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I believe late Mr. JBJ would had defended Mr. Ong Kah Chua


I call for righteous Singaporean lawyer to come forward to defend Mr. Ong Kah Chua who is a needy, aged, blind in left eye, have mental problem and poor. Every accused person have the rights of council and defend. If Mr. JBJ were still with us, I believe he would had defended Mr. Ong. This poor senior citizen had been pushed to the edge. He really can use some legal help from righteous Singaporean lawyer. If I were one, I will sure come forward to help him.

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  1. 成汉通遭人放火烧伤 70岁嫌犯当场被制服
  2. 嫌凶老汉面控后去看医生
  3. 成汉通已做植皮手术 仍未脱离危险期
  4. 受访议员:危险是工作的一部分
  5. 聚圣庙没有老汉申领度岁金纪录















老汉过后往庙宇的方向逃跑,但被其他人拦住。他当时说:“我最多不是死!” ​




posted by uncleyap at 12:28 AM

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You sick ass. If it was LTK or CSt attacked you would have celebrated.


It is only a norm.

Why Bush got shoes, and Thais are now standing by thousand rotten eggs to throw at Abhisit Government? They are the same purposes.


Red shirts stockpiling eggs to throw at PM

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<!-- Google Dtail Ads --> Red-shirt leader Somyos Prueksakasemsuk on Wednesday said protesters have prepared to throw eggs at Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva this evening.

Red shirts will resort to egg-pelting as a gesture of defiance for Abhisit's leadership although they plan a peaceful rally, Somyos said.

Abhisit is scheduled to make a speech at a hotel in the Ratchaprasong area.

The Nation


Sir, throwing a shoe is different from burning a person. Ask anyone which he chooses and the answer will be obvious.

The late JBJ may or may not have wanted to defend OKC but if he did, it would not be because he disdains the PAP or supports OKC's action. In 1976 when someone threw faeces at a PAP poster, JBJ condemned the actions.

Forummers can say anything they want. Not public figures. You shouldn't be damaging JBJ's name.


As profound and kind hearted lawyer late Mr. JBJ had always helped the poor and oppressed peasants like Mr. Ong Kah Chua. Over his decades I lost count how many people had Mr. JBJ helped.

Old Mr. Ong is not only poor, old, disabled and mentally troubled, he had been obviously treated badly by famiLEE LEEgime and pushed to his mental limits. He deserves sympathy and assistant from any righteous Singaporean, not just lawyers. If I was a lawyer I would had defended him.

The only sensitive thing is that Old Mr. Old had done something violent.

However he is a victim as well.

Seng Han Thong is a scapegoat for the famiLEE LEEgime to get burnt, he have got entire famiLEE LEEgime to help him and save his skin. But the unbalance matter is WHO IS HELPING THIS OLD MAN? He is another victim that actually deserve more attention and assistance. He have no one beside him!

It takes some courage for a lawyer to come forward to assist Old Mr. Ong, that is recognized.

But a criminal lawyer is a professional person, who will defend any murderer kidnapper rapist what not. There should be nothing actually too touchy about Old Mr. Ong burnt a famiLEE LEEgime MP. I ask righteous lawyers to bravely come forward and act professionally as a criminal defend council. There is law society's legal assistance scheme that fit this sort of purpose. It is a service to society that a criminal lawyer can do so without fear and do so with pride.

Old Mr. Ong is a poor victim, regardless what he had done. Just give this old man the help he deserve.


In every criminal trial, the accused person have rights to council, and court should appoint one in case there is none. This is the system. However a lawyer coming forward will show that Singapore's legal professional have the courage and heart for the poor peasants, and that will be a good sign we like to see. :rolleyes:


As profound and kind hearted lawyer late Mr. JBJ had always helped the poor and oppressed peasants like Mr. Ong Kah Chua. Over his decades I lost count how many people had Mr. JBJ helped.

Old Mr. Ong is not only poor, old, disabled and mentally troubled, he had been obviously treated badly by famiLEE LEEgime and pushed to his mental limits. He deserves sympathy and assistant from any righteous Singaporean, not just lawyers. If I was a lawyer I would had defended him.

The only sensitive thing is that Old Mr. Old had done something violent.

However he is a victim as well.

Seng Han Thong is a scapegoat for the famiLEE LEEgime to get burnt, he have got entire famiLEE LEEgime to help him and save his skin. But the unbalance matter is WHO IS HELPING THIS OLD MAN? He is another victim that actually deserve more attention and assistance. He have no one beside him!

It takes some courage for a lawyer to come forward to assist Old Mr. Ong, that is recognized.

But a criminal lawyer is a professional person, who will defend any murderer kidnapper rapist what not. There should be nothing actually too touchy about Old Mr. Ong burnt a famiLEE LEEgime MP. I ask righteous lawyers to bravely come forward and act professionally as a criminal defend council. There is law society's legal assistance scheme that fit this sort of purpose. It is a service to society that a criminal lawyer can do so without fear and do so with pride.

Old Mr. Ong is a poor victim, regardless what he had done. Just give this old man the help he deserve.

This post sounds better now. However:

1) JBJ is the only kind-hearted lawyer you know, but it is different from saying that he is the only one. I am not surprised that a lawyer would soon be assigned to the old man, courtesy of the Legal Aid Bureau.

2) The one who will prosecute the case is not a lawyer hired by Seng Han Tong, Lee Hsien Loong or the PAP, but a DPP under the government services to prosecute criminal actions (be it which party is government).

I think the old man is likely to just get away with being assigned to IMH. Even if you say that is cruel enough, do not forget that if he can burn an MP, he can also burn anyone on the street. People on the streets won't feel safe.


Yap who are your to speak as JBJ? Do you what he thinks? Butt off. Your cause will not help to end the recession


If there is no righteous lawyer to step forward and uphold, there will be no justice you can be sure. There is no real separation of power and clear division of roles. Prosecution & mata & court and get away with short-changing justices to any vulnerable accused persons in any criminal trial not just those within famiLEE LEEgime... We all know...

Can not be so naive to expect justice by entitlement or default.

Must be ensured by the realistic abilities in place and double-checked.


Yap who are your to speak as JBJ? Do you what he thinks? Butt off. Your cause will not help to end the recession

I am in way better position to understand JB than you. But I don't ask you to butt off. I ask you to FO! :eek::oIo::biggrin:


Renegade Now! Seng Han Tong











Swearing and pretending to be a great figure will not get you a democratic country. You are fungus compared to JB> Stop using his name on your behalf.


I am in way better position to understand JB than you. But I don't ask you to butt off. I ask you to FO! :eek::oIo::biggrin:

Hey "oldman",

Firstly, I have been amused by your antics over the years. Thank you for the entertainment.

You are NOT JBJ, heck you and that mental case "doctor" CSJ don't even come close to what the late JBJ was and what he represented. You are what we call providers of comic relief in this depressed country so DO NOT use JBJ's honorable name for your nefarious purposes; DO NOT bring insult to his good name. Hell, for the good of ALL, kindly do not even call yourself the CREDIBLE OPPOSITION. It is comics like you that gives the Opposition in Singapore a real BAD name.

That being said, yes that poor old ex taxi driver must have been driven to the limit BUT that does not warrant him to BURN another fellow human.

A crime is a crime; as much as many of us dislike the ruling party, it is STILL A CRIME.

And from one oldman (I think being in this world for more than half a century and being a citizen of 3 countries without ever leaving this forsaken land gave me that right to call myself old) to another; LAY OFF JBJ !

To the rest of the forummers, tell the whole world your grievances; SPOIL YOUR VOTE! It is counted, can you imagine a GRC of 100,000 with 30,000 going to the ruling party, 20,000 going to the weak Opposition and 50,000 SPOILT VOTES? The whole world will know your grievances and I am SURE so will the "rulers".

Do it in memory of Joshua Benjamin Jeyaratnam. It sure beats those fake hunger strikes.


ibj is a remarkable lawyer and activist, but he is not dumb and let sg system fall into the criminal is a victim state of mind in us courts.


You are poorly informed and very naive. Pretending to know. Pretending to be concerned about JBJ. You are a fraud.

Late Mr. JBJ was in the middle of defending a criminal case while he suddenly past away of heart attack. The accused person is Mr. L.

He was charged of using a kitchen knife to slash a man 8 times at temp hawker center of Tekka Market last year.
Liable for very long imprisonment as well as caning. The slashes were deep and long cuts on the body.

I saw the scene's photos, lots of blood.

Mr. L. has many previous conviction on violent assault crimes. Sentenced to jail more than a year.

But late Mr. JBJ still DEFENDED HIM. FOC. Mr. JBJ did not collected any money from Mr. L and did not asked for any payment.

One of Mr. L's convictions was assaulting another MP.

Mr. L went to jail after sentenced to 18 months + 3 strokes of cane for assaulting MP in the 1980's.

But knowing that late Mr. JBJ still defended him. FOC.

Who did Mr. L assaulted? It was not a PAp MP. It was SDP's MP Mr. Cheo Chye Chen.

I know all of them in persons - Mr. Cheo, Mr. JBJ, Mr. L.

Who is Mr. L? If you checked SDP Potong Pasir Mr. Chiam's election victory videos, Mr. L always carry Mr. Chiam on shoulder after GE victory and marched around.

Mr. L was very pissed at SDP MPs Mr. Cheo & Mr. Ling How Dong, when Mr. Chiam resigned from SDP. He swing the stool at Mr. Cheo's head, he got many stitches. That was a long time ago. They had already forgiven each other and shakes hands around GE2006. They all attended Mr. JBJ's wake together. We all gathered several times, and were no more grudge. Mr. Chiam Mr. Cheo Mr. L Mr. JBJ etc were also together with other oppositions last year at Reform Party's dinner.

What happened some time last year, Mr. L was a hawker at Tekka Market, the market committee chairman (here is another CORRUPTED CRONY OF famiLEE LEEgime) who was alleged to have received huge Kick-Back from Tekka Market's cooking gas supplier and ATE THE $$$. Mr L reported to CAD mata about corruption. Then gangsters were constantly sent to harass him at his hawker (cooking) stall, threatened Mr. L to withdraw mata report and statements on the corruption case. That day, 3 tattoo gangsters came and smashed his stall. Mr. L in self-defense (don't mess with him!) took out kitchen knife and chopped one of the gangsters 8 times. Blood was every where. The gangster got hundreds of stitches in hospital, the other 2 gangsters ran for their lives!:eek::wink:

Late Mr. JBJ defended Mr. L. He only sentenced to 1 month in QRP resort no cane. But Mr. JBJ actually died before case was sentenced. Mr. L. is already out of jail. He actually met Mr. Gopalan Nair in QRP, and informed Gopalan that Mr. JBJ died. That was how Mr. Gopalan had 1st came know about JBJ's death. Late Mr. JBJ did an excellent defend for Mr. L, and JBJ was very confident that sentence will be light, as he told me that the sentence could be just to pay fine only, because late JBJ's strong defense caused prosecution to reduce the charges to minimum. That was HOW GOOD late Mr. JBJ was with criminal laws. :wink:

Mr. L's sentence was only 33% of Mr. Gopalan Nair's. Gopal sentenced 3 months for calling (only a post on his blog) Berlinda Ang a prostitute for the famiLEE. Mr. L only 1 month for knife chopping somebody 8 times. You imagine? Mr. Nair is a lawyer defending himself in sub-court. Late Mr. JBJ more profound in law, he defended Mr. L in High Court.

If Mr. JBJ had defended a strong supporter of Mr. Chiam who had assaulted SDP MP Mr. Cheo, and who had slashed a gangster 8 times with hundreds of stitches. I am very sure that he will defend Mr. Ong Kah Chua the poor old peasant who burnt PAp's Seng Han Thong. That is the Mr. JBJ that I know, I have the confident and I am very sure. Mr. JBJ did countless defends for cirminal cases including death penalty cases.

What the hell do you know you fraud?

You know nothing and try to talk here?:confused: What do you know?:confused:

Fly Kite Lah!
I would know because I know all these people around. I know what happened from a long time before. I won't write here unless I know for sure. :cool::rolleyes:

Again, I ask for righteous Singaporean lawyers to come forward to defend poor old peasant Ong Kah Chua. Mr. JBJ is not here. Younger lawyers have to take over his role. :smile: Do it!
Last edited:


To the rest of the forummers, tell the whole world your grievances; SPOIL YOUR VOTE! It is counted, can you imagine a GRC of 100,000 with 30,000 going to the ruling party, 20,000 going to the weak Opposition and 50,000 SPOILT VOTES? The whole world will know your grievances and I am SURE so will the "rulers"...

wah, UY, your knowledge is astounding :eek:

sgczar, this section of your post caught my attention...just imagine a situation where 99% of the votes were spoilt and PAP won by 2 votes to 1.

what a message to both the PAP and the Opposition!


wah, UY, your knowledge is astounding :eek:

sgczar, this section of your post caught my attention...just imagine a situation where 99% of the votes were spoilt and PAP won by 2 votes to 1.

what a message to both the PAP and the Opposition!

Singaporean opposition is not a very big circle. Every one knows everyone nearly... :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Perhaps he's not seeking defence counsel.

Perhaps he's pleading guilty for a life sentence, so that he won't need to worry about HDB and PUB bills, foods etc. anymore.

Perhaps a classic irony, burn up an MP and get retirement security for the rest of life.