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More people getting kidney failure in Singapore



More people getting kidney failure in Singapore​


Among patients starting dialysis in 2022, three in five were men. PHOTO: ST FILE

Salma Khalik
Senior Health Correspondent

MAR 16, 2024, 06:36 AM

SINGAPORE – The number of people getting kidney failure here has gone up by 40 per cent over the past decade, with significantly more men and Malays suffering from it.
Among patients starting dialysis in 2022, three in five were men, while proportionately, three times more Malays than Chinese suffered from kidney failure.
For every one million Malays, 459 required dialysis in 2022, compared with 150 per million for Chinese, and 183 for the Indian population.
Kidney failure, or fifth-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD5), happens when the kidneys lose their ability to function, resulting in the accumulation of waste products and fluid in the body.
Kidney disease is a major problem in Singapore.
Globally, one in 10 people suffer from CKD. In Singapore, it is higher. The National Population Health Survey 2022 found that 14 per cent of the population had CKD, up from 9 per cent two years earlier.
One in four people here – close to 900,000 people – will suffer from CKD by 2035, according to projections by experts from the National Healthcare Group and the National University of Singapore published in an article in the International Journal of Nephrology in 2018.
The largest proportion, however, will have early stages of the disease, they said.
There are five stages of CKD. Stage 1 and 2, or CKD1 and CKD2, are considered mild, with the kidneys still working fairly normally. But over time, the kidneys will deteriorate, with the condition progressing to CKD5, or end-stage renal disease where the kidneys are close to not working or have failed altogether.
Singapore has the third-highest incidence of CKD5, after Taiwan and the United States, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
In 2021, 2,155 people were diagnosed with kidney failure – or about six new cases every day – against 1,557 in 2012, according to the Singapore Renal Registry Annual Report 2022 released in January 2024. The number of new CKD5 patients in 2022 was not available, as the registry tracks patients for at least six months to ascertain kidney failure.
The number of patients starting dialysis went up by 50 per cent between 2012 and 2022. Now, there are four new dialysis patients a day.
The report said that in 2020, Singapore had the world’s highest percentage of kidney failure patients starting treatment whose disease was due to diabetes – at 67 per cent.
To cope with the rising numbers, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), the biggest dialysis provider here, runs 41 dialysis centres to care for slightly more than half of the roughly 9,000 people who are on dialysis.
This includes one centre that was opened in Bukit Batok in January. Another centre will open in Sengkang in May, and three more centres will be added by 2025.
Once kidneys fail, the options are transplant and dialysis
Why dialysis may not be a good option for some kidney failure patients
An NKF spokesman said the number of patients on haemodialysis – where a person’s blood is removed, cleaned and returned to the body – has gone up by 72 per cent in the past decade, from 2,672 in 2014 to 4,595 in 2023.
The age of NKF’s patients ranges from 22 to 96.
There is some good news, however, as the median age of new dialysis patients at NKF has gone up over the past five years, from 62.5 to 66 in 2023 – which means people have functioning kidneys for longer.
Much of the increase in kidney failure is caused by an ageing population. When age is taken into account, the number of people with kidney failure as a proportion of the population has remained fairly stable over the past decade, according to data from the registry.
However, with new and better treatments to help patients slow the progression of kidney disease, doctors are hoping to see a slowing down in the rise of kidney failure here.
As to why more men and Malays suffer from this life-threatening disease, Dr Chua Horng Ruey, who heads the kidney disease division at the National University Hospital (NUH), said it is because more of them suffer from underlying conditions that contribute to the organ’s failure.
He said the latest national population health survey showed that more men suffer from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels and obesity, so “we could reasonably assume that more males than females would suffer the unfortunate outcome of kidney failure in later years”.
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Dr Yeo See Cheng, who heads the renal medicine department at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, agreed that men tend to have more underlying medical conditions that increase their risk of getting kidney failure, but suggested there might be another possibility.
“The reason for the higher rate of kidney failure in men is postulated to be biological, namely, negative effects of testosterone compared to the protective effect of oestrogen in women,” Dr Yeo said.
Dr Chua said more Malays suffer from cardiovascular disease, which is a major risk factor for kidney failure.
“Malay patients referred for kidney disease management at NUH versus other ethnic groups were more likely to have three or more comorbid conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, heart disease or stroke.
“We could again reasonably assume these are reasons why there are disproportionately more Malay patients than Chinese with kidney failure.”
Dr Angeline Goh, a renal expert at a clinic in Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, said “the proportion of Malay patients with worse kidney function on presentation was also higher, and they tended to miss appointments”.
She added that more Malays have metabolic diseases, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, excess abdominal fat and diabetes, but they are less likely to keep up with their medical appointments, so their condition worsens. This is a reason why many more Malays suffer from kidney disease.
Researchers may have found a way to repair damaged kidneys
‘Imminent kidney tsunami’: Chronic renal disease on the rise in Singapore


What do sheeple expect when most of them were jabbed? Go and enroll themselves with Healthier SG to receive more jabs


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
It's a good way to go. A friend of mine just called it a day when his kidneys failed. He didn't want to spend his life hooked up to a machine most days.


It's a good way to go. A friend of mine just called it a day when his kidneys failed. He didn't want to spend his life hooked up to a machine most days.
Does he have contact with Xi Jinping?
He can have a spare kidney every time when needed


Sheeple are being poisoned and contributed to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Get themselves healed by CDS and distant themselves from these authorities for good


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Does he have contact with Xi Jinping?
He can have a spare kidney every time when needed

He couldn't be bothered to wait for a transplant. He decided he'd had a good life and it was time to go.


Any sexperts care to sexplain why muuds can fast for one month yearly and still get so much kidney failure? @Loofydralb @Likemeat @syed putra @duluxe @Hypocrite-The @k1976 @glockman
I think the statistics are quite equitable across the races.
Having said that, we ingest a lot of plastic, without realizing it.

Also those who love bubble tea? Surprise. Those bubbles contains plastic.

Our bodies cannot process out these plastic, ends up being forced through the kidneys and they choke up those passages.

Malaysia has very high rates of kidney failure esp among Malays. That's because all those goreng Pisang and other goreng stuff is fried in oil laden with plastic.
Where the plastic comes from? It comes from the plastic bags and packaging that they slip into the hot oil so they do not have to dispose them and their stall looks neat and not messy.
Why they throw their plastic packaging into the oil?
Because these plastics melt in the oil but coat the goreng Pisang and keeps it crunchy for days. Otherwise it'll be soggy by afternoon. Crispy goreng pisangs can sell better too.

So now you know.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why they throw their plastic packaging into the oil?
Because these plastics melt in the oil but coat the goreng Pisang and keeps it crunchy for days. Otherwise it'll be soggy by afternoon. Crispy goreng pisangs can sell better too.

So now you know

Thanks for the tip.


Old Fart


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Most of them can't make it in this world, so they're trying hard to go to the next asap. Either they blow themselves up, taking others with them or they blow their organs up.:biggrin: But seriously, I think it's due to their genetic disposition, lifestyle, and diet.

You're right. It has to do with their diet of deep fried food, sweet desserts and overeating for a month during ramadan. I'm doing good business catering for their iftar dinners.