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My experience with new Immigrants in Japan


Alfrescian (Inf)
What that guy didn't mention is the Japanese help those pple to integrate(the very thing that the government have encourage everyone to do) unlike us who blame every freaking thing on the FTs and take every opportunity to shun them. Don't believe me, just go search every thread on FT in this forum

Bro Char, who are the guests of this country? We or the FTs?

The onus is on the FTs to integrate with the locals..

PAP roll out the red carpet for these FTs to come here to rob the locals of their jobs..

Don't tell me you'll give the burglar who robs your home an affectionate bear hug?


Alfrescian (Inf)
hi 007 , [ :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: ]
people overlok the fact that he mentioned the number of immigrants is beri small.
here , it is huge.
in the 4 cases given , all of them integrated well , embracing the nihon ji manner beri welll.

sinkies allso overlok the fact that actually all the FT , immigrants here have integrated successfoolly too.
look at their ill manner and behavior all typical sinkie traits. :(:(:(
it is like a kettle calling a pot black. :mad::mad::mad:

In the case of Japan, anyone living in Japan are pretty much forced to speak Japanese. Foreign language in Japan for the Japanese are almost non-existent. The difference in SG is although many here complain about some FTs not being able to speak English, many locals especially the older ones don't speak english, heck I even know a number of older folks who only know dialect, not even Chinese. One can easily survive in SG without knowing the language hence the FTs are not naturally forced to learn any other language.

Also in Japan they do not openly discriminate FTs like here in SG. In fact you can see a lot of FTs on Free to Air TV. I noticed a good number of variety shows featuring at least 1 Foreigner in their program. So not only do they not discriminate them, the openly welcome them.

As for ill manners of Singaporean and FT, I pointed out the fact in another thread discussing this issue that talking loudly in SG is not a uniquely FT problem. Many locals talk loudly, rudely and in all kinds of undesirable manner in public. To single out FTs for that is ridiculous when its a common trait amongst locals as well.

It takes 2 hands to clap, to integrate FTs, the FTs themselves must be willing to do it. On the other hand the local population have to help them if they are willing to take the first step. Want the FTs to integrate into SG, discriminating them is not the way to do it


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro Char, who are the guests of this country? We or the FTs?

The onus is on the FTs to integrate with the locals..

See above post

yes I agree it is the onus of the FT to integrate with the locals however it is also the duty as the locals to help them integrate.

When U rent a house to an outsider, you do not expect the outsider to be able to integrate into your family when you scold and insult him at every opportunity. Even if he is willing to, he will never be able to. It is the duty as the host to help them integrate. Both have their roles to play


I fully agree wth you, our highly overpaid ministers are alway talking rubbish, asking Singaporean ti integrate with Foreign Trash?
I have been to Japan and also agreed to the writer Makapaaa. PRC serving us expect us to speak Mandarin to them?? I spoke to
them in Hokkien..knn..

You're very nice to speak to these PRC trash in Hokkien.

At restaurants, when they make me converse in Mandarin, I tell them to fuck off!


It takes 2 hands to clap, to integrate FTs, the FTs themselves must be willing to do it. On the other hand the local population have to help them if they are willing to take the first step. Want the FTs to integrate into SG, discriminating them is not the way to do it

Should the pap government be telling the foreigners to integrate, to respect local laws, customs and people?
Or should they constantly be telling the locals to integrate, which is what they are currently doing?

Why the latter and not the former?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Should the pap government be telling the foreigners to integrate, to respect local laws, customs and people?
Or should they constantly be telling the locals to integrate, which is what they are currently doing?

Why the latter and not the former?

Good point, they did make statements that FT needs to make an effort to integrate but I guess it's not as much as telling locals to do likewise this I totally I don't disagree with U.


I fully agree wth you, our highly overpaid ministers are alway talking rubbish, asking Singaporean ti integrate with Foreign Trash?
I have been to Japan and also agreed to the writer Makapaaa. PRC serving us expect us to speak Mandarin to them?? I spoke to
them in Hokkien..knn..

u mean u literally say "knn" to them?


Our duty to help ft integrate? Fuck u. Maybe it's the duty of pap dogs like u.
hey, why did u use "fuck u" to attack Char_Azn just because of different views? u mean everyone here got to agree with u? u who? a migrant who hates FT? who is the diff between a migrant and FT?


[h=2]My experience with new Immigrants in Japan[/h]
May 25th, 2012 |
Author: Contributions

Yokohama's Chinatown, a enclave for the Chinese immigrant community

Hello everyone,
I would like to share my thoughts on integration of new immigrants. I came back from Japan about 2 months ago after a two week business trip - mostly outside Tokyo.
Its not true that Japan does not have any immigrants. Its just that there are few and the new immigrants take pains to integrate and they do it so well that you can’t tell unless you pay attention.
I met 3 PRCs and 1 Indian during my work. Let me share my observations.
New Immigrant 1 : PRC
This is a waitress. She resembled Japanese down to the hairstyle and dressing. She speaks softly and bows like all other Japanese. She displayed none of the usual PRC traits like speaking loudly or pushy. She noticed that I was having problem ordering and she quickly asked if I could speak mandarin – much to my relief. She continued with mandarin in the same soft manner like most Japanese and waited patiently for me to decide. I found out that she is from Hebei and she came over to study Japanese and later took up a job as a waitress here. She genuinely like it in Japan and has a Japanese boyfriend. She speaks perfect Japanese. I would never has guess she is a PRC.
New immigrant 2 : PRC Engineer
I visited my supplier and he had a PRC engineer. Again, this engineer dress like a Japanese and speak perfect Japanese. In fact he even married a Japanese lady. He came over on a scholarship and had to spend 1 year studying Japanese first before starting on his Engineering course. Of course he started speaking to me in Mandarin. He again behave completely like a Japanese.
New immigrant 3 : Indian Engineer
This was at my customer’s factory. Of course he was obvious but listening to him speak to his colleagues, I was amazed that he spoke and behaved completely like the Japanese. His colleagues joke with him and was completely at ease with him.
He again came over on a scholarship, took 1 year to study Japanese. He had to go back to India after his studies to an arranged married (decided by his parents) and be brought his wife over. According to him, she had 2 years of Japanese studies but is finding it harder to integrate as she is a housewife and interactions are limited but she is making progress and is now involved in community work at a nearby school.
He shared with me over lunch that he will not go back to India because he feels totally integrated. As for number of recipients of Japanese scholarships, there are not many and he was the only Indian at that time in the Uni.
Lastly, he revealed to me that if you hire a foreigner, you have to pay the same as the locals. That’s why Japanese firms seldom hire foreigners as there is no advantage (likely to have disadvantage). He of course offer them an advantage as he is proficient in English too.
Last immigrant 4 : PRC
Train station executive. He sells Shinkansen tickets at Nagoya. Again, this guy looked and speak like any Japanese. He even has the hand gestures. Like the other PRCs mentioned above, he integrated so well. I didn’t have the time to interact with him to get any more details.
The 4 of them showed me that integration is definitely possible but must be done in such a way that they new immigrants have to adopt the new country’s way of life. You can’t really live comfortably if you don’t speak Japanese in Japan.
In Singapore, the new immigrants don’t even bother to learn English because there are so many of them that they create their own enclaves. That’s where PAP has screwed up big time. However, instead of learning from this, they think Singaporeans need to change and we need to embrace their way of life instead. Well, it just goes to show they don’t value Singapore’s way of life as much as their self serving interests.
I hope this sharing is useful. It certainly has opened my eyes about integration and what is possible and why PAP is full of bullshit.

In the 90s, foreigners in SIngapore - Malaysians, PRCs, India Indians - living and working in SG were also not loud. My company then had a few PRC and Indian programmers and they were all not loud, speak in English and are well behaved. I think the difference in behaviour is due to the number, in the past not many of them, as minority they were forced to integrate and speak in English.

Now with so many foreigners - becoming like majority - and with PAP constantly putting down locals and backing foreigners, there is no longer any need for foreigners to integrate. This plus the total lack of quality control of the foreigners let in means lower quality foreigners caused the problems we see today. Another reason is the growing wealth of their home countries - when countries become richer, the people also begin to talk louder.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In the case of Japan, anyone living in Japan are pretty much forced to speak Japanese. Foreign language in Japan for the Japanese are almost non-existent. The difference in SG is although many here complain about some FTs not being able to speak English, many locals especially the older ones don't speak english, heck I even know a number of older folks who only know dialect, not even Chinese. One can easily survive in SG without knowing the language hence the FTs are not naturally forced to learn any other language.

Also in Japan they do not openly discriminate FTs like here in SG. In fact you can see a lot of FTs on Free to Air TV. I noticed a good number of variety shows featuring at least 1 Foreigner in their program. So not only do they not discriminate them, the openly welcome them.

As for ill manners of Singaporean and FT, I pointed out the fact in another thread discussing this issue that talking loudly in SG is not a uniquely FT problem. Many locals talk loudly, rudely and in all kinds of undesirable manner in public. To single out FTs for that is ridiculous when its a common trait amongst locals as well.

It takes 2 hands to clap, to integrate FTs, the FTs themselves must be willing to do it. On the other hand the local population have to help them if they are willing to take the first step. Want the FTs to integrate into SG, discriminating them is not the way to do it

yes we are force to use japanese ...no choice .

" Also in Japan they do not openly discriminate FTs like here in SG " ...for that statement ...it is not true ...some left wings groups even use loud hailer on the street to kpkb about FT and some clubs or public bath refuse entry for FT if you dont speak japanese :wink: .


Alfrescian (Inf)
japan with their sleazy sex industries, it is a bad role model for immigrant. i would not want to bring family there to be corrupt by them. For the FW there, they have no choice, japan is mono ethnicity country , FW have to either conform or left out. singapore in the other hand, already have chinese, indian, malays and eurasian, so FW do not have to follow, follow who?

when you are rojak, very hard to ask people follow you.
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yes we are force to use japanese ...no choice .

" Also in Japan they do not openly discriminate FTs like here in SG " ...for that statement ...it is not true ...some left wings groups even use loud hailer on the street to kpkb about FT and some clubs or public bath refuse entry for FT if you dont speak japanese :wink: .

Is it true that some whore houses don't entertain FT customers?

I've even heard that its partly to protect the girls against AIDS because AIDS cases in other countries are much higher than Japan