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Singapore Girls - A Challenge to Love


"Star, Malaysia
February 13, 2005

Insight Down South By Seah Chiang Nee

EDUCATED and financially independent, the new Singaporean woman is running into a wall of male traditions that is leaving some holes in their relationship, including marriage.
The trend had been building up over a couple of decades. In few other countries have women made larger strides in education and careers than in Singapore.
During the past few decades they have caught up with, and even overtaken, men in fields they had once dominated.
In university, women still outnumber men 55-45 with many moving strongly into subjects like media, mathematics, law and engineering, among others.
Recently girls won seven of the top 11 awards for A-level Physics, which had long been a boys’ domain.
Island-wide, women have moved into the highest ranks of the corporate world and commanded artillery units or police divisions, as well as trained jetfighter pilots. Ten women, aged 20-40, are planning to climb Mount Everest.
In short, the new female is able, confident and more than holding up half the heavens, but not getting equal success in their relationship with men.
This is running smack into a traditional male value of wanting to be seen wearing the pants, causing a growing “incompatibility”.
Better education has also led to the woman being perceived as too ambitious, self-centred and materialistic, not qualities that promote romance.
As a consequence, more men are choosing their brides from abroad, especially from China, Vietnam and most of all Malaysia, where historical links remain strong.
I attended five weddings in the last eight months that reflected the trend.
Four of the brides were from Malaysia and China and only one was local. I was told this was becoming a trend that government matchmakers have failed to correct.
One groom with a Johor bride said he had found Singaporean girls too materialistic and demanding. “One specifically set a condition: no living with my parents. She wasn’t happy dating on public buses.”
The women’s relentless pursuit of a career had come at the expense of learning to do simple household chores like cooking, ironing or looking after babies.
“If you want to marry a Singapore girl you must be prepared to eat at hawker centres for life,” one male cynic said.
A marriage agency owner told a radio interviewer how some of the girls had, on the first date, plied the men with questions like: What is your degree and earnings? Do you own a condo? “And they’re surprised when they didn’t get a second date,” she said.
Others find them picky, untrusting and calculative towards love and marriage.
Results of recently released research have found that one in five Singaporean wives is hiding her assets from her husband for fear that he will squander them or in case the marriage fails.
This 20% here compares with France (7.2%), USA (7.6%), Brazil (9%), Romania (12%) and Britain (16.8%).
But there are more hoarders in Japan (38%), Saudi Arabia (32%) and China (21%).
It doesn’t inspire trust. Another sign is the increasing number of cases when a private detective is hired to check on the spouse.
Pre-marital contracts are also becoming more common among people who want to keep their assets out of their spouse’s reach in any divorce. Almost six out of 10 women say in a survey that they are not submissive, while two-thirds believe they could live without men.
The changing female attitude is, of course, only half the cause.
The other is the man sticking to a traditional view that it is his right as head to leave the babies and household work to his working wife. One in two women here have a job.
The social impact is a growing number of single women, especially university graduates.
A growing minority is marrying Westerners.
This has prompted a newspaper reader to urge her well-educated peers to revisit some the traditional feminine traits.
Her letter followed reports that more Singaporeans, including young professional males, were turning abroad for brides.
She said she had worked in Vietnam and found the girls there feminine, their speech melodious.
“They work hard without complaining, carrying loads of cloth and vegetables in the market stalls and food places. Simple, gentle and hardworking, it's hard not to fall in love with them,” she added.
As for the Malaysian ladies, she finds them “neither loud nor argumentative, (but) pander to the boys' needs. Not as doormats, but as cheerful assistants, who see it as their obligation to help their men without expecting anything in return.
“Not that they are stupid - oh, no, the Malaysian girls I know are smart and hardworking, with careers of their own.
“But when it comes to matters of the heart, they play the docile, giggly girlfriend with as much aplomb as their Vietnamese counterparts. Again, it's easy to see where their attraction lies.”
In contrast, the Singapore girl is twice as likely as her Malaysian or Vietnamese counterpart to stride away in a huff or throw water in the male's face or hold a public screaming or crying fit.
“The Singapore girl debates and argues impassionedly. She wants to win at all costs and treats her love conquests like those fought in the office arena. She may be pretty, yes, smart, yes, but, oh, so demanding.”
The Singapore girl, in short, is a challenge to love, she added.
Although she may, at the end of the day, be a supportive and faithful spouse, the barbs hiding her soft interior are daunting to the suitor.
“She is materialistic, and loves being so. Shopping is a major hobby, and looking good is absolutely essential. The man is but another accessory, a helper, chauffeur, bag carrier.”
There are, however, some 200,000 men who have a poor education and a low salary. Their prospect of marrying a Singapore girl is slim.
One emotional man said online: “I’m fed up with life. Can’t even find a date let alone a wife.” For him and the rest, salvation lies in Vietnam or China.

o Seah Chiang Nee is a veteran journalist and editor of the information website littlespeck.com"


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i earn a decent salary and i had had a good education and so why the hell do i want an singaporean ah lian for a wife?


IMO, local girls' expectation is mostly depend on two major factors.

1) Their upbringing by their parent
If their parent keep telling them, "you must marry someone who has the equal education, better salary, know how to dote on you and etc...." This mean, local girls are brainwashed since young... so they don't know what is the meaning of true love and what is a realistic expectation, even they look like a elephant.. they are expecting an impossible.... :cool:

2) Their friends
On the other hands, if their friend keep telling them, you are too good, you are highly educated, you deserved someone better... you should be marrying a rich man.... you should be living a comfort or 1st class life that you don't need to work and can live off your husband.... this is the type of friend I classified as BAD, SHALLOW and STUPID.... :mad:


IMO, local girls' expectation is mostly depend on two major factors.

1) Their upbringing by their parent
If their parent keep telling them, "you must marry someone who has the equal education, better salary, know how to dote on you and etc...." This mean, local girls are brainwashed since young... so they don't know what is the meaning of true love and what is a realistic expectation, even they look like a elephant.. they are expecting an impossible.... :cool:

You have a good point. Its always the ugly ones that has the highest expectations, dont they look at themselves in the mirror when brushing their teeth in the morning?


and they expect their lover to give them everything they like as a way to pamper them but when it comes to them did they also do the same?


What about the PAP Goverment?!?

I have reasons to believe they are involved too...

IMO, local girls' expectation is mostly depend on two major factors.

1) Their upbringing by their parent
If their parent keep telling them, "you must marry someone who has the equal education, better salary, know how to dote on you and etc...." This mean, local girls are brainwashed since young... so they don't know what is the meaning of true love and what is a realistic expectation, even they look like a elephant.. they are expecting an impossible.... :cool:

2) Their friends
On the other hands, if their friend keep telling them, you are too good, you are highly educated, you deserved someone better... you should be marrying a rich man.... you should be living a comfort or 1st class life that you don't need to work and can live off your husband.... this is the type of friend I classified as BAD, SHALLOW and STUPID.... :mad:


I can afford the 5Cs if I'm in Australia. If a Singapore girl is the one I date, then I guess she has to come to Oz..at least I can take care of her over there.

In SG, I cannot afford a car- its too expensive to buy and maintain one. I'd go broke.

But if she's willing to sacrifice, and move overseas, then the horizon is the limit. No problem if she wants to work hard first few years, and then we might even live an upper middle class life in Australia by then..have a nice landed property with 5-6 rooms and a proper garage for a car. And Coles and a suburbia shopping mall around the corner.


i agree that the gov has a hand in this. din some old fart says something about if you didn't marry a graduate, you should be worried that your future generation having problem getting into the uni.

that might be a statement which cause the girls here to have an ultra blown up ego as if they are a rare gem.


The whole graduate thing is just nonsense. its all about family structure and expectations which forms a grad, not bloody genes!


i agree that the gov has a hand in this. din some old fart says something about if you didn't marry a graduate, you should be worried that your future generation having problem getting into the uni.

that might be a statement which cause the girls here to have an ultra blown up ego as if they are a rare gem.

That theory is going the way of the dodo. I mean our parents didn't go University, and yet now many S'poreans, children of baby boomers, are getting into NUS and other overseas universities and doing well overseas.

LKY is living in the past as far as I'm concerned.


Would I want to be with someone who demands a lot? Probably not.
Would it be wise to spend a lifetime in debt (aka modern version of slavery) to satisfy never-ending desires of modern consumerism of the modern family? Most probably not.
A person forms a family if he thinks that his life will be better/happier on the whole, than if he did not.
I'm sure there are nice Singapore girls. Finding them? That's a different story.

To be fair, are Singapore guys difficult/demanding? I wonder...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
To be fair, are Singapore guys difficult/demanding? I wonder...

Sinkie girls expect no more than those from any other developed country.

The big difference is that Sinkie men simply aren't up to the challenge. The majority still depend on their mummies for just about everything. No girl wants to marry a man who is still tied to his mother's apron strings.


IMO, local girls' expectation is mostly depend on two major factors.

1) Their upbringing by their parent
If their parent keep telling them, "you must marry someone who has the equal education, better salary, know how to dote on you and etc...." This mean, local girls are brainwashed since young... so they don't know what is the meaning of true love and what is a realistic expectation, even they look like a elephant.. they are expecting an impossible.... :cool:

2) Their friends
On the other hands, if their friend keep telling them, you are too good, you are highly educated, you deserved someone better... you should be marrying a rich man.... you should be living a comfort or 1st class life that you don't need to work and can live off your husband.... this is the type of friend I classified as BAD, SHALLOW and STUPID.... :mad:

You are quite right in saying that this is mostly what they do.

Which means that: they actually have no opinion of their own. So lame.

Some part of the article said that sinkie girls are pretty. When was the last time anyone spotted a pretty girl out on the streets??? Honestly, a really pretty one as good as those in GL?? :smile:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
er letter followed reports that more Singaporeans, including young professional males, were turning abroad for brides. :-)
She said she had worked in Vietnam and found the girls there feminine, their speech melodious.
“They work hard without complaining, carrying loads of cloth and vegetables in the market stalls and food places. Simple, gentle and hardworking, it's hard not to fall in love with them,” she added.
As for the Malaysian ladies, she finds them “neither loud nor argumentative, (but) pander to the boys' needs. Not as doormats, but as cheerful assistants, who see it as their obligation to help their men without expecting anything in return.
“Not that they are stupid - oh, no, the Malaysian girls I know are smart and hardworking, with careers of their own.
“But when it comes to matters of the heart, they play the docile, giggly girlfriend with as much aplomb as their Vietnamese counterparts. Again, it's easy to see where their attraction lies.”
In contrast, the Singapore girl is twice as likely as her Malaysian or Vietnamese counterpart to stride away in a huff or throw water in the male's face or hold a public screaming or crying fit.
“The Singapore girl debates and argues impassionedly. She wants to win at all costs and treats her love conquests like those fought in the office arena. She may be pretty, yes, smart, yes, but, oh, so demanding.”
The Singapore girl, in short, is a challenge to love, she added.
Although she may, at the end of the day, be a supportive and faithful spouse, the barbs hiding her soft interior are daunting to the suitor.
“She is materialistic, and loves being so. Shopping is a major hobby, and looking good is absolutely essential. The man is but another accessory, a helper, chauffeur, bag carrier.”

Need to say more??? I have been telling guys about this since from the 3rd world delphi to now.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Would I want to be with someone who demands a lot? Probably not.
Would it be wise to spend a lifetime in debt (aka modern version of slavery) to satisfy never-ending desires of modern consumerism of the modern family? Most probably not.
A person forms a family if he thinks that his life will be better/happier on the whole, than if he did not.
I'm sure there are nice Singapore girls. Finding them? That's a different story.

To be fair, are Singapore guys difficult/demanding? I wonder...

You do not seem to be someone who can accept the truth. I face the truth and that is why i stay away from sinkie gals.

In Thailand, i smile at the girls at the pub and they smile back and start friendly conversation, so pretty and cute with a charming personality.

IN sinkieland, i smile at a gal in the pub, she gives me that " what the fuck you want" look. That tells a lot already.

Please sinkiegals, you want guys to go after you, please go regional and learn from your counterparts. You need a real course for that.