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Live coverage from Ipoh tonight


Hi folks, I will be heading down to Ipoh this afternoon to provide you some on-the-spot coverage from the state that we are all watching closely now. Hope to paint you a picture of what the mood is like and the atmosphere on the ground.

Stay tuned. Live coverage will begin around 7.00pm. At least, that’s the plan!

This time, although I will leave the readers’ comment feature on in the ‘live’ pane below, I will only approve a few selected comments to appear inside the pane so that the flow of the report is not disrupted. Remember, this is not a chat room. If you find your comment not appearing inside the pane, you can always add it at the end of this post in the usual way. Please read the ‘Reader Information’ below. :oIo: :oIo: :oIo:


The five Indian state representatives in Perak - A Sivasubramaniam (DAP-Buntong), V Sivakumar (DAP-Tronoh), Keshvinder Singh (DAP-Malim Nawar), S Kesavan (PKR-Hutan Melintang) and A Sivanesan (DAP-Sungkai) - held a press conference earlier today that they would remain loyal to Pakatan Rakyat.

Speaker Sivakumar said that various approaches were made to entice them to cross over to BN.

"We were offered money and high posts in party (MIC) and government but we rejected the advances of these people," he said.


Perak sultan: No dissolution of assembly
Feb 5, 09 10:25am


4.15pm A source inside the Pakatan meeting at the MB's residence say that the atmosphere inside is sombre. Anwar is chairing the meeting, without everyone is being allowed to have a say.

4.14pm Unconfirmed reports state that former DAP state assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong's house in Ipoh and her service centre in Jelapang have been pelted with stones by people angry with her defection.

4.10pm Roads leading to the state secretariat have been blocked by the police to stop people from gathering there.

4.05pm: State secretary Abdul Rahman Hashim instructs Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar and all exco members to vacate their offices at the state secretariat as soon as possible. They have been reminded not to take any official documents with them. They were also told to hand in their official car keys as well as the keys to their offices

3.25pm: It learnt that Mohd Nizar will announce his refusal to resign as requested by the sultan.

3.20pm All top Pakatan leaders are in a meeting at Mohd Nizar's official residence to chart their next course of action. A press conference is expected to be held soon. Notable absentees are Kedah MB Azizan Razak and Kelantan MB Niz Aziz Nik Mat.

About 30 supporters have gathered outside the residence. A big team of some 50 journalists are also waiting there.

3pm: The office of the Sultan of Perak, in a statement, said that after meeting all the 28 BN assemblypersons and the three independents, the sultan was convinced that Mohd Nizar had ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the state assembly members.

"If YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin does not resign his post as Perak menteri besar together with the members of the state executive council, the posts of menteri besar and state executive councillors are considered vacant," the statement said.

2.40pm: The five Indian state representatives in Perak - A Sivasubramaniam (DAP-Buntong), V Sivakumar (DAP-Tronoh), Keshvinder Singh (DAP-Malim Nawar), S Kesavan (PKR-Hutan Melintang) and A Sivanesan (DAP-Sungkai) - held a press conference earlier today that they would remain loyal to Pakatan Rakyat.

Speaker Sivakumar said that various approaches were made to entice them to cross over to BN.

"We were offered money and high posts in party (MIC) and government but we rejected the advances of these people," he said.

2.27pm: Bernama reports that the Sultan of Perak has rejected the request by Mohd Nizar for the dissolution of the state assembly. The report also said that the sultan has asked Mohd Nizar to step down to pave the way for a power transfer.

2.14pm: Tonight's 100,000 people gathering in support of the Pakatan government has been shifted to Stadium Ipoh from the menteri besar's official residence.


4.58pm: A new BN government is expected to be sworn in today. Bernama reported that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the state BN representatives have arrived at Istana Kinta. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is on an official visit to the state, is also expected to be present at the palace any time now.

4.53pm: The police have taken over the state secretariat building. All Pakatan officials in the complex are told to pack up and leave by 5pm.

4.50pm: Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim said that they want to meet the sultan to convince him to dissolve the assembly.

4.45pm: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said that the Pakatan leadership fully backed Mohd Nizar's government. He added that the menteri besar will not resign unless a special state assembly session was called or fresh elections held.

4.40pm: Mohd Nizar tells the press conference that he would not resign from his post as the menteri besar. He urged the people to back his Pakatan government.

He also said that the assembly speaker had filed a suit on the validity of the resignation letters submitted by three former Pakatan state representatives and said that it was only wise to wait for the court to decide on the matter.

"The BN's majority may not be a valid one," he said.


Emotions are high but we need to show that we who want change for the better are also better citizens. Reports are coming in that people are already gathering in Perak. Some have gathered at former DAP state assemblywoman's house and service centre and are pelting stones. Is this how we want to be viewed?


So what's the most updated status about this matter? According to the shitty times, it seems that BN has got this state for good.

Any additional twists? :confused:


Pakatan warns of legal action against Perak Sultan

KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat will take legal action against the Sultan of Perak and Barisan Nasional if they persist in appointing a new BN mentri besar, s at Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar on Friday, DAP chairman Karpal Singh said.

He said Pakatan had no option but to take the action because the removal of Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin by Sultan Azlan Shah, pursuant to Article 16 (6) of the state constitution, was clearly ultra vires the provision of that article.

”In law, the decision of the Sultan of Perak can be questioned in a court of law. I call on the Sultan to cease and desist from appointing a new Barisan MB and executive council later this afternoon,” he told a news conference here on Friday.

Karpal Singh said that this action should in no way be constituted as a threat to the Sultan but a was firm reminder that the Ruler was required to act within the parameters and confines of the constitution of the state of Perak, which is the supreme law of the state. - Bernama


Public demonstration against BN claiming Perak

Crowd gathers at Mentri Besar Mohd Nizar's residence to show support for Pakatan Rakyat (PKR, DAP and PAS).

This is the early crowd. According to the news, the crowd grew significantly an hour later onwards. Awaiting PR leaders to give their speeches.

"BN?!" ... "Mampus!"

"Najib?!" ... "Mampus!"
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Dear Ra

Keadilan is as guilty as the BN in trying to induce politicians to defect. Note Sabah and Sarawak. They have no right at all to whine abt losing Perak.



Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't know about Perak Laws

but no double standards - Anwar wanted to bring down the BN federal govt by defections of Federal MPs to PKR. He failed.

Najib bought down the Perak State Govt by defections of state representatives to BN.

Anwar and gang can't complain really.


Power to hire, not fire

Another principle to understand during the current public confusion is this: a menteri besar can only be removed by a vote of no-confidence in the assembly. The Ruler has only the power to hire but not to fire.

Not unlike what Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has done in Perak in 2009, Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman orchestrated a revolt of Sarawak lawmakers against the outspoken Iban Chief Minister Datuk Stephen Kalong Ningkan in 1966.

Tunku Abdul Rahman
(public domain / wikipedia)

When the Sarawak state governor showed him a top-secret letter of no-confidence issued by 21 out of 42 legislators and asked Ningkan to resign, the chief minister refused. Ningkan said the letters were not tantamount to a vote of no-confidence in the state legislative assembly.

He was sacked by the governor but eventually reinstated by the Borneo High Court, which saw the necessity of a formal vote of no confidence.

In his judgement, Harley A-G OCJ ruled that the governor can only dismiss the chief minister when both these conditions are satisfied:

"(a) The chief minister has lost the confidence of the House, and

"(b) The chief minister has refused to resign and failed to advise a dissolution."

The principles about a no-confidence vote and royal consent are very much the core of parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. Violating them is not merely changing the government of the day, it is changing the very political system we are in.

It then becomes regime change, not a mere government change.

Abusing Nizar for sticking to his guns will not do, for this is the exact circumstance the mechanism of dissolution is designed for.

And if the political system is changed via extra-constitutional means, it is effectively a coup against the current constitutional setting.


Flowing from the principles discussed above, these are the facts:

1. Until and unless Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is removed by a no-confidence vote or resigns of his own accord, he is the rightful and only menteri besar of Perak Darul Ridzuan. His executive council the only rightful government as per Article 16 of the State Constitution of Perak. This point has been categorically stated by the highly respected prince Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
2. Any act to vacate the office of menteri besar and the executive council, and any advice to that effect is extra-constitutional.
3. Even if sworn in, the new menteri besar and the new executive council are illegitimate.

All actions by all the actors have now become constitutionally significant, either for or against the highest law of the state.

Nizar and his executive council's attempt to carry out their business as usual is therefore the most patriotic and loyalist act in defending the state constitution, and by extension, parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.

The Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is right that this is not a collision against the palace.

Nizar is being loyal to the rule of law
(© hussein / wikipedia)

On the contrary, Nizar will go down in history as a defender of parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy in the 481-year-old Sultanate of Perak, politically one of the most developed states since the 1950s. He is being loyal to the political system, to the rule of law.

The subjects of Perak and citizens of Malaysia who choose to stand by the loyal menteri besar are similarly upholding rule of law and the political system.

In 1984, the year that Sultan Azlan Shah succeeded the Perak throne, he aptly defined the rule of law when delivering the 11th Tunku Abdul Rahman lecture in November:

"The rule of law means literally what it says: The rule of the law.

"Taken in its broadest sense this means that people should obey the law and be ruled by it.

"But in political and legal theory it has come to be read in a narrow sense, that the government shall be ruled by law and be subject to it.

"The ideal of the Rule of Law in this sense is often expressed by the phrase 'government by law and not by man'."

The Sultan's refusal to dissolve the state legislative assembly upon request by the menteri besar was controversial. When the Sultan instructed the menteri besar to resign, the controversy became a constitutional crisis. But when the Sultan swore in the BN-installed menteri besar, he effectively conjured a new government to parallel the existing, democratically-elected one. This effectively turned the crisis into a "coup".

Pushing the constitutional crisis into a constitutional coup is disastrous both politically and economically.

(corrected) The last of such coups happened in Sabah in April 1985, half a year after Sultan Azlan Shah's speech. At that time, Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan's Parti Bersatu Sabah won a slim majority. But in a dramatic development following the counting of votes, a delegation headed by Tun Mustapha Harun of the United Sabah National Organisation went to governor Tun Mohamed Adnan's official residence in the early hours of 22 April and got Adnan to swear Mustapha in as chief minister. Later the same morning, Adnan revoked the appointment and then swore in Pairin as chief minister due to huge public pressure.

The only democratic way out of this mess now is for the Pakatan Rakyat to challenge the legality of the BN government in court. The courts are the last resort to save democracy in Perak.


Ipoh, the next Bangkok

A growing crisis will not only reduce stable Perak in 2009 to a chaotic Sabah of 1985, but may also push Malaysia to become another Thailand.

Constitutional crisis is costly. These are Thailand's estimated and expected losses from its 2008 crisis: a damage of USD8 billion in the entire economy in 2008; a 9% drop in tourist arrivals from 2008 to 2009; and possibly one million job cuts in the tourism industry in 2009.

A fresh poll will channel political passions into positive competition. So, why must we risk Ipoh becoming a Little Bangkok? Some may prefer a BN state government, but why at all costs? Why not just call for snap elections?

It's time for Sultan Azlan Shah's good sense from 1984 to prevail: "Government by law, not by man."

An anak Perak, Wong Chin Huat feels like a man in exile as his home state is threatened by kleptocracy and betrayal of the highest order. He will wear a black ribbon in protest and mourning, and urges fellow Malaysians to do the same. He is a political scientist by training and a journalism lecturer by trade.


Alfrescian (Inf)
BN should declare and vote on a vote of no-confidence in the menteri besar. If BN win, the PKR menteri besar has to resign. Then BN can again nominate their candidate to be the new MB. Either BN or PKR will have the next MB. If nobody win, there's no new MB and nobody control the state assembly. Snap elections should be called to settle the issues.

so what are the problems actually.