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MOney doesn't buy happiness!!

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Only people who dont have money says such things. Money can buy happiness if one is wise enough on how to spend it.

That's right, bro. Another common saying: "if problem can be solved using money, its not really a problem".

Tell dat to the family whose father is hospital striken and needs a wad of dough to get a life saving operation. Money cannot solve problem? That's because u haven't actually used money to solve real life problems before



If money not important why church need so much money from their cult members ? :wink: opps I forget that their god got no ability to make money appear infront of them .. So have to steal from their cult members :wink:

It does not matter whether you are a Christian, Buddhist or even an atheist, as long as you want to feed your flesh, you are not walking according to a believer does. For riches satisfy the flesh very well. So well, that you will NOT NEED a deity or God to help you in your everyday life.

That's why it seems like the bible talks about saving ONLY the poor but not the rich. That's not true. Everyone seeks a better life. That's not a sin. But, being excessive is. Many ancient gods or statues are representations of "wants". They want "riches", "prosperity", "fertility", and all sorts of imaginations. They want it.

Cong Hee does NOT know much about the Christian salvation. He can go on telling you the same old poor woman story ... that's all. These people are NOT CHOSEN by Him to preach the word. You can see the way I write is different from others. It's definitely NOT in randomness.

If the leaders are blind like an old prophet, what he needed was a young potential prophet like me or Samuel to lead the blind crowd. The world is always changing. The same for salvation. Because, they appears and disappears in different time lapses. Churches appearing and disappearing just like that.

Only you can tell what kind of person you are. Some don't even know themselves well enough. They seek after the things of the flesh which is temporary and corruptible. These people have nothing in the end. Money is only a mean to an end (happiness). We cannot be depending on the things of flesh by constantly feeding it. This is wrong. Death of the flesh means the end. They build nothing eternal.


The three tenets drilled into every churchgoer
(a.k.a why churches of all denominations are so filthy rich):

1. Give money to church = give money to God/do God's work.
2. God loves a cheerful giver.
3. Do not rob God (in tithes and offerings).

Basically, every weekend the churchgoer gets guilt-tripped into giving. Prosperity gospel preachers such as Kong Hee used the 'manyfold return' bait to lure those who're profit-minded into giving.

They are NOT the chosen ones. They don't care because they themselves DON'T know what the hell is going on. They don't feel it - the salvation. Very soon, they became numb to the word of God. The word of God has a primary objective which is saving souls, NOT as prosperity burger !

If you follow the prosperity burger (technique) by giving more and to receive more, it will still works for some. I don't think it will work on everyone. The same reason why I can talk to God and others cannot. What's the reason ? Maybe He's selective. The same story goes to Moses and his brethren. His brethren and the ten to 100,000s of people did not have access to God's presence. So, how ? He song mah. :biggrin:

That's why you see a certain pastor or priest became atheists in the end. They are NOT the ones. :*:

Con Hee can go on selling his prosperity burgers. But, he has to answer to God. I can't judge him for I'm no God.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Eternity

It does not matter whether you are a Christian, Buddhist or even an atheist, as long as you want to feed your flesh, you are not walking according to a believer does. For riches satisfy the flesh very well. So well, that you will NOT NEED a deity or God to help you in your everyday life.

That's why it seems like the bible talks about saving ONLY the poor but not the rich. That's not true. Everyone seeks a better life. That's not a sin. But, being excessive is. Many ancient gods or statues are representations of "wants". They want "riches", "prosperity", "fertility", and all sorts of imaginations. They want it.

Cong Hee does NOT know much about the Christian salvation. He can go on telling you the same old poor woman story ... that's all. These people are NOT CHOSEN by Him to preach the word. You can see the way I write is different from others. It's definitely NOT in randomness.

If the leaders are blind like an old prophet, what he needed was a young potential prophet like me or Samuel to lead the blind crowd. The world is always changing. The same for salvation. Because, they appears and disappears in different time lapses. Churches appearing and disappearing just like that.

Only you can tell what kind of person you are. Some don't even know themselves well enough. They seek after the things of the flesh which is temporary and corruptible. These people have nothing in the end. Money is only a mean to an end (happiness). We cannot be depending on the things of flesh by constantly feeding it. This is wrong. Death of the flesh means the end. They build nothing eternal.

Agree with you on everyone need money no matter if u are a delusional religious or atheist like me .
Men will never be happy with what they have .. And I don't think it's a sin too ...it's perfectly normal wanting to be richer and richer .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They are NOT the chosen ones. They don't care because they themselves DON'T know what the hell is going on. They don't feel it - the salvation. Very soon, they became numb to the word of God. The word of God has a primary objective which is saving souls, NOT as prosperity burger !

If you follow the prosperity burger (technique) by giving more and to receive more, it will still works for some. I don't think it will work on everyone. The same reason why I can talk to God and others cannot. What's the reason ? Maybe He's selective. The same story goes to Moses and his brethren. His brethren and the ten to 100,000s of people did not have access to God's presence. So, how ? He song mah. :biggrin:

That's why you see a certain pastor or priest became atheists in the end. They are NOT the ones. :*:

Con Hee can go on selling his prosperity burgers. But, he has to answer to God. I can't judge him for I'm no God.

Whahahaha ... Did I read wrongly ? You can speak to god ? :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes it doesn't buy happiness, but it does do away with your worry and stress over hospital bill , meals for your family and so forth.

I can be pretty rich with a single cent when knowing all my worries are taken care of, and very poor with millions not knowing who is going to kidnap my family or who is going to sue me and so forth.

Just be happy and don't worry......:biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If you sing this song to your gf .. Confirm she act blur and run away :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
To me, $$$$$$$$ can buy almost anything that's for sale. Why would our PAP be so obsessed with it if it can't buy happiness? Even LOVE can be bought. Some govts also can be bought.


Alfrescian (Inf)
To me, $$$$$$$$ can buy almost anything that's for sale. Why would our PAP be so obsessed with it if it can't buy happiness? Even LOVE can be bought. Some govts also can be bought.

With power, money will follow.

China leaders have billion stuff to them, but they always pretend to act noble.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bull shit!!!!!

Proof!! Woof! Woof! :biggrin:

[h=1]Quotes From the Most, Least Positive Countries[/h]

By By The Associated Press
December 20, 2012 (AP)

Comments by people in some of the countries that a Gallup poll ranks as the world's most and least positive:
"We're naturally very happy. We have our problems in life but we forget them quickly and we start over; it's a question of culture." — Hildaura Ortega, 30, English professor, Panama City.
"The farmers, the peasants, they are happy and joyful despite the problems of everyday life, but the city dwellers, those used to the city routine, are very individualistic and colder because life is too fast and competitive." — Franca La Carrubba, dean of psychology, Paraguay Autonomous University.

FILE - In this Oct. 14, 2012 file photo,... View Full Caption

"Salvadorans are positive, very contented, friendly people, but that doesn't mean we're happy. We live in a country with low salaries, where many are out of work and we're threatened by gangs and drug dealers." — Juan Carlos Hernandez, bank worker, San Salvador.
"As a people, we are laid back, even on serious matters. To take life that way even if you're facing difficult situations is good for your health." — Hugo James, 35, copywriter for advertising agency.
"I don't aspire to be the king. I just want to have enough — a house, a car, a bit of money saved up. That's enough to make me happy, whereas some wealthy people just keep wanting more." — Natthinee Sriboonmee, 32, clothing vendor in Bangkok.
"We're so used to these problems that we ignore what's going on and live our lives despite them." — Estefani Brolo, singer, 28, Guatemala City.
"Just being with my family makes me happy ... We have fun together as a family. ... We have bonding time and we say prayers together. ... They are my inspiration. As long as we are all healthy, I am happy. There is nothing better than that." — Felicio Sayat, 35, security guard who works 12 hours a day at parking lot, Manila.

"There's a lot of pressure to perform to expectations and conform to norms here so I think that overrides our personal happiness ... Most of my kids are very focused and spend long hours dedicated to school. As a teacher you want what is best for your students but you can't help but feel they miss out on a childhood." — Fung Yeewai, 25, part-time teacher.
"As for me, I feel fine and see no reason to be unhappy. But many people I know feel unhappy about various problems." — Lilit Babadzhanian, 28, medical worker, Yerevan.
"There have been so many conflicts after the Soviet collapse, and so many refugees." — Marina Kupreishvili, 52, doctor.
"What is there to be happy about? Poverty, no jobs and even the possibility of more wars? No way. The only strategy for many young people here is to get out as soon as possible. The sooner, the better." — Petar Jovanovic, medical student, Belgrade.
"I want to go abroad. It's stupid to live in a dictatorship in the middle of Europe. It's fear that makes Belarusians unhappy. Everyone is afraid of being crushed by the state. Living in Belarus means no freedom, no money and no future." — Maxim Luksha, 20, university student.
"Lithuanians feel unhappy, because they believe that there is no sociological justice in the country. The conditions for family business are not conducive, and the basis of Lithuanian economy is big business. The wages of employees are low, and the whole social situation is unfair. This makes the main difference between Lithuania and other countries in Europe." — Vladas Gaidys, director of public opinion firm Vilmorus, Vilnius.
Associated Press writers Juan Zamorano in Panama City; Pedro Servin in Asuncion, Paraguay; Marcos Aleman in San Salvador; Tony Fraser in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad; Romina Ruiz-Goiriena in Guatemala City; Oliver Teves in Manila, Philippines; Heather Tan in Singapore; Misha Dzhindzhikhashvili in Tbilisi, Georgia; Dusan Stojanovic in Belgrade, Serbia; Gary Peach in Riga, Latvia; and Yuras Karmanau in Minsk, Belarus, contributed to this report.
Source: Gallup Inc., http://www.gallup.com/poll/159254/latin-americans-positive-world.aspx


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Money Solves Your Boring Daily Problems

Money doesn't buy happiness doesn't apply in SG. Look at all the jokers complaining about the government because of money issues


Alfrescian (Inf)
does money buy love?

Off course it does, MBSSLOTS,

A very good example was the late Elizabeth Taylor when she married a young and strong carpenter.

Recently in Malaysia a young man married a wrinkled and toothless "nenek" (grandma)

Could all these examples and a host of others not written here be signs of pure true love.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No money, no honey.


With money you can get the best honey.

With money your days are always sunny.

Reminds me of an unemployed guy by name of Mani

Who was taken to court on a private summons by one Sani

This was because Sani muttered something that to Mani wasn't funny.

As lawyer, Sani chose the debonaire, dashing and eloquent Ghani.

Mani could not find any lawyer among the very many.

Mani had little money and so turned to his granny

She offered her poor grandson some money.

Ghani for Sani questioned poor Mani without money.

The magistrate found Mani guilty of felony

And sentenced him behind bars at Changi.

Ho Ho Ho. Merry X'mas. Wish you presents a many.


For those singkies who complain about being unhappy, please migrate to Philippines and be a pinoy there, they are the happiest people in Asia.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Your chances of obtaining happines is much higher if youre rich. But happines is definitely near impossible when youre poor.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Money Solves Your Boring Daily Problems

The three tenets drilled into every churchgoer
(a.k.a why churches of all denominations are so filthy rich):

1. Give money to church = give money to God/do God's work.
2. God loves a cheerful giver.
3. Do not rob God (in tithes and offerings).

Basically, every weekend the churchgoer gets guilt-tripped into giving. Prosperity gospel preachers such as Kong Hee used the 'manyfold return' bait to lure those who're profit-minded into giving.

It's the same like CPF.
You need money for retirement.
And you need even more for medical expenses.
When you die they will be transferred to your children's account.....you'll never see cash again. They are all locked up and PAP use them for investment by the gambling branch GIC and Temasek. Profits never go back to CPF but if they lose, contributions will be increased.
It's a fucking big con job.

numero uno

Your chances of obtaining happines is much higher if youre rich. But happines is definitely near impossible when youre poor.

agreed. those who said money is not important or cannot buy happiness are sourgrapes. you need money to be comfortable in life first. if you are not comfortable it is very unlikely you would be happy at all times simple Maslow principle. how can a poor man be happy when he has to worry about his next meal, his next bus, MRT being crowded and full of ah nehs and pinoys yakking loudly, respect, status, CPF, his retirement plans, his health, etc. cut all the BS from the MSM shitty times. zsa zsa gabor said Would you rather cry in a Rolls Royce, or smile on a bike?
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
agreed. those who said money is not important or cannot buy happiness are sourgrapes. you need money to be comfortable in life first. if you are not comfortable it is very unlikely you would be happy at all times simple Maslow principle. how can a poor man be happy when he has to worry about his next meal, his next bus, MRT being crowded and full of ah nehs and pinoys yakking loudly, respect, status, CPF, his retirement plans, his health, etc. cut all the BS from the MSM shitty times. zsa zsa gabor said Would you rather cry in a Rolls Royce, or smile on a bike?

You shouldn't mind smiling on a bike, if you are riding the bike for leisure or for exercise, and not riding all day to transport a load of goods for sale.

And if you are in a rolls-royce, you shouldn't be crying, but yet some people do.
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Overall, it may or may not buy happiness, but I am sure delighted to be ending 2012 with a positive balance on my stock market forays. Sure beats losses anytime.