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Heavy Flooding Reported in West Coast Area


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 05 Jun 2011
Wet, wet Sunday morning: Storm causes floods in central S'pore


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Pearlene Han reports:

"Heavy rains flood the roads of Sennett Estate, making it impossible to leave the house."

STOMPer Michael Ng describes the situation at Mandalay Road, in the Balestier area:

"The road looks like a river. Some of the cars at Mandalay Heights condo are stuck at their entrance."

Vehicles were stuck on MacPherson Lane this morning, said STOMPer kom:

"At 8.45am, I was on my way out. I was shocked by the flood at MacPherson Lane.

"Many cars were stopped in the middle of the road.

"I'm very disappointed by the drainage system at MacPherson and hope that the authorities would do something about it."

STOMPer Yohan was at a section of Toa Payoh Lorong 1 that was covered by brown water from a construction site nearby.

Click on thumbnails for larger image



Heng Ah! Not my car!:biggrin:


Jun 5, 2011

Heavy downpour causes floods in central Singapore

Netizens across Singapore reported flooding in various parts of Singapore due to the heavy downpour on Sunday morning. -- PHOTO: STOMP

LATEST: PUB reports two lanes along Bukit Timah Road impassable to traffic. The Kranji Expressway at the slip road towards Woodlands is impassable to traffic. Drivers are advised to avoid these roads.
NETIZENS across Singapore reported flooding in various parts of Singapore due to the heavy downpour on Sunday morning.
Affected areas included the Sennett Estate near Potong Pasir, MacPherson, Toa Payoh, and the Balestier area.
Pearlene Han, a resident of Sennett Estate, said the heavy rains had made it 'impossible to leave the house'.
Fellow netizen Michael Ng said flooding had affected Mandalay Road, in the Balestier area, as well: 'The road looks like a river. Some of the cars at Mandalay Heights condo are stuck at their entrance.'
The floods had caused vehicles to be stuck on MacPherson Lane earlier on Sunday morning, said kom on citizen journalism website STOMP.
'At 8.45am, I was on my way out. I was shocked by the flood at MacPherson Lane. Many cars were stopped in the middle of the road. I'm very disappointed by the drainage system at MacPherson and hope that the authorities would do something about it.'
If you know of floods or traffic disruptions, please send details and photos to [email protected].
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Kudos to our LKY for championing the Marina Barrage. It has brought us many events that happens once every 50 days.


Here fix, there flood, There fix, another area flood, and so on and so forth..... It is going to be a non-stop repetitive cycle. Looks like this place is too over-developed until water rom the sky can't drain fast enough. :(


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore first natural waterfall also spotted inside Tanglin Mall shopping center according to photo posted in Yahoo news.


Alfrescian (Inf)
PAP lucky that the GE is over otherwise many angry voters out there ready to hantam the PAP.

Maybe it's not luck? Did the PAP take steps to keep open the floodgates at Marina until after the elections:confused:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The reason for regular flood is no rocket sign. The reclaimation of land for the 2 IRs and several western side of Singapore did not allow flood to flow quickly into the sea. Sea was turned into land. Several underground tunnels also did not bore well because soil became concrete and water cannot be absorbed into underground fast enough. Here is the perfect storm in the making - the building of Marina Barrage was intended to block water from flowing out naturally into the sea resulted in flood disaster. The influx of foreigners resulted in increase in populations resulted in huge accumulation of waste products that choked several vital points of drainage system...when combined - turned Singapore into 1 in 50 year "freaked event". It was indeed an "intense storm" as explained by Yacoob in parliament.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm afraid your ignorance shines brightly, on several levels. I'll just name two.

First, whenever water goes where it is not supposed to and stays there for any length of time, there is a flood.

Second, the flood in the second picture you showed resulted from several DAYS of rain. This morning's event happened after barely two HOURS of admittedly heavy rain.

Sinkie "Flood" :mad::mad:


I'm afraid your ignorance shines brightly, on several levels. I'll just name two.

First, whenever water goes where it is not supposed to and stays there for any length of time, there is a flood.

Second, the flood in the second picture you showed resulted from several DAYS of rain. This morning's event happened after barely two HOURS of admittedly heavy rain.

But for ivebert it is not one single standard. If he paid and stayed in a 5 star hotel room, and just merely the bath room floor flush up to wet the carpet at bathroom entrance he will ring up front desk and complain FLOOD. However on SG street never mind one! People die then he call it flood. :*:


Alfrescian (Inf)
......The influx of foreigners resulted in increase in populations resulted in huge accumulation of waste products that choked several vital points of drainage system...

The mass importation of low quality foreigners is the cause of most of our problems today-stealing jobs from locals(using fake degrees), causing high property prices, long wait for HDB flats , lack of places in educational institutions, shortage of hospital beds ,drop in productivity/quality and ultimately destruction of Singapore's good name and reputation.

In many low end condo's, the Pinoys are also a major cause of air and noise pollution.
They hog almost all the BBQ pits and invite huge number of outside Pinoys and fill the place with smoke and loud noises.Sometimes the smoke is so much that it becomes almost impossible to play tennis or basketball ect2.When the BBQ areas are closed, they will adjourn to their rented units and create a ruckus unti 2 to 3 am.
I'm waiting for the day when parts of Sillipore will be like Makati.When I stayed in Makati, I used to hear shooting almost everynight, sometimes from automatic rifles.
Just wait for the day when voilent crimes and killings will shoot up.

Has anything been done to reduce the number of FT's?
Rather than using our energy to bash each other(including TPL), focus on the enemy within.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
lianbeng angry with vivi, "why bt timah flooded this morning? u r in charge of weather stop the rain lah!":mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm afraid your ignorance shines brightly, on several levels. I'll just name two.

First, whenever water goes where it is not supposed to and stays there for any length of time, there is a flood.

Second, the flood in the second picture you showed resulted from several DAYS of rain. This morning's event happened after barely two HOURS of admittedly heavy rain.

lianbeng says, "maybe ivebert is a foreigner not living in singapore that's why talk so yaya papaya. every time said sinkie this sinkie that. hope 1 day he/she sinks to bottom of m&d pool 粪池.":biggrin:
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