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Jeffrey Law: Axe Sporns First If Need Be!



Manufacturing firms face production problems because of manpower shortages, which are due to high staff turnover.

[SIZE=6][COLOR=red][B]Mr Jeffrey Law Lee Beng[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

stupid jeffrey idiot,

manufacturing dun have things to manufacture liao lah.. now they trimming manpower like nobody business...

shit head..:D

Ah Guan

This guy very active in writing letters to the media for god long years.
You can always see his name defending the policies.

Is there a reason why his letter always tio publish??

:o :rolleyes: :o

SPH give him iPod Shuffle

He give them blow-job


I refer to last Sunday's article, 'Jobs being cut during crisis'. It does not make any economic sense that foreigners should be the first to go in difficult times if they have contributed, and can continue to contribute, to our economy.

In crisis like that it is obvious the govts, not only SG to save whatever for its people. I cannot understand why this guy want to find grey area and argue from there.

All things being equal, I would prefer a Singaporean worker to a foreign one if the job requires only one person.
However, we must avoid a situation where a capable foreign worker has to make way for a Singaporean who is unproductive.

There you seen he starting painting uneven scenario to support his case. What if both are equal?

Companies may consider retrenchment as a last resort, and workers who are persistently inefficient should not be retained, no matter what their nationalities.

That go without saying, idiot!

Companies which have relied on foreign labour should be circumspect about retrenching them now. Otherwise, they may find it difficult to attract them when the economy rebounds. Jeffrey Law

Ya, then I say retrench him is the best way!


Malaysian is it? Malaysia is the land of betrayals.

First Pak Lah betray Dr m&d with stopping his major projects. Then he betray the people's confidence by being lenient on the corrupt senior Umno members. Later, the senior umno members betray abdullah when they think he did not kowtow to them enough. Dr m&d then started saying he wanted Najib to be PM.

Najib took abdullah side, betraying Dr M. But later, Najib betray abdullah and now himself become PM.

The Rakyat jokers also same.

Now in Perak, betraying each other.


Mudlaysia. Betrayal Land!


i don't care he did NS or not. as long he said this i will do somethig.

can any expert help to find out his work place address or home address?

Traitor need to be killed, enemy need to be punished.