I second that.
Oil treated at high temperatures are hazardous to health.
Over heated oils will create a lot of carcinogens and trans fat, which are cancerous if consumed for the long term.
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I second that.
Oil treated at high temperatures are hazardous to health.
Over heated oils will create a lot of carcinogens and trans fat, which are cancerous if consumed for the long term.
This qualifies as the stupidest thing said in 2014. And it is only February now.
Relax everyone. They are using gutter oil for hot oil tuina massage... not for frying food.
So next time your kuku smells like chai tao kuay after a tuina sexssion, you know why......
This is the PAP...They only want to pay themselves Millions and wanna show Economic Growth... import so many foreigners ...be it ah nehs, ah noys and ah tiongs...at the expense of locals ... these foreignors whether rich or poor bring in the worst practices of human behaviors and soon tbis country will become a GUTTER.
VOTE PAP OUT. That is your only solution to stop this nonsense breeding in our Home, our Singapore.
This qualifies as the stupidest thing said in 2014. And it is only February now.
Take note of the issue? Sounds like something u will say to a kid who complains that the classroom is too hot.
Minister busy counting his millions lah...dun disturb him..you sinkies die your own problem lah ... hahahaYeah take note means no action, why is the police not catching these criminals? And which minister in-charge why no comment on this issue that has massive implication on public health? In Taiwan we can count on the journalists to dig out more info based on this picture, here the journalists will do anything?
Why is this couple pumping out contents from Jurong West sewers?
Posted on 12 February 2014 | 24,794 views | 27 comments
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A two-people crew pumping out the contents from sewers in Jurong West left Stomper Justin worried about the possibility of 'gutter oil' being used in Singapore.
Stomp previously carried a report of how some street food stalls and restaurants in China cook with 'gutter oil', which is actually oil processed from rubbish and the contents inside sewers.
Two restaurant owners in Shanghai were also fined and jailed after they were found to have used 'gutter oil' in their food.
In his report, Stomper Justin wrote:
"After having lunch at around 2.30pm on Tuesday (Feb 11), I saw two people -- a man and a woman -- pushing a suction system and a tank towards an opening leading into the sewers near Block 505 Market and Food Centre in Jurong West.
"They look like they were from China though I can't be sure.
"What they did was drop a 'basket', that was probably a filter of sorts, to drag up the oil, without dirt, from inside the sewers.
"After sucking up small portions of the oil, they then transfer it into larger tanks at the back of their lorry.
"I feel they are really drawing out gutter oil. Who knows if they'll use it as cooking oil.
"I have reported this to the police, who said they will take note of this issue, and hope the relevant authorities can look into this issue as I don't wish for gutter oil to be used here in Singapore."
Related stories:
You might never eat food in China again -- cooking oil comes from sewers
Shanghai restaurant owners who used 'gutter oil' jailed and fined
Why do you think your char kway teow taste do damn good ?
and sichuan food too at west coast next to sheng shiong supermart...hahaha
Minister busy counting his millions lah...dun disturb him..you sinkies die your own problem lah ... hahaha