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Is it true that SAF Armour no malays?


when u post u in malay free nsf unit, i tot u in combat unit. apparently your unit no deal with gpmg. infantry platoon only 1 GPMG each and have a MG crew consist of a gunner and loader led by a Sgt. the gunner cannot load, much less fire the GPMG without the command of the Sgt.

I am in combat unit, and I also have GPMG. But we don't use GPMG during training, only for range. Point I was trying to make is that Malays are also in units which use GPMGs like infantry. In fact infantry got a lot of fancy weapons also.

I don't mind manpower issues. I think the SAF got way too many people anyway, and we are spending far too much on defence. If we cut SAF down in half we can also defend Singapore.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I am in combat unit, and I also have GPMG. But we don't use GPMG during training, only for range. Point I was trying to make is that Malays are also in units which use GPMGs like infantry. In fact infantry got a lot of fancy weapons also.

I don't mind manpower issues. I think the SAF got way too many people anyway, and we are spending far too much on defence. If we cut SAF down in half we can also defend Singapore.

i was just giving u an example why no malays in armour. as many as there are heavy weapons in SIR, it 2X or 3X more in SAR.

SAF maybe too many ppl, but armour combat teams really deplete in strength. my AI platoon had only 9 riflemen from 1st ICT to my last ICT. NSF a bit better, 14 riflemen.


Alfrescian (Inf)
personally, i think SAF making a mistake.

if really dun trust ppl, then should not even enlist them for anything. not only the malays, NSFs of foreign descent are also posted to lobo unit just to fulfil their NS obligations. i encounter so many pinoys or ah tiong defender drivers attach to ATC, knn, all no medical problems, why cannot post to line companies?

it known that US military strength are make up with soldiers of foreign descent and most if not all are least as good if not better than born in USA soldiers. it well known these foreign descent soldiers to be fiercely patriotic to the US flag.


thought LKY have this obsession with being bilingual.. thats supposed to be our competitive advantage when it comes to attracting investment

loss of usage of dialects is natural by-product of this policy,, although you can note the absence of dialect on the media which may be catalyst..


Not at all. The tiongs are split into many small groups. The tiongs that can create trouble are the poor rural ones, that sbs employed in droves. Many of other tiongs have privileged background, that's why they can afford to escape from their homeland hellhole.

why not? with one million PRC tiongs in singapore, china takes an exceptional interest in this little red dot, don't you think?


why not? with one million PRC tiongs in singapore, china takes an exceptional interest in this little red dot, don't you think?

Let's put it this way. What is the biggest military situation in Singapore right now?

It is China stirring up shit in the South China Sea.

If there is a war involving the countries in the South China Sea, Singapore will be dragged in.

Will China and Malaysia be fighting on the same side? And if they are fighting on different sides, who are we going to ally with?

That's something the SAF has to think about, given that we have 1 million tiongs in Singapore.


In my airforce, there are a lot of pilots who are Chinese. I've been to Kuantan base before for air exercise in 1986, and was surprised that they have so many Chinese, the Sqn comd was Chinese. Now even have ah thiong pr doing ns inside TAB. They allow FT to do NS there but not local born Malays.
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I am in combat unit, and I also have GPMG. But we don't use GPMG during training, only for range. Point I was trying to make is that Malays are also in units which use GPMGs like infantry. In fact infantry got a lot of fancy weapons also.

I don't mind manpower issues. I think the SAF got way too many people anyway, and we are spending far too much on defence. If we cut SAF down in half we can also defend Singapore.

Malays control most of the weapons as they are often armskote men. But they arent allowed to touch the Leopard tanks.


Malays control most of the weapons as they are often armskote men. But they arent allowed to touch the Leopard tanks.

This is not true, no Malays means that there is no Malay in any vocation within the formation. As someone said earlier there is no Muslim cookhouse also.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Is Armour really that sensitive that Malays cannot be a part of Armour? If ISD and SID takes in Malays, and they are far more sensitive than Armour, is the SAF being paranoid? There are at least 6 superscale officers in ISD and SID and they all have access to the most sensitive of documents. What is Armour?


Is Armour really that sensitive that Malays cannot be a part of Armour? If ISD and SID takes in Malays, and they are far more sensitive than Armour, is the SAF being paranoid? There are at least 6 superscale officers in ISD and SID and they all have access to the most sensitive of documents. What is Armour?

Proof that SID has Malays. SID is All three faces except Malays.


this is what I posted in another recent thread asking similar question which has obvious answer:

I cant believe we fuckers keep talking abt this topic.

TS, you know, I know, everyone who has a brain knows it is because the govt is racist

BUT you, I and everyone will not say in public cause we can be sued at the very least for saying it in public

So what is the solution?
since the urine chinkporeans who are the majority bochup this issue, the m&ds have to raise it, of course that will mean a m&d 'leader' willing to stick his neck out and start stirring shit.

But you tell me which m&d leader dare to do this?
I think there is none, because:
1) They are beholden to the urines for their high offices and salaries so dont want to rock the boat
2) Dont see any need for m&ds not to be discriminated against, an inferior view of their own race. You will be surprised how unmud most m&d leaders are, and if you dig dig, you might even discover some are not even m&ds!! lol
3) Tidak apa atitude, cos they are as said in 1, only leaders cos they appointed by urine govt, so they dont have the initiative and think aiyah nvm la, as long can buy hdb and relak can already, why think so much.
4) They are dumb and think their fellow m&ds are dumb, so better dont get involved in difficult things, happy as long as admin staff / dispatch can already.

Please take your pick.

If TS is a m&d and wants to do something about it then pls ask and enquire with your m&d leaders, agitate for this racist policy to be over turned.

But if TS dont want to do that, then pls diam diam, isap rokok or watever m&ds smoke nowadays and relak one corner preferably with a guitar and a minah on the side :oIo:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Proof that SID has Malays. SID is All three faces except Malays.

extremely sensitive subject but gd has spilled the beans. let us not go further as it's not good to picha lobang when national security is involved. moreover, foreign agencies are also monitoring this site for nuggets.


picha what lobang?

if racist, say its racist la.

Why must silence people by bringing in nat'l security, why u scared tiongs will overwhelm our little island? they already are

Its a racist policy which unfortunately no leader has the bola to voice out on. nothing more nothing less.

so dont TCSS

extremely sensitive subject but gd has spilled the beans. let us not go further as it's not good to picha lobang when national security is involved. moreover, foreign agencies are also monitoring this site for nuggets.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why must silence people by bringing in nat'l security, why u scared tiongs will overwhelm our little island? they already are

quite true. i've already predicted sg will be ruled by ah tiongs. all that security crap that lasted from independence to the point when tiongs take over will be a fucking waste of time and sacrifice.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I hear mudland doesn't allow their chinese into sensitive positions in the military and high up positions in the police force.