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PMonkey asks why is PAP deaf and blind

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
'How did PAP government miss all the signs?'
By Andrew Loh | SingaporeScene – Sun, Jun 5, 2011


How did the gov't miss all the signs on the ground? (Yahoo! photo/ Fann Sim)
By Andrew Loh

On 28 May, at a dinner to thank People's Action Party (PAP) volunteers, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong defended its grassroots leaders and activists from accusations of not having provided proper feedback to the party.

Critics said this shielded party leaders from being cognizant of the unhappiness on the ground surrounding various issues.

However, PM Lee said the fault could lie on party leaders themselves. The Straits Times reported the PM as having said:

"Unfortunately, we may not have picked up and interpreted it correctly, and acted on it the way we should have done, but it's not for lack of trying on the part of the activists."

To pinpoint the communication failure at the party grassroots channels alone would be simplistic and inaccurate. It is not just how feedback from the grassroots were "interpreted" that should be the cause for concern.

The government, and indeed the PAP as well, has many channels to receive and distil feedback -- both within and without the party or government framework. There are the newspapers, the Internet, the Meet-The-People sessions, the much-touted REACH portal, even radio shows and public forums.

The question therefore is: How did the government miss all the signs and was apparently deaf to the alarm bells?

Crux of the matter
One popular reason believed by its detractors, and not without justification, is that government leaders had become arrogant, perhaps believing in their own superior wisdom and dismissing criticisms and genuine feedback as "noise", as one minister put it during the Tin Pei Ling saga.

Having many feedback channels is useless if, at the end of the day, these are not taken seriously.

Thus, it is not about the channels per se or even the processes and procedures in place. It is about the mindsets which government leaders adopt towards criticisms and queries. This really is the crux of the matter. Indeed, the grassroots are not to blame, ultimately.

Ministers, who are themselves MPs in their constituencies, conduct Meet-the-People sessions, too, and interview residents face-to-face. They also speak at public forums.

New Minister of State, Amy Khor, has been and still is in charge of the REACH feedback portal. Ministers too are aware of what is reported in the newspapers and said on the Internet.

So really there is no excuse for not having "interpreted" the sentiment "correctly". After all, even Brigadier-General Tan Chuan Jin, new Minister of State, said he had been aware of the "frustrations, angst" even when he was being considered for candidacy by the People's Action Party for the May elections. "Obviously you hear it from friends, family, so that was something I was very conscious of," he said on Channel NewsAsia.

The problem could lie squarely on the mindsets and attitudes of those at the very top. Consider how government ministers have stoutly, and at times arrogantly, defended their policies when perceived flaws were brought to their attention.
Sometimes, those who highlight these flaws are scolded and dismissed as "irresponsible", or "daft" and ascribed many other not-so-kind terms.
Obvious issues

There needs to be a change in attitude towards criticism. Ministers must realise that gone are the days when they could hide behind a wall of silence, protected by a compliant media which continuously sing their praises while the masses outside cry out for relief.

Yet, some problems in the last few years were so significant that even if no one brought it to the ministers' attention, he should have known about them anyway.
Consider the sentiment surrounding the housing issue. Many had been expressing unhappiness that prices of public flats were getting beyond their reach. Yet, the minister in charge repeatedly stood his ground and vehemently defended his policies, instead of perhaps taking the feedback seriously and looking into whether there was any truth to them. One newspaper even gave the minister a weekly column to explain why his policies were right even as prices continued to escalate.

The paper would have done better if it had used the print space to highlight to the minister what were wrong with his policies instead.

Another example is the tented homeless communities spread out across public parks in Singapore in 2009 and 2010. How could the Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports be apparently ignorant of these?

The point here is not about who gives feedback, or the channels available. It is, I would argue, not even about how feedback is "interpreted".

It is ultimately about whether ministers accept that criticisms are important, despite who is making them, and whether it is willing to see and acknowledge that one cannot be right all the time.

It is heartening to know that PM Lee has now embarked on a "reform agenda", as some have put it, and that his new Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, has set the tone by promising to listen to feedback.
One hopes that his attitude will be an example to his MPs and that they will shed that armour of arrogance once and for all -- the holier-than-thou mindset which drew a most stunning backlash during the recent elections.

Andrew is the co-founder and current editor-in-chief of socio-political website The Online Citizen. He writes frequently on issues which are close to his heart, particularly those affecting the less fortunate, and on politics.


Very well said. I concur.

Feedback is useless unless it is taken seriously & acted upon.


Alfrescian (Inf)
And of course, not forgetting that Deaf Frog LIM SHIT SAY who openly said that he was not listening to anyone's advice on how to improve things. This is the same SHIT SAY who now turns around 180 degrees to get Singaporeans First, into any job queue, with the caveat that he will discuss with employers and the government first.


The arrogance extends to the government linked companies as well. Some of the chaps in Temasek, GIC and CapitaLand are arrogant as hell just because they carry the name card, without which they are ineffective and just another face in the crowd.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now that they agree that Feedback is important and they are going to listen to it. The next step is for us to give proper feedback. It's important to give good and realistic feedback else in the zeal to change and show they "listen".

They may indiscriminately listen to everyone and start putting stupid policies in place just to please everyone. One good example this one -> https://www.facebook.com/notes/tin-pei-ling/short-note-on-housing-2-housing-a-not-quite-conventional-family/206256799416222

I agree with some of the comments. These cases should be reviewed on a case by case basis rather then openly allowing single parent to buy from HDB


Now that they agree that Feedback is important and they are going to listen to it. The next step is for us to give proper feedback. It's important to give good and realistic feedback else in the zeal to change and show they "listen".

They may indiscriminately listen to everyone and start putting stupid policies in place just to please everyone. One good example this one -> https://www.facebook.com/notes/tin-pei-ling/short-note-on-housing-2-housing-a-not-quite-conventional-family/206256799416222

fat ass,

housing will never affect u.

u will never get married becos of your fuck face and pui cheebye body shape. no girl will ever wanna marry u. unless u buy 1 from vietnam lah. so u dun qualify for hdb marriage scheme. u cannot buy as single becos u likely to die b4 u turn 35 due to your unhealthy life style and high fat/cholesterol levels.

u will never earn enough to buy pte property based on your pathetic IT tech pay.

so u cannot buy hdb or pte property. u no need worry for that ok.
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I think the PAP politicians deserve only 3 million but $5 millions for taking all the hits and blame from Elites and Businessmen

Ask yourself who benefit the most?
Big companies and rich individuals lah

Stupid Sinkies
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How do they justify "INTERPRETATION"?

PAP MPs cannot speak & understand English, Singlish, Hokkien, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Hainanese? Or were the grassroots so highly educated that they speak only Latin that our high caliber leaders cannot understand because Latin textbooks not available in Singapore?


Alfrescian (Inf)

"Stupid dickheads. Feedbacks are for us to use them for wayang when its near election. We know and we will tell u what to do"



I feel that the PAP is not arrogant when they ignore the situation on the ground.

The PAP had set its sight on turning Singapore into a playground for the rich and wealthy (FI, Sentosa, Casinos, abolishment of estate duty, liberalizing of laws to permit wealthy to buy landed properties, medical tourism that caters to the wealthy), creating a new class of citizens (liberalizing of migration laws, not requiring them to do NS, giving scholarships to foreign nationals to study free in Singapore) that they felt the foreign omelette justifies the breaking of the local singaporeans' eggs.

It is therefore their FOCUS and not their ARROGANCE that is the problem. They had been arrogant for more than forty years and yet they still won. It was when they focus on foreigners, new foreign singaporeans and in the midst of rising medical costs, housing costs and waters, they also raise their salaries for jobs well done.

It is all these that make the people wish that PAP lost more than 1 GRC. That is, until George Yeo made that gracious comment and many people feel that not all PAP people sing the same song. Some felt the situation deeply too and wished they can do something about it. Our skepticism notwithstanding.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Now that they agree that Feedback is important and they are going to listen to it. The next step is for us to give proper feedback. It's important to give good and realistic feedback else in the zeal to change and show they "listen".

They may indiscriminately listen to everyone and start putting stupid policies in place just to please everyone. One good example this one -> https://www.facebook.com/notes/tin-pei-ling/short-note-on-housing-2-housing-a-not-quite-conventional-family/206256799416222

I agree with some of the comments. These cases should be reviewed on a case by case basis rather then openly allowing single parent to buy from HDB

hi there

1. what is improper feedback?
2. your masters have all grassyroots channels
3. and individuals like you for feedback.
4. if sheep are sincere and patient to listen.
5. the crux of the matter is : "listening"
6. get it!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I feel that the PAP is not arrogant when they ignore the situation on the ground.

The PAP had set its sight on turning Singapore into a playground for the rich and wealthy (FI, Sentosa, Casinos, abolishment of estate duty, liberalizing of laws to permit wealthy to buy landed properties, medical tourism that caters to the wealthy), creating a new class of citizens (liberalizing of migration laws, not requiring them to do NS, giving scholarships to foreign nationals to study free in Singapore) that they felt the foreign omelette justifies the breaking of the local singaporeans' eggs.

It is therefore their FOCUS and not their ARROGANCE that is the problem. They had been arrogant for more than forty years and yet they still won. It was when they focus on foreigners, new foreign singaporeans and in the midst of rising medical costs, housing costs and waters, they also raise their salaries for jobs well done.

It is all these that make the people wish that PAP lost more than 1 GRC. That is, until George Yeo made that gracious comment and many people feel that not all PAP people sing the same song. Some felt the situation deeply too and wished they can do something about it. Our skepticism notwithstanding.

yayaya! true! pap will lose more sit GE 2016. :smile:


I remember PMonkey from the traditional Sammyboy forum.

I think his original nick is Peasant Monkey. I remembered he introduced me to yoga. Gaia Yoga at Thong Sia building, but have never met him.

Hope he's getting on fine.


ya, arrogance is the word. it brings to mind suzhou in the 90s? hao lian. with a little success only want to teach the PRC how to industrialize.

as for how the ah tiong played them out, the older bros know lah. still never learn and yet dare to take such high salaries. for such poor solutions like blatantly import FTs and increase CPF min amt and age not paiseh meh ? how kena from own citizens obigood


I remember PMonkey from the traditional Sammyboy forum.

I think his original nick is Peasant Monkey. I remembered he introduced me to yoga. Gaia Yoga at Thong Sia building, but have never met him.

Hope he's getting on fine.

He founded TOC after that and now no longer with TOC and writing for Yahoo News. Good achievement.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
He founded TOC after that and now no longer with TOC and writing for Yahoo News. Good achievement.

Yeah i remember him and Jacys got a lot of shit from QXP and another stalker at Delphi after GE2006. Good to see that he's now making a living doing something he believes in.


I remember PMonkey from the traditional Sammyboy forum.

I think his original nick is Peasant Monkey. I remembered he introduced me to yoga. Gaia Yoga at Thong Sia building, but have never met him.

Hope he's getting on fine.

He should be in this forum as well. :wink: :biggrin: