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She was shot through the head




Do you think that these SURPLAY SUNI TUMBI POLICE can fight off terrorists?


not only india, the rest of the world is also clueless on how to deal with terrorists. unlike conventional warfare where certain pre-battle T&C are submitted, b4 the bullets start flying. terrorists can pull off any stunt they want, anywhere, anytime. nobody is ever prepared enough to engage them

I laughed when I heard the propaganda during my NS days that SAF is able to protect SG from terrorists because we have a damn lot of attack choppers and F-16s.

As if terrorists would try to take down an F-16...they are more likely to attack soft targets and not hard targets, and F-16s are hardly intimidating. They don't care about armed forces who still have a WWII, Cold War(state to state) mentality.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
the minute they chose her to be the spoke person...her fate was sealed..

sad.very sad.this should not have happened in the first place.poor girl.rest in peace your tormented soul. may you rest in peace.may you not perish in vain.may the relevant authorities wake up to the harsh realities of today's brutal and merciless world. singaporeans travelling abroad, remember this.ms lo died for all of you.rip.


sad.very sad.this should not have happened in the first place.poor girl.rest in peace your tormented soul. may you rest in peace.may you not perish in vain.may the relevant authorities wake up to the harsh realities of today's brutal and merciless world. singaporeans travelling abroad, remember this.ms lo died for all of you.rip.

She never died for all, she's unlucky that MFA did not save her! Ask George Yeo come out say sorry!!!:oIo:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
okay...okay...okay...ms lo did not die for all of you...she died. shot or was shot.dunno.

anyway,may her tormented soul rest in peace. the dead is gone.the living has to live on in perpetual pain, anguish and grief.

i hope mda will learn from this...


sad.very sad.this should not have happened in the first place.poor girl.rest in peace your tormented soul. may you rest in peace.may you not perish in vain.may the relevant authorities wake up to the harsh realities of today's brutal and merciless world. singaporeans travelling abroad, remember this.ms lo died for all of you.rip.

nothing will change....she won't be the first to die from terrorism nor will she be the last...

but thou it is indeed a sad event, the disparity and bias reporting by our national media in covering her death and their chosen silence where the lives of thousand innocent lives taken away by the biggest terrorist of them all..smacks really of bias journalism...


Very difficult to make POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION of someone shot thru the head with a weapon like AK47. I don't think there would be much of a face left to identify.

Swiss Standard

The Indian commandoes should follow our elite commandoes and rehearse and Role play for one day (or a few days as this is on a very much larger scales) in another building.... just like the the SIA and Cable Car incidents.... Our commandoes are the Bestest


We should do what those bastards did to the innocent. We go and kill their whole family see next time if any of them dare to fuck around and go on a killing spree. I always believe in the old testiment an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. You kill my bitch and I will eat your cat.


Alfrescian (Inf)
We should do what those bastards did to the innocent. We go and kill their whole family see next time if any of them dare to fuck around and go on a killing spree. I always believe in the old testiment an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. You kill my bitch and I will eat your cat.

An tooth for a tooth got the terrorist situation where it is today. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


Alfrescian (Inf)
come on man

what is this?

i know you feel the need to have to say nice things to the poor gal family.

but this is too much man.

who are you?
script writer for tcs drama


Heng ah! Still thot u'd say he works for me! *zzzz*


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
We should do what those bastards did to the innocent. We go and kill their whole family see next time if any of them dare to fuck around and go on a killing spree. I always believe in the old testiment an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. You kill my bitch and I will eat your cat.

these are precisely the reasons for the insanity and the madness we see in today's world....testiclements preach hostilities and divide people...now all of us are payin the price for these testiclements preachings...chay!!!!


come on man

what is this?

i know you feel the need to have to say nice things to the poor gal family.

but this is too much man.

who are you?
script writer for tcs drama

precisely how i felt when jaya say "whole singapore grief for u"..:confused:


But later, the hotel executive says, they changed their mind, probably when security forces entered the building. They executed every hostage they could get.
'We found her in the corridor on the 17th floor and there were two other dead women on the same level,' the executive says.
Could she have died from friendly fire?
'No chance,' he says.
'She was shot through the head.'

Okay, just let her die. They are expendable extras from their births and the world population of women remains relatively unchanged anyway, meaning there're still lots of options for innocuous explorers, though virginity is another side issue.

So much for the terrorists being hypocritically chivalrous on not hurting women. They did a good job despite being hypocrites. But they should still not be hypocrites. Just shoot and use them as naked human shields as is often in those troublesome countries but they should stop pretending to be so graceful with their guns and crass political ambitions.
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