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Serious Lee Wei Ling & Lee Hsien Yang condemns Lee Hsien Loong


Can we count on the 4th generation leaders to speak up?
Jul 02, 2017 02.41PM |

by Bertha Henson

I HAVE been wondering if I should do like so many others and draw up a list of questions for MPs to ask the Prime Minister in Parliament tomorrow. Then again, I think they should go earn their seat in the House. Also, I think Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong would have anticipated most of the questions and would have incorporated his answers in his ministerial statement.

So the MPs will have to keep their ears open, digest what has been said by the two leaders and come up with follow-up questions. They have to do what journalists do for a living.

Abuse of authority for personal gain, the balance between privacy and transparency or just a who-should-do-doing-what are such interesting knots to untie, aren’t they? It can stretch from quietly getting a parking ticket waived to outright bribery and corruption.

Singapore has been thankfully clean. We’ve topped international rankings and, whatever anyone may say, we don’t have to slip dollar notes to anyone to get things done. In fact, we probably wouldn’t even think of doing so. It’s not in our DNA.

But this question-mark over abuse of power in the famiLEE saga is something else. It’s not abuse of power for financial gain, which would probably leave a money trail, but for political gain. How preserving an old house would be a political advantage for the Prime Minister is puzzling, especially since he could also be accused of not being filial which might be a greater sin in some people’s eyes.

The thing is, quite a lot of the accusations involve “trust’’. Take for example, the PM’s assertion that he has recused himself from Cabinet deliberations on the Oxley Road house. How are the MPs going to investigate this? By asking to see Cabinet minutes?

Even if they are satisfied that the PM is hands-off the house, how would they deal with the assertions that the ministers would be influenced to do as he wants because they are worried about the KPIs, CEPs or performance bonuses? This is tantamount to saying that the ministers are “yes’’ men with no mind of their own. That they too, have personal interests, rather than national interests at heart.

You cannot pin this down unless you are a mind-reader. You have to take things on “trust’’ or you would be casting aspersions on them. If you don’t, then you should be wondering how they got their jobs in the first place and whether the Singapore system which placed them there, with the voters’ mandate (or connivance), is a good one.

It is also the case that we have to “trust’ that MPs we elected will do their job well tomorrow – without thinking about KPIs, CEPs and possible elevations to the front bench. That’s the allegation that is going around – that most people are bootlickers out to secure their own jobs and the Prime Minister is so powerful and so insecure that he exacts vengeance on those who dare challenge him. If this thinking holds, what does that say of the 70 per cent which elected the PAP to power?

I have been thinking that the famiLEE saga is one case where the term collective responsibility might not do the G much good. The public image is of a G and a PAP that sings one tune all the time so much so that a discordant note comes as a surprise. It is bolstered by the fact that most ministers have the same roots in the public service or the military. Hence, there is some expectation that it will be business-as-usual tomorrow, that is, an efficient and swift end to a contentious issue as far as the G and Parliament are concerned.

But ministers and MPs know that it cannot be business-as-usual. They are not discussing the nitty-gritties of policy and legislation. They are dealing with ephemeral issues of integrity and reputation, not just of the PM but theirs.

Sure, they can ask for facts. But even facts are subject to interpretation and coloured by public perception. People must first believe that they are facts. That’s the nature of politics: facts coupled with persuasive power.

Every person in the House will have a tough job tomorrow. Besides asking the Prime Minister good questions, it’s also about dispelling the cynicism over the way the G and Parliament works. Ministers, especially those in the fourth generation, will have their every word scrutinised if they speak up. And you can bet that there will be plenty of speculation if they don’t.

Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam mentioned the fourth generation leaders when he weighed in on the Lee saga.

“We have a system of governance that Lee Kuan Yew and his team built, and it isn’t going away. You can count on PM Lee Hsien Loong and all of us in his team for that. You can count on the fourth generation leaders to keep to a system that upholds the laws of the land, prioritises the common good and looks to the long term. Never thinking Government has got everything right, but always wanting to do right for Singapore. And count on Singaporeans to ensure Government sticks to those principles – and to play our part collectively to keep Singapore united and inclusive.’’

This is the post-LKY era. We’ve been told many times that the PM will step down after the next GE. It would be good to hear what the fourth-generation leaders have to say about affirming the LKY way and the rule of law. How would they, for example, deal with the issue of the House?

Can we count on the fourth generation leaders to speak up?


Good move….im convinced this dude is fine tuning his tactics via reading this forum….it was i who suggested he get a translation for the dumb fuck uncles and aunties who think they are living in some sort of paradise where nothing wrong is ever allowed to happen.

Good job ! Now there is no reason for the Chinese papers not to publish the translated version in full.


http://www.theindependent.sg/dpmteo-denies-ministerial-committee-oxley-abuse-power/DPM Teo denies that the Ministerial Committee on 38 Oxley Road abused power or did wrong
July 2, 2017833

Mr Lee Hsien Yang had earlier today asserted that PM Lee escalated grievances on ‘private family matter’ to committee of subordinates to bypass court system. He said that the “mysterious ministerial committee refused to list the options it was considering for 38 Oxley Road, even after repeated requests from Lee Kuan Yew’s Estate.”

Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean will provide a fuller explanation in Parliament on 3 July 2017.




Alfrescian (Inf)
Good job ! Now there is no reason for the Chinese papers not to publish the translated version in full.

he's trying to show his tiong handlers and new tiong masters that he's capable of maintaining a dog-master dialogue. sinkies should see through his traitorous double-talk.


The usual fellatio specialist hoodwinking the gullible into tomorrow's session being an actual "debate" - and with the addition of a newcomer...


Parliament an appropriate platform for PM Lee to address 38 Oxley Road allegations: Analysts

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s decision to use a debate in Parliament to address allegations against him has been called into question by his siblings and some netizens, but political observers say it provides an “authoritative” platform for him to address the claims.

“The accusations of autocracy and lack of consultation imply that there is something remiss in the operation of PM Lee’s cabinet, so Parliament is the best place to clear the air,” said Associate Professor Alan Chong from the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies.

PM Lee will make a ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday (Jul 3). He has said that the "baseless accusations" against him and the Government must be dealt with openly. He has also invited all Members of Parliament to question him and his Cabinet colleagues vigorously on the matter.

The session in Parliament comes after a series of claims and accusations made by PM Lee’s siblings, Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Wei Ling. They said in a six-page statement on Jun 14 that they "felt threatened" by PM Lee’s use of his position and influence over the Singapore Government and its agencies to "drive his personal agenda” since their father died on Mar 23, 2015. They also accused him of wanting to demolish 38 Oxley Road against the wishes of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, their father.

Singapore Management University’s Eugene Tan said that having a parliamentary debate is necessary.

The debate will provide an authoritative platform for the Government and the PM to reinforce and convince Singaporeans of the PM's and the Government's narrative,” he said. However, he added that the debate may not achieve its aims unless People’s Action Party politicians, who constitute the vast majority of MPs, reflect their constituents' concerns and questions, and dissect the evidence and arguments without fear or favour.

“It is a time for Parliament to try to mediate, to offer ideas on what can be done with regards to 38 Oxley Road, and for it to scrutinise whether controls and checks and balances are adequate. Parliament's standing will be diminished if it is not seen to have not stepped up,” said the law professor.

Furthermore, although it is a private dispute among Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s children, the fact that it is in the public sphere makes it an appropriate matter for parliamentary discussion, said Prof Chong.

“The dispute has created a ‘grey’ political atmosphere, as the third party - ordinary citizens who are not directly involved - are unsure where we stand in relation to the dispute,” he said.


Mr Tan said that it is unlikely the dispute will be resolved following the debate, as there will be lots of details and dates to follow, and “information overload” is a real possibility.

Also, he suggested that the debate will probably not repair the rift between the PM and his siblings, “who will respond to his and the Government’s statements and replies in Parliament”.

If it is decided that further scrutiny is needed, Parliament could decide to have a select committee look further into the matter, or the PM could convene a Committee of Inquiry, Prof Tan added.

But the longer the matter drags, the more damaging it will be for the Government, he cautioned.

Prof Chong said it is possible that PM Lee will offer an olive branch to his siblings, being an “honourable man”. However, he also said there is a possibility that the those involved may start lawsuits, with more private matters laid out for public judgment.

“But it is also a problem-solving formula. They may settle out of court,” he said.

Well this ching chong chinaman is working hard. Is he eyeing donald lows chair?


Based on the latest as well as what has been going on, I won't be surprised if TCH will announce today that they will shut down the committee on the pretext of allowing the siblings space to get over the grieving and addressing the issue only when the house falls vacant. This will leave the siblings in a limbo and more importantly shutting down their attacks. They will also issue a restraining order to prevent the house being torn until the issue is addressed again.

It also stops the more important allegations of abuse to be pursued or raised again after the parliamentary address.

70% will think it is fair. Media will applaud the sensitive handling, and the focus will go back to the lives of the Singapore Otters. And another 20,000 will turn up at the next Pinkdot thinking that they upheld the principles of free speech and assembly in defiance of the authoritative regime.

Salvo fired from FB over an hour ago... Pew! Pew! Pew!
Last edited:


I am expecting a breakdown from LHL in an Oscar winning moment. Ho Ching will also win a supporting statuette with her streaming tears from the Gallery above.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Based on the latest as well as what has been going on, I won't be surprised if TCH will announce today that they will shut down the committee on the pretext of allowing the siblings space to get over the grieving and addressing the issue only when the house falls vacant. This will leave the siblings in a limbo and more importantly shutting down their attacks. They will also issue a restraining order to prevent the house being torn until the issue is addressed again.

It also stops the more important allegations of abuse to be pursued or raised again after the parliamentary address.

70% will think it is fair. Media will applaud the sensitive handling, and the focus will go back to the lives of the Singapore Otters. And another 20,000 will turn up at the next Pinkdot thinking that they upheld the principles of free speech and assembly in defiance of the authoritative regime.

At the end of the day LHL and his cronies are allowed to do what they do, have the power to do it and continue to do it because they do indeed continue to have the support of 70% of the voting public in Singapore.

It is hard to deny what the majority of Singaporeans want and support.


Based on the latest as well as what has been going on, I won't be surprised if TCH will announce today that they will shut down the committee on the pretext of allowing the siblings space to get over the grieving and addressing the issue only when the house falls vacant. This will leave the siblings in a limbo and more importantly shutting down their attacks. They will also issue a restraining order to prevent the house being torn until the issue is addressed again.

It also stops the more important allegations of abuse to be pursued or raised again after the parliamentary address.

70% will think it is fair. Media will applaud the sensitive handling, and the focus will go back to the lives of the Singapore Otters. And another 20,000 will turn up at the next Pinkdot thinking that they upheld the principles of free speech and assembly in defiance of the authoritative regime.

Even by shutting down the Ministerial Com, the allegation of abuse of power still stands


Add abit of drama:
LHL look up to the ceiling or sky, and said: old Pa & old Ma, after you both passed away, the 2 younger siblings everyday cry father cry mother, and it's affecting my job and destroying your reputation.
They refused to stop wailing, and won’t listen to me either. I feel I have let you both down. I am at my wit’s end, in fact I feel useless and hopeless at this moment, as big brother I can’t even control them. They are disobedient and misbehaved when you both were not around. I really can’t focus on my work.
Pls tell me what I should do, please! Sob sob!




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