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Singapore’s Shanti Pereira wins historic 200m Asian Games gold



Singapore’s Shanti Pereira wins historic 200m Asian Games gold​

This is Shanti Pereira's second medal at this year's Asian Games.
Singapore’s Shanti Pereira wins historic 200m Asian Games gold

Singapore’s Shanti Pereira celebrates winning the women's 200m final at the Asian Games in Hangzhou on Oct 2, 2023. (Photo: AFP/William West)

Matthew Mohan
Matthew Mohan
02 Oct 2023 07:50PM (Updated: 02 Oct 2023 08:05PM)

HANGZHOU, China: As Singapore held its breath in expectation, its sprint queen delivered jubilation.
At the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium on Monday (Oct 2), Shanti Pereira clocked 23.03s to take victory in the women’s 200m final at the Asian Games.


It is Singapore’s first athletics gold medal since 1974, when Chee Swee Lee won the women’s 400m.
On Saturday, Pereira already ended her country's nearly 50-year wait for an Asiad track and field medal, after she clinched a silver in the women’s 100m.
Pereira, whose 200m personal best stands at 22.57s, then topped all three heats for the event the next day, with a time of 23.14s.
This was her first Games finals in the 200m. At the last edition in 2018, she did not advance past the semi-finals.
Singapore sprinter Shanti Pereira during her 200m final at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China on Oct 2, 2023. (Photo: SportSG/Jeremy Lee)


The Singaporean has overcome much to get to where she is today.


She first burst into the nation's consciousness at the 2015 Southeast Asian Games when she took gold in the 200m, clocked a personal best and set a new national record. Her win also ended a 42-year gold medal drought for Singapore in a SEA Games sprint event.
But with it came the enormity of expectations. That coupled with injuries meant that some wrote Pereira off over the next few years.
"Slowly, people just kind of lost faith in me. People have their opinions about my journey, and whatnot. I think, for a while there, I really did let it get to me, which is not ideal,” she said previously.
"There was a lot of self-doubt that kind of grew as the years went by. Just because it was like - again another season I couldn't get a PB (personal best), and it just continued and continued and continued.”
Singapore’s Shanti Pereira celebrates winning the women's 200m final at the Asian Games in Hangzhou on Oct 2, 2023. (Photo: AFP/Hector Retamal)
The negativity ate her up, added Pereira. It got to the point that there were times when she was no longer excited to compete or even train. Instead, what she felt was fear.


But she never gave up.
With support from her family and the guidance of coach Luis Cunha, she bounced back at the 2022 SEA Games, clinching gold in the 200m and silver in the 100m.
In May this year, Pereira became the first Singaporean woman to win both the 100m and 200m events at the same edition of the SEA Games; then followed that up with a sprint double at the Asian Athletics Championships in July.
In August, Pereira became the first Singaporean to make a World Championships semi-finals after a stellar showing in the 200m. She also met the qualifying mark for the event at the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
Prior to this year's Asian Games, Pereira had been targeting medals in the 100m and 200m.


Now, she has done just that, and then some.


She deserves to win unlike those swimming arrogant cunts.
that druggie boy took state funding and flopped at the last games after that one fluke at the Olympics. Fucking uncle came out with guns blazing when ppl questioned his nephew's integrity online
what r the stickers on her shoulder ?
kinesio tape, used to relieve pain. Not very different from ko yok, except maybe more long lasting, and acts faster, across a wider surface area


Alfrescian (Inf)
She has earned $300k ....$200k for gold, $100k for silver.
But she has to give $60k to her sport association. $240k is still not a peanut sum.