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PRC started own Space Station project, NASA fucked!




2010年10月27日 13:20:52  来源: 新华网 【字号 大小】【留言】【打印】【关闭】

图表:“天宫一号” 神舟八号将于明年发射 新华社发








* 中国载人航天工程“三步走”

新华网北京3月3日电(记者 任沁沁 隋笑飞)全国政协委员、空间技术专家戚发轫3日向新华社记者透露,中国将在2011年发射目标飞行器“天宫一号”,并在2年时间内逐步实现与神舟八号、神舟九号、神舟十号的三次交会对接试验。

中国载人航天工程共分“三步走”。第一步载人飞船阶段,通过神舟五号和六号已圆满完成,把中国航天员送上天,完成了多人多天飞行,而且能准确回到预定地点;第二步是空间实验室阶段,这一阶段要攻破四项技术关键,为第三步的空间站建设做技术准备。 >>>详细

* 专家解读:空间站核心舱将在海南发射
* “天宫一号”目标飞行器完成总装
* “时间芯片”将随“天宫一号”遨游太空
* 女航天员或入主“天宫”
* 揭秘“天宫一号”:中国人未来的太空房间
* 神舟八号将为欧洲空间局搭载生物实验样品
* 从神五到神七:中国人永恒的记忆
* 解密:我国为何会选择载人航天“三步走”战略
* 中国载人航天大事记

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30多年前,中国第一次载人航天立项下马,16年前,中国载人航天工程再次启动,今天,中国航天人的身影吸引了全世界的目光。从“714工程”的下马到 “921工程”的上马,中国航天人在一步步见证历史,撑起一片属于自己的宇宙空间,在辉煌的背后,凝聚了无数航天人的梦想和汗水的结晶,载人航天已成为世界航天界最激动人心、最华美的乐章。



2009年2月27日,中央电视台军事报道中首次出现了我国天宫一号空间实验室实体画面,而在此前,天宫一号仅有电脑效果图和模型对外公开。 >>>详细






同年8月,中央专门委员会批准了卫星十年发展规划,其中有一条:1969或1970年发射首颗人造卫星,卫星上天后10年发射飞船。最初计划先打两艘无人飞船,名叫“大跃进”,为此安排了近200项研究课题。“东方红”卫星、“大跃进”飞船,这些名字都很符合时代特征。1967年的一天,钱学森告诉大家,上面已经同意,第一艘载人飞船就叫“曙光号”。 >>>详细


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
A "made in China" space station!:eek:

The Chinese have messed up planet Earth with their crap and they now want to do the same with outer space.:(


A "made in China" space station!:eek:

The Chinese have messed up planet Earth with their crap and they now want to do the same with outer space.:(

All those sour grapes or anti China will be getting more frustrated when the Chinese is shooting ahead.Whatever you say,tmr China will still be growing at stunning speed........................................more stunning projects will come to lights.

Yesterday China achieved the fastest bullet train feat with the starting of the Shanghai - Hangzhou route! 350 km/h unmatched by any other powers!


All those sour grapes or anti China will be getting more frustrated when the Chinese is shooting ahead.Whatever you say,tmr China will still be growing at stunning speed........................................more stunning projects will come to lights.

Yesterday China achieved the fastest bullet train feat with the starting of the Shanghai - Hangzhou route! 350 km/h unmatched by any other powers!

Actually I like the Chinese optimism. Just like Japan 2 decades ago. I have secretly put 80% of my assets to bet China following the Japanese and lose 2 if not more decades :biggrin:

The thing is Chinese are loathed all over the world. All remains is the exact time China starts to decay. I wager before 2010 is out :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Even if China had messed up Planet Earth, US and the Western powers had the distinction of being the pioneers! To date they are still messing up Planet Earth and also the first to mess up outer space.US certainly contributed the most space debris. Belatedly now they are championing the green cause. Fact is China is greening itself at a faster rate than the established powers. They are members of NATO -as in no action talk only.:rolleyes:


A "made in China" space station!:eek:

The Chinese have messed up planet Earth with their crap and they now want to do the same with outer space.:(

Actually the rest of the world forced China into this when they left her out of the ISS. China has to go it alone.

That is not the end of the story, the ISS actually benefitted the Ruskies most. They're broke and they have to continue where the previous Soviets left off. NASA too is spent and the Americans would rather have private companies exploiting space.

Me, I like to watch Star Trek. And until the Klingons have their own show, I will not rest. Will their Bird Of Prey have a Taikonaut Chef?. I have to find out.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Yesterday China achieved the fastest bullet train feat with the starting of the Shanghai - Hangzhou route! 350 km/h unmatched by any other powers!

The train may be in Shanghai but all the technology comes from the West.:rolleyes: The Chinese have not invented anything useful since the middle ages.


Without imports from the Ruskis and the free world, the Chinese would still be riding donkeys. China may have money to spend at the moment but once it runs out of puff, the West will move manufacturing elsewhere and the Chinks can go back to performing long marches.


A "made in China" space station!:eek:

The Chinese have messed up planet Earth with their crap and they now want to do the same with outer space.:(

Whenever the PRC commie leaders sense or perceive a possible threat to their paramount and supreme " Social stability " necessity, they will announce some national pride enhancement national stimulation exercise.

This space thingy is nothing but that.

China's high growth rates are over and the leaders fear an oncoming period of discontent. The antidote or vaccine is this space thing.

900 million Chinese are living a life that border on hardship in the interiors. The life and standard of living of the people in the eastern coastal towns are much higher. But they constitute only 300 million or so.
But this is what China showcases to the world.


Er...building space station really does little good to the people. It is more of showing off how powerful a country is. So China is in fact wasting money to build a space station when the amount can be used to help the poor, which China has in abundant.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I wonder how much "Made In China crap" you have in your household. :rolleyes:

Far too much. Whenever something breaks down, a check invariably reveals it was made in China while stuff that has worked reliably for the last 10 to 15 years has a "Made in Japan" sticker on it.

Those Chinese are absolutely useless when it comes to manufacturing quality products. The Chinese attitude towards life is appalling. They have absolutely no pride in their work and words like "reliability", "excellence", "dedication" etc mean absolutely nothing to them.

The Japs are far superior in all aspects.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China can put man on space. Now is time to improve their technology and knowledge to built space station. In 10~20 year time hope that China product will improve in quality and safety. From the learning process/technology pass down fron the space program.
Just like the KIA/Hyundai car. A decade ago people call a rubbish in US Now Hyundai quality are better/par with GM.


Far too much. Whenever something breaks down, a check invariably reveals it was made in China while stuff that has worked reliably for the last 10 to 15 years has a "Made in Japan" sticker on it.

Those Chinese are absolutely useless when it comes to manufacturing quality products. The Chinese attitude towards life is appalling. They have absolutely no pride in their work and words like "reliability", "excellence", "dedication" etc mean absolutely nothing to them.

The Japs are far superior in all aspects.

Why are you complaining about cheap prducts that allow you a change in fashion and look every 2 years or so? Ikea is exactly the same concept. Humans don't want the same old shit look for 50 years. I hope you are not using a black and white made in Japan TV now.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
In 10~20 year time hope that China product will improve in quality and safety. From the learning process/technology pass down fron the space program.

I doubt it very much for the simple reason that the Chinese are not capable of learning from past mistakes. It explains why China is still so backward despite a 5000 year head start over the rest of the world.