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Lay your bets - Ng Boon Gay corruption case.


My7 stand here: NBG Comvicted

oesnt matter what the law says, the cat is out of the bag and someone wants him dead.

NBG will die. just how horrible will his death be is another matter.


By the same token, the Old Man would have been guilty in the Nassimgate for accepting extra two eggs from OBS since Old Man was head of the govt and had supreme executive powers to do anything.

Dear Scroobal.

Under Section eight and nine of the corruption act. I could offer a bribe to a road sweeper for him to award me an IT contract seperate to the ministry he worked for and I would be liable for offering the bribe and if accepted the road sweeper would be guilty to. Similarly a director accepting coffee from a vendor would be presumed to be corrupt under section 8.

Very few people realise about the pervasiveness and all encompassing nature of the language of the act and that was the part that NBG fell foul off.

This landmark case will test the "definition" of corruption. as the wording for the act as previous cases were clear cut. A direct benefit for a direct result, embezzelemnt etc etc. NBG falls into the loose ends of the definition and I dare say that if NBG is found guilty, then any civil servant , ps, ds , accepting dinner, golf game etc from a local company would be liable as well or for that matter a director accepting a cup of kopi o.

My prediction is aquittal on appeal.



Guilty seems to be the favorite with Acquittal being the outside bet. Might seem fairer if we lay odds.
If I were making a market, the odds I would typically give would be

Guilty 1
Acquittal 4

Is that the payout rate or odds of it happening?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Late to this bet. Let me see I'll take the popular route and bet that NBG is convicted better place a large stake since I believe the odds are rather low
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Sorry for the confusion. Converting this to football style odds, my initial estimate was

Guilty 1.25
Acquital 5.00

As the trail wore on and CS started to flip flop, a large number of bros started to bet Acquital, shortening the odds. The last I tallied was

Guilty 1.42
Acquital 3.85

Will update as the betting goes on.

Is that the payout rate or odds of it happening?


Sorry for the confusion. Converting this to football style odds, my initial estimate was

Guilty 1.25
Acquital 5.00

As the trail wore on and CS started to flip flop, a large number of bros started to bet Acquital, shortening the odds. The last I tallied was

Guilty 1.42
Acquital 3.85

Will update as the betting goes on.
Bro u zun bo?I want to bang all in at Guility 1.42 now@singapore pools style.
U take ah!If not guility i will chop n grind.:smile:


Assume cs testimony is throw out, that still leaves original case...question is in what was cs 'perjury' if it is that affect garment case..

Acquitted is my wager

Reason is that is the only Witness they have..


Assume cs testimony is throw out, that still leaves original case...question is in what was cs 'perjury' if it is that affect garment case..

Acquitted is my wager

Reason is that is the only Witness they have..

ok on liao we both fight ah.......


Guilty and thrown in prison.

NBG won't be able to escape the catch all "presumption" clause and all the other airtight clauses in the Prevention of Corruption Act unless this is a case about him buying condo units in Nassim Jade and Scott 28 or getting extra eggs for his char kway teow. These three are special exceptions and do not apply under the Prevention of Corruption Act and Cap IX of the Penal Code.

Check out the Prevention of Corruption Act

Presumption of corruption in certain cases

8. Where in any proceedings against a person for an offence under section 5 or 6, it is proved that any gratification has been paid or given to or received by a person in the employment of the Government or any department thereof or of a public body by or from a person or agent of a person who has or seeks to have any dealing with the Government or any department thereof or any public body, that gratification shall be deemed to have been paid or given and received corruptly as an inducement or reward as herein before mentioned unless the contrary is proved.

Even if it is claimed that he had his dick willingly and lovingly sucked as part of a "personal indiscretion" and an affair and had nothing to do with the tender process, the presumption clause kicks in.

This girl is obviously a cockteaser and a manipulative opportunist who is more than willing to go beyond cockteasing and use all her orifices to advance her career and her pursuit of a Louis Vuitton handbag and other material wants. But when the shit hits the fan and it became a case of her or NBG behind bars, she wisely decided that her orifices could be better used out of prison than in one for future material gains. I hope the husband carries out a paternity check very quickly to determine whether the kid is his. Otherwise, it may be difficult if an emotional bond with the kid kicks in. Hopefully, that bond has not already kicked in.

Lesson for all. If you want to screw, just pay a prostitute and get it done and over with. Pay a pseudo prostitute like this girl and you will be totally fucked at some point in your life.

Just make sure you check the IC if you have a fetish for screwing young girls.


There is a good chance of acquittal now that the prosecution witness can be seen to provide alternative stories. I find it strange that CPIB went ahead with the case given that they have a wavering witness who forms the basis for their case. It will get more interesting when Pervert Ng takes the stand. If he has balls of steel he will have his lawyer ask him why his case which is so dependent on circumstantial evidence and based on a poor witness can be brought up to such heights. Hopefully Pervert Ng will answer that during his time with SPF etc he handled even more serious cases and the general disposition then was to remove the officers without public trial.

Either someone miscalculated the strength of the case or someone is out for Pervert Ng's blood. These are all largely useless police officers who are the highest paid in the world. They control a small number of men and have nothing much to do each day because their job is easy when compared to police officers in many other countries. With so much time on their hands and easy money, their mind strays and cheebyes inavitably top their list of things to think about.


Alfrescian (Inf)
later in the trial defense lawyer will produce tea lady and cleaning lady who alleged to give bj to NBG
the wife will testify that she bj NBG to sleep every night
it will conclude that any woman who come into NBG circle will give him bj, business deal or no business deal

in the end NBG walks