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Hong Kong girl taunts ex-boyfriend with enlarged breasts




Thu, Feb 25, 2010

Hong Kong girl taunts ex-boyfriend with enlarged breasts

A video of a Hong Kong girl (left) showing off her new C cup breasts became popular recently.

In the video, she taunts her ex-boyfriend who had dumped her.

Bitter over the breakup that had occurred three months ago, she decides to show off her newly enlarged breasts to her ex-boyfriend who used to complain that they were "AA cups and too small".

The ex-boyfriend is said to have dumped her because of her small breasts.

The Hong Kong girl sputters vulgarities in the video, complaining that her ex-boyfriend had started to treat her differently once they got together.

She proceeds to unzip her grey jacket, revealing her C cup breasts.

"Now, take a good look, I have a C cup! Don't you regret dumping me now?" she said in cantonese angrily.

She mocked her ex-boyfriend saying: "Look at them, they are Cs! You don't even have a C on your school certificate."

"You can never say that I am small again," she added.

In another incident, a guy posts a photograph of his girlfriend (right) and claimed he is considering a break-up because her breasts are too small and are "practically not much different from an airport."

He degrades her further by saying, "I simply feel like I am touching a man."


Alfrescian (Inf)
plastic surgery is cheating right. I dun mind plastic surgery, but making a lot of fuss about it is not cool.
doing that to spike an ex is even worse.

what happen a few years later, when there are problem with implants, breast cancer etc. then what.

do it if she want it, OK. do it to piss off someone, NOK.


The guy deserved it. All those pent up angers won't do her no good either. ummm...What a pair of knockers.

1sickpuppy II

To do that just to piss off her Ex man that girl got some serious hate issues. Her Ex must have really done a number on her to make her so worked up.



Text below taken from youtube. I will try to have a go at translating. Correction welcome.

由於「吳家晴」先生笠水,在此代 post
Because Mr 'Ng Kah Cheng' [the man mentioned in the video] chickened out, (I am) posting on his behalf.

我有個 ex,本身佢個人冇乜點,係比較串同中意發小姐貏氣。同埋平胸。
I have an ex (girlfriend), she is so-so. Just that she has bad attitude and has a short temper. Also (she is) flat chested.

In the end (we) broke up, whatever the reason (I am) not saying, don't want to bore everyone.

Now this happened.

就係佢走左去食d唔知乜豐胸藥,之後話自己升左 cup,用 web cam 拍底send 條片泥串鳩我向我示威。
That is she went to consume some whatever breast enhancement drug, then claims that her cup size has elevated, used (her) web cam to film and sent me the protest clip to annoy me.

佢真係串到爆,首次叫我唔好諗住翻卓佢(佢咁臭貏氣真係再卓唔落)講講下仲拉低拉鏈突 出個 bar,
She is really no class, first asked me not to think about going back to her (she has such a bad temper (I) really don't want to go back), while talking, she pulled down her zipper to show her 'bar'

就咁睇,似層層咁,唔知佢用左乜野 pad 定點托,總之肯定經過人工修飾。仲要話自己有 C。
just looking, like layer over layer, don't know if she used padding or whatever method, for sure something artificial has been done. Then (she) said she has C (cup).

睇落都似有但好難令人相信,因為根據我經手時既親生體驗就肯定冇可能咁勁。因為本身佢 幾平,只係好似草原上有兩粒石仔咁上下。
Looks like it but hard to believe, because when I was with her and according to my personal experience then, (I am) certain (they) can't be that great. Because how flat she is, is more or less like two stones on a grassland.

But on video (they) looked just like real.
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The girl in the video may have an attitude but she did not say any vulgarity. The diva asia article has wrongly accused her.


This girl is reducing her self-worth to a piece of meat (or on a more practical level, two pieces of dough). She's more suitable for the meat market.

Other character traits are more important, such as good character.