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HK Bastard Rebels 7.1 marching drastically lost popularity, 200K odd only! Pro-police & Pro-China protest still going on!

democracy my butt

Opposition claimed 550K people, but independence estimated only 210K ~265K only

【七一回歸】港美學者統計遊行人數26.5萬 雷鼎鳴估算21.5萬人


19.5k 人追蹤

2019年7月1日 下午10:16


香港發展中心委託科大原經濟系主任雷鼎鳴,就遊行人數作估算,得出今天參加遊行的人數為 21.5萬人。雷鼎鳴將以2種不同的科學方法來估算遊行人數。


【撐警集會】譚詠麟:再咁落去冇人管治到香港 鍾鎮濤:後生仔九唔搭八


504 人追蹤

2019年6月30日 下午10:38


建制派立法會議員何君堯發起「撐警隊、護法治、保安寧 民間聲援集會」,今日在金鐘添馬公園舉行,多名政界及演藝界人士上台發言,參加者「阿Sir、Madam我撐您」的標語,又高呼「阿Sir、Madam我愛你」。大會聲稱有16.5萬人參加,警方則指高峰期有5.3萬人。


何君堯今早在港台節目《給香港的信》再次支持《逃犯條例》修訂。他說,林鄭月娥暫緩修例是明智決定(was sensible given the circumstances),但就批評她為此道歉:「她的道歉令警隊感到無力,士氣跌到谷底。(Her apology, however, left the Hong Kong Police Department impotent and morale at an all-time low.)」但在撐警集會時,他沒有再批評林鄭,反而表示支持她:「我哋香港難得有個『打得』、『砌得』嘅特首,我一定要去撐佢!」

警務處前處長鄧竟成 (中)、警務處前副處長任達榮 (右)上台發言。區倩怡攝


譚詠麟 (左)、鍾鎮濤 (右)在雨中發言撐警。蘋果日報圖片

Opposition claimed 550K people, but independence estimated only 210K ~265K only

https://hk.news.yahoo.com/七-回歸-港美學 %E8%80%85%E7%B5%B1%E8%A8%88%E9%81%8A%E8%A1%8C%E4%BA%BA%E6%95%B826-5%E8%90%AC -%E9%9B%B7%E9%BC%8E%E9%B3%B4%E4%BC%B0%E7%AE%9721-5%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA-141600884.html
[July 1 Return] Hong Kong-US scholars have a statistical parade of 265,000. Lei Dingming estimates 21.5 million
[Sing Tao Daily]
Sing Tao Daily

19.5k person tracking

July 1, 2019, 10:16 PM

The number of Hong Kong and American scholars in the July 1st Parade was 265,000.

[Sing Tao Daily reported] The FDC held a July 1 march, and the FDC convened a scorpion, and there were 550,000 people participating in the parade.

Ye Zhaohui, a professor of social work and social administration at the University of Hong Kong, and Zou Zhiqiao, an associate professor in the Department of Geography at Texas State University, and the artificial intelligence (AI) company, using human statistics and AI identification techniques, tried to use objective scientific methods to count the number of people marching this year. . The team just announced the number of full-time parades of 265,000.

The Hong Kong Development Centre commissioned Lei Dingming, the head of the Department of Economics of the University of Science and Technology, to estimate the number of demonstrators. The number of people participating in the parade today was 215,000. Lei Dingming will use two different scientific methods to estimate the number of demonstrators.

The first method is to set up a counting station at different locations on the parade route, calculate the number of marchers passing through the station and the density of the parade in real time, and then transfer the data to the team led by Professor Lei Dingming from the “Pointing Center”. For comprehensive statistics. The second method is to assign photographers and videographers to record the whole process of the procession, and then calculate the number of participants according to the area and number of people in the parade. Using two different independent methods, it is possible to derive two sets of data that are mutually validated to increase the accuracy and reference value of the estimate.

https://hk.news.yahoo.com/撐警集會-譚詠% E9%BA%9F-%E5%86%8D%E5%92%81%E8%90%BD%E5%8E%BB%E5%86%87%E4%BA%BA%E7%AE%A1%E6 %B2%BB%E5%88%B0%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF-%E9%8D%BE%E9%8E%AE%E6%BF%A4-%E5%BE%8C%E7 %94%9F%E4%BB%94%E4%B9%9D%E5%94%94%E6%90%AD%E5%85%AB-143810082.html

[Supporting Police Rally] Alan Tam: Going Down to Governing to Hong Kong. Zhong Zhentao: After the Birth of the Children
[public news]
Public news

504 people track

June 30, 2019, 10:38 PM

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The Legislative Council Member, Mr Peter Ho, launched the "Supporting Police Force, Protecting the Rule of Law, and Security Ning Folk Supporting Rally". Today, at the Tamar Park in Admiralty, a number of political and entertainment professionals took the stage to speak. Participants "A Sir, Madam I support you" The slogan, shouting "A Sir, Madam I love you." The conference claimed that 165,000 people participated, and the police said that there were 53,000 people during the peak period.

A number of speakers on the stage said that the police force to bear the burden and lead the gathering to slogan to support the police. The former deputy director of the Police Force, Ren Darong, criticized the government for withdrawing the violent and qualitative person "the line of disbelief" and said that the person who requested the establishment of an independent investigation committee was "stupid." The singers Alan Tam and Zhong Zhentao also came to power to support the Hong Kong police.
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Attend the supporters of the police to hold the "A Sir I support you" blue slogan. Associated Press pictures

The attendance at the rally included: Deputy Director of the Basic Law Committee and Tan Huizhu, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong District People's Congress, Deng Jingcheng, former Director of the Police, Ren Darong, former Deputy Director of the Police, Su Jinliang, former Director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Development, Tan Jinqiu, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Huang Yinghao, Convener of the Major League of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Wu Qiubei, the representative of the National People's Congress of the Hong Kong District, and Wang Tingcong, the representative of the National People's Congress of the Hong Kong District, Liu Bingzhang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Lu Chongmao, President of the Shenzhen University Hospital of Hong Kong, and the supervisory committee of the DAB Chairman Lu Wenduan, Li Yijing, member of the Liberal Party Sham Shui Po District, and wife of Li Shaoguang, former director of the Security Bureau. Chen Zuguang, former chairman of the police team, has recorded a short film support event but did not attend.

A number of members of the Legislative Council, including the DAB Jiang Lizhen, Chen Keqin, Ge Yifan, He Junxian; by the People's Federation of Liang Meifen; the Federation of Trade Unions, Mai Meijuan; sports, performing arts, culture and publishing, Ma Fengguo, etc. were present.

The attendees of the performing arts include Gao Zhisen, Alan Tam, Zhong Zhentao, Liang Jiahui, Chen Xinjian and Chen Baixiang.
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The conference claimed that 165,000 people participated in the police gathering, and the police said that there were 53,000 people during the peak period. Associated Press pictures

This morning, He Junyi once again supported the revision of the Fugitive Offenders Regulations in the Hong Kong and Taiwan program "Letter to Hong Kong". He said that Lin Zhengyue's suspension of the amendment was a sensible given the circumstances, but she criticized her for apologizing: "Her apology made the police feel powerless and morale fell to the bottom. (Her apology, however, left the Hong Kong Police Department impotent and morale at an all-time low.) But when he was in the police rally, he did not criticize Lin Zheng again. Instead, he expressed support for her: "I don't have a "play" or "build" in Hong Kong. I am sure to go to the channel!"

When Tan Huizhu came to power, he said that Hong Kong is one of the safest cities in the world. The reputation of the Hong Kong police is world-renowned: "When the parade, the police opened the way to maintain order, so that they (the parade) will not be disturbed by others, but also The merchants will not be robbed. In the whole process, everyone must complete the procession and protest. There is no place in the world, like Hong Kong can express its opinions so freely and civilly. We must talk to the whole world, we support Hong Kong. The police, because they are the best team, are the greatest protection for our citizens!"

Tan Huizhu also said that police officers have to bear the burden of humiliation: "(Drainage) would rather be surrounded by people, would rather be beaten by people, why is it? You can shed blood in Hong Kong! I want to bear the burden of humiliation and firmly maintain Hong Kong’s national security. Confidence and determination, long live for three!" Then she led the gathering to shout three times: Long live.

When Deng Jingcheng came to the stage, he said that the Hong Kong police was the best in Asia and led the gathering to thank the police officers: "In the past few weeks, the police have worked in an extremely difficult, difficult, provocative and insulted environment, but they are still very restrained. We use their profession to deal with many problems, we cheer together, thank you Sir, AMadam!"
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Former Police Commissioner Tang Jingcheng (middle) and former Deputy Director of the Police Force Ren Darong (right) took the stage to speak. Photo by District Qian Yi

When Deng Jingcheng accepted the interview, he pointed out that the recent incident against the police was distressing: "The police headquarters was confined, attacked and destroyed, so that the colleagues who went to work were chased by the police. Is there a rule of law in Hong Kong?" In the past, there have been big and small things in Hong Kong society. Every time, the police have become a nuisance."

The former Deputy Director of the Police Force, Mr. Ren Darong (the star of the movie star Ren Dahua) strongly opposed the establishment of an independent investigation committee: "The effective mechanism in the past has already played a role in the occupation of Zhongzhong and the prosperous time. Zhong is going to engage in the police, stupid! I must be in favor of it! Oppose! Oppose!" He criticized the government for withdrawing the riots and characterization. "There is already a case of Mong Kok riots in Hong Kong. I want to withdraw the riots. I am insulting. I am insulting me." The Commissioner of Police is professionally judged!"

Director Gao Zhisen criticized some people for "having something to do with the police and causing troubles in the police." Some people deliberately caused trouble in the peace march: "The recent peaceful peace march has caused some people to deliberately cause trouble, and it is a pity that it is a matter of ruin. The society is full of mutual trust, inciting troubles, inspiring things, shocking, and damaging social mutual trust, and polluting a peaceful parade. In the face of violent acts, the police have the responsibility to carry out tasks, maintain social order and peace, and support the police to continue to work hard and protect. Hong Kong, maintaining law and order stability. The world is upright! Support the police force to effectively enforce the law and eliminate the violence!"
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Alan Tam (left) and Zhong Zhentao (right) spoke in the rain to support the police. Apple Daily Pictures

Alan Tam said that if this continues, Hong Kong will be saved. "The law enforcement officers are attacked by people. If everyone has been to the rest of the world, and other countries are violent, they are really demonstrating that they are arrogant." I have never seen the whole world. I can only say the same thing. I hope that I will stay at home and make everything happen. I will continue to support the police! If you go down, you can manage Hong Kong."

Zhong Zhentao and Alan Tam came to the stage to speak. He said that he is not talking about politics, but about justice: "Everyone in the justice system has a generosity, and basic knowledge is common, and the teacher of the family should teach the students. Today I am generous. One of the reasons is that I am a squatting woman, knowing how to swear, and swearing. Because I have seen a lot of babies, it’s like a real savvy, and I’m talking about it. It’s true that I’m going to take a look at it. I’m listening to it. I’m going to be generous. The filial piety system should be awkward, and the law-abiding system should be awkward, so I support the police and support the police!”


发啊! 又再头破血流回家看医生!被从医院抓去关!

HK Bastards kenna smoked by tear gas again LAN LAN FLED!


香港太陽花 港警催淚彈強勢清場3小時餘落幕
· 620人追蹤
The Central News Agency 中央通訊社9 小時前

Home. Where There’s Always Space to Dream

「反送中」遊行失控香港七一遊行失控!衝占立法會香港立法會遭攻佔 港警否認設空城計羅文嘉、黃之鋒視訊:一國兩制完全失敗林鄭汲取教訓 承諾傾聽民意英國關切抗爭 陸駁無權干預

Hong Kong Sun Flower Hong Kong Police Tear Teas Strong Clearance for 3 Hours
Central News Agency · 620 people tracked
The Central News Agency Central News Agency 9 hours ago
(Central News Agency reporter Zhang Qian, Hong Kong, 2nd) After the demonstration of the Hong Kong Legislative Council Building at 9:00 last night, thousands of riot police officers cleared the scene with tear gas at 0:00 today, and the demonstrators quickly evacuated. The clearance operation lasted for a long time. About 30 minutes, no bleeding was reported until the deadline.

The Hong Kong police officially cleared the scene at 0 o'clock on the 2nd. Thousands of armed policemen armed with shields, batons, pepper spray buckets and tear gas bombs began to clear the perimeter of the Legislative Council building.

The first wave of police forces gathered in the northeastern Longhe Road of the Legislative Council Building and entered the Legislative Council Road where the most demonstrators gathered. The riot police launched a number of tear gas bombs from the beginning, aiming to disrupt the demonstrators and move forward quickly. The scene was filled with smog and the protesters evacuated.

Home. Where There’s Always Space to Dream

At the same time, the demonstrators who stood outside the gates of the Legislative Council informed the people in the conference hall of the building. From the live webcast, the demonstrators and a large number of reporters quickly left the conference hall and directly withdrew from the Legislative Council building.

In the face of the armed forces, the demonstrators gradually retreated to the roads of Tim Mei Road and Xia Yu; however, when the protesters retreated to Xia Yu Road, they dispersed in the direction of Admiralty and there was no serious conflict.

Due to the speed of the evacuation of the on-site demonstrators, the police clearance operation lasted only 30 minutes and then entered the Legislative Council Building. However, it is understood that all the demonstrators have withdrawn from the building and there is no protest against the building. (Editor: Lin Kelun / Qiu Guoqiang) 1080702

"Reverse delivery" parade out of control
Hong Kong's July 1 parade is out of control! Occupy the Legislative Council, the Hong Kong Legislative Council was captured. The Hong Kong Police denied the establishment of the empty city. Luo Wenjia and Huang Zhifeng: One country, two systems completely failed. Lin Zhengyi took lessons. Committed to listening to public opinion. The United Kingdom is concerned about the struggle.