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I became Vegetarian to be healthier... But it's changed my whole world!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

My reasons for becoming Veg was different to most. I done it as an experiment!

I have always been very open minded (but not too much or my brain would fall out :P ) so when an acquaintance began explaining to me why he was vegetarian and why scientifically it is healthier, it naturally perked my interest as the #1 most important thing to me is how I treat my body (not just in food but in information as well as other things)

I soon found out after a little research that the myth of Vegetarians being thin and unhealthy was just that, a myth!
There was no real evidence to show a vegetarian diet was a detriment to health, on the contrary, it boosts your health and subsequently your lifespan! Perfect!!

After promising to myself to give it a 3 month trail I now think completely different about meat, I mean a COMPLETE turn around, literally it changed my view on the world, animals and people! To me, the thought of even putting a dead animal in my body is one of the worst things that can happen to me! When I go shopping I see the meat section as a cemetery (a real bad one coz the dead bodies are not even berried). Now, I can't even understand how people can even eat meat, even though for more than 90% of my life I was a meat eater! It's a massive turn around. I wouldn't even date a meat eater because I know if we kissed it would be a serious problem for me.

I'm pretty new to being a Vegetarian though, at just 2 years started. I think I maybe even turning Vegan as I have recently given up eggs purely on the basis of that I don't feel right about eating them, deep inside I feel morally wrong about consuming eggs (I am fully aware that eggs don't grow into chicks unless they get fertilised btw). Which is another thing that has changed dramatically with me.

When I was a meat eater, rather shamefully, I didn't care at all about animal cruelty, I liked my life of ignorance and believed the meat was nice and healthy and there was no suffering or downside to my actions of eating meat, it was just normal, nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone else is doing it, right?

But now all that has changed, I can't imagine how we as humans think it's right to take a life of an animal! Why it is illegal to kill a cat but you can massacre a load of cows and it's normal!? Who decided that one!??? I mean, WOW! It just blows my brain, I can't even come up with a rational explanation for that...

Kill a cat, NO
Kill a cow, OK no problem

Damn, I'm just lost for words...

I had a lot more to say but I'm gonna end my rant there for now coz I just fried my own brain. lol


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Vegetarians wishing to make a political statement should strive for consistency. Cows are slaughtered not only to put steak on the table, but to obtain components used in soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, plastics, pharmaceuticals, waxes (as in candles and crayons), modern building materials and hydraulic brake fluid for airplanes. The membrane that vibrates in your telephone contains beef gelatin. So to avoid hypocrisy, vegetarians need to also refrain from using anything made of plastic, talking on the telephone, flying in airplanes, letting their kids use crayons, and living or working in modern buildings.
By the way , ancestors of modern vegetarians would not have survived without using animal products like fur to keep warm, leather to make footwear, belts, straps and shelter, and bones for tools. In fact, the entire interactive network of life on earth, from the jellyfish to the judge, is based on the sacrifice of animals and the use of animal foods. There’s no escape from dependence on slaughtered animals, not even for really good vegan folks who feel wonderful about themselves as they finish their vegan meal .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It is my understanding that most vegetarians or vegans do it mainly for the environment or because they don’t like the idea of killing or mistreating animals.
Those principles are very noble, but I’ll explain why they often don’t make any senses if you think about the bigger picture. I wish I had this kind of information before jumping on a raw food diet of only fruits, vegetables and nuts a couple of years ago and greatly compromising my health.
The first big point I’d like to make is that I’m totally against animal cruelty and I think that the Paleo diet principles align very well with happy and well treated animals. Eating animals that have been well treated, well fed and let free to graze on pastures all day long will also be better for your health because the fat content will be much higher in Omega-3 and you will get the best quality protein without the traces of hormones and antibiotics of factory raised animals.
Who are we as a species, after all, to decide that we should break the natural food-chain? Nature works this way, so we shouldn’t try to mess with the natural order of things. Unfortunately, in order for one living organism to live, another has to die. It’s the natural circle of life and death.
Vegetarians and vegans have to get the bulks of their calories from other sources than meat and often end up eating larger portions of soy, wheat or other grain based products. Tofu, soy milk, breads, pastas, rice, … Those products are toxic and lead to a high carbohydrate load which could lead to chronically high insulin levels, weight gain and diabetes in the long run.
Of course, many vegetarians will instead lose weight, but my understanding is that they miss some highly bio-available meat protein and a lot of the nutrients available in much greater quantity in meat in a form that’s easily absorbed like iron or copper. Our digestive system is short and can’t digest cellulose and a more efficient digestive system is probably what gave us the chance to develop the bigger brain we enjoy today. Eating more nutrient-dense foods like meat and animal fats leaves more energy for other processes to happen.
Most herbivores have to eat slowly all day long and have a digestive system to digest cellulose by a fermentation process. This job often requires more than one stomach. Comparatively, most carnivores can eat more infrequently and will stay well fed for a much longer period of time after eating, This is a good thing because they can survive for a couple of days if they don’t make any kills for a while.

Next up is the fact that what’s destroying the environment more than anything right now is our industrial farming practices and especially the big mono-cultures like wheat, corn and soy. Agriculture is the industry that consumes the most oil if you think about all the machinery used and food transportation needed. Therefore, the importance of eating locally produced meat and locally grown vegetables and fruits, when available, is huge.
One great thing is that most meat produced naturally will come from local farmers either from your local butcher, your farmer’s market or directly from the farm if you choose to buy in bulk. The big advantage of this last option is that you’ll get the best quality and environmentally friendly meat for much cheaper per pound then grocery bought meat.
The importance of top soil in preserving the Earth
Top soil really is the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no other forms of life on earth. It’s a little bit like our digestive system that can’t work without its microorganisms. They are so many different microorganisms in just one shovel of top soil, we haven’t even begun to discover the greater part of them. Usually, without us to destroy it, the earth is in creation mode and there is more top soil year after year because of all the organic matter that dies and decomposes to form more top soil. Can you see the full circle of life and death here? In the end and in the grand scheme of things, new organic material is perpetually created even when some animals eat others.
Knowing that, it’s not wise to eat grains and grain derived products because most of the production of those grains is actually killing the top soil instead of feeding it. The soils become less and less fertile year after year. Most organic and animal friendly farms will try to produce with the help of the soil instead of against it.

Lastly, most of the animals we eat consumes grass, we don’t. We instead can take our energy from the meat that was fed something we can’t eat. By growing crops of corn, wheat or soy where there would normally be grass, we destroy those animal’s natural feeding grounds in larger and larger portions. Those animals often can’t adapt to the ecosystem change and end-up dying. Therefore, eating lots of soy, wheat or corn based products indirectly kills more animals and top soil than eating a Paleo diet with lots of meat.
When you stop and look at the big picture here, it makes total sense, again, to follow our ancestors’ footsteps. After all, it’s only since the time of modern agriculture that we started to destroy the earth instead of feeding it.

I think that a lot of vegans and vegetarians probably see recreational hunters as maybe the worst type of animal killers out there. I see things very differently and I think those hunter are in fact doing exactly what nature intended for us to do. Eating game meat is even more environment friendly than naturally raised animals. Of course, we have to put up quotas to make sure we don’t kill too much of a specie. I think, however, that this issue comes from the fact that we changed the natural order of things a long time ago and overpopulated the earth while killing other species in large proportions with our agriculture. This is certainly food for thought (pun intended)!
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This thread is begging for some pictures...

Char siu.jpg


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Tonychat there is no point being a vegetarian if you still continue to go whoring in Thailand.

Quit your whoring habit too!

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I have no problems with vegans and vegetarians (there's a slight diff between the two) spreading their message about the health benefits they perceive in their diet.

I just dislike the "I'm making better choices than you" attitude.

And I also dislike the hypocrisy shown where some self proclaimed vegetarians crave for meat substitutes.

And the worst of all? Those who claim vegan or vegetarian are on morally a higher plane, as it avoid killing.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Bro drifter,

If I was biologically built to eat only plants, I would either have 4 stomachs and chew curd, or I would have a long, long intestine made for pulverizing cellulose and hard fibers.

My liver would also not process amino acids to such a high degree of efficiency to keep me in good health and repair my tissues and grow my muscles.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Bro drifter,

If I was biologically built to eat only plants, I would either have 4 stomachs and chew curd, or I would have a long, long intestine made for pulverizing cellulose and hard fibers.

My liver would also not process amino acids to such a high degree of efficiency to keep me in good health and repair my tissues and grow my muscles.

Good point bro .. :wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Drifter ah you copied that essay from which site or did you write that?

U think my angmo so good meh ? Some of the difficult angmo words I copy from goggle lah . But most of it is from my perspective of point .

Ps: I spend some time checking the spelling on the net ..
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Alfrescian (Inf)
U think my angmo so good meh ? Some of the difficult angmo words I copy from goggle lah . But most of it is from my perspective of point .

Ps: I spend some time checking the spelling on the net ..

wow good job sia. i think you missed out this one but ok la it isn't part of the subject.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
wow good job sia. i think you missed out this one but ok la it isn't part of the subject.

Whahahah ... I told u my spelling no good even goggle can spell wrongly ... When I want to make a decent posting I usually double check my spelling , verbs ..ect . Thanks for pointing out google spelling .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I think, however, that this issue comes from the fact that we changed the natural order of things a long time ago and overpopulated the earth while killing other species in large proportions with our agriculture. This is certainly food for thought (pun intended)!

This guy must have copied from you sir !!!


Not forgetting this too . http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/a...tarian-does-harm-environment-eating-meat.html