Do Christians need to go to temple/synagogues/Churches to seek God to go to Heaven?
Not necessary to go to Church but can seek God from anywhere, everywhere and anytime, every time.
Then, why are Christians trafficking into a Church on Sunday mass or services?
God is anywhere... not necessarily in church buildings. First man Abel built an altar himself in an open air and then offered sacrifices to God. God accepted it.
Then why do churches in SG and around the globe asks people to go to church and offer money to get their sins forgiven.
That is NOT right as God is not interested in any of our sacrifices, our offerings, tithes or any materials as Christ has offered Himself on the cross in an open air as a sacrifice for ALL mankind on earth. God accepted it God did not accept any other sacrifices after Christ gave Himself up. If anyone or any church collects money on behalf of God, they are deceiving men to make money out of it.
Then where can I go and worship God??
This is a Question a women asked Jesus in 30 A.D. Lert us study as Christ Himself answered that Question
Jesus and the Samaritan woman and the circumstances
Jesus: Woman, Give Me water to drink.
Woman: Why do You ask me? (Hint: Samaritans are low-caste untouchables as they were treated like dogs by Jews)
Jesus: (Jesus is a Jew Himself) If you ask, I will give you “living water.”
Woman: Where would you get living water to give me? Jesus: I will give you a well of water of eternal life.
Woman: Give me that water.
Jesus: Go call your husband.
Woman: I have no husband.
Jesus: You have had five husbands (one at a time) and now you don't have a husband.
Woman: OMG, i see that You are a prophet. Where shall I worship God as Jews do not allow us into the Jerusalem temple because we are not half Jews as we are mixed race? As we are NOT allowed worshipping God in Jerusalem Temple, but we are worshipping God in a smaller Synagogue in Samariah. But do we need to go into Jerusalem temple?
Jesus: Worship God in Spirit and in truth wherever you are.
Woman: I am looking for the Messiah who will teach us truth.
Jesus: I am the Messiah.
(She found Herself the truth as she herself was looking for the Messiah, but she must have surprised to speak to Him directly. Jesus not only reached her soul but reached many on that day as she herself heralded the gospel of Jesus to the entire village. His own (race) Jews did not accept Him, but Samaritan folks accepted Him in a great way. Messiah is the truth, and His role today is to bring the truths to worship God in Spirit through Jesus in any circumstances, anywhere, anyday, anytime. God did NOT ask you anything (money or materials) but yourself, your inner man to God. Jesus is symbolic of WORD OF GOD, TRUTH, BIBLE. The Bible is the power of God unto eternal salvation and the source of present help for body, soul, and spirit (Romans 1:16; John 15:7). Christ is its grand subject, man's good its design, and the glory of God its end. It is a mine of wealth, the source of health, and a world of pleasure.
It may appear to you that Jesus is a beggar begging for water to Samaritan woman; Jesus asked for water but never force her to give as He handled 40 days of fasting on multiple occasions in the wilderness (biggest desert what is known as Arabian desert in the modern map near Mount Sinai; Horeb). Jesus can handle his thirst (emotions) but his intentions was he wanted to give her eternity. Jesus needs to break the ice as Jews never talking to a woman in public. So, he wanted to use the opportunity to speak to her as if He is thirst externally, but He was thirst internally. Message of Jesus to all of us is He wants to give us the eternal life. God or Jesus is NOT beggar of your 10% money.
Altar is the place to communicate and learn the truth as Bible is His WORD to access to Father in worship God. Jews brought animals to sacrifice for the sins in the past until 70 AD. Primarily we are all created to worship God with an absolute FREEDOM. No other motto behind our creation. Paul again clarified this with a NT perspective to the Hebrew speaking Jews what offer is now accepted as he clearly outlined in Heb. 13:10; Rom. 12:1-3). No more ANIMAL or dead sacrifices needed as Christ Himself shed His own blood like a LAMB and died for our sins (sacrifice) to give us a life in eternity. He seeks us to offer Him living sacrifices. His message is getting a life. Live now and live forever in (clothing) style in a mansion forever while we offer our worship truthfully with a divine love Hebrew: agape. agape is precious than the love of our heart (soul partner) on earth.
In NT perspective it must be the place where we usually pray to God in our closet or bedroom. The 24 occurrences of altar in New Testament means "a place of (soul) sacrifice" or "a place to meet with God."
But devil succeeded to preach people to bring material blessings (money) and other bye-products from their agriculture and the business to the church like in old-days and every church got a man-made altar in the church buildings and the pastor is standing like a beggar begging for your money. Jesus did not die for the pastor to collect (beg) money on His name. Every pastor (bastard) has stained the sacrifice of Jesus as His blood is priceless, but He said salvation is free. But the pastors demand you give them money to worship God. It is a dangerous doctrine to collect or donate any money in the name of God. God did not appoint any man to collect TAXES from some rotten folks as tax collectors for heaven.
Five Facts about False Teachers or Preachers who lives on funds from others by Jews.
➊ They are enemies of the cross (Php. 3:18) as they are not willing to take up the cross to earn money legally with their time, strength and efforts.
➋ Their end is destruction (Php. 3:19; 2Cor. 11:14-15 Heb. 6:8; 2Pet. 2:20).
➌ Their god is their belly (Php. 3:19; Rom. 16:18; Isa. 56:10-12 Ezek. 13:19).
➍ Their glory is in their shame (Php. 3:19).
➎ They mind earthly things (Php. 3:19; Rom. 8:5-6 1Pet. 3:3,13-20 cp. Mt. 7:15). They want to live in a posh location build a comfortable (air-conditioned) home to ride in comfortable (air-conditioned) cars to preach in comfortable (air-conditioned) Churches with no sweat to preach comfortable sermons. What do they know about the reproach of Christ?"
If anyone collect or money in the name of God, they are false, and the church is FAKE church. It is clear.
Since God is the Spirit and Truth
IDOLATRY is forbidden. Yes, I do have access to God Almighty, Jesus thorough the Spirit of God who can communicate to my inner man 24x7 ANYWHERE in my bed while relaxing or in my bathroom while showering and I w\do not need an IDOL made of clay or wood or clay to connect to God. Beware.