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I have seen this being done for the last 30 years and always with those who aged 30 and below. Some how it has been passed down from generation to generation.

Just go to HK and if you don't spot a V sign on any given day, its your lucky day.

Only the Japanese amongst the East Asians don't do it.

Why the hell do they do it?:confused: It looks freakin stupid!:eek:


I have seen this being done for the last 30 years and always with those who aged 30 and below. Some how it has been passed down from generation to generation.

Just go to HK and if you don't spot a V sign on any given day, its your lucky day.

Only the Japanese amongst the East Asians don't do it.

screwball kong jiao wei again huh:cool:


  • V1.jpg
    4.7 KB · Views: 109


The guy and girl look kind of young. Maybe its an in thing now to use the "V" sign like Winston Churchill.

Aiyah, just move on, got other pretty mei mei out there lah. No need to inform the guy or whatnot.

Move on... definetely I will move on... But you know how my son and me becos of this failed marriage hurt as s much.. Rember my son is only 4yrs old... still got K1/K2, Primary schoold days.... to go.

If your wife (whether going divorce or not) go sleep around with other man, you can take it easily?


Move on... definetely I will move on... But you know how my son and me becos of this failed marriage hurt as s much.. Rember my son is only 4yrs old... still got K1/K2, Primary schoold days.... to go.

If your wife (whether going divorce or not) go sleep around with other man, you can take it easily?

bro, the bottomline is u still got to move on even it is not easy. many bros here had given u good advices, forget the hatred, move on and good luck...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
bro, the bottomline is u still got to move on even it is not easy. many bros here had given u good advices, forget the hatred, move on and good luck...

Should be "... many brothers here have given you good ADVICE.".

"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.

"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.

There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J) and take the test.


Moderator - JB Section
Move on... definetely I will move on... But you know how my son and me becos of this failed marriage hurt as s much.. Rember my son is only 4yrs old... still got K1/K2, Primary schoold days.... to go.

If your wife (whether going divorce or not) go sleep around with other man, you can take it easily?

Sir, please don't take it to heart. She is hardly worth your time. The sooner you move on, the easier it is for your son. Being angry is definitely understandable. Who wouldn't and i know of many who will be homicidal or suicidal. No matter what you choose to do, think first of your son.

She has forgotten the 9 months of labour and your love and support, she has forgotten about the family. She forgot about the wedding vows. She used you. She abandoned you.

I feel for you, i know you are in pain. The thing is, you are wasting your time being online and chasing after her shadow. Its just a waste of your time and your son's. Your son has just lost his mother, he cannot afford to lose you.
Whatever anger you have, put it aside for his sake. Use your anger to constructive means.

If you lost a 1 dollar coin into a storm drain and its gone forever, would you want to throw another coin in? Whatever has happened, has happened, shaming her, getting her into trouble will not solve matters. Even if you find her and get people to harass her family back home or the new guy, what good will it do?

Don't waste your time, once a woman's heart is gone, its gone. Time to move on, from the photos i saw, i would have forgotten her the minute she left the door. Not worth my effort to even shed a second tear.

Remember this phrase (Cantonese), roughly translated here:
Don't be afraid of wearing the green hat, most important is to take it off quickly.

Women are but a transient part of our lives, if they are meant to be, they are meant to be. If not, find another one.

I wish you and your son well, be strong for his sake. You have my most sincere sympathies but after the anger part, you and your son needs to heal and move on. Take care.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I feel for you, i know you a
Whatever anger you have, put it aside for his sake. Use your anger to constructive means.


Oct 25 2006 By Lindsay Clydesdale
ARE you the type of person to get even, or turn the other cheek?
If you've been dumped, sacked or insulted, do you shrug and forget it or start plotting ways to strike back?
According to Claire Gillman, getting even is becoming increasingly popular as life gets more stressful.
In her book, Revenge is Sweet, Claire reveals that men are by far the more vengeful sex, except over romantic matters, when it's women who are most likely to exact revenge.
"Lots of us would like to wipe the smile off someone's face," said Claire. "All research shows men are more prone to taking revenge. They also enjoy it more than women.
"Men are far more likely to take revenge in almost every area from work to sport, even driving.
"Women tend to be more devious, peppering men's food with laxatives or dirt and wiping round the toilet bowl with his toothbrush."
Despite the title of her book, Claire believes revenge is never the answer as it ultimately leaves you feeling unhappy you have stooped to your offender's level.
Here are some of her favourite tales from the book.
The wife of radio DJ Tim Shaw saw red when he told glamour model Jodie Marsh on air that he would leave his wife and children for her.
His wife Hayley, who was listening to his show, immediately posted an advert for his £25,000 Lotus Esprit Turbo sports car on eBay for 50p.
The car sold within five minutes.
The DJ had upset his wife previously on air by telling her sister he thought ab out her while having sex with his pregnant wife.
Hayley said: "I am sick of him disrespecting this family for the sake of his act.
"The car is his pride and joy but the idiot put my name on the logbook so I just sold it. I didn't care about the money, I just wanted to get him back."
AFTER a long-running neighbour dispute, one of the parties went on holiday for two weeks in the summer. The other neighbour took advantage of their absence to put two pints of maggots through the neighbour's letter box.
The family returned to a Hitchcock-like house of flies.
An 80-year- old woman was in front of a judge, charged with shoplifting. He asked her what she had stolen.
"A can of peaches," replied the woman.
"How many peaches were in the can?" asked the judge.
She replied that there were six.
"Then I'll give you six days in jail," said the judge.
Before he had time to speak further, the woman's husband added: "She also stole a tin of peas."
One chef confessed that after a customer had very rudely asked for his burger "without any bl**dy sauce on it", she licked the sauce off the burger with her tongue and then sent it out.
WHEN a Romanian man fell asleep while making love to his mistress, she took it as a huge insult. To teach him a lesson, she put his penis through his wedding ring. The man, who was married with two kids, had to go to hospital to have the wedding ring removed.
A computer technician at Forbes Publishing was angered when his temporary position was terminated so he deliberately brought down five of eight network servers.
All the data in the servers was deleted and none was recoverable.
As a result, Forbes was forced to shut its New York office for two days and sustained losses of more than $100,000.
In a private school in Ontario, Canada, a caretaker's patience was being sorely tried by a number of 12-year- old girls who would apply lipstick 'kisses' to the mirror in the girls' toilets, leaving dozens of marks.
Every night the caretaker would remove the lip marks and the next day the girls would put them back.
Finally the headmistress called all the girls to the lavatories to tell them off. She asked the caretaker to show the girls how hard he had to scrub.
The man took out a squeegee, dipped it in the nearest toilet bowl and scrubbed at the mirror.
Et voila, no more lipstick marks.
Playwright George Bernard Shaw sent Sir Winston Churchill a caustic invitation, reading: "Am reserving two tickets for you for my premiere. Come and bring a friend - if you have one."
Churchill replied: "Impossible to be present for the first performance. Will attend second - if there is one."
Revenge is Sweet by Claire Gillman, published by Fusion Press, priced £9.99.


Sir, please don't take it to heart. She is hardly worth your time. The sooner you move on, the easier it is for your son. Being angry is definitely understandable. Who wouldn't and i know of many who will be homicidal or suicidal. No matter what you choose to do, think first of your son.

She has forgotten the 9 months of labour and your love and support, she has forgotten about the family. She forgot about the wedding vows. She used you. She abandoned you.

I feel for you, i know you are in pain. The thing is, you are wasting your time being online and chasing after her shadow. Its just a waste of your time and your son's. Your son has just lost his mother, he cannot afford to lose you.
Whatever anger you have, put it aside for his sake. Use your anger to constructive means.

If you lost a 1 dollar coin into a storm drain and its gone forever, would you want to throw another coin in? Whatever has happened, has happened, shaming her, getting her into trouble will not solve matters. Even if you find her and get people to harass her family back home or the new guy, what good will it do?

Don't waste your time, once a woman's heart is gone, its gone. Time to move on, from the photos i saw, i would have forgotten her the minute she left the door. Not worth my effort to even shed a second tear.

Remember this phrase (Cantonese), roughly translated here:
Don't be afraid of wearing the green hat, most important is to take it off quickly.

Women are but a transient part of our lives, if they are meant to be, they are meant to be. If not, find another one.

I wish you and your son well, be strong for his sake. You have my most sincere sympathies but after the anger part, you and your son needs to heal and move on. Take care.

I wont say these if I were you.

There could be hidden stories which he wont say and usually we will only hear one side and forgot it tok 2 hands to clap.

I know of a couple, they appear to be really lovely on the surface but later we found out the husband had been beating the wife whenever he is drunk. She cant take it and found another guy who listen to her plight and eventually they became lovers and she left her husband. The husband came out in the open with the same bullshit about how nice he had treated her and he culd have neglected her and stuff like that and yet, never mention how he abused her.

So the woman needs to move on because she need a better life from her suffering, is that wrong?

too many hidden stories, some issues are best stayed out.


Moderator - JB Section
Remember, the more women you are exposed to, the better your chances of finding a good one. Its but a statistic.

If it would make you feel better, my best buddy from US, this is what his ex wife did to him(true story):

1. Threw his credit cards and identification papers away
2. Drove his cats out of his house
3. Ripped the photos in the house (he paid 5-7k USD for wedding photos)
4. Called him when he was in Hong Kong attending to his very sick dad.
5. Didn't go with him to see his dad even though he was in critical condition.
6. Forgotten to lock his car and it resulted in it being stolen.
7. Filed for divorce the minute he left US in the plane.
8. Turns out she had got involved in adultery with her finance boss all this while
9. Used him only to get the green card.
10. Called my friend and told him all this, and then finally said she is leaving him.
11. Called him again after he had earlier told her his dad had passed away and she never said anything to console him, just asked about who gets what.
12. Got a lawyer to contact my friend and divided property.

You know what? He was depressed, seriously depressed at first.
After all, he was still shocked and saddened by his dad's passing and then she did this to him. I told him, he deserved better, she probably deserve something to the head(but that is another matter)

The best way to get even is to live even happier that the bitch, that was what he said to me once.

I am happy to see that he is living very happily now with his new girlfriend(soon to be wife) in Singapore.

You can do it too, you have a son now, its no longer all about you. Be strong for his sake.


Move on... definetely I will move on... But you know how my son and me becos of this failed marriage hurt as s much.. Rember my son is only 4yrs old... still got K1/K2, Primary schoold days.... to go.

If your wife (whether going divorce or not) go sleep around with other man, you can take it easily?

Let's say you take your revenge now by destroying her life. Other than making you happy for a while, how would that improve your current situation? You should be channelling your energy and resources into bringing up your son and improving your life.

The best revenge is to show her how well you can live without her. Remember that the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.


Moderator - JB Section
I wont say these if I were you.

There could be hidden stories which he wont say and usually we will only hear one side and forgot it tok 2 hands to clap.

I know of a couple, they appear to be really lovely on the surface but later we found out the husband had been beating the wife whenever he is drunk. She cant take it and found another guy who listen to her plight and eventually they became lovers and she left her husband. The husband came out in the open with the same bullshit about how nice he had treated her and he culd have neglected her and stuff like that and yet, never mention how he abused her.

So the woman needs to move on because she need a better life from her suffering, is that wrong?

too many hidden stories, some issues are best stayed out.

Of course it takes 2 hands to clap, i have never heard his wife side so i am just asking he should think of his son, forget her and be happy. Most importantly is that he must move on.


I wont say these if I were you.

There could be hidden stories which he wont say and usually we will only hear one side and forgot it tok 2 hands to clap.

I know of a couple, they appear to be really lovely on the surface but later we found out the husband had been beating the wife whenever he is drunk. She cant take it and found another guy who listen to her plight and eventually they became lovers and she left her husband. The husband came out in the open with the same bullshit about how nice he had treated her and he culd have neglected her and stuff like that and yet, never mention how he abused her.

So the woman needs to move on because she need a better life from her suffering, is that wrong?

too many hidden stories, some issues are best stayed out.

cleareye, you are right to say that... too many hidden stories not seem by those who don't know us. It take two hands to clap, I do admit in this failed marriage... I do have wrongs and not decisive enough. I will not go into much more details about those 'hidden stories', cos these 'stories' will have to go thru the 'proper channel' to the authority (e.g. Court).

Nothing wrong for her to move on the life.. but I'm 90% sure their this relationship only starts in Feb or even Mar 2009 and so fast Apr 2009 go for a holiday? Why didn't she upload the video earlier but chose only after Aug 2009after receiving the money?

How can any women so quick to dump away her bad memory on this marriage (assuming that this husband is a bastard) and found a new love within 2 mths filing divorce? Even if the husband is completely wrong and a bastard, any woman how tough she is WILL ALSO THINK OF THE CHILD!


maybe is the husband had thought about the child, he would not be completely wrong and a bastard???


Move on... definetely I will move on... But you know how my son and me becos of this failed marriage hurt as s much.. Rember my son is only 4yrs old... still got K1/K2, Primary schoold days.... to go.

If your wife (whether going divorce or not) go sleep around with other man, you can take it easily?

hope you can find a better one in the future...


How can any women so quick to dump away her bad memory on this marriage (assuming that this husband is a bastard) and found a new love within 2 mths filing divorce? Even if the husband is completely wrong and a bastard, any woman how tough she is WILL ALSO THINK OF THE CHILD!

You are assuming every person has the same moral standard/ethics as you. That is wrong, everyone has their own decision to make, life to live the way they want. She can be heartless, cruel, abandoned her child for another guy, that is her decision. The reason why a lot of person has been asking you to move on is pretty obvious, its not worth the effort to pursued a woman like this. I believe in karma, if she is as evil, deceitful as you say she is, she will get what she deserve in this life or the next.

On the flip side, having a nice cute child can be a strong chick magnet at the shopping mall. Train your son to call out to pretty mei mei or something, you will draw a lot of attention. :wink: I used to have a cute chihuahua I bring out to uni, a korean mei mei once ran across a 3 lane street to chat me up. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Ever seen the tv-series two and a half man?



Lucky... ... March 2009.. I didn't give you bring son go back VNWednesday,

4 November, 2009 7:04 PMFrom: "" View contact detailsTo: "'ha nguyen19vn'" <>, "'Truc Pham'" <>, phuongthi.com, tiennl.comCc: "" <>

If not, you will ask Terry to call that guy DADDY! My head will roll... if that guy didnt go back Vietnam with you... never attend... PhuongThi's wedding? Very very very lucky, wear 'green hat' 绿帽 and hand over the son to another man! Thinking back again real scary!

Ha, PhongThi and TrucPham, IF you are Thao today... and your (ex)-husband-to-be get hold of this video... before divorce, do you think HE will keep quiet and proceed for divorce? Will HE give a single cent to you? Search your heart and answer the question to yourself.

Thao you are really a world-class actress... really pity you don't appear in VN television. If you are really an actress, surely better than Hoang Thuy Linh!

I give you guys a brief timeline Jan-Apr 2009

Jan 2009 - XXX paid for Thao $100 to upgrade her mobile phone contract, she get a new hp. Becos she help me do some work, but honestly if just a worker don't need pay $100 so much. Don't worry I m not asking to return anything.


mid-Feb 2009 - Attended the court hearing. But the Final will only be out 3 months later (end of May/June)

Mar 2009 - Thao went back VN, last minute me and my family don't allow Terry to go back... but think back again... make a correct decision.

April 22-25 - Thao went holiday with the bf and family.

end-May 2009 - Final Judgment for divorce out; but formality not yet done including transfer of flat and give S$10,000.00 to her. S$10,000.00 was given only 8 August 2009!

If before May, XXX get hold of that video... Thao can kiss bye bye to the S$10,000 and Terry's custody. And XXX will make sure the Court ordered her to pay for the legal cost of the divorce! FYI, the legal cost is arond S$7,000! Thao, you are very very lucky and smart... to only upload the video after taking the S$10,000 in september 2009! Cunning woman! Now still want to hide the man from me and Terry!

I let you people to judge what kind of woman is she!