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Slot games, Casino Rewards & Privileges


Last few trips pretty lack-lustre :(
Nothing much good to report on

But yesterday Fri 8/7 5K Slot 722 surprisingly VERY BRIEFLY had a good run in the middle of play :smile:
But was only playing 30 and 60 credits since lowish caoital only
Used up most of my slot credits at a 2cts Emperor slot BUT if playing this game MUST CHOOSE the CENTRAL slot to play as that one pays out well (ie IF it's ever unoccupied !!!) !!! :p

Am now finishing my ONLINE Free Slot Play
I like playing Lord of the Rings (BEAUTIFUL game) and Mr Vegas .....

Going out soon to MBS to collect this week's Room Voucher
Had no time to do so yesterday as was late for my evening spa appointment
Hope can resist itch and NOT play today Sat (since points also not counted on Sat for those vouchers) keep my limited $$ for Sun/Mon
Intend to meet friend for tea at Java Detour (use up $5 GSS Voucher) and if possible to recce for our next travel trip :smile:
Better NOT redeem much more of the Daily Slot Credit as the balance is really going down fast there and I need the PDs for my Room stays etc :o

My secretary reports that on her last RWS Trip on Tues
ALL the 100 Panda slots were simply NOT paying
Didn't seem to have had a good trip
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Had a good time redeeming my $1,000 PD benefits. Bought lots of Sweet Spot chocolates, macaroons and sweets for my family and friends. Next week made a reservaton for table of 4 to treat my good friends. Bought Andrew Lloyd Weber tickets and went to Art Science museum. Current update about $400 worth of PD left. It has been a nice treat. :smile:


But yesterday Fri 8/7 5K Slot 722 surprisingly VERY BRIEFLY had a good run in the middle of play :smile:
But was only playing 30 and 60 credits since lowish caoital only
Used up most of my slot credits at a 2cts Emperor slot BUT if playing this game MUST CHOOSE the CENTRAL slot to play as that one pays out well (ie IF it's ever unoccupied !!!) !!! :p

Am now finishing my ONLINE Free Slot Play
I like playing Lord of the Rings (BEAUTIFUL game) and Mr Vegas .....

Going out soon to MBS to collect this week's Room Voucher
Had no time to do so yesterday as was late for my evening spa appointment
Hope can resist itch and NOT play today Sat (since points also not counted on Sat for those vouchers) keep my limited $$ for Sun/Mon
Intend to meet friend for tea at Java Detour (use up $5 GSS Voucher) and if possible to recce for our next travel trip :smile:
Better NOT redeem much more of the Daily Slot Credit as the balance is really going down fast there and I need the PDs for my Room stays etc :o

After collecting my $200 Room Voucher
Itchy me COULDN'T resist and HAD to play the slots

Since the Diamonds&Roses slots were fully occupied, I chose 5K 722 Again !!!
The PowerPlay button wasn't working so the staff waited until I'd completed my 2 rounds of free games there before fixing the button
I then settled down and played that for some 3 hours or so [4.20pm - 7.30pm]
At certain point of time 722 was quite responsive (tho' nothing like before when it was VERY well-paying & responsive/co-opertaive :( )
Initially managed to make $200+ profit from 1st Tier $250 playing capital
But not happy to STOP play with $400+++ ticket, so played on {but NO MORE free games somehow} and LOST all that - had to even exhaust 2nd Tier capital $200 with my stubborn Bo Garm Wann attitude

Decided STILL too early to leave for home after 7.30pm
So went to the ATM and did a smallish $300 WD - came back in and played a couple of Classic Winners slots (ALL $100-150 lost - lousy !)
With balance WD $$$, played the end slot Diamonds&Roses (the one that had been giving free games PROFUSELY over the last few days/nights) which just became free
Did manage to grow my $50 & $100 into almost $300, BUT continued play ended up with ZERO again when the slot turned bad :o :oIo: :( :*:

Shucks - had I been satisfied with a SHORT 722 slot play [< 2 hrs]
Would have kept my $400+ ticket and added that to my 2nd Tier $200 capital - making it $600+++ there [and no need to WD my $300 too !]
Instead now LOST $760 total capital for 17 points earned !
I don't know why I'm ALWAYS doing such things : to 'punish?' myself here :confused:
Now got to Stay Home on Sun and maybe even Mon not going MBS bc DON'T wish to do further $175 Slot Credit exchanges from my fast-depleting PDs and running out of 'spare cash' for such expensive slot-fun : Must stay within my monthly budget etc as also need to save $$ for next holiday trips, wedding angpows etc etc etc sighssss :p
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
My Friday MBS was DOWN-UP-DOWN trip. Played from 7PM-4AM. Initial lost 2k+ but managed to recover and made an additional winning of 2k from the 10cts 5koi. :p It is my usual practice to call it a night at 11PM yet refused to leave, thinking what fun game I had so continued playing till 4AM, in the end lost all my winning, balance $1,200 capital brought home, lost $800+ after 8hours play ~~~ exhuasted.
Visited early this morning (Sun), 5:30AM-10:30AM. Started my game from 2cts CE, tried almost all the 5Dragons and FK machines and only machine 210 5dragons payout well, 150 credits bet feature payout 50k+credits ($1k+), managed to recover half of my daily capital and proceeded to FFF, it has been a while I have not "touch" FFF machines. Picked my first 5dragon machine to play, 150credits bet feature spin hit within 100 spins, 5 fishes x8 multipier :p (+$600+). Swapped to other 5dragon machine, hit feature within 100 spins again, another 5fishes with x10 mulitpier. :p ($800+). Recovered all my capital by then. Picked CSY as my 3rd machine, play 250credits, hit my first feature after "invested" $500, feature hit 5dragons x8 multipier, 5rings x 5 multipier. ($1,200+) :p
Picked 4th machine - 50dragons, FFF feature kept coming (at least 5-6times within 10mins play) but no feature spin at all and the FFF feature gave me all the PANDAS only, sighs~~~ Time to leave at 10AM, still made a little profits and shall return to MBS this evening. :wink:

Talking Donkey

Alfrescian (S)
slotmania - how do you know the points will expire then - is that the last date of your annual levy expiry ???

I would think Annual Levy Expiry Date and PA Membership Date/Point Expiry Date are 2 SEPARATE DISTINCT Dates that are NOT DEPENDENT on one another as such

My Annual Levy should be expiring 1st 1-3 days in August (Need to double-check here !) while my PA Diamond Card states expiry month as being October 2011 (hmm .... took me less than 3 months to get to Diamond from scratch with my earlier more intensive higher-capital play then)

I've just booked my 2nd Hotel Stay for month of July using their latest $250++ Promo (for Room Certificates &/or PD Payment - see 5/7 email) - but very limited dates during last week July are available - no choice but to opt for Sun 31st July (Club Room again as I enjoyed that the previous time)

Wonder whether need to keep any minimum amount of PDs to maintain Diamond status etc
Bc with the DAILY $175 and using PDs to pay for balance room rates (after deducting from Room Certificates) - my PDs will be depleted in no time (now at Below 2k level) !!!
Think better NOT to go for DAILY exchanges - keep some PDs as quite 'hard/long' to earn these - use more cash capital instead for slot play ????

PS : This morning can relax and 'jiak jua' a bit bc need to go somewhere 'official' 1st b4 the office - so can take my time abit hahaha

Points must be redeem within one year from the day you get your memberhip card.
For genting card holders it is very important that you dont use you points to redeem for food or anything outside their gaming hall..
For eg in genting highland hotel during dec holidays the high peak season room rate is at rm450 per night,you can use your genting points(include rws)which is only 50 points.
If you use your points to pay for dinner let us say at good luck restaurant in genting highland,the bill came up to rm300 they will deduct 300 genting points
from your card!..see the difference..

MY birthday was LAST WEEK tho' :wink:

You all know what happens here : :mad: :( :oIo: :*:
Being overly stubborn etc (but half-expecting this to occur)

Wow jjcc888 not bad to see you giving a upyours on your birthday.:biggrin:


Wow jjcc888 not bad to see you giving a upyours on your birthday.:biggrin:

Errrr .... paiseh paiseh I didn't really know the actual bad meaning of this before :o :p simply wanted to vent my frustration only
After reading your post then only I went to look it up ...oops :eek:
Guess I was just using as many of the hitherto unused 'colorful' smilies then :*:


Was at MBS sunday noon from 1 to 10pm!! Madness but quite fun :smile: with $300 win and lose game able to collect 34 pts!! Madness. but at the end lose :( sumtime i'm wondering why we HAVE TO lose then go. Is there any other way to control self dicipline that WIN-GO but not vice versa?:smile: i think this is what it means "you can't have the best from both worlds".
Bro Kia, can i ask u, as far as your experience and method, how many times out of 10 u win by sitting at same machine for hours? Does that method really works? It seems to be working for you, but not for JJCC ley (sorry JJCC, no offends huh :p)
From my experience so far, win a hundred dollars with 60 credits is ok. It just that i cant tell my self to stay at same machine waiting for it to return what i have lost to it. As i do not know how far it eat up until it pay back again.... But i see many player do that and it seems working. But at the end lose back... Why ar.....hmmm
Hi sis jjcc, sorry didn't notice ur question, thw last grand jp at CE is around 10.45. I really thought that is you... Was waiting for your post that nite...:p
Bro and sis, pls take care and good luck. I was deciding for SE, but to think about i have bought the annual levy, kinda stupid to do so. As far as i can control my expenses, that should be ok ba. Anyway i only want to have this fun for a year. Another stage of life coming soon :smile: life goes on after 2011.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Is there any other way to control self dicipline that WIN-GO but not vice versa?

Bro Kia, can i ask u, as far as your experience and method, how many times out of 10 u win by sitting at same machine for hours? Does that method really works? It seems to be working for you, but not for JJCC ley (sorry JJCC, no offends huh :p)
From my experience so far, win a hundred dollars with 60 credits is ok. It just that i cant tell my self to stay at same machine waiting for it to return what i have lost to it. As i do not know how far it eat up until it pay back again.... But i see many player do that and it seems working. But at the end lose back... Why ar.....hmmm

Is there a way, yes Bro CoffeeMe, if all of us are not greedy people. :wink:
It's always easy to say but difficult to do, so we shall start from:
the very basic - No cards, only cash to casino.

Let's say bring $1000 to casino and how much do you want to win and how much do you allow yourself to lose? ASK first. Double up or just wish to make 50%, ie$500? You know triple up is not easy, so forget about it. And are you prepared to lose ALL or half ? If you are not prepared, don't enter the casino then. :wink:
There is way that you cannot become greedy, I am not sure if it works on you but surely it works on me. I don't like table games and I win from table games most of the time, of course sometime lost but very limited lost. Simply because I don't like the game so I only stay for 3-5 rounds/games. Win or lose, I run. :wink:

Ok, back to slot games:
I remember mentioned this some times ago,
If the machine pays, it is likely continue paying.
If the machine Doesn't pay, it is likely NOT going to pay, best to give up.

Taking about the chances of winning if you stay with the same machine? For MBS machine - Hit and Run, I don't encourage long hour playing the same machine, unless those standalone machines like 722, 1110, 1109. MBS progressive prize machines are "bottomless", the amount that they can take in is like what you said "MADNESS"!
Take for instant MBS 2cts FFF machines, my estimation one machine can take in 10-20k a DAY during it's bad timing. As for 2cts CE, one machine can take in 5-10k a DAY. Out of the 48 machines at FFF and 48 at CE, total 96 machines, perhaps only 5-10machines run a good timing each day. Even during it's good timing, I don't encourage people to stay long coz you won't know if it is running it's last few minutes good timing. So, just hit and run, leave the casino if you've already made some profit of the day. :wink:


Was at MBS sunday noon from 1 to 10pm!! Madness but quite fun :smile: with $300 win and lose game able to collect 34 pts!! Madness. but at the end lose :( sumtime i'm wondering why we HAVE TO lose then go. Is there any other way to control self dicipline that WIN-GO but not vice versa?:smile: i think this is what it means "you can't have the best from both worlds".
Bro Kia, can i ask u, as far as your experience and method, how many times out of 10 u win by sitting at same machine for hours? Does that method really works? It seems to be working for you, but not for JJCC ley (sorry JJCC, no offends huh :p)
From my experience so far, win a hundred dollars with 60 credits is ok. It just that i cant tell my self to stay at same machine waiting for it to return what i have lost to it. As i do not know how far it eat up until it pay back again.... But i see many player do that and it seems working. But at the end lose back... Why ar.....hmmm
Hi sis jjcc, sorry didn't notice ur question, thw last grand jp at CE is around 10.45. I really thought that is you... Was waiting for your post that nite...:p
Bro and sis, pls take care and good luck. I was deciding for SE, but to think about i have bought the annual levy, kinda stupid to do so. As far as i can control my expenses, that should be ok ba. Anyway i only want to have this fun for a year. Another stage of life coming soon :smile: life goes on after 2011.

On unlucky days $300 capital will mostly be lost VERY VERY FAST :mad:
No way can play on for LONG HOURS which normally require 1k-2k playing capital on average

With my earlier HIGHER Capital days (>1k) I could use say $500 to coax an unco-operative fav slot into being co-operative
BUT nowadays I really can't afford this luxury

Mainly at most I might spend say $100-150 on each slot now before switching to another hopefully more in paying-out-mood one (tho' at times there are exceptions due to inertia, laziness etc)

Hmmm 10.45pm that night .... I would have left the CE Area by then

Yes I'm also contemplating whether to renew my MBS Annual Levy once it expires on 4th August too ...
For RWS - definitely NO Annual Renewal !!!!
Afterall I've had my VERY VERY VERY EXPENSIVE FUN here
AND there ARE OTHER less expensive pursuits & other forms of entertainment too :o
Maybe I'll be like my secretaries - just opt for 1 or 2 days' per month casino trips and pay just the DAILY LEVY instead ???? :confused:
Just play FREE slots ONLINE instead ??? :wink:
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Thanks Bro Kia, will take note on your advises.

It seems Sis JJCC sharing the same sentiment with me, yah... slots is fun, but i guess anything good should have an end. Maybe by doing this we will be more appreciative towards other less-expensive hobby :smile: Seriously, to think about how a slot machine operate and looks, even a 3 years old kid would think it is a video game, yet it has eaten up anybody (or should i say everybody?) hard earn cash. It sound does not make any senses, however truth hurts.
I think, i am now still in the search of strategy to dwell with the slot. Thanks to bro Kia too for sharing his game and story.

But, In fact i’m kinda low morale towards slot now. especially after last night play.

Last night was a bad night, after work go MBS again. I thought (superstisiously) Monday is a good day for me, as I won my both Major JP on Mondays. Well, it were only lucky Mondays :smile:. Vice versa, yesterday was really a bad night. my worst night so far. Withdraw $200 and claim $180 point. Lost. got a free feature spin but won only 1600 credits. playing 60 credits. How bad was that??? Then go ATM $300. won only a free feature, 2700 credits won. then lost. another $300 withdrawal and totally lost, no mood playing and end up total lost $780. bring back $20. That is not included the $180 PD. and guess what, i only earned 18 points. thats technically $50 / point for $800 of playing. which is the actual calculation for PD!
Well, I should have realised that last Sunday was a winning day although bring no cash home, as with $300 i supposed to earn 6 points only, but at the end earned 34 points? that is 28 points ($1400) more of playing! No wonder Sunday i felt like ping pong ball win and lose and win and lose for 8 hours.

I guess i should stop for awhile. probably mid / end of august then can start the engine again. Now have to train the quitting stage first.
On the next post, i will write an honest opinion of how i feel after a month or more for not playing from yesterday, hopefully this will be a useful reminder for me :smile: Wish me luck! :smile:


Check out this cool free slot site with many popular IGT slots including Kitty Glitter! Love the Thunderstruck II and Treasures of Troy (1024 ways)!!


Thanks so much

Am FINALLY able to download and play King Kong with this website !

THIS is another FREE no-registration required instant play site
Only thing - might have too many players so can't play at any point of time as desired [ladbroke]

Stayed Good and didn't go to MBS since last Sat's trip
Would probably only go on Thurs 14/7 since that's supposedly another of my 'romance-auspicious day' again
BUT can only play with very LOW capital [and maybe just redeem once more the $175 slot credit ?]
Hope it DOES turn out to be really auspicious here for me

Then the coming weekend Sat Room Stay with Andrew Lloyd Webber etc
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hello bro Coffeeme,
It's a good idea to take a break, hope to see your return (here, not casino) next month. :wink:
playing slot for long run is a SURE lose game, we all knew that yet we can't resist, what to do, can't stop lovin it!

I went MBS last night, only played 1109 and 10cts 5koi. $500 for Machine 1109 played from 7:30PM-10PM, still remained $500, at one time, I made it to $1,400 but I did not leave, continue playing and in the end, feed back all my winning.
Proceeded to 10cts 5koi. Played with my redeemed PD450. 30credits bet since it is 10cts machine, only managed to hit a feature game on my last 15credits balance! :mad: Picked 20 free free just to let the machine runs for "song", retriggered feature 2x ! WTF!. Picked 20 games for all the feature spins, in the end total payout 2,500credits ($250). Thought the 2,500credits can't last me long, so continue pressing 30credits. Triggered the feature about 50 spins after, this time runs on 30credits, picked 10 games, hit A x15, retriggerred picked 13 games hit Cai x10. :p Total payout 11,000+ credits ($1.1k+). Cashout and call it a night.


Was at the den yesterday. Outcome is the same....lost.

I lost at 2c Island Delight. Couldnt get a good feature spin. The amout put in to get the feature cannot be recovered from the spin. Nothing works there frm 5K to FK to 50D.

So I went to my usual hangout at Gold Rush, by then capital is low already. At that time, JP2 ($4700) was almost ripe. It was very crowded. It eventually went to someone (a team of 2 people) who left immediately after they got the JP. I walked over to the winning machines to kaypo who is the winner and the seat was empty! There was a bit of commotion. The aunties were gathering and "complaining" that there were 2 people hitting 2 machines each who struck the JP. Looks like the "Chinese gang" has struck again. Sigh!

Eventually, I needed to get more ammo and went to the 2c Bank Busters. That is probably my highlight of the day. I played 200credits on Ladies Day. I got a feature and lo and behold, I got 5 scatters within the feature. My credits went up to 100,000+! At that moment, my mind was kind of blank and I was trying to calculate how much did I get actually :0

But you guys know the ending of the story lah. As usual, I didnt leave there and then and as expected, the money went back to where it came from. Lesson again everyone.

From now on, I will likely slow down. All my adrenalin rush from winning the JP2 from the Cash Train and Gold Rush JP2 (on the same day!) a few mths back has disappeared by now and so has my winning.

Cheers and good luck to all the die hard.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hi JJcc and Bro Kia and Brothers all....

I'm quite sad after reading your post - about not returning to the casino scene.At the same time, I'm also happy that you've arrived at a " realisation" that there is something else in life besides chasing the winnings and the losses....a very expensive hobby indeed.

Yes,I'm also not renewing my membership when it expires at the end of the year..same feelings. Too much losses already - something I cannot endure and something that can cause me much pain and anguish. I can't afford the losses because I'm a salaried employee.Any loss will affect my work. My initial wins were elated and gave me so much excitement and joy.But when I continued patronising the tables and now the slots, the losses are piling higher and higher....and it's getting more and more painful.

I will not renew my membership and I will only pay to go in when my feeling is good.With the membership, the temptation just to pop is so great and so convenient - but it results in more losses....The winnings are getting less and the JPs are getting less and less...and smaller and smaller.

I went to the L1 at lunch time. I played the ChoySanYeh ...the 5 cent extreme slot nearest the toilet. I played 30 credits and I stayed at 30, sometimes went up to 60...and a few times went to 150. The payment was not too bad...getting a few features and getting a few x88 and x 38...but the losses were also rapid....

Then out of the blue, came this guessing game feature.It was my first time having seen this and I didn't know what to do. The kind lady besides me told me ," You're so lucky!!! Now press the button.....Press! "

So I pressed and I got One Choysanyeh!!! I then pressed my second, and I got One Monster looking picture...The lady told me to continue pressing. I pressed the second time, I got a panda!!! Try to get Three Choysanyehs!!!! The lady was more excited than myself. I pressed one more and I got Two Choysanyahs...one besides each other. Now try to get Three and you will get the Grand JP...about $278,000K!!!!!!....The lady asked me to press the corner button. I got a second panda!!! I then tried myself and pressed...a third panda!!!! The JP was $120.00!!!
The lady sighed and wished me Good Luck!!!!

I stayed on because of this feature ...and in the end, I LOST EVERYTHING...including my PD and my capital....all in about 2 K !!!!! The lady told me my Big JP is coming...yes, play on ...the Big Grand JP is coming...I stayed and played and played....and in the end , the feature never returned....and I left the casino a pauper!!!!

Yes, it's time to stop ....and I hope JJcc, you can also contemplating stopping...It's a losing game. I really can't afford it....this hobby is getting too expensive...and I better stop before I become a gambling addict.....So far I'm still in control.....

Good Luck to all Bros and JJcc....and I wish you all well....Take care okay :smile::smile::smile:


i love it... any lonely guy want to date me out for Casino? I give lady luck... and after you win big, I accompany you to hotel... and we can have fun... :smile: lol hehe... I just watch you play...


All your postings remind me of myself a few years back when I was visiting the jackpot rooms in either AA and CSC. I started playing in 2004 and played for about 3 years, visiting either of the places almost on a daily basis. There were some days when my wife is on business trips, I can be the first to arrive and the last to leave.

All your stories, I've encountered before - winning big jackpots, losing big money, win but stay on a lost somemore, everything. My biggest win, I remember was at AA, $60K but by then, the money won was just a fraction of my total losses. How much did I lose? Well, everytime I was there, I will play around 2K (that's the max of the NETS limit), and sometimes more when I go out to withdraw somemore money. Sometimes, I don't have enough, I will withdraw from credit cards/credit lines. Of course, there are times when I win, a few Ks here and there, but most of the time, I lost.

After a while, I begun to realise that it's not about the winning anymore. It's about watching the reels spin, listening to the music played when you hit a feature and colourful lights. It's about the process of playing that I enjoyed. It became such an obsession that like some of you here, I also go online to play. Ladbroke, William Hill, Betfred, etc. Contrary to popular belief, I actually won most of the time playing online. Biggest win was 20K pounds on a ladbroke slot. I also begun to realise that the habit is controlling my life. My mood of the day depended on whether I win or not. If I win, I'll be happy and be nice to my family members. But if I lose, which is often, I will become grouchy and moody. Naturally, my relationship with my wife suffered.

In the end, I lost all my savings and money earned (about $120K) and owed the banks another $150K. I took up the courage to confess to my wife and luckily she did not leave me. Instead, we work out a repayment package and paid off everything. Now, I don't gamble anymore and manage to start saving up as well.

I'm telling you guys my story because if you know it's just for fun, it's fine. It means that you are in control. But if you start exhibiting the behaviours that I was talking about, e.g. becoming moody towards your family members, going online to play free slots, etc. Then you are in danger of becoming an addict.

If yes, stop now before it's too late.


Since my last Sat's trip, I only went down to MBS last night Thurs since it was a supposedly "romance-auspicious day" as such
Shucks - ended up losing at least $250 + $300 ATM WD + $175 slot credit :mad: :( :*:
Yes, I will NOT be renewing any ANNUAL Levies unless there's a windfall from somewhere for those
Since the RETURNS ie the FUN FACTOR besides the Monetary Returns [if any !!!!] are hardly there nowadays - no point PAYING such expensive losses for nothing
At least if it's still fun [great features etc] still kinda worth it ....

Last night at the 2cts CE Area - found it relatively NOT Crowded compared to normal
Overhead 2 ladies saying : The Whole Day was LOUSY - Hardly any sound of any Train at all -NOTHING at all etc etc etc
Can really FEEL this overall LACKLUSTRE MOOD last night !
Overhead a guy saying his regular group/friends are all up at Genting too

AFTER my ANNUAL Levies at BOTH Casinos expire, will only go for DAILY LEVIES maybe once/twice a month only (as then can 'accumulate a reasonable substantial monthly budget sum' for slot play rather than losing LOTS of smaller withdrawn sums without any actual satisfactory play at the end of the days) when my Slot Itch is there and I feel good/lucky about going etc ....

Find that it's quite enjoyable playing the Free Online Slots
Don't have to lose any money on those :smile::biggrin::smile:

Bro blackhole
HOW COME you've never encountered the Fafafa JP Panda Feature before ?
Thought you've played the 2cts Lucky 88 at B1 before - that's the SAME JP Feature where you choose the CSY, Panda etc etc ?????

Anyway, I'll be at MBS tomorrow probably for my 2nd last Room Stay before my Annual Levy expires on 4th August
AND also attending the Andrew Lloyd Webber on Sat ! :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hi JJcc,

This tells you how unlucky I am.Played so long FFF and never strike a feature the CSY,Panda or the Monster. First time got a chance to strike a Grand JP and I blew it ...and with painful losses. The lady told me the Grand JP is coming soon...so I stupidly stayed on and played and played until no more cash to play...went home a very disappointed and dejected loser...

This FFF as Bro Kia has warned can swallow tens of thousands of cash without any mercy. So better be careful.

Thanks JJcc for sharing. I will not renew my membership anymore...and I will be going up Genting Highlands too.....

I think one year with MBS is more than enough....the losses can build a mountain...very painful....and no more excitement anymore....the initial shiok has disappeared...gone with the wind...

I will nurse my losses and hopefully strike 4D or Toto to recoup my painful losses...Take care all Bro and Sis playing the One Arm Bandits.....please be careful and very careful....Good Luck for those who are still in the game....Good Luck Bro Kia and hope to hear you strike the Grand JP !!!:smile::smile::smile:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hi Bro Kia and JJcc...

What will happen to our Premier Card and our PD when our membership expires and we do not renew our membership?