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SDA and SDP continue to damage themselves


I'm not sure how far WP will go to take PP if its still around in 2016. I don't think the SPP voters there will automatically see a WP candidate as a Chiam 2.0


It is true that SDP's withdrawal helped WP to win convincingly.
If they had not withdrawn, the opposition 54% of votes would have been spilt right down the line, and possibly not even in WP's favour.
What is certain is that the chopsticks doctor would be an MP and his smug face would be all over the press, at least until 2016.

You guess is as good as anyone's.

Thank you SDP for being sensible in the final analysis.

Fair comment, if you also include harsh words for SDP's initial "invitation"-disclose-emails-Oppo-Unity crap.


After his devastating loss, Desmond Lim says he will change his target in 2016 GE to Potong Pasir.
(in Mandarin)

While SDP is still recovering from the damage, known SDP activist Wong Wee Nam brazenly credits PE results to SDP. He might as well thank PAP for putting up the campaign.

what s the common point between SDA and SDP?

both started by Chiam, both led by CHiam Proteges

WP supporters are all thugs. If the WP were ever to gain power, it would be tens times worse than the PAP. Whitley Road detention centre would be bursting at the seams.

thats the point
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It is true that SDP's withdrawal helped WP to win convincingly.
If they had not withdrawn, the opposition 54% of votes would have been spilt right down the line, and possibly not even in WP's favour.
What is certain is that the chopsticks doctor would be an MP and his smug face would be all over the press, at least until 2016.

Thank you SDP for being sensible in the final analysis.

Your observations are based on the assumption that many people have a good opinion of SDP.
Last I checked SDP had no seats in Parliament. In GE2011 its so-called "A" team in Holland-Bukit Timah garnered 39.9% of the vote.
That is a massive 10.1% away from the finishing line. I put it to you that there is a vast gulf between what you would like to see and what is the reality.


Your observations are based on the assumption that many people have a good opinion of SDP.
Last I checked SDP had no seats in Parliament. In GE2011 its so-called "A" team in Holland-Bukit Timah garnered 39.9% of the vote.
That is a massive 10.1% away from the finishing line. I put it to you that there is a vast gulf between what you would like to see and what is the reality.

Exactly. And SDP's party membership has changed faster than people changing their underwear.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm not sure how far WP will go to take PP if its still around in 2016. I don't think the SPP voters there will automatically see a WP candidate as a Chiam 2.0

For 2016, I doubt WP will go into PP without SPP's blessings.
If SPP puts someone up in 2016 that fails to win, WP may just step in in 2021 with or without SPP's blessing.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
WP supporters are all thugs. If the WP were ever to gain power, it would be tens times worse than the PAP. Whitley Road detention centre would be bursting at the seams.

What have WP supporters to do with the WP that would get into power?
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LOL. It would be ridiculous to see Desmond Lim go back to Potong Pasir.

If he had stayed loyal to Chiam See Tong, that seat might be his now (despite his horrible English and his total inability to debate in Parliament). Chiam might have given the seat to him instead of Lina, and SPP might have won. Lina is a nice auntie and very matronly, but she is not electable, and even so she lost out by only 100 votes. So I dare say that Desmond dug his own grave. That was a golden ticket to Parliament. He will never get a second chance. Not in Potong Pasir and not anywhere. He is finished.

I hope WP contests in Potong Pasir and causes him to lose his deposit for the third time (hat-trick)!

Sadly, SPP cannot regain Potong Pasir as it has no other candidates and it is not capable of renewal. Unless of course Chiam contests the seat himself. But then, he is already too old and frail, and people might not elect an MP that stands a serious risk of not lasting through a full term.


LOL. It would be ridiculous to see Desmond Lim go back to Potong Pasir.

If he had stayed loyal to Chiam See Tong, that seat might be his now (despite his horrible English and his total inability to debate in Parliament). Chiam might have given the seat to him instead of Lina, and SPP might have won. Lina is a nice auntie and very matronly, but she is not electable, and even so she lost out by only 100 votes. So I dare say that Desmond dug his own grave. That was a golden ticket to Parliament. He will never get a second chance. Not in Potong Pasir and not anywhere. He is finished.

I hope WP contests in Potong Pasir and causes him to lose his deposit for the third time (hat-trick)!

Sadly, SPP cannot regain Potong Pasir as it has no other candidates and it is not capable of renewal. Unless of course Chiam contests the seat himself. But then, he is already too old and frail, and people might not elect an MP that stands a serious risk of not lasting through a full term.

WP DL and PAP in PP. Damn close. Could be PE 2.0 or not.


Trust me, if WP were to contest in Potong Pasir, the results would be as follows:

WP 60%
PAP 40%
Desmond Lim 100 votes

I doubt so. The vote SPP has gotten in PP over the years is a vote given to the Chiams.
If the Chiams are not there a large majority of the residents would be happy to give the vote back to the PAP.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I would be surprised if he even gets 3 digits. 2 digits more likely. People remember him as the guy who betrayed Mr Chiam See Tong.


Dr Chee of SDP is a very clever man,you might be surprised that when he applies the lessons of hard political life in Singapore,he will learn very fast!


Your observations are based on the assumption that many people have a good opinion of SDP.
Last I checked SDP had no seats in Parliament. In GE2011 its so-called "A" team in Holland-Bukit Timah garnered 39.9% of the vote.
That is a massive 10.1% away from the finishing line. I put it to you that there is a vast gulf between what you would like to see and what is the reality.

If Vincent W or Paul T had contested PE BE, the voters would have seen an articulate, compassionate and intelligent, yet down-to-earth candidate who would be able to speak up for them in parliament. Either would have taken away some of WP's votes, and I am surmising enough to give PAP a victory, perhaps not enough to beat WP's Li Lian.
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I doubt so. The vote SPP has gotten in PP over the years is a vote given to the Chiams.
If the Chiams are not there a large majority of the residents would be happy to give the vote back to the PAP.

trust me, Potong Pasir want an opposition, but a credible 1. not an aunty

if WP send some1 solid, sure win... there is no loyalty to chiam because chiam betray them by sending his wife