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Sometimes I find it really hard to always hate LKY.


Alfrescian (Inf)
he can summon so much support from sinkies, young and old from his generation, proves that he is a political animal. probably, influenced by his education in great britain when those days GB was the greatest country.

No doubt about it, he is a political animal. Mind games are a necessary tool. The British used it to control their far flung empire. It's as much about inculcating in the colonised a sense of inferiority as it is about the superiority of their arms. Using those arms day in day out to maintain the Empire would be too costly and ensure nothing except that the Empire will collapse in a short time due to over expenditure on war. Making Sinkies feel inferior about themselves and therefore needing a "great" leader (like his "humble" self) is crucial to the success of his game. However, that's different from saying that we would not have succeeded in the initial years of independence without him. We would, the path would have been different and not necessarily slower, the British were still around until the early 70s to ensure that Lim Chin Siong does not do anything to damage their interests.

Sinkies better Wake Up, Clean Up and Stand Up!

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Alfrescian (Inf)
he can summon so much support from sinkies, young and old from his generation, proves that he is a political animal. probably, influenced by his education in great britain when those days GB was the greatest country.

In February 1963, many members of Barisan Sosialis were arrested during the enactment of Operation Coldstore by the ISD. Despite that, in the 1963 state elections, the Barisan Sosialis won 13 out of 51 seats, becoming the second largest as well as the leading opposition party. Barisan Sosialis as a party was unsatisfied with the result, however, as victory had been expected. Additionally, partly because of a split in the opposition votes, only 14 seats were won in total (including one from the United People's Party) despite earning 53% of popular support. After the elections, in a series of 'anti-Communist' and 'anti-subversion' activities, the Internal Security Department would continue to arrest members of the Barisan Sosialis, including MPs. One famous example is Chia Thye Poh, an MP who was imprisoned without trial in 1965 and only released in 1998 as one of the longest-serving political prisoners in the world. Even then, his current conditions of release effectively bar him from participating in any politically related activities. Chia was consistently labelled as a Communist by the PAP, which supports their claims with testimonies from 2 ex-members of the underground Malayan Communist Party. Chia, however, has maintained throughout his imprisonment and afterwards that he is a prisoner of conscience.

47% = much support? :rolleyes:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
in any country, economy comes first then followed by the rest. if yr economy is doing fine, it will attract investments and create jobs.
I believed that his focus on economy is right (at that time) and thus we are well positioned ahead of others. Along the way, there may be some mistakes here and there but he got his first major step right.

issues such as FT policies or stop-at-2 could be hard to digest. but again, these policies are aim at driving economy which by now has caused a lot of unhappiness among citizens. but that certainly doesn't deserved yr hatred towards him.

Many have already pointed out that LKY was hampered by being part of the PAP. Back then they actually cared for Spore & Sporeans.

Once he got rid of the old guard, we see LKY's true character. As they say absolute power corrupts


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't know where you get your figures from but all the data I've seen shows that Singapore is one of the most successful countries on earth.

Infant mortality rates are amongst the lowest in the world. Life expectancy is up there with the best. The Singapore dollar is strong. The GDP is the highest in Asia and growing. Unemployment rates are amongst the lowest in the world.

Just because a few losers have lost their jobs because they were useless in the first place or because some idiots bought cars they couldn't afford is hardly the fault of the country and its government. Individuals need to take responsibility for their own dumb decisions.

Eh Sammy aren't you one of those who voted with your feet :biggrin:

All those positive statistics are true, The old guard did build a good foundation & Sporeans are a hard working lot. However let's not over look the "problems" that LKY & family are creating. In any corporation, when there is a problem the people at the top have to be held responsible.


Alfrescian (Inf)
have you been living on MARs?
learn to google if there is internet on your planet.
besides peace and stability, Singapore is also the world's fourth leading financial centre, and its port is one of the five busiest ports in the world
the standard of living is also much higher than alot of developed countries in the world,
and all these, has been achieve in a short span of time because of great leadership and foresight.

i have no doubt that the country will not be able to sustain the kind of growth she enjoyed after independence.
infact i already have a escape plan ...but to say that LKY didnt contribute to the growth of the country is ridiculous
give credit where is it due, mate.

LKY is only an oppurtunistic politician. He was part of a team & you so conveniently ignore the contributions of the old guard & other hard working Sporeans.

You seem to ignore his many failures such as the stop at two policy, long hair policy, clamping down on the free press, censorship laws, womens charter,....... etc.

Everyone knows that Spore is a wealthy nation but the issue is wealth distribution. Who is controlling all the wealth:confused: Certainly not the "lesser mortals" struggling to pay their HDB mortgages, car loans, utility bills, .... We as citizens are not even allowed to know how much of our CPF is left,

The "standard of living" is not high in Spore. It is the cost of living that is high. Wages in Spore have been kept low while the costs keep on increasing. The median wage is only slightly more than $1,000 per month. Don't forget of the "unofficial" retirement age, anyone who reaches 40:rolleyes:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I think LKY is an idol for all dictators wannabes.
Along with the likes of Suharto, Marcos etc.....he shows you how to enrich your clan while in political office.
We all know how those dictators met their end....LKY you're next!


Alfrescian (Inf)
In 1957, I was shitting into a bucket shared by 50 families that was cleared once every 24 to 48 hours. My bath water was collected by my elder brother from a standpipe 1km down the road. My mum used a charcoal iron and my dad had to pump up the kerosine lamps every night so his kids could do their homework.

Don't come and tell me and the thousands of others around me who lived without running water or electricity how "prosperous" we were because I don't need to watch videos. I have first hand experience.

Thanks to LKY, by 1967, I actually had a tap and an electrical socket in my new home.

By 1970, the gangsters who had extorted thousands of dollars from my uncle who owned a sundry shop were exterminated by the LKY government. The British forces did absolutely nothing to solve this problem. Neither did the Malaysian police between 1963 and 1965.

The above is the same kind of bullshit that smear of shit on sole of shoe Lee Kuan Yew loved to fill in the brains of fucking goondus.
Leongsam england fucking useless with his fucking brain contaminated by LKY shit.

In 1957, people around the world may be shitting into a common bucket shared by 50 families.
People in Asia use charcoal iron because the fucking world was in that state of development.
People largely use kerosene lamps, because the fucking world was in that state of development.

Remember that was the time after WW2 with much destroyed.

Fucking LKY was then happily working for the Japs and wanking himself for being so smart and clever to eat well and live well.

Even if LKY was aborted by his mother, the world would have continued on the development
The way LKY went about, that without him, none of that will take place and the whole fucking world remain in 1957.





In 1957, people around the world may be shitting into a common bucket shared by 50 families.

Don't be taken in by Leong lah. He wasn't yet born in 1957............... hehehe...................


He maybe he jerk but...

Whenever I see such situation I always think SGP is blessed by God to give us LKY instead of some corrupt politicians like the leaders of these people, who are living in the most wealthiest part of the continent.

Introducing the ROMA people from Romania.


These people are at the bottom of the social ladder in almost the whole of Europe. Imagine Jews, just without money. They are gypsies, and have been prosecuted throughout Europe for the last five hundred years.

Erm, so what has this to do with LKY? A good many Asian countries has access to the sea, unlike Europe which consists of a landlocked mainland, so obviously the Asian equivalent of the gypsy caravans would be the boat people, aka refugees during vietnam war & current Myanmar racial war, and I would like to highlight, LKY has never allowed the boat people into our country. So he is in fact treating the boat people just like how 90% of Europe treats the Roma people and gypsies.

From Wikipedia:
There is a sizable minority of Romani people in Romania, of 619,000 people or 3.2% of the total population (2011 census)

Clearly, they are not a people disadvantaged by a corrupt government, but a minority persecuted by society as a whole.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
These Gypsies are nothing but trouble makers that is why they are persecuted, where ever they go, crime rates go up, problems happen..these gypsies are not saints. If they integrated to mainstream society, worked and obey the laws,,they would be treated as any other Europeans.

These people are at the bottom of the social ladder in almost the whole of Europe. Imagine Jews, just without money. They are gypsies, and have been prosecuted throughout Europe for the last five hundred years.

Erm, so what has this to do with LKY? A good many Asian countries has access to the sea, unlike Europe which consists of a landlocked mainland, so obviously the Asian equivalent of the gypsy caravans would be the boat people, aka refugees during vietnam war & current Myanmar racial war, and I would like to highlight, LKY has never allowed the boat people into our country. So he is in fact treating the boat people just like how 90% of Europe treats the Roma people and gypsies.

From Wikipedia:

Clearly, they are not a people disadvantaged by a corrupt government, but a minority persecuted by society as a whole.


Thats cos his peers are the same types - amoral, ruthless, lying cheats and cowards. He has also hidden his weasel traits for so long that very few alive today knows. After he dies, files will be declassified and then all will see the scoundrel that he has always been.

You on the contrary have been swallowing his cum for too long.

Your mind has been poisoned by anti LKY propaganda.

If LKY was the weasel you make him out to be, he would not be respected the world over by his peers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
These Gypsies are nothing but trouble makers that is why they are persecuted, where ever they go, crime rates go up, problems happen..these gypsies are not saints. If they integrated to mainstream society, worked and obey the laws,,they would be treated as any other Europeans.

gypsies are pieces of shit. Even though i have never personally encountered one before just by reading about them you know that they are 10000000% fucked up. Their values are different from other humans or at least civilized humans who work for a living and obey the law and the property of others. Nope they steal, rob, rape and have 0 hygiene. They definitely wouldn't think twice about killing someone or robbing or stealing from them.

Big Sexy

Super Moderator
Dear johnnyboy, you have embarassed yourself enough without me taking you apart
now, go back and read my posts in this thread. :rolleyes:
He was part of a team & you so conveniently ignore the contributions of the old guard & other hard working Sporeans.


The only thing LKY had was his British ways and mannerisms when he first came back from UK. He wanted to partake in the nationalist process and was quite inspired by the likes of Nehru. He had no power base and for a time, he was fucking around with Fabian Society, the Democratic Forum, and even helped his boss Woodcock (what a name!) who was in the People's Progressive party (PPP) in his election campaign. But he was not making any headway and going nowhere. This all he admitted in his memoirs. Even the initial much touted meetings in the basement of his Oxley house didnt bear much fruit.

Until he stumbled upon a different underground world where Lim Chin Siong, Fong Swee Suan and comrades were operating. He recounted it was a world teeming with vitality, energy, of thousands of students and trade unions mobilised by pple like Chin Siong. Here was his chance to make the breakthru into politics and involved himself in the fashionable battles for independence that were ringing across Asia. Here was a powerbase he could not afford to ignore and which he could use. However, he was an infant in this game of mass agitation cf. to LCS, but he knew he had a powerful ally. Altho he would later label LCS a communist, he himself was not abashed in defending their methods and unashamedly stepping on their backs to win popular elections later, and then betrayed them.

Acc to books I have read on Chin Peng and the MCP, Lim Chin Siong's faction may not be real Communist working on the command of the MCP in malaya. This is because Communist ops were supposed to comply with directives from the Town Committee in Singapore which was in charge of all Singapore communists cells. In fact, LCS faction used to exceed their directives and did their own things on their own initiatives, due to spontaneous reaction to very fast ongoing and emerging developments on the local scene, so they could not afford to wait for orders.This made the Communist label on LCS and his gang doubtful but of cos LKY was to press the case often and hard enough on the British behind their backs, so that LKY himself would be the eventual one that would endear himself to them.

The point is that LCS could have been just as good a PM or an even better one. LKY was an anglophone whereas LCS was not. LCS was a straight forward guy, unassuming, lovable, a lady's man, handsome boyish looks, and had far more EQ than the Old man.

LCS could not beat LKY in being a weasel, a dirty rat who ratted on his comrades and allies. To say he fought for our independence is a joke. It was handed to him on a platter. Twice (see my signature).

If he had drifted along wthout LCS, he would,like the SDP Chee, have been a loser as well to this day.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
LKY banged the table and shouted : You are the One !:oIo::confused::rolleyes:
ah equalisation banged ze table n roared ... 'u r ze 1 who ...'

who wat? ...

cum back after 8:15pm 2nite 2 noe ah equalisation ngap wat foong ...
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Alfrescian (Inf)
embarassed yourself enough without me taking you apart now, go back and read my posts in this thread. :rolleyes:
BS, can't knock what the old man did (notwithstanding detractors). Another (diff) era, with mandarins now in place? :p
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