"I'm thinking of you"... A man whom I have been talking to said this to me. How do I respond? I've been talking to this married man for over 4 months. We mainly WhatsApp or Telegram. He's a friend's friend. We chat about work, career, men, women, politics, cooking, foodie places, travel and mostly anything under the sun. He's married and I never had any intention to be the third party. I always treat him as my elder brother who will always aid me or dish out good advice whenever I require his cool brain to help me think of solutions w.r.t challenges I face, whether they're related to household matters for my new HDB flat or how to deal with people whom I dislike. Out of the blue this afternoon, he sent me this Telegram message. I have yet to reply. Or rather, I don't know how to reply. Feels creepy, though he's a nice guy.