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Lee Kong Chian and the Bishan Hawker Centre Saga


The boss want to "curry flavor" what can we do...they have already found an excuse for this, I read somewhere...over the 'rainbow' these few days over the Internet..one thing we can't beat is they are Tai ji Masters..even the late Ip Man, can not beat..ha ha ha:biggrin:

ACTUALLY...looking at the pictures again, the "reserved" area looks like a covered area that seem to be the solution to the Minah problem. HOWEVER, the "reserved" area looks very well set-up as well as permanent. isn't this against HDB regulations? I've don't recal having seen any HDB coffee shops with such a huge outdoor and permanent area. WHAT is going on here? something fishy....they are operating at a larger than allowed area when other coffee shops are limited to within the block area......
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Alfrescian (Inf)
People are upset because these people profess to be community leaders and claim to serve the community. The MP pay is the world's highest so we not talking about a volunteer.That is the reason for the angst.

Even it had been a bunch of bikers, nobody would have raised an eyebrow as they don't claim to be community leaders. And Bikers won't be silly to stand around the empty tables waiting for the chief biker to turn up and hold him in holy reverence at such a peak period.

You have never been the brightest in this forum and nothing can change that. Stick to sucking up to the well heeled and providing travel tips to the gullible.

Is wrong about the bikers according to screw so it proves he isn't the brightest. Only gullible ppl need travelling tips cos those that aren't instantly know how to travel in a foreign country.


Alfrescian (Inf)
of course, that's the extreme case. otherwise, the screw gets fixated on bikers. as i've mentioned, there are public leadership groups including political grassrooters with campaigners and staff who would occupy whole cafes and restaurants. it's a normal occurrence. what's the big deal about that. by the way, when potus show up in eatery unannounced, the ss don't seal off any parts of the eatery. they have an advanced team to do a quick check, and potus would mingle with and surprise customers waiting in line. this is usually for to go food.

Get ready for any cameramen there taking the pictures to be posted on media outlets with captions like president obama dropped in on "restaurant name" on 53rd street and surprised diners in there taking a few pics and brightening up a gloomy day and such BS.


Alfrescian (Inf)
... reservation of seats/tables in kopitiams; especially for zhi char stalls happened almost everyday everywhere in sinkapoor ...
ya, man! ...

dat roland fella shu juz graciously admit dat he had booked ze tables n insist dat he got evry rite do so ... instead he put ze brame on ze poor kopitiam owner ... dat show how low crass he is ... forcing ze kopitiam owner 2 eat dead cat ...


ya, man! ...

dat roland fella shu juz graciously admit dat he had booked ze tables n insist dat he got evry rite do so ... instead he put ze brame on ze poor kopitiam owner ... dat show how low crass he is ... forcing ze kopitiam owner 2 eat dead cat ...

Dont think they had ever raised up their hands & admit to those shitty troubles created by them. Like any spoilt kids, they only blame & point finger at others (those not same gang) but not themselves. Remember the reasons for the 2 B.E we had recently? Same reasons for both. One leader have mouth to talk bout the other but kept quiet wen same shit happen to themselves. How about those troubles after they dished out hundreds moneylender licences in 2011? The idiot who came up with this idea still hanging around.

Anyway, I think the owner enjoy eating dead cat for them anytime anywhere. All these balls carriers will do anything so they & their families can benefit in future, maybe to the extend of hoping to be given a minister position. LOL.... Like the olden days of China few hundreds years back. :biggrin:


HDB hawker centre allows stall owner to reserve seats for 2 hours?

IMO, private food courts can do it, but not at hawker centre.

hahaha...u are real idoit who really have no clue about kopitiam culture....
let me give u a glimpse of the real world.....
when i want to have a celebration with my workers, i just need to call my regular zhi char stall and he will reserve a few tables for me as required...
he only recognised the colour of money; not whether u are MIW or MIB...
it is idiots like u who will take every opportunity to politicise everything


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Very good perspective.

All pol parties including sdp are out for their selfish agenda. This is not necessarily bad. The question becomes how to use their selfishness to our advantage.

When the dictatorial pap still control 91% of the seats it is all right to uphold the oppo as a bunch of saints -- except rp and Kenneth jeya.

However when wp takes down more GRC then we must also mature in our thinking lest we end up replacing one dictatorial regime with another dictatorial regime possibly more incompetent.

Life is abput mutual benefit. They want power. We must use their desire for power to compel them to act to our advantage. Do not be sheep. There are no saints in politics.

Bro jw5.. A couple of months ago I have also posted that I've heard from my own sources about a conspiracy for WP to "inherit" some seats. I can usually gauge how accurate my sources are. But I can't validate the truth of what they say (apparently they've heard it from someone in the inner circle).

The fact is we can't trust any politicians. Singaporeans are politically naive like that. Pap, wp, sdp, rp etc etc -- all of them are self serving fuckers which a hidden agenda. All of them are after your vote to perpetuate power. We as voters must play the check and balance role against all these bastards.

I don't agree with scroobal about many of his posts but to hail someone as a "server of the people" in this complicated world is a bit rich.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Bro sleaguepunter

It is not opposing for sake of opposing. What irks people here is the perceived intrusion of the grassroot folks into wat they deemed as a common gathering space. The patrons were not hanging ard smoking and dozing off. They were eating n drinking. And asked to leave.

The manner in which it was done made people feel that community leaders were elbowing their way and mass choping a common area.

opposition oppose for the sake of opposing?

kopitiam can say until hawker centre. even the article in the link wrote as coffeeshop yet got ppl twist into hawker centre.

when some point out the mistake, still can twist and turn to justify their rants.

sigh... this thread just to make opposition look stupid.

as for those elite school howlians, you can stuff your former school badges up your arse.

btw, if the kopitiam towkay allow the crasslooters to chase away potential customers, then it is stupidity on his/her part. who know, he/she also a crasslooter. ppl who dont like pap can start boycott that kopitaim lah.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro sleaguepunter

It is not opposing for sake of opposing. What irks people here is the perceived intrusion of the grassroot folks into wat they deemed as a common gathering space. The patrons were not hanging ard smoking and dozing off. They were eating n drinking. And asked to leave.

The manner in which it was done made people feel that community leaders were elbowing their way and mass choping a common area.

If it a public park, i would totally agree with u. But it a kopitiam and according to the latest info, the kopitiam boss is a long time pap/pa member. It could the boss who arrange the red tshirt chaps to reserve seat for his mp. So he rather "third leg" his mp while make less $$, who are we to fault him. Just boycott all his kopitaims in singapore can liao. Be like me, never patronised any food establishments who put pictures they took with pap slimebags or have any connections with the arseholes.
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best brand can drinks are still available at S$50 cents to S$60 cents at Shop n Save and Song Song.

S$48 cents when you buy in bulk .

Shop n Save and song song still can make profit .

Coffee Shops and Food Courts min. S$1.30 up per can.

The Moral of the Story :

Which "Coffee Shop Group" In Spore Started Bidding ( 13 years ago ) For CoffeeShops at Multi-Millions ???

No prize for getting the right answer !!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
ACTUALLY...looking at the pictures again, the "reserved" area looks like a covered area that seem to be the solution to the Minah problem. HOWEVER, the "reserved" area looks very well set-up as well as permanent. isn't this against HDB regulations? I've don't recal having seen any HDB coffee shops with such a huge outdoor and permanent area. WHAT is going on here? something fishy....they are operating at a larger than allowed area when other coffee shops are limited to within the block area......

Are you talking about "minah" or Mynah", two different "BURONG", one is feathered & peck, & the other is hairy & you know where they peck? or inhale or..which one?

This coffee shop or should say a mini food court of some sorts, had been around for a very long time. I am sure the owner, his wife, his..whatever are grass looters oops! roots volunteers. The wife, may 'boom chik Chik' x 2 at RC's..Karaoke, Line -dancing, welcome the MIW's party..etc.

"members, have their privileges"..HMV call, you dare not reserve seats? I am sure the surrounding areas must have been cleaned, mop, disinfect & the tables & chairs too..you & me, eat there...the cleaners will come. as and when.

Members mah!:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The manner in which it was done made people feel that community leaders were elbowing their way and mass choping a common area.

That incident could well have escalated to a very interesting case. What if the customers die-die insisted they had that right not to be chased away? What would the police do if called to scene? Don't see how it is an offence not to surrender your seat in a food court or kpt, even if the 'victims' could be our dearest MIW.


Alfrescian (Inf)
So he rather "third leg" his mp while make less $$, who are we to fault him. Just boycott all his kopitaims in singapore can liao. Be like me, never patronised any food establishments who put pictures they took with pap slimebags or have any connections with the arseholes.

Bro, these kpt towkays are no fools. They very well know they are highly likely to need their MP's connections. Kpt towkays have to deal with several govt departments - NEA, MOM, HDB and URA comes to mind immediately. Their 'sacrifice' can be similar to purchasing 'insurance' against future inconveniences.