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Matador Gored Thru Throat! ... Warning! Gruesome Images & Video ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
<table bgcolor="#001100"><tr><td>Matador escapes death by the skin of his teeth after horrific goring in Madrid bullfight


Impaled: Spanish bullfighter Julio Aparicio is gored through the throat during a packed bullfight at Las Ventas in Madrid

The force of the impact lifted the matador into the air, puncturing his tongue and fracturing his jawbone, before the bull threw him to the sand.

Fellow matadors dashed to the rescue and managed to distract the bull so medics could get to Mr Aparicio.

The 41-year-old managed to struggle to his feet, but collapsed with blood pouring down his neck and had to be carried from the ring.

He had an emergency one-hour operation in the Las Ventas medical centre, before being transfered to the October 12 Hospital in Madrid, where doctors performed an emergency tracheotomy and worked to reconstruct his jaw, tongue and the roof of his mouth during a six-hour operation.


Critical: The torero was lifted off the ground by the force of the bull's impact before being hurled to the sand floor


Shocked: Mr Aparicio had to have two emergency operations to install a tracheotomy and reconstruct his jaw and the roof of his mouth

A spokesman for the hospital said: 'He remains in the intensive care unit of the hospital, has regained consciousness and his vital signs are stable.'

His father, also called Julio Aparicio, said there were no complications during the surgery.

He said: 'It was a serious goring. Almost his entire mouth was destroyed.

'It's too early to talk of recovery, we must wait and see.'

The injury happened as Mr Aparicio was attempting the faena, a series of passes in which he uses his cape and sword before delivering the death blow - or estocada.

It is not known what has happened to the bull.


Horrific: The bullfighter loses his footing and slips to the sandy floor before the half-ton bull gores him through the throat

Mr Aparicio, from Seville, comes from a well-known family of matadors. He is in a grave condition in hospital.

Evening bullfights are watched by sell-out crowds at the 25,000 seat Las Ventas bullring and are broadcast live on cable television.

Six bulls are killed in each bullfight.



Alfrescian (Inf)
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<embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/LWvutny7juk&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="873" height="525"></embed>



Alfrescian (Inf)
Orbi good, this sport must be banned, its a cruel sports :oIo::oIo:
Go kill another man if you think you are a man, pui!!! :oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo:


Orbi good, this sport must be banned, its a cruel sports :oIo::oIo:
Go kill another man if you think you are a man, pui!!! :oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo:

Nope! I say keep the good sport and enhance it.

Western Humanity is basically wrong unacceptable and begs to be Corrected.

The nature of the universe is brutal and bloody, that is the way of ALL gods.

Human MUST stay with and follow the natural way of survival and kill.

Cored throat is nothing. Ripped throat is also nothing. We must get used to it. We eat KFC and beef without really knowing what happen within the slaughter houses. And then cry cruelty & humanity ? :rolleyes::eek:

That is very sick of human.

Stupid human want to wrap a layer of nice coat over the reality to only deceive themselves. Very foolish and childish. The world is brutal bloody and merciless, that is the way our grand children have to learn and be trained to handle and survive.

Western Humanity is pure LIE and Bull Shit and I despise them all the way.

Bull fighting and dog fighting and cock fighting all the way!

Blood is blood nothing wrong, be truthful to blood. Those who can not handle the truth are unfit to survive and are hypocrites and liars! They deserve no place in this natural and brutal world, we can eat them!