My reasoning is not flawed.
First of all, true peasants cannot fully retire, they have to basically work till they drop unless they have minimum sum. I did qualify that only rich to above average can afford to retire in JB and not work.
If retiree have to also live in one room condition in JB, better to stay in Singapore and do some light work and earn money so that it is enough, no need to discuss further. As living in JB is not all about financial costs but also social costs, and social costs is high to be away from family, unless it is balanced up by being able to live in a whole unit and not just one room, also, JB amenities not like Singapore, in SG the elderly can walk to market and hawkers centre and coffees shops, you have to factor in costs of owning a car, as even taxis are scarce.
I have spoken to many old retirees on their plans to retire in JB as a market survey to assess the viability of buying investment property and found out that many real common old people do not want to retire there even when costs are low.