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Hougang Spring - Demise of the PAP


Reports of impending demise of PAP are greatly exaggerated.

Do not envisage PAP losing two-thirds majority in parliament in 2016.

Its hardcore or diehard supporters account for at least 35% of the votes. Being the largest employer and with a awesome party machinery and branch network, the party can easily capture another 15% to win in our first-past-the-post system.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
truth to be told, me voted for him in GE06. somehow something happened along the way and this Madcow hasn't been the same since.

I voted for Silvia actually :biggrin:

He was just part of the package (i.e. you bought takeaway chicken rice but it comes with condiments and utensils).

The clownish aftermath actually made me lost confidence in the WP from 2006-2011 until the A-Team came in


Reports of impending demise of PAP are greatly exaggerated.

Do not envisage PAP losing two-thirds majority in parliament in 2016.

Its hardcore or diehard supporters account for at least 35% of the votes. Being the largest employer and with a awesome party machinery and branch network, the party can easily capture another 15% to win in our first-past-the-post system.

I disagree with you. there is a downward trend in PAP votes.

It is matter of time you can't change the GRC no more, or you make serious mistakes while changing it.

Causing many of the GRCs to fall to opposition.


Please tell me or us, why WP and LTK not considering sending a team to contest Punggol?

If you are talking about GE2011, the answer is WP must send their best team into aljunied, as there are many Cheng San people there...which they support WP.
If you are talking about GE2016, Pasir ris Punggol GRC now is the largest GRC in terms of numbers of voters. By 2016, PAP must redrawn the election boundary...predicting Pungol will emerge a new GRC as that place by 2016 is almost fullly develop...and there will not be any SMC in the east. I do see WP making the rounds in sengkang and punggol areas after the election, so i dont think WP didnt consider that TCH place. I think WP will definately send a team to pasir punggol to challenge TCH(especially after the BE2012) as given the reason aljunied GRC (bedok -reservoir ward is under LTK) is just next door....and SDA is proven dead after GE2011.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
They live in a world of their own, detached and unaffected by the daily grind which most ordinary Singaporean face. The country is governed like SIA. Only the First Class passengers matter.
Yes i think these people live in a bubble of their own.....detached from the everyday world that most of us live in.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
........ PAP .....hardcore or diehard supporters account for at least 35% of the votes. Being the largest employer and with a awesome party machinery and branch network, the party can easily capture another 15% to win in our first-past-the-post system.

I agree with your observation about the hardcore PAP support base-as shown during the last Presidential election(35.2% for father of NS Research scientist Patrick Tan) and this Hougang BE (37.9% for former policeman DC).

But I disagree they exclude those working in civil service / GLC's /NTUC's/PA ect2. At most PAP support is 40% .
So the issue the opposition have to focus on is the missing 20%.
Why a party which by all accounts have only maximum support of 40% of the population can get more than 60% of the votes.
We must inject a sense of urgency into this as the mass importation of foreigners and the ease at which they issue citizenship
means the pappy is aware of this problem and trying to shore up its support base with foreigners.

The actual target is 10% -to reduce the pappy's votes to below 50%.
This is an achievable one as the 10% actually are not PAP supporters/sympathisers but still end up voting for the pappy in the GE but not PE/BE.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Mr nice commies,

I was from the punggol kampongs, I know what I tOking about. Teochews are not all over hougang. They are concentrated in hougang that were built before 1985. That will be ave 1,5 &7. Ave 8 were from Jln kayu and they are not teochews but mainly hokkien. Ave 6 & 8 were completed ard 86-88. That the time xin min moved from upper serangoon to ave 8 and students who study in Jln kayu were transferred to xin min. I stay in the area all my life, I know my ground where I grow up.


Its a slow but a certain demise if they don't change their ways drastically. It not going to happen in 2016 and 2021 but there a consistent signs. The loss of a GRC in 2011, the near loss of the Presidency despite the candidate being an established member of the cabinet and former DPM and now Hougang.

Note the action of the people and passion behind it.

Its difficult to control waves and tides. You can contain one and maybe two then you need to head to high ground.

Lets face it, if Tan Jee Say did not step in at the last minute, Tony Tan will be helping his son Patrick to dig soil to discover a cure. Till today, everyone I have spoken to cannot explain why TJS was given straight entry while Tan Kin Lian required special clearence.

These things don't happen overnight. The Govt literally paid for Tony's campaign when it had GIC PR team with Jennifer Lewis behind it. All the association, professionals bodies were cold called and asked point blank if they are prepared to stand behind TT. They never did this in the past.

Reports of impending demise of PAP are greatly exaggerated.

Do not envisage PAP losing two-thirds majority in parliament in 2016.

Its hardcore or diehard supporters account for at least 35% of the votes. Being the largest employer and with a awesome party machinery and branch network, the party can easily capture another 15% to win in our first-past-the-post system.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why a party which by all accounts have only maximum support of 40% of the population can get more than 60% of the votes.

You are assuming that the remaining 60% that don't fully support the PAP will automatically vote for the opposition. We know that this is not true. Looking at AMK GRC results, we can say that there are ~30% of hardcore opposition voters out there that will vote for the opposition party even if the candidates are made up of monkeys. That leaves the remaining 30% swing voters that will actually look at the quality of the candidates before making a decision. These people will likely vote for the opposition if they have credible candidates.

The actual target is 10% -to reduce the pappy's votes to below 50%.
This is an achievable one as the 10% actually are not PAP supporters/sympathisers but still end up voting for the pappy in the GE but not PE/BE.

This will not be achieved by the next election. PAP had 75% in 2001, 66% in 2006 and 60% in 2011. Following this trend, the likely result will be ~57% in 2016. If we apply a flat 3% increase in opposition votes in all 2011 constituencies, this will amount to only a 2 seat gain in Joo Chiat and Potong Pasir SMCs. East Coast GRC would be close to fall, and may have a chance depending on the quality of the candidates WP send there.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
next election PAP will get back the 75% of the good old days....how?

Approve more foreigners as new citizens...dilute the pool of sinkies.
Or amend law to allow PRs to vote.
Merge SMCs and GRCs into mega GRCs....at least 10 men per GRCS.
Before GE announce cash giveouts....amount must be more than previous years.....$2k per head.
Employ usual run of the mill scare tactics, character assassination, withhold upgrading.
MSM, NTUC, PA all help out to spread propoganda.

PAP re capture all seats with at least 75% votes. give or take 5%....Easy peasy dealing with daft sinkies. Works all the time


Alfrescian (Inf)
By the way, I won't say my teochew is good but still can understand most of the time and I didn't vote ltk because his teochew beri powderful. Let just said something pap did in the past make ppl Tulan. Jbj nearly make it in 97 and I don't recall jbj gave teochew speech then and was thl a teochew? The teochew theory was blown out of proportion. LCK also many poor teochew farmers in the past yet it voted pap all the way.


Mr nice commies,

I was from the punggol kampongs, I know what I tOking about. Teochews are not all over hougang. They are concentrated in hougang that were built before 1985. That will be ave 1,5 &7. Ave 8 were from Jln kayu and they are not teochews but mainly hokkien. Ave 6 & 8 were completed ard 86-88. That the time xin min moved from upper serangoon to ave 8 and students who study in Jln kayu were transferred to xin min. I stay in the area all my life, I know my ground where I grow up.

I have no dispute with your personal experiences.So be it.

But Punggol historically, was was populated mostly by Teochews and Catholics. The end of Upper Serangoon Road is known to Teochews as kangkar or "river bank" or "river mouth". ....ever wonder why?

Because Teochews arived last among the Chinese migrants here.And hence took up the most laborious and unglamorous jobs.I am a history buff and made a study about this.

In Raffles time,unlike today ,the Hokkiens were considered a refined class.Even the Cantonese were considered not in their league.And it was the Hakkas that dominated Malaya because they were 100% into mining.Every bigwigs of Chinese descent in Malaya colonial days were a Hakka.Whether be it Yap Ah Loy or Kapitan Cina.

Hence fishing and farming were teochews forte.And Punggol bordering river banks with rural farmland is undoubtedly a Teochew flavor.You just cannot take it away.Just like Serangoon road to Indians and Eunos to Malays.


Alfrescian (Inf)
How can there be an Houyganag spreing when they lost 2.7%?

You should have went to that Hougang Blk 332 coffeshop last Saturday nite and shout '' PAP, PAP, PAP '' while the Hougang residents were noisily cheering for the WP.. I'm sure they would have given you a good blanket party with the WP brollies being shoved into your a*se.. Then you'll know the true meaning of Hougang Spring..

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
me await the time when the Sec Gen of the incumbent do not get elected in the GE :p:p:p

Wicked you. You are only getting CCS earlier in the driver's seat before he is ready.


I'll venture a guess, a theory. Since dialects in the main have been eradicated from our daily lives, many of the older folks actually lost a time of their twilight lives. Then a special personality like LTK came along and touched their hearts with a special language so close to their hearts they thot they would never again listen to. If you are teochew how wld you feel if not flattered? Here is somebody finally who resonated with their past with his dialect so pure the old folks will probably sit and listen to him until the cows come home. Nobody in PAP can speak teochew like LTK, and it's not about sending a gantang teochew per se like Teo chee Hean (who's probably Baba roots anyway) who cant speak the dialect. So never underestimate the intimacy of dialects. Lim Chin Siong was a powerful Hokkien speaker who moved masses, who could also speak good Malay. I believe he also spoke cantonese with Fong Swee suan. Those days, the Chinese-educated like LCS all learnt malay, and the Malays like Said Zahari and Samad Ismail also learnt mandarin. In those days, if you cant speak dialects you have blindspots. You are handicapped. LKY suffered. Dr Lee Siew Choh throughout his political liife used English and Cantonese.

By the way, I won't say my teochew is good but still can understand most of the time and I didn't vote ltk because his teochew beri powderful. Let just said something pap did in the past make ppl Tulan. Jbj nearly make it in 97 and I don't recall jbj gave teochew speech then and was thl a teochew? The teochew theory was blown out of proportion. LCK also many poor teochew farmers in the past yet it voted pap all the way.


By the way, I won't say my teochew is good but still can understand most of the time and I didn't vote ltk because his teochew beri powderful. Let just said something pap did in the past make ppl Tulan. Jbj nearly make it in 97 and I don't recall jbj gave teochew speech then and was thl a teochew? The teochew theory was blown out of proportion. LCK also many poor teochew farmers in the past yet it voted pap all the way.

Here is something more to ponder.

Who was heading Aljunied till GE2011? George Yeo right?

And who is George Yeo if not a Teochew and a Catholic to boot?

You think PAP would not have weight his factor both as a Teochew and a catholic too?