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My good cholesterol has gone down


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just realised that my good cholesterol has gone down to 1.39. :(

Feeling old and wanning. Not that I am as old as in many in the cabinet, but I am also feeling exhausted, tired of what PAP has done to this country and its people. All these years, Singaporeans have witnessed how all these PUPPET, in white, were making a fool of themselves and our lifestyle. Singaporeans are getting sick and weak now, and this coming ND rally from LHL is another repetition of his joke in the making. I did not watch NDP, I did not listen to PM's ND message. I simply switched off all channels coming from PAP on National day and only than I can find myself in the most thereupeutic moment away from crappy news.

My point is, how to up my good cholesterol level:biggrin:

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Just realised that my good cholesterol has gone down to 1.39. :(

Feeling old and wanning. Not that I am as old as in many in the cabinet, but I am also feeling exhausted, tired of what PAP has done to this country and its people. All these years, Singaporeans have witnessed how all these PUPPET, in white, were making a fool of themselves and our lifestyle. Singaporeans are getting sick and weak now, and this coming ND rally from LHL is another repetition of his joke in the making. I did not watch NDP, I did not listen to PM's ND message. I simply switched off all channels coming from PAP on National day and only than I can find myself in the most thereupeutic moment away from crappy news.

My point is, how to up my good cholesterol level:biggrin:

Get an exercise machine, do some cardio exercises everyday. Eat more white meat (skinless), more green leafy vegetables, more fruits, drink more plain water. 12 glasses plain water everyday.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Buy CoQ10 (expensive Ubiquinol version, not cheap Ubiquinone version), it helps to prevent heart attacks, the risk of which increases exponentially with old age.

Buy Vitamin D supplements, it helps to prevent cancer, the risk of which increases exponentially with old age.

Buy Turmeric supplements, it helps to prevent diabetes, the risk of which increases with old age and accumulated sleep deprivation (which almost all Singaporeans suffer from, unless you're self-employed and are your own boss).
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Fucktard sinkie .... meat contains cholesterol.

High cholesterol isn't a result of consuming cholesterol you twit. The body metabolizes its own cholesterol. More than 85% of the cholesterol in your system is produced by your liver. Less than 15% is from external sources.

There are plenty of vegans with high cholesterol and loads of meat eaters with low cholesterol.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The latest wisdom reports that cholesterol isn't the enemy after all. :rolleyes:


Keeping up with which foods to eat and which ones to avoid could be a full-time job. That's because scientists continue to learn more about what we put in our bodies.

Some of their latest findings could change your mind about fat.

Twenty years ago, doctors told us to stay away from high-fat foods like eggs, bacon, and butter because they raised cholesterol and could lead to heart disease.

America responded and stopped eating fat. In its place, however, we ate more sugar and other carbohydrates.

How did that work out? Not great. As a whole, Americans grew fatter and sicker than before. Scientists back then may have reached the wrong conclusion.

Now a growing number of medical experts say weight gain, heart disease, and other illnesses are not caused by high cholesterol, but by something different: inflammation.

That means instead of avoiding foods that raise our cholesterol, we need to avoid foods that cause inflammation.

Cholesterol's Bad Rap

Dr. Beverly Teter, a lipid biochemist at the University of Maryland, studies how the different kinds of fat in food affect our health.

Teter said scientists wrongly blamed cholesterol for heart disease when they saw high levels of it at a damaged blood vessel. Teter believes the body put the cholesterol there to fix the problem, which was actually caused by inflammation.

"It's the inflammation in the vessels that start the lesion," she explained. "The body then sends the cholesterol like a scab to cover over it to protect the blood system and the vessel wall from further damage."

Research also shows cholesterol can protect against respiratory and gastrointestinal problems, and helps create vitamin D. People with higher cholesterol live longer.

Teter said that's a scientific fact that she can vouch for personally.

"I come from a family that has, my mother's side, had naturally high cholesterol. Her cholesterol was between 380 and 420 when I started watching her medical records, and she died at 97," she said. "So I don't think that cholesterol was too bad for her."

Inflammation Producers

Cholesterol is especially important in the brain, which contains more cholesterol than any other organ and needs it in order for a message to get passed from one brain cell to another.

Therefore, Teter said when it comes to food choices, don't worry if it raises your cholesterol. Focus your attention instead on whether it reduces inflammation.

When choosing which fats to eat, pick the ones that are high in Omega 3 fats and also choose natural saturated fats. On the other hand, stay away from the fats that lead to inflammation, such as trans fats and Omega 6 fats.

How to you tell the healthy Omega 3s from the unhealthy Omega 6 fats? Vegetable oils and mayonnaise contain Omega 6 fats, so be careful with how much you consume.

Ideally, Omega 6 fats are healthy but only when consumed in the same amount as Omega 3 fats. The typical American, however, consumes 15 times more Omega 6 fats than Omega 3s. This imbalance creates inflammation.

So cut back on the Omega 6s and increase your consumption of Omega 3s. These are in foods like olive oil and avocados.

Cold water fish is an excellent source of Omega 3 fat, particularly DHA, which is a super brain booster. One great way to make sure you're getting enough Omega 3, specifically DHA, is by taking a fish oil supplement. Doctors recommend one that contains at least 750 mg of DHA daily.

Butter is Better

At one time dieticians considered margarine, which is a trans fat, heart healthy. Doctors now say a better choice is butter.

In the last 20 years, trans fats have become the ingredient of choice for almost all processed foods. You can tell something contains trans fat if you see the word "hydrogenated" in the list of ingredients.

Saturated fats have really gotten a bad reputation over the last couple of decades. But they are not as bad as they have been made out to be. In fact, doctors recommend eating some saturated fats every day, such as coconut oil.

This saturated fat fights colds and the flu and has even reversed the symptoms of Alzheimers, ALS and Parkinson's Disease in some people.

Say 'No' to Inflammation

You should also remember those non-fat foods that make us fat and increase inflammation contain sugar and refined carbohydrates. Anything containing high fructose corn syrup or other sugars leads to inflammation.

So do grains, especially refined grains such as white bread, pasta, rice, and so on.

So when it comes to your health, inflammation beats out cholesterol as the new enemy. Take it on by saying "yes" to foods like fish and coconut oil, and "no" to sugar and carbohydrates, and dangerous trans fats.

*Originally aired February 1, 2013


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
<iframe width="320" height="180" src="http://cbn.com/tv/embedplayernews.aspx?bcid=2141846415001" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


High cholesterol isn't a result of consuming cholesterol you twit. The body metabolizes its own cholesterol. More than 85% of the cholesterol in your system is produced by your liver. Less than 15% is from external sources.

There are plenty of vegans with high cholesterol and loads of meat eaters with low cholesterol.

Aww, vegan owned.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do you guys believe that high cholesterol is bad for you?
And why is there such nonsense as good and bad cholesterol.

Listen to me......those with low choresterol die younger than those with high choresterol.

You brain's nodes are all choresterol. Without choresterol, you will die. That's why the liver keeps producing choresterol because your body needs it and needs a lot of it.

It's the pharma industry that is sowing all this nonsense. Dun be a bloody fool to believe these blood suckers.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
High cholesterol isn't a result of consuming cholesterol you twit. The body metabolizes its own cholesterol. More than 85% of the cholesterol in your system is produced by your liver. Less than 15% is from external sources.

There are plenty of vegans with high cholesterol and loads of meat eaters with low cholesterol.

Absolutely agree with sam and sinkie.

Cholesterol's negative effects are all hyped up bullshit concocted through years of flawed medical scientific methods and further exploited by big pharama for their benefit

I have seen eggs and butter - the two most maligned foods - alternate between being called good food and bad food so many times over the years I have lost count.

My friend spends thousands of dollars on anti cholesterol medication per year because of big pharma propaganda. Guess what. It has done him no good. He preserved his health by adopting an active outdoor lifestyle of hiking and trekking.

Margarine is even more unhealthy than lard, canola oil, palm oil and ghee.

Of particular risk at vegans because their lack of essential amino acids and vitamins B12 D and E in their diet screws up their metabolism and causes them to accrete fat in their arteries.

Eat a balanced diet with all kinds of meat veges n fruits.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Absolutely agree with sam and sinkie.

Cholesterol's negative effects are all hyped up bullshit concocted through years of flawed medical scientific methods and further exploited by big pharama for their benefit

I have seen eggs and butter - the two most maligned foods - alternate between being called good food and bad food so many times over the years I have lost count.

My friend spends thousands of dollars on anti cholesterol medication per year because of big pharma propaganda. Guess what. It has done him no good. He preserved his health by adopting an active outdoor lifestyle of hiking and trekking.

Margarine is even more unhealthy than lard, canola oil, palm oil and ghee.

Of particular risk at vegans because their lack of essential amino acids and vitamins B12 D and E in their diet screws up their metabolism and causes them to accrete fat in their arteries.

Eat a balanced diet with all kinds of meat veges n fruits.

hey sinkie low life,

B12 can be replace by supplement, it is not created in meat.

I have lots of vitamin E , i am not lacking of it why the fuck you think that vegan can lack Vit E..

and the most low IQ shit come from you is that vegan lacking protein... i have never taken an protein supplement.. where the fuck you get that?



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
since the article claimed that human body can make its own cholesterol, then why the fuck you need to get it from external source??? and meat has tons of it.

omega 3 to 6 ratio and the healthy ratio is the 3 has to be more than 6 ... 2:1 or more on the omega 3 side.. it is the same as having more potassium than sodium in your diet

omega 3 sources: , Hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are also good sources of ALA. Brazil nuts, wheat germ, wheat germ oil, soybean oil and canola oil also contain significant amounts

and of course flaxseed.. my fav

so if you people think eating fish is going to help..hehe... hope that the pollutants in the sea dun get into the fish or else..good luck.


Alfrescian (Inf)
since the article claimed that human body can make its own cholesterol, then why the fuck you need to get it from external source??? and meat has tons of it.

omega 3 to 6 ratio and the healthy ratio is the 3 has to be more than 6 ... 2:1 or more on the omega 3 side.. it is the same as having more potassium than sodium in your diet

omega 3 sources: , Hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are also good sources of ALA. Brazil nuts, wheat germ, wheat germ oil, soybean oil and canola oil also contain significant amounts

and of course flaxseed.. my fav

so if you people think eating fish is going to help..hehe... hope that the pollutants in the sea dun get into the fish or else..good luck.

Thank you Master for enlightening us. :biggrin: