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PROOF - Most Highly Educated People Got No Common Sense !


Alfrescian (Inf)
a lot of highly educated smart alecks here.................brainwashed by mainstream media.............are you one of them ?

read on....................

On Sept 11 2001............19 Arabs with little flying time in small trainer planes, used knives and box cutters, hijacked 4 Boeing 757 airliners and crashed into the Twin Towers and Pentagon...............with flying skills that even veteran US Air Force pilots said they don't possess..............and in aerial maneuvers the planes' computers were programmed never to allow...............

Before Sept 11, the CIA, FBI, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, were clueless that such an event would occur. Yet a day later, the FBI had the names and mug shots of 19 hijackers! How did the FBI know who the hijackers were, as all the witnesses are dead and the Passenger Lists contained none of the hijackers’ names!

The list of the 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Not one of those men had a ticket or a boarding pass.

How did the Boeing pass through the closely-guarded no-fly zone around the Pentagon as an unauthorized incoming plane must transmit an identification code; otherwise it is shot down by fighter jets or missiles fired from radar-controlled batteries?

The 47-storey WTC-7, was not hit by any plane but it fell down, floor by floor in 9 seconds—exactly in the pattern of the Twin Towers.




With the world's sophisticated intelligence network, they allowed this thing to happen?

Even drug mules have a hard time getting through the customs.


Its is so obvious that 911 attack was an inside job. More and more people have realised it now.

Believe your own eyes.

1. The towers were hit in the middle but fell all the way right to the bottom.
2. The towers fell at th speed of gravity with no resistance all the way down.
3. The windows blew out just before the collapse.
4. The debris was pulverised.
5. Tower 7 about 100m away fell flat without being hit by anything.

The world will not be fooled anymore.

numero uno

Its is so obvious that 911 attack was an inside job. More and more people have realised it now.

Believe your own eyes.

1. The towers were hit in the middle but fell all the way right to the bottom.
2. The towers fell at th speed of gravity with no resistance all the way down.
3. The windows blew out just before the collapse.
4. The debris was pulverised.
5. Tower 7 about 100m away fell flat without being hit by anything.

The world will not be fooled anymore.

if the US assholes can create false evidence and present in front of UN and tell pure lies just to justify Iraq, anything is possible. more disturbing is how come all these chaps who create the false evidence and info still is NOT held accountable? Obviously someone or somebody more powwerful than the US pressident and that useless powell. "every statements I make is back by sources and evidence" quote powell!!!! Bullsh!tter #1. no anthrax, no nukes, nothing. poor saddaam
watch they greatest lies in UN and yet how come nobody held them accountable

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9/11 leaves so many unanswered questions that the average US citizens dare not ask openly or they do not want to know the truth. I read most of them do not want to know that their own govt is faking it.


Did anyone realized that this clip shows two versions of Bush ducking for cover?
One has his hand up and the other does not. But the guy only throws the shoe once.

I think it's 2 shoes thrown, as the clip is continuous. So Bush ducked twice and on the second time did someone tried to stop that guy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
this thread is for people or ''wise guys'' like Cruxx...................

like i said, a lot of highly-educated people are nothing but smart aleck bookworms...............they keep believing in books and the ''official'' news that they'll accept anything as long as it's ''official''..............

i watched the 9/11 attack ''live'' on tv with my friend and i told him over the phone it was an inside job the moment i realize it was not a Cessna that hit the tower but a Boeing airliner...............when the towers fell so perfectly, it was TOO OBVIOUS..............


if the US assholes can create false evidence and present in front of UN and tell pure lies just to justify Iraq, anything is possible. more disturbing is how come all these chaps who create the false evidence and info still is NOT held accountable? Obviously someone or somebody more powwerful than the US pressident and that useless powell. "every statements I make is back by sources and evidence" quote powell!!!! Bullsh!tter #1. no anthrax, no nukes, nothing. poor saddaam
watch they greatest lies in UN and yet how come nobody held them accountable


Its an entire self protecting establishment. It doesn't matter whether they are democrat or republican.
They may have competing factions within the cabal but an the end of it all, there is a group that will direct US towards a new world order.

BTW, the cabal made a lot of money thru 911 attack.


Leaked: Bin Laden not buried at sea, body moved on CIA plane to US

The body of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was not buried at sea, according to leaked emails of intelligence firm Stratfor, as revealed by WikiLeaks.

Stratfor’s vice-president for intelligence, Fred Burton, believes the body was “bound for Dover, [Delaware] on [a] CIA plane” and then “onward to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Bethesda [Maryland],” an email says.

The official version is that the body of Al-Qaeda’s top man, who was killed by a US raid in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, was buried at an undisclosed location at sea in a proper Muslim ceremony.

"If body dumped at sea, which I doubt, the touch is very Adolph Eichman like. The Tribe did the same thing with the Nazi's ashes," Burton commented in another email. Eichman was one of the masterminds of the Holocaust by Nazi Germany. He was captured by Mossad agents in Argentina and, tried in Israel, found guilty and executed in 1962. His body was cremated and his ashes were scattered at sea over the Mediterranean.

"Eichmann was seen alive for many months on trial before being sentenced to death and executed. No one wanted a monument to him so they cremated him. But i dont know anyone who claimed he wasnt eicjhman [sic]. No comparison with suddenly burying him at sea without any chance to view him which i doubt happened [sic]," Stratfor CEO George Friedman replied.
"The US Govt needs to make body pics available like the MX's do, with OBL's pants pulled down, to shout down the lunatics like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck," Burton says in another message.

In another missive Burton says Osama’s body “is a crime scene and I don’t see the FBI nor DOJ letting that happen.”
WikiLeaks began publishing Stratfor emails in late February. The archive was obtained by the hacker group Anonymous, which successfully attacked one of the firm’s servers. More than 5 million emails were apparently stolen.

Stratfor is a US-based intelligence firm called the “shadow CIA” by some media. Among its clients are several US agencies and many big companies. The company relies on paid tips from informants placed in high circles of business, government and security all around the world.

syed putra

insurance scam?
they should have invaded saudi but iraqis got the brunt of the punishment. Until today, the country has not recovered.