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SDP proposes alternative NS policy



SDP proposes alternative NS policy
Wednesday, 05 January 2011
Singapore Democrats


National Service (NS), or army conscription in Singapore, was first introduced in 1967 due to pressing issues such as national security after Singapore's "forced" independence in 1965. In 1971, the British completely pulled out of Singapore. It has been 41 years since the introduction of NS.

Since then the world and Asia has changed significantly in terms of security and economic arrangements. But has Singapore's conscription policy kept up with these changes to reflect and cope with the new geopolitical landscape?

First let us review the service that all able-bodied 18-year-old male Singaporeans have to undergo. Basic Military Training, or BMT, is the "boot camp" for all new recruits. This lasts for three months whereupon the soldier then gets posted out to other units for further specialised training.

The conscripts then serve the remainder of their two-year stint polishing up their combat skills. Following the two years of full-time service, NSmen are required (for up to 40 days a year) to serve in a part-tme capacity until they are 50 years old for commissioned officers and 40 for others.


SDP's solutions:

The PAP's NS policy is outmoded and does not serve the interests of Singapore and the people. The Singapore Democrats propose reforming the system in the following ways:

Reduce the two-year full-time service

In an age where warfare has turned to "smart" technology, is it still logical and necessary for Singapore to insist that its National Servicemen undergo 24 months months of active, full-time service? Such a policy is rare among countries that maintain a conscription policy.

On the right is a list of countries with periods of full-time conscript service. The overwhelming majority of the conscription systems limit their length of services to no more than 12 months. The more advance countries like Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland all have full-time services that are less than one year.

Given the situation in Singapore there is no reason why we cannot employ more efficient training methods and reduce full-time NS from the present two years to twelve months or less.

At the moment, NSmen are exploited for their services to glorify the PAP during National Day parades. The energy and time of these men can be put to more productive use in the real economy than as entertainment for the PAP regime.

In addition they are exploited as cheap labour filling posts such as police officers, fire-firefighters and extra-hands during big events. In must be remembered that the Enlistment Act was enacted for a specific purpose and any detraction from that purpose must be rejected.

Expand professional army

To compensate for the decrease in the number of active and reservist NSmen, the Singapore Armed Forces should expand a professional army recruitment to complement the reduction in the number of conscripts.

Reduce reservist training

The current period of reserve training is a burden on the servicemen and, by extension, the economy. In addition, reservists have to contend with migrant workers in terms of remuneration and promotion when employers compare local men who have to be away for weeks in anyone year to foreign workers who have no such obligation. This unfair competition takes place at a time when men settle down and start families in their 30s. Job stability and career prospects are essential during this period.

To minimise this problem the span of a serviceman's reservist training should not go beyond the age of 30.

In addition, the human body goes into decline after the age of 30. To maintain the military in top condition, it makes little sense to keep men over the age of 30 in the frontline. The period of Operationally-Ready NS training cycles should be cut to five instead of the current ten.

Allow for conscientious objectors

What about people who do not believe that it is right for them to do military service due to moral, religious or ethical grounds? At the moment such conscientious objectors are charged and imprisoned for the length of their service.

In some of the countries that have compulsory military service, there is also a provision for conscientious objectors to serve in non-combat roles. There is an argument that this would open the flood gates for men to opt for non-combat positions. Such a loophole can be plugged by increasing the length of active service by, say, six months. The experiences of other countries like Germany and Sweden have not been negative in this aspect where males try to avoid combat service by claiming to be conscientious objectors.


NSmen in National Day Parades: For whose benefit?

Be transparent

Obligation in Singapore seems to be a one-way street. While the Government holds the people accountable for their NS liabilities, the Ministry of Defence remains non-transparent and non-accountable in their dealings with the public.

Training fatalities and injuries of NSmen are not made known to the public as a matter-of-course. The Government which compels the people to give their lives for the country are obliged to be absolutely transparent with information pertaining to safety issues. Compensation for deaths and injuries must also be reviewed and revised upwards.

Improve diplomacy and foreign relations

In order for Singapore to reduce the chances of armed conflict with other countries, we need to improve our foreign relations and diplomatic skills. The recent revelations by Wikileaks where our senior diplomatic officials made disparaging remarks against our closest neighbours are not the way forward.

We must embark on an enlightened foreign policy approach where we work with our ASEAN neighbours instead of treating them with disdain. Instead of practising one-upmanship, a new approach must be adopted. This should include signing treatises and conducting military exercises with the ultimate aim of forming a regional defence force.

Such a move will also address the problem of discrimination against Singaporeans who are Muslims. Building up trust and confidence with our Malay-Muslim neighbours in areas of military defence will eliminate this problem as we work towards a peaceful and friendly co-existence instead of the suspicious and hostile atmosphere that currently exists.

Such an approach will also help us reduce our defence budget which is more than $11 billion, or 25 percent of our national budget. A reduction in military spending will allow us to divert more resources to other areas such as healthcare and other aid for the elderly and poor.


The SDP's alternative NS policy will go a long way to address the many problems that currently burden Singaporean males and their families. It is forward looking and sensible. Most important it will afford our country continued security as well as sustainable progress that this country needs.

Tiu Kwang Yew

Like the COE, this new idea is also good !

Please get the message across the whole island next GE !

Please rehabilitate the voters the true meaning of NS !

Good ideas will win votes !


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
NO matter how it looks, SDP talks , writes and plan like a first world nation. Well done.

PAP looks so sinkiely stupid standing beside SDP


Actually we should further question the Reservist policy...Is it even necessary? And secondly, instead of forcing newly-minted male citizens to serve NS, maybe we should force them to serve a 10-year cycle depending on their age, the older, the less number of cycles...I think that's fair enough. At least they can top up additional manpower to units facing a manpower shortage.


Just renounce the fucking Sinkie citizenship lah. Those interested can email me for lobang. :smile:

Tiu Kwang Yew

Actually we should further question the Reservist policy...Is it even necessary?

Good question !
Globalised village does not belong to Local people no more !

Besides, all bosses prefer workers to work and work and work, RP (reservist policy ) is just a pain in the ass, the bosses would employ FTs without NS and RP !

In the end, many of these NS boys join civil service and becum PAP supporters !

The more PAP supporters the PAP created, the peasants will pay higher GST and many hidden taxes

It is humanly right to reform the NS slavery !


[COLOR="_______"]Reducing NS duration is a good time and cost cutting idea

have NS for 6mths (3mths BMT + 3 mths Basic vocation training) or 1 year max (3mths BMT + 3 mths Basic vocation training + 3 or 6mths vocation training)....

specialist and officers positions to be full time or professional jobs....

Any NSF desire to be a specialist or officer will have to serve additional 3mths (duration of specialist training) and 9 mths (duration of ocs course) respectively....(selection process required)

Reservist should be scrap to cut cost as it is redundant....or to be reduced to a max of 5 year....[/COLOR]


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore has one of the world longest army conscription and reservist period, why? we are a small country and have no military conflict with anyone. The reservist period of 10 cycles and until 40 yrs old for NCO are totally unnecessary.

Taiwan is removing army conscription and switching to a professional fighting force in 2014. think South Korea still has a 2 year NS period, don't know their reservist how long.


And new citizens male who are below 50 years of age to serve NS. If they want to make this place their home, everyone will want to help defend and protect their own homeland, right?:smile:

And dont tell me too old, we serve until 40 or 50 years of age leh:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore has one of the world longest army conscription and reservist period, why? we are a small country and have no military conflict with anyone. The reservist period of 10 cycles and until 40 yrs old for NCO are totally unnecessary.

We have one of the richest man in the world living in Spore & he needs to protect his property.


Expand professional army

To compensate for the decrease in the number of active and reservist NSmen, the Singapore Armed Forces should expand a professional army recruitment to complement the reduction in the number of conscripts.

FUCK YOU if they increase GST to 99% just to support this fucking expensive item!


Alfrescian (Inf)
SDP's proposal is both sound and practical. The logic is palpable. Cultivate more friends esp. neighbouring countries and be more humble! Expand the regular army and make them more professional instead of jiakliaobee or chobolan! Shorten the 2 years to one year. From 3G to 4g fighting force!:biggrin:


And new citizens male who are below 50 years of age to serve NS. If they want to make this place their home, everyone will want to help defend and protect their own homeland, right?:smile:

And dont tell me too old, we serve until 40 or 50 years of age leh:rolleyes:
This suggestion I like.
Also agree with kuanti01 that SG should cultivate more friends, but to ask them to be more humble is a little difficult.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Allow for conscientious objectors

What about people who do not believe that it is right for them to do military service due to moral, religious or ethical grounds? At the moment such conscientious objectors are charged and imprisoned for the length of their service.

In some of the countries that have compulsory military service, there is also a provision for conscientious objectors to serve in non-combat roles. There is an argument that this would open the flood gates for men to opt for non-combat positions. Such a loophole can be plugged by increasing the length of active service by, say, six months. The experiences of other countries like Germany and Sweden have not been negative in this aspect where males try to avoid combat service by claiming to be conscientious objectors.

Singapore does allow for conscientious objectors, e.g. JWs. Go detention for 3 years, that's all. Free food and lodging. It's about the time of NSF plus reservist commuted together. Go to non-combat civilian services? Come on. With the army discipline and ready threat of corporal and martial punishments, we'd still find people malingering. With non-disciplined civilian services, that'd even be worse, causing more harm than good to people, society and nation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
And new citizens male who are below 50 years of age to serve NS. If they want to make this place their home, everyone will want to help defend and protect their own homeland, right?:smile:

And dont tell me too old, we serve until 40 or 50 years of age leh:rolleyes:

The cut-off age is 26 years 6 months. You can't serve reservist if you haven't been through BMT. You can't been put through BMT after 26y. 6m. That's the physical and medical mark.


The cut-off age is 26 years 6 months. You can't serve reservist if you haven't been through BMT. You can't been put through BMT after 26y. 6m. That's the physical and medical mark.
Can always change the cut-off age and have "modified" form of BMT for the new citizens.
But election coming, better not change too fast. And we need these people to build our homes and roads, better not let them be too tired. :rolleyes: :biggrin: