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Govt loses "hundreds of millions" of dollars building public flats: Khaw


SINGAPORE: National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan has said the government loses "hundreds of millions" of dollars when constructing public flats.
He made the point on Thursday night at a dialogue session on housing issues.
This comes amid calls from some quarters for land costs to be taken out from the pricing of public flats to make them more affordable.
Mr Khaw also hinted at several other changes to come, such as subsidies for executive condominiums.
During the national conversation session on housing issues, many were concerned about the affordability of home prices.
Evalyn Khoo, a mother of two, said: “I'm concerned about the home asset value. I'm also concerned about how the younger generation can actually afford a house for themselves in the future."
Participant Philip Lee said: “I think in the past three years or so, there has been more anxiety in the market because even Singaporeans couldn't get properties through the Build-To-Order (scheme) and they have to resort to the resale market and I think if there is sufficient supply channelled to BTO, we may see more happy Singaporeans and possibly less demand in the resale market and hopefully the prices will be within range."
With regard to calls for price of new Build-To-Order (BTO) flats to be de-linked from land costs, Mr Khaw said it may be politically easy to say land is free because it belongs to everybody, but that is not the case.
He said the price of land is tied to acquisition costs, reclamation and the building of infrastructure around it.
Mr Khaw said: "You need to acquire a piece of land; you need to reclaim a piece of land. All those costs money to tax payers and we are just trustees of tax payers and those costs are to be accounted for. And even when you have got that land prepared, land is only valuable when we invest in infrastructure, roads, MRT... And all those costs billions of dollars. So to say that land cost is a pittance and therefore should be excluded from total construction costs… I myself think it is not quite an appropriate argument.”
He also revealed that the Housing and Development Board, which is the developer for public housing, is losing money for every flat it sells.
He said: “Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars of losses were incurred by the HDB and that's why MOF has to give the HDB an annual grant, otherwise the HDB will be in the red. It cannot be forever in the red, because there's no way it can make money. Because every unit that we sell, we lose money, HDB loses money. The accounting for the HDB is deficit accounting. So if you incur a S$300-million loss, there is a grant of S$300 million that covers it. That is how we operate the HDB.
“Let us not perpetuate this talk about HDB is making money out of building houses because if it was so simple, life would be straightforward, but that's not the case.”
The HDB pays market rate for its land and construction costs. When it prices flats below market rate, it incurs a housing deficit.
A recent report said the deficit is now in the region of about S$1 billion a year, including other costs such as upgrading.
Mr Khaw added that the government has to offer more subsidies with its ramped-up flat supply.
One area where subsidies are being reviewed is that for executive condominiums (ECs), which cater to Singaporeans who can afford more than an HDB flat, but find private property out of their reach.
The current household income ceiling for executive condominiums is S$12,000.
Mr Khaw said: “There is this sense of inequity here that the lower-income group is getting fewer subsidies than somebody who is earning S$12,000, so something is wrong somewhere and therefore I think we cannot carry on the EC (subsidies) in this current mode."
Mr Khaw also said he is confident that he can bring down the price of new flats in non-mature estates to four times the annual median salary of a buyer - down 30 per cent from the current 5.5 times. He is wary of some "transitional problems".
He said there needs to be "distinct differentiation" between the cheaper new flats and those built earlier.
Mr Khaw said both the MND and HDB will need to sort out this issue over the next few months.
He said: "I am fairly confident of being able to do it but some groups already anticipate transitional problems, which is what I got to sort out. If yesterday you bought (a flat) at five and half years' salary and tomorrow HDB announces a new pricing package, which is only (priced at) four years’ salary, you are going to cry 'blue murder' right?
“Therefore, I think we should not be prevented from offering a new pricing model but obviously there must be a distinct differentiation between the two products to explain why one is five and a half years and the one is four years."
The national conversation session is the second in a series of about 10 dialogue sessions on housing issues. Participants were first broken up in small groups of six and then came together in a larger group where the conversation continued. The aim is to gather feedback from Singaporeans to shape future housing policies.

- CNA/xq


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ask this fucking Hokkein Mudlander piece of shit to show the full costings of building HDB flat. From land cost, labour cost etc. total breakdown, than show how much they sell it to the people. Sue that fucker for slander and hang him for treason.

That is why I know fucking dulan hokkeins and mudlanders,,,fucking dua pian. And I hope the law is changed that only real singaporeans are allowed to be civil serpents and MPs. All Naturalised Singkies must serve NS to serve the people, if not FUCK OFF


Singapore nation lost hundreds of millions of Singapore taxpayers money
paying overpaid pap ministers.


Ask this fucking Hokkein Mudlander piece of shit to show the full costings of building HDB flat. From land cost, labour cost etc. total breakdown, than show how much they sell it to the people.

Exactly. He's still under the delusion that Sinkies have low IQs. This is not 1965 when the majority of the population had little or no education.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Construction cost for BTO is about $120psf (for flat it self). Not included like,link walk way, play ground........
So do the math.
The Mr. Khaw said quite truth.But Citizen dont want to hear the truth.


Alfrescian (Inf)
if that is the case, might as well add in the roads, express ways to the estate, MRT lines, street lighting etc..than can become 'millions' lah. What about the land cost???? PAP gets it for free hor,,,

Construction cost for BTO is about $120psf (for flat it self). Not included like,link walk way, play ground........
So do the math.
The Mr. Khaw said quite truth.But Citizen dont want to hear the truth.


Alfrescian (Inf)
if that is the case, might as well add in the roads, express ways to the estate, MRT lines, street lighting etc..than can become 'millions' lah. What about the land cost???? PAP gets it for free hor,,,

MRT you cannot add because MRT collect fare , so do the car park bcos HDB collect parking fee.
You need to add in drainage, landscaping, park, playground, walk way. If add in I consider BTO average cost will be about $150~$200/psf without land cost.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SINGAPORE: National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan has said the government loses "hundreds of millions" of dollars when constructing public flats.

What else do you expect those maggots in white to say?
They all guided by smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY.
They all MUST lie and lie through their fucking teeth.


The money walked there?


SINGAPORE: National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan has said the government loses "hundreds of millions" of dollars when constructing public flats.

He said: “Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars of losses were incurred by the HDB and that's why MOF has to give the HDB an annual grant, otherwise the HDB will be in the red. It cannot be forever in the red, because there's no way it can make money. Because every unit that we sell, we lose money, HDB loses money. The accounting for the HDB is deficit accounting. So if you incur a S$300-million loss, there is a grant of S$300 million that covers it. That is how we operate the HDB.
“Let us not perpetuate this talk about HDB is making money out of building houses because if it was so simple, life would be straightforward, but that's not the case.”
The HDB pays market rate for its land and construction costs. When it prices flats below market rate, it incurs a housing deficit.
A recent report said the deficit is now in the region of about S$1 billion a year, including other costs such as upgrading.

KBW Logic
Government loses hundreds of millions a year, which department? HDB
The HDB pays market rate for land, to whom? Government.
Very clear cut, taking money from your left pocket and putting it in your right.

Reclaim land costs billions of dollars, then Telok Blangah is not reclaimed what, why the HDB there cost more than Punggol which is reclaimed land? Then we will see the PAP Smoke Machine start again... No la, taken out of context, misquoted. right.


If HDB flats are loosing money then how did the west built their apartments with high labour and material cost, much higher then peesai...

Anyone who have worked in the construction industry would know that labour cost outweighs material cost. In peesai the labour cost as much as 6 times lesser then in OZ or Canada. Maybe Ozzies and Canucks are still living in caves because from COW's logic HDB loose hundreds of millions even though got cheap labour, cheap material, free land and other crooked deals with nearby tyrant leaders.

This is the same shit year after year...Well sinkees voted for the bastard whos masters are the one that volunteer to build "public housing" for sinkees. Now those same mudderfuckers complaining that they are not making money.


Thru lying, because you can't counter them without them willing to list down the cost per unit of flat.

From the way KBW put it,i am really shock that he got million so much and he talk like a know nothing guy,think he better go back to his jometown to where he belong,we r paying pig brains to work.If all the carparks free ,no road tax, no property tax ,no mantenabce fees,then hdb expensive ok but knn
Every item need to pay,tye problem is stop PRs from buying hdb,esp malaysians.


Alfrescian (Inf)
From the way KBW put it,i am really shock that he got million so much and he talk like a know nothing guy,think he better go back to his jometown to where he belong,we r paying pig brains to work.If all the carparks free ,no road tax, no property tax ,no mantenabce fees,then hdb expensive ok but knn
Every item need to pay,tye problem is stop PRs from buying hdb,esp malaysians.

LKY once said, if you speak enough of lies, it became the truth and people will eventually believe you. This is the motto in PAP camp which is why they wanted to control msm so that such lies can be massaged into everyone brain every hours, every days for the rest of our life and the next generations too.


Construction cost for BTO is about $120psf (for flat it self). Not included like,link walk way, play ground........
So do the math.
The Mr. Khaw said quite truth.But Citizen dont want to hear the truth.

I am not familiar with HDB pricing but my guess is, it is about half the price for a 99 year condo in the same area.
Considering that private developers pay substantially higher price for land and condos come with amenities, there is no reason for HDB to lose money, other than the fact that they are very inefficient.

This topic has been discussed extensively before and the obvious answer is the way they play with costing of the land. Wait the old man Papsmearer come out call you retard.

On paper yes, it will show HDB losing money, but that is because of the land costs and not construction costs. To state that govt loses money in building HDB flats is lying through his nose.
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