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Serious Oppie Pritam Fucks Up Again! Possible Covid Cluster At Blk 506 Hougang Ave 8! PAP To The Rescue!


The spread will stop by itself. There is no need to do anything.

wrong. Again. Call it 0 for 258 tries, all failed


How Does Coronavirus Spread?​


With cases of the new coronavirus reported across the globe, health officials are focused on slowing the spread. By understanding how coronavirus spreads, you can take the right steps so you don't get sick and infect others.

Person-to-Person Transmission​

Experts believe the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person. There are several ways this can happen:

  • Droplets or aerosols. This is the most common transmission. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, droplets or tiny particles called aerosols carry the virus into the air from their nose or mouth. Anyone who is within 6 feet of that person can breathe it into their lungs.
  • Airborne transmission. Research shows that the virus can live in the air for up to 3 hours. It can get into your lungs if someone who has it breathes out and you breathe that air in. Experts are divided on how often the virus spreads through the airborne route and how much it contributes to the pandemic.
  • Surface transmission. AA less common method is when you touch surfaces that someone who has the virus has coughed or sneezed on. You may touch a countertop or doorknob that's contaminated and then touch your nose, mouth, or eyes. The virus can live on surfaces like plastic and stainless steel for 2 to 3 days. To stop it, clean and disinfect all counters, knobs, and other surfaces you and your family touch several times a day.
  • Fecal-oral. Studies also suggest that virus particles can be found in infected people's poop. But experts aren't sure whether the infection can spread through contact with an infected person's stool. If that person uses the bathroom and doesn't wash their hands, they could infect things and people that they touch.

The virus most often spreads through people who have symptoms. But it is possible to pass it on without showing any signs. Some people who don't know they've been infected can give it to others. This is called asymptomatic spread. You can also pass it on before you notice any signs of infection, called presymptomatic spread.


Where is Pinky?

Workers’ Party MPs visit residents of Blk 506 Hougang Ave 8, amid mandatory COVID-19 tests taking place there - The Online Citizen Asia​

Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh and fellow Aljunied GRC Member of Parliament (MP) Gerald Giam visited residents of Block 506 Hougang Avenue 8 on Friday (21 May) morning, following the mandatory COVID-19 tests taking place there.
It was reported earlier that the Ministry of Health (MOH) will be conducting a mandatory COVID-19 test for all residents at Block 506 Hougang Avenue 8 on Friday and Saturday (22 May), after a few cases were found to be living there.
In a Facebook post, Mr Giam stated that “a small number” of residents in Block 506 were tested positive for COVID-19.
He noted that the mandatory swab of all residents will take place from 1pm to 8pm on Friday, and at 9am to 4pm on Saturday, at the void deck.
Residents are required to bring along their NRIC and TraceTogether Token or App when attending the COVID-19 test, and will have to keep at least a two-metre distance from other residents.
“If you have questions or there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m praying that all residents will be healthy and keep safe!” said Mr Giam.
Mr Singh also wrote about the swabbing operation on his Facebook page, noting that residents from the lower floors will be tested today, while those on the upper levels will be tested tomorrow.
“A key concern at the moment before the swabbing facility opens at 1pm later is the number of residents who may come down immediately, crowding the void deck,” he said.
To address this, Mr Singh said the Health Promotion Board (HPB) has sent out an SMS to residents with an indicative timing for testing.
“Our request to residents is to stick to this timing so that the safe distancing ambassadors deployed at the block do not have a difficult time,” he added.
Mr Singh expressed his appreciation of the support from various agencies that have helped set up the swabbing facility and their assistance during the swabbing operation.
“Thankful for the support of staff from various agencies including NEA and PA in the effort. A team of Aljunied-Hougang Town Council conservancy workers are undertaking a thorough wipe-down of the block.
“Gerald and I thanked them for their efforts and the TC will make sure they get a swab test done as well. Thank you to AHTC for assisting in communications with residents as well,” he wrote.

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Trust a Jew is like Jesus is not Son of God.

Jewish orways in denial Jesus is not their God.

Stupid as they can get.

Wrong. Again. Call it 0 for 256 tries


Israel’s Vaccination Results Point a Way Out of Virus Pandemic​

Covid cases fell dramatically and quickly among people who were vaccinated, Israeli studies found. It’s the strongest evidence yet that a robust vaccination program can tame the pandemic.


A woman receives her second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at a nursing home in Ramat Gan, Israel.

A woman receives her second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at a nursing home in Ramat Gan, Israel.Credit...Oded Balilty/Associated Press
Isabel Kershner Carl Zimmer
By Isabel Kershner and Carl Zimmer
Published Feb. 5, 2021Updated April 5, 2021
JERUSALEM — In the most extensive real-world test so far, Israel has demonstrated that a robust coronavirus vaccination program can have a quick and powerful impact, showing the world a plausible way out of the pandemic.
Cases of Covid-19 and hospitalizations dropped dramatically among people who were vaccinated within just a few weeks, according to new studies in Israel, where a rapid vaccine rollout has made it a kind of test laboratory for the world. And early data suggests that the vaccines are working nearly as well in practice as they did in clinical trials.
“We say with caution, the magic has started,” tweeted Eran Segal, a quantitative biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and co-author of a new study on the vaccine’s impact in Israel.
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The hopeful news on vaccines is hardly a free ride to a post-pandemic future.
As the world races to curb the virus before more dangerous mutations spread, dire vaccine shortages may prevent other countries from replicating Israel’s success, or from stopping new variants from emerging.
Israel’s vaccination success has raised questions about whether the country must do the same for millions of Palestinians.
Even Israel, which has outpaced every other nation in vaccinating its people, is far from out of the woods. The country extended its third nationwide lockdown on Thursday.

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Still, researchers found hope in the vaccine’s ability to quickly drive down cases among Israelis getting the shots.
“I find this pretty persuasive that we are seeing actual effects of population-level vaccination,” said William Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who was not involved with the Israeli study.
The real-world news from Israel adds to other signs of hope after months of bleakness. A growing number of vaccines are showing strong efficacy against Covid-19 and are particularly protective against severe illness. Some trials suggest that vaccines might even have the potential to slow transmission of the virus.
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The new Israeli study looked at national health statistics for people 60 years and older, who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine first because of their high risk. Analyzing data from six weeks into the vaccination campaign, when the majority of people that age had been vaccinated, they found that the number of new Covid-19 cases dropped by 41 percent compared to three weeks earlier.


Coronavirus testing in Ramat Gan, Israel, last month. New cases of Covid-19 fell dramatically among people who had been vaccinated.

Coronavirus testing in Ramat Gan, Israel, last month. New cases of Covid-19 fell dramatically among people who had been vaccinated. Credit...Abir Sultan/EPA, via Shutterstock
That group also experienced a 31 percent drop in hospitalizations from the coronavirus, and a drop of 24 percent of those who became critically ill.
The study is important, in part, because the authors were able to isolate other factors, including lockdowns, which also reduce the number of infections. The researchers found that even taking those factors into account, the vaccines had a significant impact.

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How big an impact remains to be determined.
But new data released Thursday by one of Israel’s largest health networks suggest the vaccine’s protection in practice may be nearly as good as it was in the clinical trial.
The vaccine had a 95 percent efficacy rate in clinical trials. Researchers warned in November that those numbers might not hold up in the real world.
People who volunteer for trials may not represent the population as a whole, for example. Also, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is challenging to administer on a national scale because it has to be kept frozen until shortly before it’s administered.

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But Maccabi Healthcare Services reported Thursday that out of 416,900 people it had vaccinated, only 254 had gotten Covid-19 a week after their second dose. What’s more, all of the cases were mild. Comparing these rates to unvaccinated people, the researchers estimated that the vaccine has an effectiveness of 91 percent.


Where is Pinky?

Workers’ Party MPs visit residents of Blk 506 Hougang Ave 8, amid mandatory COVID-19 tests taking place there - The Online Citizen Asia​

Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh and fellow Aljunied GRC Member of Parliament (MP) Gerald Giam visited residents of Block 506 Hougang Avenue 8 on Friday (21 May) morning, following the mandatory COVID-19 tests taking place there.
It was reported earlier that the Ministry of Health (MOH) will be conducting a mandatory COVID-19 test for all residents at Block 506 Hougang Avenue 8 on Friday and Saturday (22 May), after a few cases were found to be living there.
In a Facebook post, Mr Giam stated that “a small number” of residents in Block 506 were tested positive for COVID-19.
He noted that the mandatory swab of all residents will take place from 1pm to 8pm on Friday, and at 9am to 4pm on Saturday, at the void deck.
Residents are required to bring along their NRIC and TraceTogether Token or App when attending the COVID-19 test, and will have to keep at least a two-metre distance from other residents.
“If you have questions or there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m praying that all residents will be healthy and keep safe!” said Mr Giam.
Mr Singh also wrote about the swabbing operation on his Facebook page, noting that residents from the lower floors will be tested today, while those on the upper levels will be tested tomorrow.
“A key concern at the moment before the swabbing facility opens at 1pm later is the number of residents who may come down immediately, crowding the void deck,” he said.
To address this, Mr Singh said the Health Promotion Board (HPB) has sent out an SMS to residents with an indicative timing for testing.
“Our request to residents is to stick to this timing so that the safe distancing ambassadors deployed at the block do not have a difficult time,” he added.
Mr Singh expressed his appreciation of the support from various agencies that have helped set up the swabbing facility and their assistance during the swabbing operation.
“Thankful for the support of staff from various agencies including NEA and PA in the effort. A team of Aljunied-Hougang Town Council conservancy workers are undertaking a thorough wipe-down of the block.
“Gerald and I thanked them for their efforts and the TC will make sure they get a swab test done as well. Thank you to AHTC for assisting in communications with residents as well,” he wrote.

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KNN were they allowed to go work buy food etc or all placed under house arrest pending swab leesult ? KNN


key concern at the moment before the swabbing facility opens at 1pm later is the number of residents who may come down immediately, crowding the void deck,” he said
KNN he leelee understand sinkie well KNN my uncle not surprised some might even be waiting there overnight and mostlee are very excited about this event KNN


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Where is Pinky?

Workers’ Party MPs visit residents of Blk 506 Hougang Ave 8, amid mandatory COVID-19 tests taking place there - The Online Citizen Asia​

Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh and fellow Aljunied GRC Member of Parliament (MP) Gerald Giam visited residents of Block 506 Hougang Avenue 8 on Friday (21 May) morning, following the mandatory COVID-19 tests taking place there.
It was reported earlier that the Ministry of Health (MOH) will be conducting a mandatory COVID-19 test for all residents at Block 506 Hougang Avenue 8 on Friday and Saturday (22 May), after a few cases were found to be living there.
In a Facebook post, Mr Giam stated that “a small number” of residents in Block 506 were tested positive for COVID-19.
He noted that the mandatory swab of all residents will take place from 1pm to 8pm on Friday, and at 9am to 4pm on Saturday, at the void deck.
Residents are required to bring along their NRIC and TraceTogether Token or App when attending the COVID-19 test, and will have to keep at least a two-metre distance from other residents.
“If you have questions or there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m praying that all residents will be healthy and keep safe!” said Mr Giam.
Mr Singh also wrote about the swabbing operation on his Facebook page, noting that residents from the lower floors will be tested today, while those on the upper levels will be tested tomorrow.
“A key concern at the moment before the swabbing facility opens at 1pm later is the number of residents who may come down immediately, crowding the void deck,” he said.
To address this, Mr Singh said the Health Promotion Board (HPB) has sent out an SMS to residents with an indicative timing for testing.
“Our request to residents is to stick to this timing so that the safe distancing ambassadors deployed at the block do not have a difficult time,” he added.
Mr Singh expressed his appreciation of the support from various agencies that have helped set up the swabbing facility and their assistance during the swabbing operation.
“Thankful for the support of staff from various agencies including NEA and PA in the effort. A team of Aljunied-Hougang Town Council conservancy workers are undertaking a thorough wipe-down of the block.
“Gerald and I thanked them for their efforts and the TC will make sure they get a swab test done as well. Thank you to AHTC for assisting in communications with residents as well,” he wrote.

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The WP oppies fucked up enough. The residents gave us feedback that they wish WP would stay the fuck away instead of trying to politicize the issues. Let the grassroots leaders and our grassroots adviser handle this mess.


Super Moderator
KNN he leelee understand sinkie well KNN my uncle not surprised some might even be waiting there overnight and mostlee are very excited about this event KNN
negative, one of my kakis told me the residents were like sheep, the void deck was buzzling with activities as the cheng hu lang set up the area, and the residents guai guai came down in batches, macam like non-event like that. boh touy tio teochew ah hia.


Super Moderator
The WP oppies fucked up enough. The residents gave us feedback that they wish WP would stay the fuck away instead of trying to politicize the issues. Let the grassroots leaders and our grassroots adviser handle this mess.
My kaki also gave me feedback that the residents were upset that PAP fucked it up good enough at the airport cluster, ultimately causing this du peeh kang daichee. Teehee...


The WP oppies fucked up enough. The residents gave us feedback that they wish WP would stay the fuck away instead of trying to politicize the issues. Let the grassroots leaders and our grassroots adviser handle this mess.
So pap will win in aljunied the next time?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I know many hardcore Oppos think that the WP is not doing enough. But we can't really blame them. As long as the Opposition is outnumbered in Parleement, it's going to be hard to take the PAP to task on their policies. We need to vote more Oppos to give the PAP a good fight and make them uncomfortable in Parleement. As for Pritam, he has shown immense leadership qualities as the Leader of the Opposition. He has proven to be a man of the people. 10 years back, I emailed Pritam congratulating him on his maiden election victory and to my surprise, he replied to my email thanking me for my support even though I was not a resident of Aljunied. Kept that email for few years until it was wiped out after my old laptop went berserk in 2014.


He is our true blue local Indian. Salute him.

Unfortunately old fart Chinese community still hv reservation to hv an Indian leader.

By 2030 old fart baby boomers will be gone and new game changer begin.

I know many hardcore Oppos think that the WP is not doing enough. But we can't really blame them. As long as the Opposition is outnumbered in Parleement, it's going to be hard to take the PAP to task on their policies. We need to vote more Oppos to give the PAP a good fight and make them uncomfortable in Parleement. As for Pritam, he has shown immense leadership qualities as the Leader of the Opposition. He has proven to be a man of the people. 10 years back, I emailed Pritam congratulating him on his maiden election victory and to my surprise, he replied to my email thanking me for my support even though I was not a resident of Aljunied. Kept that email for few years until it was wiped out after my old laptop went berserk in 2014.


Super Moderator
He is our true blue local Indian. Salute him.

Unfortunately old fart Chinese community still hv reservation to hv an Indian leader.

By 2030 old fart baby boomers will be gone and new game changer begin.
My kakis and I are in favor of Tartman being PM :coffee::coffee::coffee: