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MaYingJiu: Yes people I heard you. LKy:Arrest & Charge!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

<!-- Begin .post --> 马英九对示威游行的反应与李家王朝相比


老狗贼的李家王朝政权今天还在提控(三月十五日)活跃分子抗议通货膨胀的示威游行。但是他自己的狗腿子,整千人在同样的地点,在第二天(三月十六日),举行同样的‘世界消费人权力日 ’ 示威游行,却被当成是‘合法’ 的。




再回應1025 馬總統:人民聲音政府都聽到了

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2008/10/26 09:55</q> 王韋婷
馬總統在基隆伍顯大帝聖誕祝壽典禮致詞時表示,他知道人民對政府很多期待,人民的聲音政府都聽到了,有做不好的地方,政府一定會檢討。而面臨國際金融風暴席 捲全球,馬總統也表示,一定會和民眾一起度過難關,再度回應了1025大遊行的訴求。馬總統說:『大家對我們政府有很多期待,我知道現在人民心裡有很多不 滿,我一定全心聽人民聲音,要是有什麼問題,政府做得不夠好的地方,一定要好好檢討、好好解決,但是政府執政的大方向,我相信是正確的。』

posted by uncleyap at 12:56 PM


Taiwanese people held a 1025 (October 25) marching against MaYingJiu, headed by DPP.


MaYingJiu's respond to this is "Yes people, I heard your voices, I understand your concerns and expectations and dissatisfactions. The govt have lots of room for improvement. Govt will review it own works and policies and answer to you the people."

The protest march of 1025 is more than 1000X larger than Tak Boleh Tahan. Yet it is not banned.

Old Dog Thief LKy's famiLEE LEEgime arrested and charged 19 activists for TBT. Trying desperately to play authoritarian, while there is no body show fear nor respect to him any longer.

Comparatively MaYingJiu is much more reasonable.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Aiyah try getting just 1000 than comeback and talk. Heck even the 18 has now been reduced to 16 and that was just on day 1 of the trial. No general traction with the S'pore public masses face up to it. Why keep talking about Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia etc? Do you want to have impact there or in Singapore?:rolleyes:

[The protest march of 1025 is more than 1000X larger than Tak Boleh Tahan. Yet it is not banned.

Old Dog Thief LKy's famiLEE LEEgime arrested and charged 19 activists for TBT. Trying desperately to play authoritarian, while there is no body show fear nor respect to him any longer.

Comparatively MaYingJiu is much more reasonable.


After Ma Ying Jiu was elected, he has praised Singapore. Most foreigners like Ma, see the beauty of our country that Singaporeans took for granted. We also cannot keep blaming the government for lousy oppositions we have here.


UNcle Yap. you should adopt the soft approach and not face head on with GOD. Why dont you start a campaign to get signatures asking our honourable MM to step down. Praise him for his past efforts. If you can get 100,000 signatures, the world will stand up and believe in you. He may soften. At this moment,he behave like Shih Yu.Ti, the emperor who built the great wall, every peasants bow to him.


With all due respect to your effort in fighting for the democracy, I noticed that you are focusing too much outside matter.

As a matter of fact, Singapore will not achieve such crowd (as in the picture) to fight for their rights so long LKY still exist, although I dont doubt after LKY passed away, LHL intergrity and his position will be shaken and challenge openly, and that will be the time not even ISD will be able to protect him.

Singaporean has shown (for now) that they protest nothing except where it is concern directly to their pocket. I'm referring to Tan Kin Lian's speaker corner and protest.

I would suggest that opposition to work on more related singapore problem and to gain more public trust and have a right plan to attack singapore judiciary system and its government only after LKY gone.

Pay more attention to singaporean concern.


Ma yingjiu is only a new head of state...of coz he has to appease the masses

LKY is God-Emperor himself, the son of heaven, Guo Fu, those who dare to oppose face execution up to nine agnates!


I would suggest that opposition to work on more related singapore problem and to gain more public trust and have a right plan to attack singapore judiciary system and its government only after LKY gone.

Pay more attention to singaporean concern.

well said bro.


Ucler yap, you should send your men up there to learn their organising skill, like how they are able to moblised so many people at short notice, transportation of supporter and supplying food and drink.
It could put the skill learned to be used here when opportiunuity come instead of dogs bite dog bone in court here.....:biggrin::biggrin: