknowns would be the less risky strategy. But voters are unlikely to reward such indifference.

Then there is the uncomfortable reality that many of the party's brightest young stars will privately squirm - even if they do not say so publicly - over what would likely be a career-ending deployment.

As Mr Zainul wrote in PAP magazine Petir in September, many will shy away from being 'possible future sacrificial lambs' in Aljunied, now that it has become a bellwether for unhappiness with the Government.

There are voters' asymmetric expectations to contend with as well.

The PAP thinks it unfair, and it probably is, but different standards are applied to the WP and its 'A' team that includes secretary- general Low Thia Khiang, chairman Sylvia Lim and 'celebrity' Chen Show Mao - politicians who now enjoy a great deal of goodwill and national prominence.

They also seem determined not to squander any of this by running the town council without any mishap thus far and being very present on the ground.

All underdogs attract a natural sympathy and the reality is that residents will forgive quite a bit of - and give credit perhaps a bit too much to - the WP.

Where does that leave the PAP? While winning back Aljunied in 2016 is not impossible - five years is a long time in politics - its most realistic strategy may be Cold War-style containment.

Popularised by former American diplomat George Kennan, containment meant the United States did not try to invade the then Soviet Union or roll back its presence in Eastern Europe but fought any expansion of communism beyond the Iron Curtain.

Such a strategy would see the PAP pouring resources into East Coast GRC and the Joo Chiat single seat, not Aljunied. These two PAP constituencies may be at risk of falling to the WP in the next polls. WP candidates who contested there this year did creditably, and they will be in Parliament for the next five years as Non-Constituency MPs.

Containment means keeping tabs on the WP's outreach and countering the inroads they make. It may even mean taking popular politicians like National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan or Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam away from safe terrain in the north and west to anchor these battlegrounds - and making these moves months or years before the next election.

It will mean the PAP resigning itself to Aljunied staying with the WP for some time to come. Some among its rank and file will be unhappy, but there are as many who do not see the point in throwing good money after bad.

It will not come easy to a party used to dominance, but picking its battles may be the PAP's best solution to its Aljunied dilemma.

[email protected]

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If the PAP were to follow the USA's cold war strategy, they would groom other opposition parties to take on the WP in nearby surrounding constituencies, surrounding Aljunied in the same way that they positioned an upcoming China under Deng Xiao Ping as well as eastern european and central asian allies to encircle the soviets.

This in a sense would continue the "balance of power" approach, by encouraging as many opposition parties to be formed to counter an increasingly dominant WP. Except now this time the central war zone would be a well-defined physical location -- Aljunied. Counter-intuitively, this might actually make things easier for the PAP because now there is a clear physical target to encircle and contain.

Tan jee say would be a potent ally. If he can rally the troops, bringing technocrats into the fray and creating a fresh political slate without the burden of chee soon juan's forever-tarnished reputation or the old NSP hags, he can certainly mount a credible challenge to WP's dominance. The difficulty for a TJS-led coalition would be how to penetrate the eastern corridor which WP has firmly established itself in.

One solution might be to work with NSP in Tampines and slowly push from the rear, and at the same time work with SPP in Bishan-TP and slowly push from the north, towards the eastern seaboard.


One way is to tacitly encourage more 3 corner fights. PAP did that in PE and don't be surprised they will do it in GE. Desperate time call for desperate measures.

PAP can do so by lowering the deposit , making it a less costly affair for other oppositions to engage in 3-corner fights.


Just before this year GE, one well known identity known for acting on behalf of PAP "sponsors" stepped in. Seow Khee Leng made known his intention to "contest" Tanjong Pagar to discourage others. MG Guru did that twice.

It will be interesting to see what next?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Just before this year GE, one well known identity known for acting on behalf of PAP "sponsors" stepped in. Seow Khee Leng made known his intention to "contest" Tanjong Pagar to discourage others. MG Guru did that twice.

It will be interesting to see what next?

I remember one week before nomination day, former WP candidate chia ti lik went to the press to warn some of his cadres that contesting TP would be against party rules (meaning, his rules) with possible disciplinary actions. This was after the TOC interview with him conducted by Deborah.

He need not have bothered. Turned out that those chaps did not know how to fill up the form correctly and was not aware amendments had to be countersigned. I remember FB was livid, some people saying how they would have voted for LKY after seeing how those chaps behaved at the nomination centre.

Strange things do happen, and very frequently.


There is also a reason why certain characters are "businessmen" outside Singapore. The money trail is naturally difficult.

I remember one week before nomination day, former WP candidate chia ti lik went to the press to warn some of his cadres that contesting TP would be against party rules (meaning, his rules) with possible disciplinary actions. This was after the TOC interview with him conducted by Deborah.

He need not have bothered. Turned out that those chaps did not know how to fill up the form correctly and was not aware amendments had to be countersigned. I remember FB was livid, some people saying how they would have voted for LKY after seeing how those chaps behaved at the nomination centre.

Strange things do happen, and very frequently.


Overall, a poorly written article.

The standard of journalism, if there is one, at ST, is truly appalling.

The article simply misses the point.

All PAP has to do to win back Aljunied GRC is simply to reform itself, acknowledge its mistakes, and conduct itself in a way that convinces the voters that it has corrected itself.

Take for example the foreign workers dorm that was forced down the Serangoon Gardens residents' throat in Aljunied a couple of years ago.

The truth is that PAP (via MBT) created lots of bad taste in the voters' mouth in connection with that fiasco.

Many people in Aljunied were simply stunned by the act, and were left with no choice but to turn against PAP.


I remember one week before nomination day, former WP candidate chia ti lik went to the press to warn some of his cadres that contesting TP would be against party rules (meaning, his rules) with possible disciplinary actions. This was after the TOC interview with him conducted by Deborah.

He need not have bothered. Turned out that those chaps did not know how to fill up the form correctly and was not aware amendments had to be countersigned. I remember FB was livid, some people saying how they would have voted for LKY after seeing how those chaps behaved at the nomination centre.

Strange things do happen, and very frequently.

I think Scro's point was that Tanjong Pagar is always a "protected zone" somewhat.

Also, I think you mean Socialist Front, though Chia was a former WP candidate. Because I was confused for a moment as it seemed like Chia stopped WP cadres.
Last edited:


Alfrescian (Inf)
One way is to tacitly encourage more 3 corner fights. PAP did that in PE and don't be surprised they will do it in GE. Desperate time call for desperate measures.

PAP can do so by lowering the deposit , making it a less costly affair for other oppositions to engage in 3-corner fights.

Using another Opposition Party to split the Opposition vote is a likely strategy. The Opposition parties must know the common enemy. Let's see whether any any new party is formed in the next few years


Using another Opposition Party to split the Opposition vote is a likely strategy. The Opposition parties must know the common enemy. Let's see whether any any new party is formed in the next few years

new parties formed do not mean anything much. in local politics, people go for legacy like wp maybe even sdp. rp flopped despite its novelty of being led by the son of jbj.


If the PAP were to follow the USA's cold war strategy, they would groom other opposition parties to take on the WP in nearby surrounding constituencies, surrounding Aljunied in the same way that they positioned an upcoming China under Deng Xiao Ping as well as eastern european and central asian allies to encircle the soviets.

Interesting I told someone the same thing (without mentioning the cold war, China and Soviets because I don't know any of this). Protecting East Coast and even Tampines (if WP goes there) makes best sense and more than pumping resources to nab Aljunied. But I agree with Time2Evacuate that you still need to buck up, else bye to EC (Tampines tougher due to WP being unfamiliar).

Tan jee say would be a potent ally. If he can rally the troops, bringing technocrats into the fray and creating a fresh political slate without the burden of chee soon juan's forever-tarnished reputation or the old NSP hags, he can certainly mount a credible challenge to WP's dominance. The difficulty for a TJS-led coalition would be how to penetrate the eastern corridor which WP has firmly established itself in. One solution might be to work with NSP in Tampines and slowly push from the rear, and at the same time work with SPP in Bishan-TP and slowly push from the north, towards the eastern seaboard.

I have more confidence in the PAP than that opposition group doing something. My reasons were stated in another post on the "shiok" factor. Honestly, TJS is overrated and increasing more so as time passes by. When I say overrated, I mean his potential command and rally over opposition personalities.

Bad New Brown

Using another Opposition Party to split the Opposition vote is a likely strategy. The Opposition parties must know the common enemy. Let's see whether any any new party is formed in the next few years

new parties formed do not mean anything much. in local politics, people go for legacy like wp maybe even sdp. rp flopped despite its novelty of being led by the son of jbj.

I think an unknown 3rd party can also score 4% of the valid votes and if in any GRC or SMC that is in a close fight meaning near 50/50 situation this 4% can make a lot of difference.


new parties formed do not mean anything much. in local politics, people go for legacy like wp maybe even sdp. rp flopped despite its novelty of being led by the son of jbj.

Call me silly but based on my observations, I have enough evidence to believe that a level of divine intervention has been behind the PAP and to lesser extent WP, just as it did for many in power around the world. Just someone forming a new party means little.

PAP wasn't the largest, organised or most intellectual party, but got a few things right in 1959. WP has been rather "lucky" that the potential second parties like SDP in 1991, RP in 2010 etc. did not materialise further. Why would a party with no more than 1 seat for 50 years survive until now. I also feel the SDP fallout paved the way for WP to take the lessons as a gem of wisdom. Without that, it would be the WP MPs now that would be squabbling and then losing their seats in 2016.

Chia Ti Lik

I remember one week before nomination day, former WP candidate chia ti lik went to the press to warn some of his cadres that contesting TP would be against party rules (meaning, his rules) with possible disciplinary actions. This was after the TOC interview with him conducted by Deborah.

He need not have bothered. Turned out that those chaps did not know how to fill up the form correctly and was not aware amendments had to be countersigned. I remember FB was livid, some people saying how they would have voted for LKY after seeing how those chaps behaved at the nomination centre.

Strange things do happen, and very frequently.

It would be apt to be more specific here. :smile:


Dear Perspective

I believe I was part of that group agreeing and laughing gleefully with you that the PAP had no plan B after losing Aljunied. Aljunied was the circle around the doughnut hole. if there was a containment strategy it ended with the loss of Aljunied as if there is any Aljunied spilover it spills over in any of six different directions. The strategy if there is one is of loss minimization, or make as much noise as possible about taking back Aljunied, because I might get lucky even though it's uphill, and if the WP holds together and develops from strength to strength pray and hold the line at everywhere from east coast to marine parade to mk to AMK.


=Perspective;913778]Interesting I told someone the same thing (without mentioning the cold war, China and Soviets because I don't know any of this). Protecting East Coast and even Tampines (if WP goes there) makes best sense and more than pumping resources to nab Aljunied. But I agree with Time2Evacuate that you still need to buck up, else bye to EC (Tampines tougher due to WP being unfamiliar).

I have more confidence in the PAP than that opposition group doing something. My reasons were stated in another post on the "shiok" factor. Honestly, TJS is overrated and increasing more so as time passes by. When I say overrated, I mean his potential command and rally over opposition personalities.[/QUOTE]

Bad New Brown

Please get a copy of Today Friday Dec 23, 2011 ... turn to Page 24

and read Extended wait for lift upgrading ? Some Aljunied GRC residents concerned about the delay in the installation of lifts on every floor.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I think Scro's point was that Tanjong Pagar is always a "protected zone" somewhat.

Also, I think you mean Socialist Front, though Chia was a former WP candidate. Because I was confused for a moment as it seemed like Chia stopped WP cadres.

Yes, I always thought that NTS blunder with TP sort of reinforced the notion that TP is a protected zone.

I meant Socialist Front. CTL needn't have bothered to stop SF cadres, as they would automatically stop themselves. When you are 3 whiskeys down, the parties also automatically interchange :-) :-)

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It would be apt to be more specific here. :smile:

Sorry, should be: "one week before nomination day, former WP candidate chia ti lik, who was heading the socialist front, went to the press to warn some of his Socialist front cadres that contesting TP would be against party rules (meaning, his rules) with possible disciplinary actions. "


Please get a copy of Today Friday Dec 23, 2011 ... turn to Page 24

and read Extended wait for lift upgrading ? Some Aljunied GRC residents concerned about the delay in the installation of lifts on every floor.


You know, I think one important information people did not mention - these blocks rejected the LUP way back in 2004-2005. Less than 75% voted yes. In the end got to wait until 2011.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Dear Perspective

I believe I was part of that group agreeing and laughing gleefully with you that the PAP had no plan B after losing Aljunied. Aljunied was the circle around the doughnut hole. if there was a containment strategy it ended with the loss of Aljunied as if there is any Aljunied spilover it spills over in any of six different directions. The strategy if there is one is of loss minimization, or make as much noise as possible about taking back Aljunied, because I might get lucky even though it's uphill, and if the WP holds together and develops from strength to strength pray and hold the line at everywhere from east coast to marine parade to mk to AMK.

A catalyst for PAP breakup?