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Chitchat PM Lee spare no effort to get young children vaccinated, parental decision-making is critical.


PM Lee spare no effort to introduce vaccination for younger children. In situation like this, parents should be very careful with government rushing to promote vaccination for our children which government has no affirmation to prove it is safe.

Remember, your precious child life is in your hand, so be wise in making decision.


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Alfrescian (Inf)
Be afraid, be very afraid. You child has 50 to 60 years down the road. Don't destroy their future just to please Ah Loong and Ah Ho gang.


My uncle say KNN ah loong taking a very big risk KNN leemember the only way for dismissal of pap leegime is 1 little sinkie head = 100 sinkie old fart heads KNN ah loong may think 10 years later bo wa aa taichi liao so just take a bet to upkeep leegime first then say KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
fucking bastards now injecting innocents kids, next time anything happen they will say the parents approved

Nah... they'll just blame another new potent mutant strain of the Covid virus, the vaccines must not be blamed because the 'experts' said they're safe and effective. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
My uncle say KNN ah loong taking a very big risk KNN leemember the only way for dismissal of pap leegime is 1 little sinkie head = 100 sinkie old fart heads KNN ah loong may think 10 years later bo wa aa taichi liao so just take a bet to upkeep leegime first then say KNN

Ten years later Loong will probably be dead or half-dead. And he will be protected from all legal repercussions by his hired dogs. :cool:


Nah... they'll just blame another new potent mutant strain of the Covid virus, the vaccines must not be blamed because the 'experts' said they're safe and effective. :wink:
Yes, and while you're at it blaming the experts, having conspiracy paranoia about vaccine makers killing you, why not simply kill the vaccinators as well? :biggrin:

Afghan polio vaccine drive in trouble after three female medics killed​

By Ahmed Sultan, Orooj Hakimi

JALALABAD/KABUL (Reuters) - The killing of three female polio vaccine providers in Afghanistan this week has forced aid agencies and the government to re-assess field postings for thousands of female medics at a time when nearly 10 million Afghan children need polio drops.

Men pray in front of the coffin of one of three female polio vaccination health workers who were shot and killed by unknown gunmen at two separate locations in Jalalabad, Afghanistan March 30, 2021.REUTERS/Parwiz
Officials at the United Nation Childrens’ Fund (UNICEF), one of the agencies helping in the large-scale polio vaccination drive across Afghanistan that was launched this week, said they were reviewing the involvement of women in the role after unidentified gunmen killed three frontline workers in the eastern city of Jalalabad on Tuesday.
A UNICEF official said that steps were being taken to ensure that vaccinations continue but that the polio campaign in three districts, targeting an estimated 320,722 children under the age of five, will be delayed until after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in May.
“We feel terrible that women who are selflessly offering services to children are killed senselessly in line of duty... It’s crucial we maintain momentum to ensure every child is vaccinated against polio,” said Godwin Mindra, an immunization specialist at UNICEF.
“We are considering providing a layer of security to female frontline workers but we are also aware that we cannot militarize any health campaign,” Mindra told Reuters, adding that an estimated 9.9 million children need polio drops this year across the war-torn country.
About 70,000 staff, including vaccinators, are involved in implementing the polio campaign, of which about 40% are women.

Afghanistan’s COVID-19 vaccination has not been affected since inoculations are being done at health centres and not door-to-door like the polio campaign, which exposes health workers to more danger, officials said.
They said scaling down the polio vaccinations would be catastrophic as the country this year reported about two dozen polio cases and about three million children were deprived of the vaccine in the past three years.
Female medics have been effective in implementing polio vaccine campaigns in conservative Afghan society as women in rural areas are reluctant to take their children to a male nurse due to cultural or religious issues.
Ghulam Dastagir Nazari, the head of the immunisation programme in the health ministry, said the motive behind targeting frontline female health workers remains unclear and he was re-assessing not just door-to-door campaigns but also protection to all health centres, where the COVID-19 vaccines are being administered.
“Our female employees can enter houses directly and even raise awareness about other health issues... they secure financial independence but such attacks could force many to leave the job,” he said.


Afghanistan and neighbouring Pakistan, both Muslim-majority nations, are the only two countries of the world where polio remains endemic.
Last year, religious hard-liners in Pakistan’s northwestern city of Peshawar spread rumours of children falling sick due to the vaccine, triggering backlash in the conservative Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan, where most of Pakistan’s polio cases have been detected.
“The attack serves as a warning and we should take serious precautions and actions to prevent them in future,” Nazari said, adding more young men could be hired to run the polio vaccine drive.
No militant group, including the Taliban, has taken responsibility for the latest attack. In recent years, followers of the ultra-radical Islamic State group have been active in Nangarhar province, of which Jalalabad is the capital.

Families of the young medics killed said even women who step out of their homes for a noble cause are not safe in Nangarhar.
“The gunmen shot my cousin in her forehead and fled,” said Faisal, a relative of 23-year-old Samina who was killed along with her colleagues this week.
“It was her second day as a vaccine provider and she has been killed in the line of duty,” said Faisal, who uses a single name.
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


Alfrescian (Inf)

1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code​


HAFMay 22, 2021
by Sven-Allan Johansson; auto translated from Swedish by SD
Background to the new Nuremberg Trials 2021:
1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors have filed a lawsuit for violations of the nuremberg code

Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death – as fraud.
The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is almost 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result.
This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases / “infections” detected by the use of this incorrect test.
In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention.
Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.
According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention.

The “experimental” vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes – which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws:​

1) Provides immunity to the virus
This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections.
2) Protects the recipients from getting the virus
This gene therapy does not provide immunity and the double vaccine can still catch and spread the virus.
3) Reduces deaths due to viral infection
This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died.
4) Reduces the circulation of the virus
This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero immunity to the virus.
5) Reduces the transmission of the virus
This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it does not confer immunity to the virus.
The following violations of the Nuremberg Code apply:
Nuremberg Code # 1: Voluntary consent is important
No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent.
Many media, political and non-medical people urge people to take the injection.
They do not provide information about the negative effects or dangers of this gene therapy. All you hear from them is – “safe and effective” and “the benefits outweigh the risks.”
Countries use blockades, coercion and threats to force people to take this vaccine or are banned from participating in free society under the mandate of a vaccine pass or Green Pass.
During the Nuremberg trials, the media were also prosecuted and members were killed for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of crimes against humanity.
Nuremberg Code # 2: Yields with fruitful results that cannot be produced by other means
As mentioned above, gene therapy does not meet the criteria for a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that give fruitful results against Covid, such as Ivermectin, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and strengthened immune system for flu and colds.
Nuremberg Code # 3: Basic experiments as a result of animal experiments and natural history disease
This gene therapy skipped animal experiments and went directly to human experiments.
In mRNA research used by Pfizer – a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all monkeys developed pneumonia but the researchers considered the risk low because these were young healthy monkeys from 2-4 years of age.
Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Justice has accepted a requirement that 80% of recipients with pneumonia should be injected with this gene therapy.
Despite this alarming development, Pfizer continued to develop its mRNA for Covid, without animal testing.
Nuremberg Code # 4: Avoid all unnecessary suffering and injury
Since the launch of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system, over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in the United States. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a serious violation of this code.
Nuremberg Code # 5: No experiment should be performed if there is reason to believe that injury or death will occur
See No. 4, based on fact-based medical data, this gene therapy causes death and injury. Previous research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current experimental gene experiment. A 2002 study of SARS-CoV-1 nail proteins showed that they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots and inhibit Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this nail protein that inherits all these risks.
Nuremberg Code # 6: The risk should never exceed the benefit
Covid-19 has a recovery rate of 98-99%. Vaccine damage, death, and adverse side effects of mRNA gene therapy far outweigh this risk.
The use of “leaky” vaccines was banned for agricultural use by the US and the EU due to the Marek Chicken study which shows “hot viruses” and variants appear… make the disease even more deadly.
Nevertheless, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC aware that the risk of new, more deadly variants arises from leaky vaccinations. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hotter (more deadly) strains. Yet they have ignored this when it comes to humans
Nuremberg Code # 7: Preparations must be made for even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death
No preparations were made. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments. The pharmaceutical companies’ own clinical phase 3 studies will not end until 2022/2023. These vaccines were approved in an emergency
Use only action to force on a misinformed public. They are NOT FDA approved.
Nuremberg Code # 8: Experiments must be carried out by scientifically qualified persons
Politicians, the media and actors who claim that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science.
Many stores such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene therapies to the uninformed public.
Nuremberg Code # 9: Everyone must have the freedom to end the experiment at any time
Despite the call from over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists – the experiment does not end. In fact, there are currently many attempts to change laws to enforce vaccine compliance.
This includes mandatory and mandatory vaccinations. Experimental “sprayers” are planned every six months without using the growing number of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment.
These update images will be administered without any clinical trials. Hopefully, this new Nuremberg trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.
Nuremberg Code # 10: The researcher must terminate the experiment at any time if there is a probable cause for injury or death
It is clear from statistical reporting data that this experiment leads to death and injury. But not all politicians, pharmaceutical companies and so-called experts make any attempt to stop this gene therapy experiment from harming a misinformed public.
Legal proceedings are progressing, evidence has been gathered and a large growing group of experts is sounding the alarm.



PM Lee spare no effort to introduce vaccination for younger children. In situation like this, parents should be very careful with government rushing to promote vaccination for our children which government has no affirmation to prove it is safe.

Remember, your precious child life is in your hand, so be wise in making decision.


Remember, your precious child life is in your hand, so be wise in making decision.

The phase three trials for ARCT-021, as the vaccine is called, will be conducted in three yet-to-be disclosed locations where the populations have yet to be vaccinated, Arcturus chief executive Joseph Payne told The Straits Times.

Will this be administered to our kids.??

Can we choose and not use this trail vaccine.??


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
...because 'they' are afraid, as humanity's consciousness is rising due to thousands of years of enslavement & sufferings. lol..........

You can enslave the physical personality but you can't control the rising of consciousness collectively as we learnt compassion first hand when we suffers.

GOD/Nature works in mysterious ways ... lol........ :P <3


Extraordinary Children Who Can Do “Impossible” Things: A Documented Reality​

  • The Facts:
    A document archived in the CIA's electronic reading room written by a University Professor details the reality of children, and adults, who have gifted abilities in the area of parapsychology.
  • Reflect On:
    Why has this kind of phenomena been ridiculed in the mainstream, yet vigorously and secretively studied at the highest levels of government?
Cassandra Vieten, PhD and current President/CEO at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), which was founded by astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, could not have put it any better. She said, “There seems to be a deep concern that the whole field (science) will be tarnished by studying phenomenon that is tainted by its association with superstition, spiritualism and magic. Protecting against this possibility sometimes seems more important than encouraging scientific exploration or protecting academic freedom. But this may be changing.”

The statement above is true, for years discoveries have been rejected simply because they are big time paradigm busters. No matter how much truth, validity and scientific backing they have, the simple fact that they conflict with long held belief systems is enough to brush them off. It’s great to see this changing, because it’s important to expand human consciousness, which is done so by pushing the boundaries of what we think we know and discovering new concepts of our reality that we once thought held no validity, but actually do.

How much scientific validity do topics like psychokinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy and remote viewing (all fit under the umbrella of parapsychology) have? Here is a great quote from Dr. Jessica Utts, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine and a professor there since 2008.

“What convinced me was just the evidence, the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field and I got to see more and more of the evidence. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing and I could see that they had really tight controls…And so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done. And in fact I will say as a statistician I’ve consulted in a lot of different areas of science; the methodology and the controls on these experiments are tighter than any other area of science where I’ve worked.” (source)

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Earlier today I received my child's school invitation to take vaccination but I politely rejected her. Thanks goodness that school teacher did not make any attempt to brainwashing me, or I swear she will have a nightmare from me.

Anyway, if one day government decided to make it mandatory for vaccination which can also means; government is indirectly waging war against people, so are you ready to fight back?


Earlier today I received my child's school invitation to take vaccination but I politely rejected her. Thanks goodness that school teacher did not make any attempt to brainwashing me, or I swear she will have a nightmare from me.

Anyway, if one day government decided to make it mandatory for vaccination which can also means; government is indirectly waging war against people, so are you ready to fight back?
Care full your kid tie you up denounce you in public like the Cultural Revolution. Better listen to the Party. :unsure:


Earlier today I received my child's school invitation to take vaccination but I politely rejected her. Thanks goodness that school teacher did not make any attempt to brainwashing me, or I swear she will have a nightmare from me.

Anyway, if one day government decided to make it mandatory for vaccination which can also means; government is indirectly waging war against people, so are you ready to fight back?
you will surrender.Trust me.A lot government job you cant work if not vaccinated. etc..defense line.